Dating Delaney

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Dating Delaney Page 12

by K Larsen

  “Anyone interested in a boat ride?” Molly suggests. Instantly all the men holler yes. We set down our drinks, grab our towels, and head to the boat.

  “There’s a great sandbar we usually stop at,” I tell Jake as we stroll down the dock.


  “Mmmhmm,” I murmur as he takes my hand to help me onto the boat. I claim a seat by the back gate and wait for everyone else to settle in. Jake sits close, slinging an arm around me.

  “Remember our last boat ride?” he breathes into my ear. It’s nearly eighty-five degrees outside but his words, his breath on my neck, causes me to shiver.

  “I do, yes,” I say.

  His fingers glide down my arm slowly and then back up before he pulls me even closer into him. “I don't think the sandbar will be quite as good,” he whispers.

  I tilt my head back, resting it on his muscled bicep and stare into his brown eyes. “It definitely won't be,” I mumble, lost in his gaze. He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose.

  He’s been very close to me all day, always touching me somehow. Normally I don't like clingy, but he’s not being clingy, he’s being affectionate without being stuck to me. It’s really quite sweet. Even when he sits with the guys, when he walks by me he leans down to kiss my neck or shoulder before passing by. I wonder if it’s just that new relationship feeling or if he is actually one of those guys who is always like that.


  Laney’s friends are fun and down-to-earth. I like them a lot. I can't remember a better day out with people. She’s tucked into my arm on the boat as we ride out to some sandbar. Her hair whips around in the wind and she keeps trying to brush it out of her face, but it’s cute. Her skin is so soft and warm and golden right now. It’s taken everything I have not to haul her into the house and have my way with her. Every time I look at her she’s either staring at me with those sexy brown eyes or doing something like crossing her legs or leaning back in that suit, and I have no choice but to kiss or touch her. She’s becoming an addiction, but one I have no intention of giving up. She tucks another flyaway hair behind her ear and smiles up at me. I love her smile. It’s big and bright and reaches her eyes.

  Ryan stops the boat about fifteen minutes into our ride and throws the anchor down. Laney immediately gets up and opens the gate we’re sitting near. “Come on!” she says and tugs my hand. I stand follow her to the stern. She sits down, swinging her legs over the edge and hops down into the water. One by one we all hop down. It’s only up to my shins where we jump in but everyone wades out a little until we’re waist deep. There’s a bunch of people hanging around out here. At least ten boats all anchored and people just floating around and enjoying the day.

  “What’s that face?” I ask.

  “What face?” she says with a twinkle in her eye. She clasps her hands together suddenly, holds them out in front of her while twisting and dragging them through the water. The result is a monstrous wave of water hitting me in the face and her squealing in laughter. I lunge forward to tackle her but she’s quick and dodges out of the way before I can get her so I belly flop into the water. As she kicks away from me she splashes Ryan, Ellie, Molly, and Brent in the face, resulting in an all-out splashing war between all of us. Eventually Miller catches her by the head and dunks her under. As she comes up for air I launch myself at her, flying through the air and tackling her back underwater. We come up together laughing and coughing up water.

  “Truce! Truce!” she calls, putting her hands up in front of her in surrender. I snake my arm around her waist, pull, and she comes crashing into my chest. I love the feel of her wet skin on mine. She reaches up, still giggling, and pushes her wet hair out of her face. The sun’s in her eyes, making their color seem translucent. A bead of water trails down the side of her neck, pooling in the hollow of her collarbone. I dip my head low and slide my tongue from her collarbone back up the droplets’ path to just under her ear. Goose bumps break out down her arms and her legs come up and wrap around my waist tightly. I run my tongue from her ear to her jaw, finally moving to her mouth, her breaths coming in short bursts. I pull away from her lips and brazenly let my gaze drift down. Her breasts are heaving up and down against my chest, wet and slippery. I lift one hand and palm the perfect mound. A strangled sound escapes her lips, encouraging me further.

  “Hey porn stars, tone it down, there are kids out here,” Adam laughs at us, completely breaking the moment. I drop my hand and look to her.

  “You make me do the damndest things, Laney,” I say breathlessly. Her face is flushed and she looks a little stunned still.

  “Me?” she squeaks.

  “You two coming? We’re hungry. Time to head back and cook!” Molly waves us towards the boat.

  “Coming!” Laney calls over my shoulder. I set her on her feet, lean down, and give her a kiss on the neck. She laces her fingers through mine and beams at me. I feel like I just conquered the world. I need to get a grip on myself.

  I have to say the food spread Laney and her friends put on is amazing. By the time I’ve sampled a little of everything, I’m so stuffed I feel like they might have to roll me to bed tonight. The sun’s setting over the lake and Laney and I are sitting at the end of the dock enjoying the view.

  “Are you having fun? I know it can be weird spending a day with a group like us,” she prompts.

  “What do you mean? Everything's been great.”

  “We’ve all been friends since we were in high school. Sometimes it’s hard for someone new to keep up with all the inside jokes and what not,” she explains.

  “You’ve all been fantastic. I like the guys a lot. Everyone’s been really nice and welcoming,” I reassure her.

  “Good.” She leans her head on my shoulder. I like the feel of it there. She’s changed out of her suit and back into her sundress and the top ruffle is fluttering in the breeze. She looks content and relaxed. I take her and position us so her head is in my lap looking up at me. Under her gaze I feel like she sees everything I am, everything I want to be, and accepts it. Likes it, even. But, she still keeps part of herself from me. She hasn’t given everything yet and I want to know why.

  “How do you see me so well, Laney?”

  “You’re pretty easy to figure out, Magic Mouth,” she teases.

  “Oh yeah?”


  “What about you?” I ask.

  “What about me?” she says inquisitively.

  “If I help you, can you let me see that part of yourself?”

  She rolls her head to the side and looks out over the water, watching the sunset as she sighs. “You undo me. You deny me of the side of me that strips good love away,” she says timidly before meeting my eyes again. I stare down at the incredible woman before me, wondering if I heard her right.

  “When you look at me the way you are right now, it’s like my life’s moving in perfect motion,” she adds, her voice barely a whisper. She reaches up and runs her hand along my jaw. The pad of her thumb brushes softly over my cheek.

  “Wherever you are, Laney, I want to be,” I murmur. Her breath hitches at my words. “I'm so lost for you, Laney.”

  Her eyes light up as her hand slips behind my neck and pulls my mouth down to hers. I slide one hand under her back and the other under her knees and haul her up onto my lap. She quickly adjusts herself so she's straddling me. I start planting tiny kisses everywhere I can from her neck down to the tops of her breasts. Her hips buck against my erection and her body starts trembling.

  “Jake,” she pants and places her palm over my heart. It’s beating frantically in my chest.

  I drag my mouth back up to hers and kiss her until I’m sure she’s breathless.

  “Yeah?” I whisper into her mouth.

  “I don't remember what I was going to say.” Her head tips back and she laughs at herself.

  “I must be doing something right then.”

  “I’m not sure you know how to do wrong,” she says while running her hands
through the hair at the nape of my neck. It feels so good when she does that I groan.

  “Let’s go back up and join everyone for a while. The fireworks will start in an hour or so,” she suggests.

  “Do we have to?” I squeeze her playfully.

  “No. But., we should…I think...”

  It’s nice to know she’s struggling as badly as I am. I scoot back, taking her with me so she has more room to get up.

  “All right. Let’s go.” I take her hand in mine as we walk back up to the yard.


  “Holy hell, Laney!” Ginny squeals at me. “That H-O-T piece of man can barely keep his hands off you! I almost had an orgasm when he took his shirt off to go swimming this afternoon,” she gushes.

  “It’s not fair. His body couldn't get any more perfect. It’s almost too good to be true,” I laugh.

  “It’s true. He’s real. I had to wipe the drool off my chin twice today,” Molly chimes in.

  “Yup, thanks for bringing the man candy,” Ellie laughs. “Seriously though...thanks.”

  “You guys seem really happy around each other. He seems normal, nice, and not a fuck-up so, congratulations, you deserve someone who’s good for you,” Becca says, giving me a pointed look.

  “You guys are getting weird on me. Pour me some more wine and let’s get back outside.”

  I brush their gushing comments off as they laugh at me. Ginny fills my glass then promptly tells me that’s it for the night because I need to be super sober to experience getting lucky with Jake for the first time, smacks my ass, and sends me out the door.

  We join the guys around the fire pit and dole out sparklers to entertain ourselves until the fireworks start.

  “Let me grab my camera so we can get some good shots of this!” Ginny crows.

  “Why would you take pictures of this? They’ll never come out well,” Jake says.

  “Ginny’s a photographer, she’s pretty amazing with her fancy camera,” I explain.

  “The pictures up in your living room, are those from her?” he questions.

  “Yeah. I love those pictures. She really is amazing with a camera.”

  Ginny comes back down the lawn, camera in hand, and plays with some buttons on it for a moment before instructing us what she wants us to do. She sets the camera up for a longer exposure time or some shit like that, and one at a time we will light our sparklers and draw a letter or picture or something in the air with it. Apparently the light from the sparkler will trail, showing what we drew in the air and the camera will capture it. Sounds cool enough, anyways.

  One at a time we each step in front of Ginny and make our air design, smiling goofily while doing it. Ellie draws an “E,” Becca does a circle, Molly tries out a star, and I do a heart. Next, the guys do theirs. Ryan does an “R,” Brent does a “B,” Miller does an “M,” and Adam does an “A.” When it’s Jakes turn he pulls Ginny aside first and whispers something to her. She nods and then they move around the side of the house where he does his.

  “What was that all about?” I ask when he comes back. He shrugs and winks at me before telling me it’s a surprise while grinning like an idiot.

  “Well whatever this surprise is, you sure seem proud of yourself over it.”

  “If it works, then I will be,” he says.

  We congregate back near the fire as it starts to die down. The fireworks should start any time now. I spread out a blanket on the grass and sit. Jake sits behind me, spreading his long legs out on either side of me. His arms snag me under my armpits and he pulls me back so my rear end is snugly situated against his crotch. His arms stay wrapped around my middle and he tugs gently until I rest my torso against his.

  “That’s better,” he murmurs in my ear. I lean my head back on his chest and look up to the sky as the first fireworks boom gold and glitter into the night.

  “I love fireworks. They’re like magic and they sparkle.” I sound like a tool but it’s true. I’m always mesmerized by them every time I see them. Jake’s ribs shake slightly and I know he’s stifling a laugh.

  “I like them too because they’re explosives,” he chuckles.

  “Such a guy,” I huff and tilt my head up to look at him. Another round of fireworks burst and illuminate his face momentarily. He’s not watching them, he’s watching me. His face has gone warm and soft but his eyes are holding mine with such heat in them that I forget to exhale.

  “Breathe, Laney,” he whispers. And I do. His index finger is trailing lightly along my arm where it crosses his. His other arm is wrapped around my middle, holding me tightly to him. Everything about this moment feels amazing. We watch the fireworks in silence together for a while. I never want this moment to end.

  “Laney,” he breathes. He nips my ear lightly, sending shivers down my spine.

  “Mmmhmm?” I tilt my head a little further, giving him better access to my neck.

  “I can't wait anymore,” he says softly.


  “You,” he whispers. Electricity shoots from my neck straight down my body, leaving me damp between my legs. I crane my neck to look at him. Maybe he’s being funny. Scratch that, the look on his face is all business. I’m frozen in my spot between his legs unsure of what exactly to do.


  “Uh huh,” I snap out of it, gently move out of his embrace, and tug his hand to get him up as I start for the house. He stands and follows me. If anyone notices us, they don't say anything. As soon as we’re through the screen door, Jake’s hands are on me, spinning me around to him. The desire is overwhelming. His mouth crashes into mine and his kiss sets my entire body on fire.

  “I need you, Laney.” His voice is a low growl. He scoops me into his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist as he moves us to the bedroom. Setting me to my feet, he bends, grabbing the hem of my dress and lifting it up and off quickly.

  “All I want to see you in is just skin,” he rasps. His lips touch my belly, warm and soft on my skin, making my knees buckle with desire. As his hands make quick work of ridding me of my bra, he kisses every inch of my body: my stomach, my breasts, my arms, hands, and neck, before gently pushing me backwards onto the bed. His thumbs hook the elastic of my underwear and in one swift motion they’re gone. His eyes are pools of emotion as he looks me over.

  “Stunning,” he breathes. He steps back and slowly removes his shirt. I’m panting just watching him. He’s taking his time and I’m letting my eyes memorize every inch of his body. I want to touch him, kiss him, everywhere. His shorts drop to the ground revealing all of him and I stop breathing. He is gorgeous. Too gorgeous to want me, yet, he does. How is this possible? He climbs up onto the bed, kissing his way from my ankle up to my breast, taking my nipple into his mouth and suckling. A groan of pleasure escapes me. I run my hand down the length of his back, feeling every defined groove of muscle. He slides his hand down my body slowly and lightly, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. Slowly he slips his fingers between my folds and starts rubbing and circling his fingers over my clit, driving me insane. My hips buck against his hand and grind into his palm, wanting more. “Don’t stop,” I rasp. He gives me what I want, stopping just before I come. Our bodies are slick with sweat and sliding against each other. Each breath I take, my breasts swell against his hard chest before retreating, the feeling of it turning me on more. His mouth is devouring mine. Without warning, he flips over, taking me with him.

  I adjust my legs so that I’m straddling him. I can't resist running my fingers over the hard ridges of his chest and stomach. He sucks in slightly at my touch and grows even harder. I lean down and kiss, lick, and nip every inch of his torso. When I start to follow his happy trail he jackknifes up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around my back and drawing me into another kiss. He carefully positions himself at my opening and eases in. My eyes flutter closed and my head rolls back at the feeling of him entering me. “Laney,” he growls. “Look at me.”

  Look at him? Now? I can
't think of one time in my entire life where I’ve actually held eye contact while having sex. It’s uncomfortable to me and generally I choose positions where eye contact is hard to accomplish so I don't have to. I roll my head back up and slowly open my eyes to meet his. The view reveals nothing but want and desire. He dips his head in and kisses my neck.

  “Keep them open. I want to see you,” he rasps. My limbs tremble as we move together, him driving deeper, faster, and harder, all while his gaze stays trained on mine. Heat. Desire. Passion. Love? All flash behind his dark eyes. He shifts slightly, hitting a deeper spot within me and I cry out, “Fuck yes, Jake! FUCK!”

  He continues the impossible pace, never taking his eyes from mine. It’s insanely intense. Intimate. Like I can see everything he wants or needs and I wonder briefly if he can see that in mine. I’m lost. I’m drowning in him. I won't be able to turn back now.

  Suddenly he lies back, pulling me with him, and rolls so I’m beneath him, his eyes on mine, his thrusts coming faster and harder. A thumb comes to my clit, applying the slightest pressure, and I can feel myself coming undone. “I’m going to come, Jake!” I’m not quiet. “Fuck yes!” I scream out as the beginning of my orgasm crashes over me.

  “Eyes, Laney!” Jake grunts. I snap my eyes open and bite my lip as he watches me orgasm. I can feel my body shake uncontrollably just before I find my release and my eyes glaze over. A faint smile crosses his face before he releases with a soft grunt, face buried in my neck. “Incredible,” he mumbles into my neck before collapsing his full weight on me. It feels so good. He’s heavy but his weight feels amazing right now as we both lay panting and tangled together.

  Cheers, claps, hoots, and hollers come from just outside the bedroom window.

  “Way to go, Jake!”


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