A Pirate's Curse (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)

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A Pirate's Curse (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix) Page 26

by ML Guida

  “Criminy, a witch!” Sean muttered. He pulled out his sword and held his pistol in his hand.

  Drawing his pistol out, Kane nodded. “Bloody hell, I think, mate, we need to watch our step. I’m not sure what’s going on, but this does not bode well.”

  “D’ye believe her?”

  “Aye. Palmer does not like being used as a slave. Hannah’s father is a pasty codfish. Spilled his guts to save his own skin.”

  “But are we gonna trust a warlock? I mean a witch.”

  Kane stared. “Do we have any choice?”

  “Grand, we’ll get turned into something worse than vampires,” Sean grumbled.

  Kane cocked his eyebrow. “What could be worse?”

  Sean shrugged. He pulled a hand down his face, his eyes bleary, his shoulders sagging. He slowly turned and glanced down the alley. “What the plague happened down there, Captain?”

  “I don't know, but let’s get the hell out of here.” They ran back to the ship. As they approached the dock, their pace slowed.


  Kane focused on the ship. Hannah better be there or he’d lock her in the brig. “Aye, Mallory?”

  “How we gonna free Lark?”

  He clenched his fists. “I’ve no idea, but if we don’t, Palmer’s gonna try and steal Hannah.”

  Swords clanged. Kane ran up the plank. Hannah was engaged in swordplay with one of his crewmen. He exhaled. She was safe.

  He ran over to her. “Hannah.”

  Hannah turned and smiled. “You’re back.” She frowned. “Anything wrong?”

  He grabbed her and kissed her hard, needing to know she was here and safe. Her scent of jasmine and her feminine taste stirred a deep hunger in him. He wanted to drag her down to his cabin and love her, but not with the shroud of Jacques hanging over her. He didn’t want to force himself like Jacques. He slowly released her.

  Desire swirled in her gaze and she licked her luscious lips.

  If he didn’t get away from her, all would be lost. “Where’s William?”

  She panted, “In the galley.”

  He released her and forced himself to leave the temptation of her lips and find his brother. William sat alone in the galley with a bottle of rum and a glass. He poured himself a shot and lifted it high to a toast. “To your new pirate lass.”

  Kane folded his arms across his chest. “What are you doing, William?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing?” He downed the rum.

  “We need to talk.” He sat opposite his brother and relayed the encounter with the old woman.

  William’s face grew grim, and he slammed his glass on the table. “Confound it. You put Hannah right in the middle of this and now, you got a witch, a pirate and a demon after her.” He poured another shot and lifted it towards Kane. “Grand job protecting her brother.”

  Kane frowned. “Don’t take that tone with me, William. What’s done is done.”

  Glowering at him, William took another swig of rum. “No, Kane. Don’t fool yourself. You don’t want to be staring into Hannah’s lifeless eyes, because she talked you into letting her stay. It’ll be something you’ll regret. Trust me.”

  Kane grabbed the bottle, poured himself a shot of rum and downed it. “I have got to end this brother, one way or another. Palmer will chase her back down to England. You know it and I know it.”

  He left William. He was in no mood to defend his decision to his little brother. Topside his men reported tales of Palmer’s destruction, but none of them had encountered a witch. In the background, Hannah practiced her sword fighting. She stopped, wiping her forehead and slid her sword into her scabbard.

  “So, how did the witch know about me?”

  He whirled around. Hannah stood behind him.

  “How long have you been listening?”

  “A few minutes. Why? Tell me the truth.”

  “Weigh anchor, cast off and get the ship under way,” Kane said. The men left him to carry out his orders.

  “Well?” She folded her arms.

  He peered into those determined brown eyes. “Who are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play games Kane. The witch. What all did she tell you?”

  He grasped her arm and dragged her to his cabin. He slammed the door shut and turned around. Before she could protest, he kissed her quivering mouth, trying to convince her she could trust him. Her body quaked beneath him as his hands roamed up and down her back. Her small hands moved around to his chest brushing past his stomach. He growled as he hardened. She groaned and he released her. “I’m sorry.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  “Sorry, sorry for what?”

  “For touching you. I know I should not after…”

  She narrowed her eyes. “After, after what Kane? Tell me.”

  “Blast it, Hannah. Every time I look at you I think of Jacques and what he did to you.”

  She shrank, looking ashamed and turned away. A sob shook her shoulders.

  Kane frowned. Did she think she was sullied disgrace? Every time he was with her, he wanted to throw her on the floor and plunge his flesh deep inside her until she cried out his name. Seeing her hair sprayed over the pillow like a wave of silk drove him beyond reason.

  “Let me go.”

  He pressed her back against the door, his hands flattening on either side of her, preventing her from escaping. “Hannah, look at me.”

  She wiped her cheeks. “I said let me go.”

  “No. Not until you look at me.”

  She sobbed, her hair hung in front of her face.

  “Please Hannah, look at me.”

  She lifted her head and he tilted her chin. “You’re not tainted.”

  Her lower trembled. “But last night, you wouldn’t touch or kiss me.”

  “I held you all night, Hannah. I didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted to protect you. You are my life.”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes. “Then prove it.”

  Her tears pierced his heart. He stepped closer, reached out and brushed her tears with the knuckle of his finger. “I’ll do anything.”

  Bottom lip trembling, she scanned his face. “Anything?”

  “I want you, no one else, but you.”

  “Even though, I am…” she gulped. “Damaged?”

  “I’ll always see you as whole and perfect.”

  “Prove it to me, Kane,” she murmured. “Show me how you feel.”

  His heart quickened, blood darting to his cock, hardening it. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What?”

  “I want to feel your hands on me again.”

  He struggled to breath. “Are you sure, Hannah?”

  She took his hand and kissed his palm, her tongue rolling over him. She sucked on each one of his fingers. Those soft lips sent tremors through Kane, reducing him to becoming her slave, ready to do her bidding.

  “Yes, I want you. I want to feel you inside me. You keep promising to show me things, Kane.” She released his hand and walked over to his dresser and pulled out a scarf. She wrapped it around her wrist. “You once told me that you tied women up and they begged you for it, wanting you to do it. Now ’tis my turn, Captain. Prove to me that you want me.”

  Kane’s cheek twitched. “Jaaysus.”


  Hannah trembled as Kane walked over to her and grabbed her hand. Her wobbling legs threatened to collapse, but she wanted this. His mouth captured hers, taking over, and the floor dropped away along with her stomach. Molding her body to his, she wanted to feel him, to taste his hunger and experience raw, carnal tupping. Blood flooded to her inner core and she panted, feeling her passion grow.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  All of her pent up needs surged through her. Everything ached. Every where throbbed. Every nerve twitched for his touch, his lips—not craved him, needed him. On Saint Kitts, she had dreamed of him, laid awake at night crying for him.

  Looking down at her with hooded eyes, he slowly pulled the scarf out of her fi
ngers. “So, you want me to show you…” He lowered his head and kissed her neck. “I’ll teach a lesson you’ll never forget.”

  His husky voice enthralled her, every bit as arousing as his lips. He opened the drawer and pulled out another scarf. His hand wrapped around her wrist and he led her to the bed. Wavering on her wobbly legs, she couldn’t catch her breath. He turned her around, his mouth capturing her lips and steered her until the back of her knees hit the bed.

  He wrapped his arm around her and lifted her onto the mattress. Nimble fingers unbuttoned her shirt, and then ripped her chemise. His mouth left hers and he helped her wiggle out of the shirt and tossed the chemise onto the floor. His hungry eyes swept over her, sending small flames of arousal coursing through her veins and pooling between her inner thighs.

  Calloused hands caressed one arm and gently pulled it over her head. Silky hair teased her inflamed skin and she moaned. “This is just the beginning,” he promised. He clasped her other shaking arm and tied her to the other bedpost.

  His hand moved over the curve of her breast, his thumb brushing her nipple. Heat flowed through her in waves. He sat up and his hands moved down her thighs, past her shins until he reached her boots, slowly removing them. He tickled her foot and she kicked her legs. “Kane, what are you doing?”

  He gave her a devilish smile. “Whatever I want,” he said discarding her trousers.

  She lay naked on the bed, her arms stretched out, completely vulnerable.

  “You’re beautiful, Hannah.” His eyes darkened. “And mine.”

  Hannah glanced at his breeches, the bulge in front impressive. She spread her legs apart and raised her hips. “Do you want me?”

  She laughed at his expression. It was arousing to watch Kane suck in a harsh breath, to watch his eyes turn smoldering and dark, to watch the dark need etched in his face. His handsomeness stole her breath away. And he wanted her. Yes, he wanted her. His intense hunger matched her own. Any doubt she had vanished. She wanted him to touch her to possess her to conquer her fears.

  He shrugged out of his shirt, tore off his boots and pulled down his pants. She licked her lips at his impressive body, focusing on his erect cock, wanting him inside her. Conscious of the titillating tingle in her breasts, her nipples tightening, she ached to feel his hot mouth sucking on her.

  He walked around the bed and ran his fingers up her leg, past her hip and his fingers circled her sensitive nipple. She gasped and arched her back, pulling on her restraints.

  He pinched her nipple and she cried out. Damp heat gathered between her thighs. He sat on the bed and his hand skimmed over her hot skin, not touching her. “Kane,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “No.” He climbed on top of her on all fours, but didn’t touch her. Blowing warm air on her writhing body, his hair brushed over her, as he moved down, sending her into a flame of desire. She wanted to rub her body along his hard body, stroke him, please him, kiss or touch him, anything, to satisfy those leaping flames of hunger in the depths of his eyes. Twisting her wrists she couldn’t break free. “I want…”

  He stopped moving at the juncture between her legs and he blew on her feminine curls. Hot breath sent tremors through her. “Kane…”

  He kissed her mound and she wanted to run her hand through his hair, holding him to her, but she was imprisoned. Firm palms spread her thighs wider, his tongue licked her feminine folds and he plunged deeper. She rocked her hips, but he gripped her hips, pushing them down against the mattress as he lapped, sucked the cream out of her, feasting on her like a man possessed.

  The torment of his tongue spread deep and she screamed, her fists clenching as she tried to hang onto reality. Her body fragmented. Her vision blurred as electricity charged down her spine and the muscles in her tight channel pulsed. She sucked in air, trying to catch her breath.

  “I can’t stand it, please.”

  “Aye, you can,” he said.

  Pleasure shook her with the force of an earthquake as she quivered, shaking her to the core. His hot mouth left her curls and he kissed his way up her torso. His tongue swirled around in her belly and his hand toyed with one breast, pinching and pulling her nipple. He slipped his fingers inside her, her muscles clenching around him, slowly moving in out, and igniting another wave of sinful pleasure.

  She clenched and unclenched her fists, wanting to touch him, to kiss him. “Kane, I want to touch you. Untie me.”

  He looked up at her. “No, I’m enjoying myself. Your body belongs to me.” His dark head moved and his wicked mouth captured her breast. A lick and flick of his tongue sent dancing flames through her body and when his teeth tugged gently on her nipple, she thought she would turn into molten lava. He alternated between nibbling her soft and sucking her hard, alternating from sensual pain to a torturous swirl of his soothing tongue. Sharp pain shot through her breast. “Did you bite me?”

  He laughed. “Only as a man. Now hush.” He licked her and the sweet pain was agonizing, sending a flood of emotions through her. He sucked and a new rush of sensations propelled the ones running through her. All the while, his fingers teased her, shifting the rhythm of fast and slow, threatening to splinter her into another orgasm. No wonder women begged him to take them. He was a master of sweet torture.

  He withdrew his fingers and raised his head. She heaved at his bold stare. He crawled up the bed and his kissed her, dominating her, possessing her. He nestled between her thighs and pushed the broad head of his cock against her heat. Fire seared through her body, flaming it, as his cock invaded her, stretching her. Muscles tightened around him, and she arched her hip to take him deeper. He put his hand on the headboard and he plunged into her, thrusting harder and harder, driving through her, touching her womb, the friction hot and wild, sending wicked ecstasy through her body. The headboard banged against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his hips, holding to him.

  Multiple orgasms ripped through her body, sweeping through her, a deluge of fervor tore through her in a powerful convulsion. Her hips met his pulsing hips, his cock filling her. Her arms trembled as she came over and over again.

  Kane tossed his head back and yelled. He burst inside her, spilling his jets of hot seed into her.

  “Untie me, I need to…”

  He arched his eyebrow. “Need to what?”

  Still deep inside her, he untied one hand. She ran her hand his thick hair. “I never dreamed this would be so…”

  He kissed her as his hand untied her other hand. Her hands ran over his trembling back and her legs locked around him. “I didn’t think you wanted me.”

  He stared at her. “Hannah, you’re mine. I’ll always want you.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair as she panted. “Where are we headed?”

  He stopped suckling her and braced his hands on either side of her face as he peered into her eyes. “To hunt for the Fiery Damsel.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I want to stand by you and fight, Kane. He has my father and murdered my friends. ’Tis as much my fight as yours. Just promise me, you’ll survive.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Hannah woke wrapped in Kane’s arms. Snuggling close, she sighed and smiled. She rubbed her hand over his arm, feeling the muscles, knowing he’d keep her safe, knowing she belonged to him now.

  She rolled to the other side and gazed at him. Long lashes graced his eyes, making him look like a carefree youth.

  “You keep moving like that lass, and I’m likely to take you again.”

  “I can only hope.”

  He pushed her gently down onto her back. Her hands roamed over his back, delighting in the flex of his muscles. He trembled beneath her touch and she was surprised this man, this vampire, shook as much as she did. Kane kissed her neck and inched down between her breasts, his hot mouth sucking and kissing her mounds.

  She held his head to her breast, arching her back, offering more of herself to him.

  “Kane,” she panted.

  He lifted his head. “Aye?�

  She pushed his hair back. “Did you bite me last night?”

  He lowered his head, his hair brushing on her skin. He avoided her gaze and gritted his teeth. “Aye, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”

  She grasped his chin and stared into his emerald eyes. “I’m not a vampire, right?”

  "No, thank God." He took her palm and kissed it, his warm breath stirring wicked sensations. “I’d never want you to have this curse, Hannah. You’re my life.”

  “What do you mean that I am your life?”

  Kane kissed each of her fingers and she trembled. How could kissing her fingers turn her into a melting mess? “When I wake in the morning, the first thing I want to see is your angelic face.” He kissed her lips, his body crushing her. “When I go to bed, the last thing I want to see is your angelic face,” he whispered.

  She twirled her finger in a lock of his hair. “I never want to leave your side.”

  He held her gaze. She wanted to tell him so much more, tell him she loved him, but she swallowed. The words were on the tip of her tongue but she held back. Too many times, she’d been vulnerable with him only to experience disappointment. She couldn’t bear to be parted from him.

  Kane’s hand slid down her belly towards her feminine curls. She sucked her breath as his finger entered her core. Her hips rocked to the movement of his hand, building another firestorm of insatiable hunger.

  They were sailing out to sea, hunting down Palmer. Last time, the Soaring Phoenix exchanged fire, they also sank. This time, they might not survive. She couldn’t bear to watch them die like the men aboard the Dolphin, to see him cut down, his blood spilling. Digging her nails into his flesh, she needed to feel him, knowing he was alive.

  “Kane, I want you inside me,” she said against his kiss.

  He slowly withdrew his finger, and his hard flesh pressed her inner thigh. She clutched his shoulders, wanting to feel him pulsating and thrusting inside her one more time.

  He eased his cock inside, her sore tiny muscles clasped around him, growing accustomed to his size. The anticipation ignited a heat stirring within her, and Kane didn’t disappoint. He rocked his hips and she met his steady rhythm. His intensity increased, thrilling her. Her sensitive core accepted him each time and she met each thrust, drowning in the sensation rushing over her hot body. When the orgasm came, she burst into tiny fragments and screamed his name.


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