by Lee Server
Gibbons, Cedric, 69
Gifford, Frances, 105
Gilbert, John, 55
Gilbert, Leatrice, 55, 58–59, 78, 81–82, 211
Gillespie, Dizzy, 305
Godard, Jean-Luc, 309
Godwin, Bill, 34
Going Hollywood, 22
Goldstone, Richard, 65–66
Goldwyn, Samuel, 393
Gone with the Wind, 53
Gone with the Wind (book), 110
Gorcey, Leo, 89
Gordon, Bernard, 393–94, 395, 396
Gordon, Lee, 374
Goring, Marius, 280
Goya, Francisco, 352
Grabtown, 15–16
Graduate, The, 449–50
Granger, Stewart, 250, 311–13, 315–16, 321, 324, 337, 488, 492
Grant, Cary, 334
Grant, Doreen, 262, 281, 286, 328
Grant, Frank, 281, 328
Grant, Johnny, 139, 144
Graves, Beryl, 332
Graves, Lucia, 331, 489, 497
Graves, Robert, 330–32, 392, 487
Grayson, Kathryn, 78, 132, 217, 219, 293–94
Great Sinner, The, 159–61
Green, Guy, 399
Greene, Lome, 472
Greenstreet, Sydney, 147
Greer, Howard, 234
Greer, Jane, 88
Grey, Charles, 471, 483
Grimes, John, 75
Grimes, Stephen, 440–41
Grunwald, Henry, 164
Guest, Charlie, 95
Guilaroff, Sydney, 268–69, 401, 416, 475
Guinness, Alec, 439
Gypsies, Ava and, 330, 384–85, 389
Haas, Ernest, 439
Haiti, Ava’s visit to, 376–77
Hall, Huntz, 89
Hamer, Robert, 396
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 216
Hanna, David, 156, 177, 277, 278, 286, 287, 293, 300, 301, 302–3, 304, 307–8, 352, 353, 354, 364, 365, 366, 368, 372, 373, 374, 375–76
Hardt, Eloise, 136, 137, 418, 422, 462
Hardy Family series, 61, 69, 78, 82–83
Harkness, Alan, 371, 381
Harlow, Jean, 86, 146, 251
Harris, Radie, 74
Harris, Richard, 440, 479
Hawaii, Ava in, 241, 368, 387–88, 406–7
Hawkesworth, John, 201, 206, 208
Hawks, Howard, 86, 341–42
Hayward, Susan, 238
Hayworth, Rita, 128–29, 279, 346
Head, Edith, 472
Heflin, Frances, 101, 108
Heflin, Van, 108, 111
Hellinger, Mark, 113–30, 145, 152
Hemingway, Ernest, 114–15, 120, 239, 281,
289–92, 300, 342–43, 391–92
Hemingway, Hadley, 343
Hemingway, Mary, 290, 291
Henderson, Skitch, 173–74, 187, 199
Hepburn, Audrey, 342, 352
Hepburn, Katharine, 86, 164, 481
Hero, The (play), 114, 115
Herron, Joel, 224
Heston, Charlton, 391, 393–400, 472, 473
Hill, Gladys, 418, 439
Hilliard, Steve, 37
Hitler’s Madman, 78, 106
Hodiak, John, 157
Holcombe, Oscar Fitzallen, 182
Holden, William, 164
Holiday, Billie, 172
Hope, Bob, 46, 144
Hopper, Hedda, 68, 184–85, 266, 269, 271–72, 334
Hornbeck, William, 307
Home, Lena, 110, 163, 218
Hotchner, A. E., 290–91
Houdini, Harry, 46
Hover, Herman, 138–39
Howard, Jean, 138
Howard, Trevor, 315
Hoyningen-Huene, George, 311, 317
Hucksters, The, 146–48
Hudson, Rock, 403
Hughes, Gerald Vaughan, 454
Hughes, Howard, 85–88, 89–91, 92–96, 98, 99–100, 142–43, 152, 165, 178–79, 233, 246, 279, 293–94, 297, 299–300, 305, 307, 478–79
marriage proposals to Ava, 87–88, 297–98
Hunt, Jim, 481
Hunt, Marsha, 79
Huston, John, 115–16, 127, 136–37, 412–29, 439–44, 465–67, 496
Huston, Tony, 442
Hutton, June, 232
Hyams, Joe, 305
Ireland, John, 394
Isherwood, Christopher, 159
Jacobs, George, 162, 447
Jacobsen, Ben, 45
James, Harry, 171
Jeffries, Herb, 163, 166, 305, 387
Jeffries, Lionel, 317, 320
Jillett, Neil, 369
Johnson, Don, 485
Johnson, Nunnally, 379–81
Johnson, Van, 97
Johnston County, S.C., 16, 17, 23
Jones, Dick, 234
Jones, Jennifer, 156, 270, 342
Jordan, Bobby, 89, 414
Jordan, Mearene “Reenie,” 162, 294, 300, 325, 379, 388, 417, 446, 452, 462, 463
Joy, Leatrice, 55
Jurow, Martin, 401
Karina, Anna, 484
Keel, Howard, 217, 219–20, 243, 475
Kefauver, Estes, 221–22
Keith, Penelope, 483
Kelly, Gene, 172, 388, 475
Kelly, Grace, 251–52, 258, 261, 332–34, 403
Kelly, Orry, 155
Kennedy, John F, 151, 411, 428
Kern, Jerome, 216
Kerr, Deborah, 146, 262, 394, 413, 419, 424, 426
Kessel, Barney, 103
Keyes, Evelyn, 137, 478
Kid Glove Killer, 79
Killers, The, 113–30, 136, 290, 412
King, Henry, 239, 344
Klein, Charles, 233
Knebel, Fletcher, 411
Knights of the Round Table, 161, 263–64
Knox, Mickey, 355–56, 357–58, 363
Koster, Henry, 355, 357
Koverman, Ida, 69
Kramer, Stanley, 334, 364, 365, 367, 369–70
Krim, Arthur, 278
Krohn, Dr. Leon, 245
Kurnitz, Harry, 153
Kyrou, Ado, 214
La Bruja (Ava’s Madrid house), 326, 383
La Dolce Vita, 361–62
Lahore, Pakistan, 313
Laine, Frankie, 240
Lamarr, Hedy, 50, 66, 229
Lamas, Fernando, 384
Lambert, Jack, 120
La Moraleja (Madrid suburb), 325–27, 383
Lancaster, Burt, 6, 120–21, 122, 123–24, 152, 215, 262, 411, 479, 499
Lang, Jennings, 471–74
Langford, Frances, 93
La Rouq, Jack, 210
Las Vegas, Nev., 231, 268, 293
Laughton, Charles, 157
Lawford, Peter, 80, 141, 145, 174, 271–72
Lawrence, Marc, 402
Lawson, John, 12
Lazar, Irving “Swifty,” 295
Lee, Sammy, 66
Leigh, Janet, 475
Leighton, Margaret, 413
Levene, Sam, 120
Levien, Sonya, 315
Lewin, Albert, 190–98, 206, 316, 332, 352–53
Lewis, Joe E., 452
Lewis, Monica, 218, 472, 487, 489
Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, 465–67
Life Begins for Andy Hardy, 74
Life magazine, 129, 411–12
Light Up Time, 186, 198
Linet, Beverly, 156
Little Hut, The, 151, 337–39
Loew’s Inc., 40–41, 49, 122
Lombardo, Guy, 112
Lone Star, 117–18
Loren, Sophia, 334, 479–80
Lorenz, Ilona Maria, 377–78
Love Me or Leave Me, 191–93
Lowell, Ross, 426–27
Loy, Myrna, 475
Lucas, Paul, 395
Luciano, Lucky, 222
Lucy Crown, 416
Luft, Sid, 65
Lugosi, Bela, 89
Lumley, Joanna, 455, 456–58, 460–61
Lutz, Rev. Glen H., 72
Lyon, Sue, 414–15, 425
Lyons, Ben, 211
MacMurray, Fred, 148–50
MacRae, Gordon, 199
Mafia, and Sinatra, 221–22, 408–10, 444
Maheu, Robert, 294, 296
Mahin, John Lee, 216, 250
Maley, Peggy, 143, 144, 150
Malle, Louis, 316
Mankiewicz, Herman, 116, 269
Mankiewicz, Joseph, 277–80, 285–86, 342, 491, 499
Mann, William, 131
Mannix, Eddie, 58, 82–83, 241
Man Ray, 190, 192, 468
Marco, Pepita, 210
Maree, Morgan, 236
Mario (chauffeur), 286, 352
Marmarosa, Dodo “the Moose,” 103
Martin, Dean, 436
Martin, Pete, 110
Marton, Andrew, 399
Marx, Arthur, 65
Marx, Barbara, 477
Mason, James, 6, 195, 196–97, 201, 280, 450
Mason, Pamela, 201
Masters, John, 310–11
Matthews, Francis, 312, 313, 314, 316–19, 320, 321, 323–24
Maxwell, Marilyn, 97, 143, 144, 173, 246
Mayer, Louis B., 45, 53, 58, 69–71, 97, 105, 122, 146, 153, 164, 217, 339
Mayerling, 450–51
McDowall, Roddy, 245, 454–62, 475
McGlohan, Loonis and Nan, 37
McGraw, Charles, 120
McGuire, Phyllis, 409
Mclndoe, Dr. Archie, 341, 349, 365–66
McKellen, Ian, 483
McKenna, Kristine, 267
McLaglen, Victor, 107
McQueen, Steve, 402
McShane, Ian, 455, 459
Meet Danny Wilson, 116, 237
Melbourne, Australia, 368–71
Melville, Jean-Pierre, 149
Menjou, Adolphe, 147
Mercouri, Melina, 394
Meredith, Burgess, 136
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Ava’s contracts with, 49, 145–48, 242–43, 310–11, 337, 351, 364
Ava’s last film with, 351–64
fiftieth anniversary celebration, 474–75
loaning Ava to other studios, 148, 153, 165, 238
loss of control by, in 1950s, 338–39
moral stance and reaction to scandals, 58–59, 83, 185, 292–93, 305–6
New York office, 41, 43, 44–49
remakes of films, 250
studios in L.A., 50–51
Metty, Russell, 107
Meyer, Johnny, 85, 87, 88, 142, 279, 297
Michaels, Beverly, 158
Mighty Lak a Goat, 77
Miles, Christopher, 483
Mili, Gjon, 426
Milius, John, 465–66
Miller, Ann, 74, 132
Miller, Arthur, 435
Miller, Glenn, 37
Miller, Henry, 392
Miller, Mitch, 145, 198, 199, 225, 240
Miller, Sidney, 65
Mills, Paul, 463, 476
Mills, Spoli, 20, 32, 453, 463, 494, 498
Mineo, Sal, 485
Mitchum, Dorothy, 168
Mitchum, Robert, 6, 166–68, 385–86
Mitford, Nancy, 337
Moffat, Ivan, 315
Mogambo, 148, 244, 250–56, 257–61
Moguy, Leonide, 107
Monley, Eva, 257, 313, 469–70
Monogram studio, 88–89
Monroe, Marilyn, 265, 284, 342, 346, 399n., 435
Monroe, Vaughan, 48
Moore, Harry T., 483
Moore, Phil, 163, 217–18
Moore, Terry, 294
Moreau, Jeanne, 394
Moretti, Willie, 184
Morgan, Frank, 492
Morgan, Helen, 216–17
Morgan, Jess, 492–93, 495–96
Morgan (Ava’s corgi), 500
Morris, Dorothy, 67
Morris, Wayne, 120
Morse, Terry, 420
Mortimer, Lee, 180, 222, 237
Mosk, Stanley, 108
Mosley, Leonard, 336, 400
Muldoon, Oscar, 309
Murnau, F. W, 279
My Forbidden Past, 165–68
Naked City, 152
Naked Maja, The, 351–64, 376
Nash, Ogden, 153
Nebenzal, Seymour, 105–6
Neff, Hildegarde, 238
Nero, Franco, 440
Nesbit, John, 66
Newman, Paul, 465
Newport News, Va., 24–30
New Wave cinema, 119
Nichols, George, 164–65
Nichols, Mike, 449–50
Nicolosi, Joseph, 154
Night of the Iguana, The, 413–29, 443–44
premiere, 438–39
Niklas, Kurt, 246
Niven, David, 150–51, 324, 337–38, 394, 397, 401
Nixon, Richard, 377
North Carolina, history of, 11–13
Norvo, Red, 374
Novak, Kim, 306
O’Brien, Edmond, 121, 122, 284, 285, 411
O’Hara, Maureen, 254
Olivier, Laurence, 242, 355
Onassis, Aristotle, 332, 403
O’Neal, Patrick, 413
One Touch of Venus, 153–57
On the Beach, 364–65, 380
opening and critical reviews, 381–82
Oppenheimer, Peer, 443
Otis, Don, 139
O’Toole, Peter, 442
Our World magazine, 304
Outlaw, The, 86, 93
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman, 190–92, 194–98, 280
critical reaction to, 213–14
Pankey, Fred, 72
Paramount Theater, 180, 240
Paris, France, Ava in, 193–94, 403
Parkinson, Roy, 253
Parks, Michael, 440
Parsons, Louella, 66, 72, 82, 151, 268, 350
Pasquel, Jorge, 230
Patrick, Nigel, 196
Paxton, Dick, 63
Paxton, John, 366
Pearson, Billy, 467
Peck, Gregory, 6, 159–61, 211, 238–40, 355, 364, 367, 371, 381, 499, 500
Pegler, Westbrook, 238
Peikov, Assen, 278
Peralta, Angelo, 348
Perelman, S. J., 153
Perez, Antonio, 290–91
Perkins, Anthony, 367, 371
Permission to Kill, 476
Peron, Eva Duarte de, 390–91
Peron, Isabel, 390–91, 478
Peron, Juan, 390–91, 478
Peters, Jean, 142, 294, 299
Petersen, Les, 67, 72–73, 75, 76
Ava’s fear of, 345
Roman street (paparazzi), 359–62
Pink Panther, The, 401–2
Plater, Alan, 483
Ponti, Carlo, 479–80
Porter, Bob, 314
Powell, Eleanor, 65, 475
Power, Tyrone, 343, 344–45
Prado, Perez, 305
Price, Vincent, 157
Price and the Passion, The, 334
Priest of Love, 483–84
Principal, Victoria, 466
Puig, Don Alberto, 194
Pupo, Captain, 378
Puzo, Mario, 472
Quinn, Anthony, 243, 484
Raft, George, 106, 107, 210
Rainier, Prince, 332
Rains, Bob, 126, 155
Rangers, the (band), 102
Ray, Johnnie, 240
Ray, Nicholas, 393, 394–96, 399
Reagan, Ronald, 164
Red Dust, 11, ISO
Reed, Donna, 55, 78, 262
Reggie (secretary), 457, 460
Regina, 484–85
Reinhardt, Gottfried, 159, 160
Reis, Irving, 155
Reynolds, Gene, 55, 61, 62
Richmond Times Dispatch, 238
Riddle, Nelson, 263, 265
Ride, Vaquerof, 243
Rio de Janeiro incident, 301–3
Rizzo, Jilly, 451
RKO, 165
nbsp; Roberts, Marguerite, 157
Robinson, Bruce, 455
Robinson, Casey, 238
Robson, Flora, 394
Robson, Mark, 324, 337, 473
Rock Ridge, N.C., 30–33, 42, 481
Rogers, Ginger, 86, 88, 475
Romanoff, Mike, 84
Romm, May, 102–3, 111
Rooney, Mickey, 51–52, 59–77, 82–83, 100, 174, 357, 499
Ccourts Ava, 62–68
marriage and honeymoon with Ava, 71–76
marriage breakdown and divorce, 80–82, 84, 96–98, 100
phenomenal talent of, 61–62
Roosevelt, Franklin, 35, 75
Rose, David, 71
Rose, Helen, 158
Rosenthal, Ruth, 111
Rosza, Miklos, 124
Rotunno, Giuseppe, 356
Roussin, Andre, 337
Ruark, Robert, 449
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 406
Ruby, Jack, 428n.
Ruser, Billy, 259–60
Russell, Jane, 142, 293
Rutherford, Ann, 52
Ruttenberg, Joseph, 157
Sachs, Manie, 180, 198, 233, 234, 236
St. John, Adela Rogers, 77–78
Saint-Laurent, Yves, 401
Sallis, Zoe, 424, 491, 496
Sanicola, Hank, 188, 189, 199, 231, 260
Sanicola, Paula, 231
Sards, Andrew, 119
Schary, Dore, 217, 222, 250, 293, 333, 339
Schenck, Marvin, 45
Schenck, Nicholas M., 45, 269–70, 279
Schulberg, Budd, 110, 392, 419, 421
Scognamillo, Pasquale, 221
Scott, George C, 440–42, 444–47, 466–67
Scott, Hazel, 48
Secchiaroli, Tazio, 362
Seger, Stanley J., 483
Seiter, William, 155
Sellers, Peter, 402
Selznick, David O., 61, 156, 342
Sentinel Crossing, The, 479–81
Serling, Rod, 411
Seven Days in May, 410–12
Sharif, Omar, 450–51
Sharkey, Ray, 484
Shaw, Artie, 101–5, 122, 137, 138, 143, 160, 188, 198, 232, 267, 357, 392, 478, 499
marriage to Ava, 107–12
separation and divorce, 130–33, 140
Shaw, Irwin, 115
Shaw, Tom, 420, 427–28
Shearer, Norma, 51, 69, 77, 337
Shepperton Studios, England, 210
Sheridan, Ann, 143–44, 165
Sherman, Vincent, 227
She Went to the Races, 105
Shine (black migrant worker), 20
Shore, Dinah, 217
Show Boat, 35, 214, 216–21
audience reactions to, 222–24
Shute, Nevil, 364, 370
Sicre, Betty, 281, 326, 329, 335, 341, 352, 377, 385, 403, 437, 441
Sicre, Ricardo, 281, 326–28, 337, 437, 449
Sidney, George, 52–53, 55, 172, 219
Sidney, L. K., 52
Silber, Arthur, Jr., 306
Silvers, Jo-Carroll, 150
Sim, Sheila, 195, 196, 197, 201, 212
Simmons, Jean, 312
Sims, Jeanie, 195, 197–98, 201, 203, 205
Sinatra, Dolly Genovese, 171, 226, 234, 266, 409
Sinatra, Frank, 143, 162, 171–89, 192, 198–200, 214–15, 224–36, 278, 306, 333–34
Ava’s enduring love of, 354–55, 374–75, 404–5, 429–30, 463