The feeling that something was over him passed as the cable attached to the bolt swung away. The odd music also moved away in the same direction.
There’s an invisible flying ship up there! My Lords and Ladies, how many of these things are there? More importantly, where can I get one?
Silence had descended on the entire market. No one moved, and everyone had taken to a hiding place, awaiting what would happen next. They didn’t have to wait long. The sound of rope pulleys preceded the platform that came into view. As it lowered, more of its single occupant was revealed.
First, a part of a cloak behind a pair of expensive boots, shiny even in the darkness, was followed by grey pants tucked into the boots. Then his waist appeared, with two very expensive-looking swords there, as well as three pouches of fine grain leather, all marked with some inlay that was not completely visible. Finally, he saw the man’s shoulders and head. His cloak was thrown back over his wide armored shoulders. His head was fully covered, and he wore gloves on his hands.
The stance, and rolling bicep muscles, declared the stranger was a warrior. He worked quickly, but with a clear purpose. His hands worked the ropes, lowering the platform. On it was an empty padded seat, decorated with glinting silver threads. When the platform touched the ground, the warrior stepped off it and walked boldly towards the market entrance. That was an invitation for attack. Two thieves rushed him with knives.
Ricio smiled at their stupidity.
Seriously? You would rush a warrior that made that kind of entrance?
Without looking, the warrior kicked out at the first thief, hitting him in the throat with enough force to guarantee death by suffocation. At the same instant, he drew both of his blades, performing a twisting maneuver, swinging the blades around behind and over his head, scissoring the other thief’s head off instantly. The warrior paused to clean his blades, using the cloak of the headless thief, before sheathing them. He looked around as if to say, ‘Bother me again, and all will die.’ He then turned and walked to the Night Market’s entrance.
From his pouches, he dug out a series of items and a leather booklet. He consulted the booklet regularly, as he placed the items slowly and with great care around the entry statue. Ricio caught flashes of light from the torches and street lanterns, reflecting from the stones the stranger was placing on the pedestal.
Those are jewels. My Lords, look at the size of those stones! One of them is worth more than the baroness’s entire pouch of jewels!
He had to stifle his curiosity to keep from moving closer.
Finally, the warrior produced something made of gold that fit over his right hand. With a last glance at the booklet, he put it away. He gestured, and a beam of golden light sprang from the device over his hand at one of the jewels. The light hit it, causing it to glow bright red. It fractured the beam of light, which jumped towards the other jewels, until all of them were connected by the light.
The jewels lifted and began to move, with the bands of light between them, forming a beautiful filigreed web work around the entire statue. The warrior stepped close and reached up his hand with the golden artifact on it. He sang something, which vibrated through the ground, and through Ricio’s body. Ricio could feel the powers being used, and his heart raced, knowing he was witnessing an act of a magnitude only the Gods could match.
The lights flared as the warrior’s melodic voice reached a crescendo. The jewels stopped their orbiting of the statue, glowing brighter as it changed from its marble white, to a polished silver, and then to the natural hues of life. But the maiden’s skin was silvery grey. Her bright green summer dress moved in the wind. The wicker basket was brown with red, purple, and yellow flowers sticking out from under a red gingham cloth tucked into the basket. The sound of shattering crystal split the air as the jewels all fell to the ground, each turning into a sparkling cloud of dust.
The maiden of the statue fell forward into the arms of the warrior, who caught her. Holding the unconscious woman close to his chest, he bent down at the knees and picked up her basket. He then walked back to the plank. He placed the woman, who was clearly an elven maiden, into the padded chair. He placed her basket next to the chair. Reaching up, he grabbed the loose ropes and pulled the full plank back up into invisibility. The last thing Ricio saw was that basket sitting next to a pair of beautiful maiden’s feet and the shiny boots of the warrior.
After a few minutes of the sounds of movement above, the loose rope attached to the eyelet of the anchoring bolt pulled tight, causing a spring lock to release, and a set of hammers sprang out, hitting the hooks up out of the ground. With a quick yank, the bolt and its three hooks jumped into the air, vanishing.
A moment later, the song of hundreds of soft wind chimes floated through the air as a gust of wind blew dust around the area. Then all was quiet as the remaining denizens of the Night Market contemplated the possible meaning of the two dead bodies, and an empty pedestal that marked the entrance to the Night Market.
The next evening, when he came back to the market, there was a new statue on the pedestal. It was a rather odd modern art rendition of what might be a person. It incorporated many elements with spurs and textured surfaces. A small plaque read, ‘Enemy of the State’. At first, Ricio didn’t like it. As he entered the market a week later, he stopped to contemplate it for a moment, as had become his habit.
Strange as it is, the new statue is better for this place. It’s appropriate. I wonder who made it. No one is willing to admit they know where it came from.
A personal note from Leeland...
As promised, no cliff-hanger this time.
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Lebuin’s Lexicon
Aelargo: A human kingdom that extends from the northern realm of the Halias-Ne Mountains along the eastern edge of Bear Foot Sea north to the Dorn hills northeast to the Alorn Mountain and all lands east to the Darian Ocean. Aelargo is unique as it is held a separate country from the Duianna Empire, yet it is to be ruled jointly by all the direct heirs to the Duianna Throne. Llino, the capital of Aelargo, was built by Duke as an Imperial military fort at the creation of Niya-Yur, and predates all other cities except for Gracia which was built at the same time. Capital: Llino. Ruler: All direct heirs to the Duianna throne jointly, however the royal line is lost leaving it ruled by the regents Chief Regent Lord Dohma Gerani-Uriosal and his family. Abbreviation: AL.
Algan: Inland farming city on the western border of the Kingdom of Aelargo.
Alorn Mountain: An ancient volcano, now dormant, on the northwestern point of the Kingdom of Aelargo.
Amia-Dharo: The second-in-command Nhia-Samri who betrayed the Nhia-Samri in a great war and helped the Alliance Nations end hostilities. Considered the second most deadly warrior in the world. Personal trainer for Ticca of Rhini Wood. Known aliases: The Traitor, Orahda Ima.
Ankidyt: The eleventh month of the Imperial year considered the second month of winter. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time
Apprentice: Any t
radesman under training for a guild (Mages’ Guild included).
Argos Guild of Mages Sigil: A stylized gold dragon with the five silver waves behind it.
Argos: The All Father God of the Universe is considered the chief deity who oversees the magicians in all lands.
Arit: A strong, bitter drink made from roasted beans of the aritia tree, which only grows in tropical climates.
Avenarius: The chief officer of the stables of a king, and the officer in charge of obtaining positions for horses belonging to the king. This position has existed since before the Duianna Empire and is sometimes shortened to avener.
Blade: A professional soldier, mercenary fighter, sword master.
Blood compass: A magical artifact, made with blood, which is capable of retracing a person’s life. Its construction is taboo in many lands and illegal in a few. It is effective for as long as the subject lives and for many hours after death.
Blue Dolphin Inn: Dagger Home and merchant’s inn that has a huge stainless steel hoop mounted on the roof, with a platform, which the owners and legends claim was the main port of call for the Emerald Heart.
Boadua of Mostill Valley: A senior priestess of Dalpha in Llino. Boadua left the temple to take up Daggering again being made the chief of medicine for the Imperial armies under Duke. Later she returned to Llino, but chose not to serve Lady Sula. She continues to Dagger out of the Blue Dolphin Inn.
Breorchy: Onasa Channel port city on the northwestern border of the Kingdom of Aelargo.
Brinhi Nik: An advanced magic and science research lab run under the direct command of Lady Dalpha.
Burga Mountains: A blue mountain range which cuts east-west across the southern part of the North Duianna Continent from the Darain Ocean to the Onasa Channel.
Burga Spine Mountains: A blue mountain range which cuts north-south from the Onasa Channel to the Windy Pass.
Carmine: A spice out of Rhonia used to flavor fish or poultry in cooking. It also has the unusual property of burning out the nasal receptors, causing temporary loss of smell if burnt and the fumes inhaled through the nose.
Circumveni Desert: A vast wasteland of unforgiving desert, which spans the entire Duianna continent, from east to west, along the southern edge of the Halias-Ne Mountains. No known safe path exists across this desert, and it is plagued with strange, deadly creatures.
Councilor: A member of Leading Council of the Argos Guild of Mages.
Cycle: A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon’s phases, or about thirty days or four weeks. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time
Cycle: One complete cycle of the moon Tempa. Each year has twelve lunar cycles divided into the four seasons: winter (Samag, Noelag, Foilleg), spring (Gearra, Marta, Abra), summer (Sealen, Ogmen, Luchen), and autumn (Lunas, Sultas, Fomas).
Dagger table: Various inns and taverns allow mercenaries to hire out from them. A Dagger table is reserved for only Daggers. Daggers signal they are open for hire by placing their dagger into the table standing up. Senior Dagger tables have a Dagger holder mounted on the table and, in Dagger Homes, can be owned exclusively.
Dagger: Professional warrior specialists for hire that hold to a strong set of ideals based on commitment, courage, and honor.
Dalpha: Lady of Light, Goddess of healing, woods, and the elves, represented by large temples in almost every major city on Niya-Yur. Her symbol is an oak tree with eight rays of light forming a circle. Legends state she was the right-hand maiden of Uialua, dwelling with her in Aridu-Veni-Kussi. Dalpha is believed to hold the secrets of life itself. Dalpha is married to Larak, the Lion Lord. Dalpha was killed by Shar-Lumen in the Assembly Hall in 15292 and her daughter Lady Sula took control of the temples.
Damega Drakeruin: Legendary warrior who started many of the Dagger traditions. Although very mercenary, he’s always portrayed in a ’Robin Hood’ fashion. A good-hearted rogue, who refused any offer to settle down. Supposedly stole or was gifted the Emerald Heart, a flying ship by the guardian of Sandeep.
Day: The 24-hour period during which Niya-Yur completes one rotation on its axis. See Lebuin’s Lexicon: Time
Delivery Channel: A waterway system of all ancient port cities, which connects one or more rivers together to flow under the city, creating a simple, smooth-flowing, barge-friendly means of transporting large loads.
Demi-God: A son or daughter of the race of Gods, who was conceived on purpose with enough magical energy to allow them to one day join the ranks of the Gods. Primary attributes are nearly immortal with the ability to control tremendous amounts of magic.
Dilothalai: A medicinal herb once known as aloe-vera, that comes from a flower which grows in Karakia called dilotha, or Lothia’s Light. Many Karakians, mostly women, also use the cream regularly to keep their skin soft and youthful.
Ditani (aka Kiotiaditani, Speaker of the Tribes of Kiliua-ona): A Karakian servant to Magus Vestul. Hero son of Lothia and Argos, and Lebuin’s Uncle.
Diurdin: (adjective) Used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration. “It’s none of your diurdin business.”
(synonyms) darn, diurdu, drat, shoot, blast, rats, urd, urdu.
Diurdu: (adjective, adverb, & noun) Used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration. “I’m really tired of the diurdu tariffs.”
(synonyms) darn, diurdin, drat, shoot, blast, rats, urd, urdu.
Dohma Gerani-Uriosal: Born and raised in Aelargo, rose to captain of the city and palace guards in Llino. In 15292, at the age of 37 Dohma, along with his sister Ellua, and brother Bayion were discovered to be of the regent’s blood line and was restored as regent rulers of the Kingdom of Aelargo by Duke. Lord Dohma proposed to Countess Electra Neyon of Waylisia and they were married on Patredyt 21, 15293.
Dolphin dagger doors: Unique doors which are considered unbreakable and thief proof, that require a combination and a special key to open, and are used only at the Blue Dolphin Inn in Llino for Dagger and special guest rooms.
Dorn Hills: A large range of hills on the northern edge of the border between the kingdoms of Aelargo and Nasur.
Duianna: The central lands of the North Duianna continent, under direct control of the Duianna Empire. A human imperial nation. No claim to the imperial throne has been recognized since Prince Aphren Duianna disappeared in 10485 shortly before Emperor Covos Duianna died. Ruler: Imperial Regent Lord Aphastes Menthran. Capital: Gracia. Abbreviation: DE.
Dulgruim: A dwarven kingdom on the southern tip of the Duianna continent, bordered on the north by Karakia. Capital: Or-Ani-Thi-Umta in Mount Arm-Im-Trest-Un. Ruler: Chief Queen Ninki Paha, heir Prince Amizin Paha. Abbreviation: DU.
Elades of Stegea: A long experienced highly capable dagger with a prime table at the Dolphin indicating that Genne too judged him worthy of high ranking. Elades served as the Dagger Lieutenant General under Ticca for Duke in the War of Hope of 15292.
Electra Neyon of Waylisia: The ancestor of Countess Muriel Neyon-Banaschel, the last chief systems engineer for the Duianna Empire. Born and raised in Waylisia, an Imperial province on the eastern border of the Imperial capital of Gracia. Countess Electra Neyon of Waylisia, the youngest Chief Deputy Secretary of the Duianna Alliance to an Alliance state. Electra married Lord Dohma Gerani-Uriosal the Chief Regent of the Kingdom of Aelargo on Patredyt 21, 15293 after the War of Hope.
Elraci: A lost human and elf nation located in the central Duianna continent. It once spanned the entire Duianna continent, from east to west, along the southern edge of the Halias-Ne Mountains. Elraci is legendary in its sciences and magics. Capital: Imridu-Nam. Ruler: An elected Senate of representatives, the Senate would name a Chairperson.
Emerald Heart: Legendary flying ship of Damega Drakeruin. Legend has it that it flies faster than any creature and is home-ported in a secret place far in the north.
Eri hish: (vulgar slang) (phrasal verb of hish) (of a person) Go away.
Faltla of Rhini Wood: Ticca’s uncle, a retired tactics Dagger, who served in the Realms’ War and trained Ticca from birth.
Gadriel: God of the dwarves.
Garduan-ka-Gadriel: The dwarven name for the world (more commonly known by the elven name Niya-Yur or just Yur.) Loosely translated, it means Gadriel’s Flesh.
Genne: The current owner of the Blue Dolphin Inn, the original Dagger House in Llino.
Greyrhan: A province of the Duianna Empire in the far north, just south of the great ice fields.
Guard: City soldiers, general police force.
Halias-Ne Mountains: A thick, rocky mountain and volcano range, which cuts the entire Duianna Continent in half, spanning from the Darain Ocean on the east, to the Occiduis Ocean on the west.
Hand: Broker or facilitator for trade in various goods or services, usually illegal.
Hero: A son or daughter of the race of Gods, who was conceived on purpose or by accident with only enough magical energy to allow a live birth. Primary attributes are a strong constitution, high strength, no magical abilities at all, and with an expected life span of nine to eleven thousand years.
High Councilor: Chairman of the Leading Council of the Argos Guild of Mages.
Hish: (vulgar slang) (verb: hish; 3rd person present: hishes; past tense: hished; past participle: hished; gerund or present participle: hishing) 1. have sexual intercourse with (someone). 2. ruin or damage (something).
(noun) an act of sexual intercourse.
(exclamation) used alone or as a noun the hish or a verb in various phrases to express anger, annoyance, contempt, impatience, or surprise, or simply for emphasis.
Thread Skein (Golden Threads Trilogy Book 3) Page 52