Dating Delaney

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Dating Delaney Page 7

by K Larsen

  “You know it, Princess.”

  I show Gavin where the coffee is and task him with setting it to brew while I get Claire ready for camp. She woke me up early so we actually have plenty of time this morning for once.

  “What are you looking for?” I ask as he aimlessly pokes around the fridge.

  “Creamer,” he states.

  “I have’s on the door.”

  I pull out two mugs and he splashes milk in both while I grab the coffee pot and start pouring. One might think it’s strange that he knows how I take my coffee but we’ve been close our whole lives. He might be the most successful relationship with a man I’ve ever had. Unfortunately that’s because we’re friends and there’s no physical side to us.


  I walk around the barn and drop my tools on the deck before walking in the sliding door to the living room. I’ve been dying to see Laney all weekend but I didn't want to overwhelm her by being too in her face. I decided if she contacted me, I’d respond, but I wouldn't reach out to her. I hate games, but I don't want to seem pathetic or needy.

  I step into the kitchen doorway and find Laney standing in a tank top with no bra and pajama pants hanging low on her hips sipping coffee next to a man wearing only drawstring pajama pants, also drinking coffee. Jealousy flares irrationally through me and I clench my fists at my sides. Who the hell is this guy and why the hell is he half dressed in her kitchen?

  “Oh! Hey, Jake!” Laney says when she notices me.

  “I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll head upstairs,” I bite out. She looks to the guy then back to me and jumps a little.

  “You’re not interrupting anything. Gavin’s one of my best friends. He flew in last night late from California and crashed here,” she explains.

  It sure doesn't look like it. Gavin’s watching her like a hawk, when his gaze comes to me, he smirks.

  “Gavin, this is Jake…Jake…Gavin,” she introduces us.

  “Nice to meet you, Jack,” he says.

  “It’s Jake. Nice to meet you, too,” I all but bark.

  “Uh...” Laney analyzes me, “Coffee, Jake?”

  I try to relax my body to put her at ease.

  “Sure,” I say through gritted teeth. Gavin moves around the kitchen to stand next to her.

  “This one have a nickname yet?” he says just loud enough that he’ll know I heard.

  “Gavin!” she scolds.

  “What?” He feigns innocence.

  “Jake’s building out the dormers upstairs. Be nice.” She looks to me. “Sorry, Jake, Gavin here,” she jerks her thumb at him, “has a bad habit of openly disliking anyone I’ve ever dated.”

  “Not everyone. I liked John,” he states. Pain flashes across Laney’s face for a moment before she stares down at the floor.

  “Gee, thanks for that Gav, you know how well that ended,” she says icily. I watch him wrap an arm around her and pull her close. Seeing his arm around her makes my stomach clench.

  “Sorry. I shouldn't have brought him up,” he whispers while holding her tightly against his bare chest. She shakes him off and sets her mug down.

  “I’ll be right back...I need to run Claire to camp. Behave, Gavin,” she demands.

  When she pulls out the driveway and I turn around, coffee in hand, to get to work. Gavin looks me up and down while scratching his chest. He stands there like he owns the place, like he owns Laney.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “You want in, don't you?” he says.


  “In...Laney’s pants. I saw the way you look at her,” he sneers.

  “Not your business,” I clip.

  “Fair warning, give up now. She’ll never let you in. Not all the way, anyways. Not after John.” He’s so flippant I’m not sure where to go with his comment.

  “Sorry, man, I don't know what you’re talking about and I have work to do.”

  He continues anyways. “John was her soul mate. We were friends and I set them up one summer. I’ve never seen Laney so in love…or John, for that matter. They were a perfect fit. I actually almost believed Laney when she told me she thought they were somehow fated. Anyways...they dated for a while and then one day out of the blue he calls her and dumps her. Laney said he didn't even give a reason, just something about having to make a tough choice. It destroyed her. She fell apart so hard none of us thought we’d be able to put her back together. She cried nonstop for months, barely ate and barely slept. It was at least year before she went on a date again…but every one she’s been with since she was twenty, since John, has been wrong. She’s got one foot out the door from the start. You can actually see it in her eyes. She holds a part of her heart back. I don't think she’ll ever give it all to anyone again after the hurt John caused. Especially not you,” he finishes.

  I stood frozen in place staring at this psycho who was babbling on and on about Laney’s heart getting trampled. He must think I was stupid. The way he eyed her was like she was his possession. He wanted her and was fairly obvious about it. What did he expect me to say to him? “Thanks for the insight, but we’ve been on one date, I think you’re jumping the gun a little,” is what ends up coming out of my mouth.

  He shrugs. “Maybe. Maybe not.” Is he trying to piss me off? I wonder if he even really knows her. Loves her.

  “Have you read any of her books?” I question.

  “That fluff? No,” he chides.

  “That fluff is her career, and I have. She’s smart to hold out for the right guy. When she meets the right one I’m sure she’ll be able to give it all up.”

  “Wow. She already has you drowning, doesn't she? My Laney never has had any trouble hooking them…it’s just the staying part you all seem to mess up.”

  I’m not taking any more of this guy’s bullshit. He is a grade “A” jerk and I’m stunned that Laney sees anything redeeming in him. I take my coffee and head upstairs without another word.


  I shudder. John. God why did Gavin bring him up? He knew better. It had taken thirteen years of no contact to finally rid him of my daily thoughts. It had been a fairytale whirlwind romance. I fell so fast and hard for him and I thought he had too, but out of nowhere he called to break up with me. On the phone. I’m not sure I’ll ever really lay it to rest. There was no reason that he gave. No closure at all. He was the one who got away. At nineteen I met the man I was supposed to spend my life with and at twenty he obliterated my heart when he left me. Fuck you, John! I pull the key from the ignition and shake the thought of John from my brain as I head inside to make sure the boys are still playing nice.

  “Did you behave?” I ask Gavin, whose made himself right at home watching TV on the couch. Jake’s nowhere to be found.

  “Of course.” He smiles up at me. I don't believe him, though.

  “You’re a terrible liar, you know that?” He laughs at me and tries to pull me onto his lap. I stay upright and shake my head at him while I narrow my eyes at him. “How much damage control is in order?” I clip.

  “None. Everything’s fine, Laney, stop worrying,” he coos. I turn on my heel and head upstairs just to make sure.

  “Hey,” Jake greets me.

  “Well hello handsome,” I call to him. He’s up on some scaffolding shirtless and it’s a sight to see. I bring my hand to my mouth to check for drool. I think I have a problem. The man has the most gorgeous torso in history. Perfectly defined biceps, serious pecs, eight glorious ridges that span the length of his torso, and the lady killer V-cut leading straight to his...

  “Like what you see?” he winks, interrupting my thoughts.

  “You could be an underwear model,” I blurt. Wait? What? I totally just word-vomited at the hottest man I’d ever seen. His perfect eight-pack contracts seductively as he laughs at me.

  “See? Adorable,” he chuckles.

  “Yeah, totally adorable,” I repeat, hating myself for being such a dork. He jumps down from his perch and comes to me.

“We still on for Thursday?” His voice is low and gravelly. I lick my lips unconsciously and I swear I hear him growl.

  “Yeah.” Why do I sound so breathy? Get a grip, Laney, he’s just a guy!

  “Good,” he says and flashes his killer dimples. We linger too close together without touching for a moment before I manage to take a step backward.

  “If you need anything call, okay?” I say.

  “Where are you off to?” he inquires.

  “Gavin and I are going out for the day.”

  “Oh joy,” he says flatly.

  “Not you too!” I throw my hands up in frustration. “Everyone I’ve ever dated has hated Gavin. He’s been one of my best friends forever and we’ve never ever dated or been together! What is the issue?”

  “Maybe it’s the way he looks at you, Laney? Like he owns you,” he spits.

  “Oh please, he does not.” But suddenly I’m not so sure. I always thought my boyfriends hated him because we were close and flirted and he’s always been the better looking guy…but Jake seriously out-hots Gavin on all fronts.

  “Laney,” he growls at me, “the way he looks at you is why the term ‘eye fucking’ exists.”

  My breath hitches and I don't know whether to feel extreme irritation or feel worshipped.

  “Laney, let’s go!” Gavin calls from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Ah, okay well, I guess I have to go. So…you’ll call if you need anything right?”

  Jake looks a little stunned at how I’m leaving this but I don't know what else to do.

  “Yeah,” he grunts.

  * * * * *

  Becca’s text catches me off guard. How on earth does everyone know everything so quickly!?

  Gavin’s in town?

  Jesus, word travels fast. He got in last night.

  Sleep at your place?


  What’s MR Attractive think of that?

  I huff at her reply and quickly respond to it.

  Why would he think anything?

  You’re dating!

  Correction we’ve been on one date.

  Whatever. Gavin screws all your relationships make him stay with his mom.

  Untrue. The guys I pick screw the relationships.

  You’re gonna make him stay at his moms right?

  I’m really put out by her persistence but like the sap I am I take the bait.

  Since when do you care.

  Since MR Attractive showed up

  Fine. I’ll tell him to stay at his moms. Why are you on Mr Attractive’s side


  Good girl. Because he’s the first viable MAN you’ve ever dated.

  ‘Whatever.’ I respond and toss my phone down.


  “How’s it going up here?” Sue greets me.

  “Hi, Sue. It’s coming right along,” I reply, hoping she doesn't stay long. I’m not in the mood for chitchat at the moment.

  “Where’s Laney? I need her help with something.”

  “She’s out with Gavin,” I tell her through gritted teeth.

  “Gavin’s home! That’s great!”

  “Yeah,” I mutter.

  “Ahh…great for Gavin, but not for you. I’m on to Gavin. Don't you worry, he’ll be back to California before you know it and Laney has no idea how he feels about her. She’s blissfully unaware that they are anything but friends. You have nothing to worry about,” she informs me.

  Geez. Who said I was worried? Everyone seems to need to talk about Laney today. Is there a full moon tonight because today feels like today has bitch-slapped me and it’s only noon.

  “Ah, thanks Sue,” I say. She pats my arm and walks away.

  “Hey Sue!?” I call.


  “Do you think Laney would mind if I build in a closet on her side? I noticed the plans for the room don't include a closet.”

  “She didn't think there would be enough room for it so she was willing to forgo one, but I’m sure no woman would ever be mad at you for giving them a well-placed closet.” She smiles at me and continues down the stairs.

  Then a closet she will get.

  * * * * *

  Molly blows up my phone and I’m not sure after the inquisition I’ve already sustained that I can take any more.:

  Gavin’s back?

  Yup. I reply.

  He’s not staying at your place right?

  What the hell people?

  You have a soft spot for him

  I’m dropping him at his moms soon I inform her so she can stop badgering me.

  Phew! Good

  Why is it good? Explain please

  Duh, Cause Mr Attractive is not the kind of guy to share you with Gavin

  Share me?

  What do you think everyone else you’ve ever dated has had to do?

  I repeat... share me? Did they all share me with you too?

  Totally different. Gavin has a penis and is hot

  I hate all of you today.

  What did I do?

  Nothing never mind. Dropping Gavin off, getting Claire and going home.


  What is it with everyone? Granted, the last two times Gavin came home I wasn’t seeing anyone, so what would it matter, but why is everyone getting all worked up now that I’ve had one date with an attractive man? I must be in an alternate universe. Honestly, do they know something I don't? Why all of a sudden is Gavin the bad guy? I really don't have the time or conviction to deal with all this. I want my date with Jake and Gavin will just have to butt out if he doesn't like it.

  My phone chirps and I have the urge to throw it at the wall versus look at the message waiting for me.:

  Gavin can kiss Mr Attractive’s balls

  Oh my shit! What is going on with people today? I respond to Ame as fast as possible.


  You’d better keep them apart.

  WTF Ame

  Love you! Xoxox


  “Gavin, what is going on?!” I look at him, bewildered. “Everyone has a bone to pick with you. What did you do?” I squeal with irritation.

  He shrugs at me. “I don't know. They’re just jealous that I haven't visited them yet because I’m busy with you,” he mumbles adorably.

  “As if,” I huff and pull into his mom's driveway.

  “Hey, what’re we doing here?” he questions, his brows drawing together.

  I turn in my seat and poke his chest. “You are staying with your mom while you’re home,” I state. He looks at me like I’ve lost my mind and I kinda feel like I have.

  “Princess…” he starts.

  “Nope. Don't ‘Princess’ me. You are staying with your mom this time. I have too much going on at my house,” I say and then hold firm. He looks hurt. “But I’ll still see you,” I add. “We’re doing dinner Friday night, right?”

  “Yeah,” he sneers at me, “dinner.”

  Unbelievable. He’s mad at me. He gets out of the car and slams the door behind him. I smack my head on the steering wheel in frustration before backing out. By the time I pick up Claire and get home, Jake has closed up shop for the day. I blow out a deep breath and silently curse at myself. Is he avoiding me? Or did he really think Gavin would come back with me and is avoiding him? Is it really about sharing me? I just don't have the capacity to deal with any of this right now.

  * * * * *

  By the time I get home I’m feeling lonely and bored. I tap out a text to Jake since he was already gone by the time I got back.


  What’s up?

  Nothing. Got home and you were gone already

  Early dinner with O

  *Snort* I read a book where the main character referred to her missing Orgasm

  as O. Every time you call him that I think orgasm.

  You think about Owen’s orgasm?

  Not willingly

  I’d prefer you not too under any cirCUMstances

  Ha! Nice.

  We can’t all
be as clever as you

  I snicker as I read his text.

  Watch it or I'll have to re-nickname you

  What will it be?






  But... your hair does smell nice. Like vanilla and peppermint

  Anyone ever tell you you’re creeptastic?

  Just once


  Yeah, you.

  Haha. Crap, gotta go.

  Hey wait.His response comes on the heels of mine.


  Will I find any strange half-dressed men in the kitchen tomorrow?

  Ugh! No. Gavin’s staying at his moms. Happy?

  Very. Bye.

  * * * * *

  “Wow, Jake, these are beautiful,” I tell him as I take a gorgeous flower arrangement from his outstretched hands. He looks beautiful, well, as beautiful as a man can be. He’s wearing dark, well-fitted jeans with a striped button-up shirt that hugs all his muscles just right. His hair was styled, I think, until he ran a hand through it, but the slightly haphazard look works for him. His dark eyes are shining and his dimples are out. He has a slight five o’clock shadow that somehow makes his chiseled face look even sexier. I suppress the urge to mount him immediately.


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