Her Only Son

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Her Only Son Page 8

by Shawna Platt

  “Yeah, let’s hope. I’m still sorry you had to endure that.”

  “I didn’t have much of a choice. I let it happen to keep my family safe.”

  “He seems to know what buttons to push.”

  “Yes, he does, and he uses every weakness you have against you. Just keep your head down and act like you’re all right with what’s going on now. Don’t rock the boat, okay?”

  “I understand. Hey, what do you know about the security in the rooms? I always wondered if our rooms were bugged.”

  “I don’t trust the phones in the room. Better to use your cell phone, but you never know. If Hakon feels you may be a threat to his program, we already know what lengths he’ll go to shut you up. He’s probably keeping track of more than we know.” She paused. “From what I understand, there are no security cameras in the private rooms, but again…you never know with Hakon.”

  Kinsey leaned down and looked under the table.

  Tessa grinned. “What are you doing?”

  “Checking for bugs.”

  “Find anything?”

  “Not that I can see.”

  “Good, I don’t want to run around paranoid all the time.”

  “At least your sentence is almost over. I’m just getting started.”

  “Believe it or not, it goes by pretty fast. Just stay busy, take the classes that are offered, and the days seem to pass by quickly. Maybe apply for some of the odd jobs they have some participants do. That’s what I did. It helps pass the time as well.”

  “Yeah, maybe I’ll do that.”

  “So, you start tracking your temperature tomorrow morning?”

  “Yep. Maybe I’ll get lucky and the procedure won’t take. Then I can just say ‘Sorry it didn’t work out,’ and be sent home.”

  “That doesn’t happen very often, so don’t count on it.”

  “I was afraid of that, but a girl can dream, right?”

  Tessa nodded. “Without our dreams, we’re nothing. It’s the only thing that keeps me going right now.” She glanced at her watch. “Well, I have to get going. Thank you for the talk. Maybe we can fit in that movie next time?” She stood and stretched her back.

  “Thank you for your honesty. I hope you know you can come to me anytime you need to talk. Let’s try to be there for each other, at least until you’re released to go home.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that. There isn’t anyone here I trust enough to talk to like we’ve talked tonight.”

  “I feel the same and I haven’t been here long at all. I’m glad you’re going to be here, for the next few months anyway. What room are you in?”

  Tessa smiled. “Room 350. I’m glad I have you here, too. Let’s not lose contact after we leave the program.”

  Kinsey shook her head. “No, I don’t want that either. I think we’ll both need someone who can relate.” She winked.

  “You know it, girl.”

  They hugged and Kinsey walked her out. Kinsey went back out on the patio and cleaned up the table, then decided to watch some television. She couldn’t help but think of Tessa’s rape. Who the hell did this guy think he was? She could only hope that someday, someone would be able to stop him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning, Keith sat in his car outside the hospital and watched Donna Garrick get in her car and drive away. He assumed it was Daddy’s turn to stay with Brianna. He’d been keeping an eye on all of them since he dropped Kinsey off at the airport, and to be honest, he was getting bored. He didn’t understand why Hakon wanted to keep such close tabs on these people. They appeared harmless. He’d put a call in to Hakon’s office this morning and was hoping he’d call back soon. He decided to drive to the bank where he knew he’d find Sheila’s car in the parking lot. Sure enough, just like clockwork, she was there.

  These people are too predictable, he thought. I don’t know why I’m still doing this.

  He breathed a sigh of relief when his phone rang and he saw it was Hakon returning his call.

  “Hakon. How’s it going?”

  “You called me, Keith, so don’t waste my time. What’s going on?”

  Keith shook his head and silently cursed the man. “Nothing has changed here. Everyone is living their lives, so I don’t understand why you want me following them around all the time. I think it’s time to let this go.”

  “I’ll decide when to let things go, Keith. You just do what you’re told, or you know what the consequences will be.”

  “You have Kinsey in the program and she’s not going to do anything that may cause harm to her family. Let’s just move on, okay?”

  There was a pause on the other end. “Stick with them until the end of the week. If there’s no change, you can abort the mission.”

  Keith rolled his eyes. Abort the mission. “Okay, sounds good.” He heard a click at the other end.

  He sat back in his seat and contemplated whether or not to follow Hakon’s orders. How would he know if he decided to take off? There was no reason to continue to stalk Kinsey’s family or Sheila, and he was feeling guilty for being the reason Brianna had her accident. He was starting to think Hakon was getting out of control, but he didn’t know what to do about it. Once Hakon had you in the palm of his hand, you stayed there until he decided to drop you; and even if that happened, you had to pray he dropped you and forgot you even existed, which didn’t happen very often.

  That same morning, Kinsey woke up and almost forgot she had to take her temperature before getting out of bed. She stuck the thermometer in her mouth and waited for the beep, then went to the computer and entered her information.

  She jumped in the shower and got ready. Tessa was assisting with an exercise class this morning she had signed up for and she was looking forward to seeing her again. She gained a lot of information the night before and would be there for Tessa in anyway she could.

  Raped by Hakon. My god, how was this girl keeping her sanity?

  She arrived at the class about ten minutes early and was happy to see Tessa already there, pulling some large elastic bands out of a cupboard.

  “Good morning, Tessa.”

  Tessa turned around. “Hey, good morning. You taking the class this morning?”

  “Yeah, why not.”

  Tessa laughed. “It’s pretty low key, six months gestation and over. You’ll be bored silly.”

  “That’s okay. It’ll pass the time.”

  “You got that right.”

  Kinsey stood beside Tessa and whispered, “How much do you know about Hakon? I mean on a personal level?”

  Tessa looked around before she answered and continued to separate the bands. She spoke quietly. “No one really knows anything about him other than he’s in his early sixties and has a solid military background. His father was military as well and he grew up on base, moving here and there, wherever his father had to go.” She turned to Kinsey and lowered her voice even more. “Let this go, all right? You don’t want to take him on, Kinsey.” Her eyes darted around the room. “Besides, we shouldn’t be talking in here.”

  Kinsey nodded. “Sorry, I was just curious.”

  “Leave the curiosity for our room chats.” She winked and walked over to put some bottles of water in the large cooler against the wall. Kinsey walked over to help.

  “So, how can I apply for the odd jobs you spoke of?”

  “Human resources will have a list. You just pick the job, or jobs, you want and they sign you up.”

  “Sounds easy enough.”

  The room began to fill with waddling pregnant women and Tessa began handing out the large bands. The instructor walked in and took over. Music started and a series of slow gentle stretches ensued.

  Kinsey received a few strange looks, as many wondered why the hell she was taking such a low-key class when she was obviously capable of much more. She shrugged her shoulders at Tessa, who simply shook her head and laughed.

  Just as Tessa predicted, the days started flowing into each other and before Kinsey
knew it, Friday morning had arrived. After hearing the beep from the thermometer, she immediately jumped up and called her mom to get an update on Brianna.

  The call was quick as her parents were in the middle of talking to the doctor about removing the tube that afternoon. Kinsey preferred these quick conversations because it didn’t give her mom time to ask too many questions and Kinsey didn’t have to pretend to be happy just to keep her mom satisfied. Before she hung up, she promised to call back that night to see how the tube removal went.

  Kinsey went to the computer and logged into her account. When she looked down at the thermometer to read the number, her heart sank. Her temperature was higher, not a lot, but enough to notice. She entered the number and hit save.

  She walked to Tessa’s room and hoped she was still there. When she opened the door, Kinsey let out a breath and rushed in.

  “Oh, thank god you’re here.”

  “Tessa checked the hallway and closed the door.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Kinsey spun around to face her and placed a hand on her forehead. “My temp raised this morning.”

  Tessa tried to stifle her laugh. “Is that all? Your temperature’s rising? Girl, you should be happy. The faster it happens, the sooner you get to leave.”

  Kinsey dropped her hand. “Yeah, I know, but this is happening fast. I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

  “You don’t have a choice, my dear. Did you remember to enter your new temp in the system?”


  “Well, if it’s still elevated in the morning, don’t be surprised if they’re calling you in this weekend for your procedure.”

  “This weekend? They do procedures on the weekend?”

  “Kinsey, they’re dealing with ovulating women. They work when they have to. It’s not like they can tell the eggs to halt for a few days until it’s more convenient for them.”

  “Yeah, I guess, but I’m still not ready.”

  “Well, clear your head and get ready.”

  Kinsey sat on the couch and took a deep breath. “You’re right. Holy shit, Tess, this is really happening.”

  Tessa came and sat beside her. “Yes, Kinsey, it is, but you can do this. You have to do this, so suck it up and do whatever the next moment requires.”

  Kinsey nodded and took a deep breath. “I know. I know.” She took another breath. “Okay, I’m better now. Thank you.”

  “I’ve been where you’re at and I know what you’re feeling. Just get yourself through it, Kinsey. That’s all you can do.”

  Kinsey leaned against the back of the couch and closed her eyes.

  Tessa smiled. “Let’s change the subject. Any word on your sister’s condition?”

  Kinsey’s eyes popped open. “Yes, I talked to Mom this morning and they’re planning on removing her breathing tube today.”

  “That’s wonderful news!”

  “Yes, it is! I have so much of my own stuff going on, but I should be focusing more on my sister.”

  Tessa took her hand. “Listen to me. You’re only human, so quit beating yourself up.” She paused and lifted Kinsey’s chin to look her in the eye. “Do your parents know why you’re really here?”

  “No, of course not!”

  “Didn’t think so; neither do mine. I know how it feels to keep up the act, Kinsey. To try and keep your head on straight, when all you can think about is if everyone you care about is safe and sound, is not easy.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “I truly think as long as you don’t make any waves, your family will be fine. I have to do the same thing. Just get through this, Kinsey.”

  Kinsey nodded. “You’re right.” She stood and walked to Tessa’s sliding glass door. “I just have to take one step at a time.”

  Tessa walked up and stood beside her. “Have you had breakfast yet?”

  “No, I came straight here.”

  “Great! I’m starving, so let’s go hit the cafeteria and see what they’re offering this morning. I have nothing going on today, so after that, let’s just see where the day takes us.”

  “That sounds good. I need some distraction.”

  “Yes, you do, so let’s go find some.”

  Kinsey spent the day with Tessa hanging out in the park with the swimming pool. They talked about Tessa’s life in Texas and Kinsey filled her in on life in Chicago.

  Later that evening, Kinsey checked in with her mom to see how Brianna was doing. Her mom told her the tube was removed and Brianna was breathing on her own, so things were moving forward there. Kinsey wasn’t trying to be harsh, but she had a lot on her mind, so once again, she kept the conversation short.

  The next morning, Kinsey’s temperature was still elevated. She entered her information into the computer, knowing full well what was about to happen. When she talked to Tessa, she confirmed her thoughts.

  Tessa gave her a sympathetic look. “Don’t be surprised if you get a phone call by tomorrow.”

  Tessa was right. Sunday morning arrived and Kinsey received a call from a very excited Dr. Westcott, telling her to get in as soon as possible; it was time for her procedure.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kinsey tried to remember how to breathe as she walked to the doctor’s office. She knew this day would come, but she didn’t expect it so quickly. Part of her wanted to make a run for it, but the sensible side knew she would be putting her family at risk. The photograph of her sister stuck with her as she took those final steps into the clinic. She would do what she had to do to keep her loved ones safe.

  She checked in at the main reception desk and was immediately taken to a treatment room. Everything about the room intimidated her. The exam table loomed before her and the trays filled with medical equipment made her head spin. She placed her hands on the exam table and tried to steady herself. She took a few deep breaths. You can do this, Kinsey.

  She was still leaning on the table when the door opened and Dr. Westcott entered the room.

  “Good morning, Kinsey.”

  Her happy, bright attitude made Kinsey gringe, but she managed a light-hearted response. “Good morning, Dr. Westcott.”

  The doctor walked to a cupboard and pulled out a paper robe. She handed it to Kinsey. “This is an exciting day. How are you feeling?”

  Kinsey took the robe and placed it on the exam table. “Nervous.”

  Dr. Westcott smiled. “That’s normal, but I assure you there’s nothing to be nervous about. We’ve performed this procedure many times and we’re very good at what we do. I’m going to take your temperature again and draw a small amount of blood. We want to double check your hormone levels.”

  The doctor took Kinsey’s temperature and wrote it on her chart, then drew her blood.

  “I’ll go let Dr. Rayner know you’re here. He’ll explain the procedure beforehand. Go ahead and get changed and we’ll be back in a moment to get started.”

  “You don’t do the procedure?”

  “No, Dr. Brice Rayner actually does the procedure, but I’ll be here to assist and offer you any comfort needed during the procedure.” She placed a hand on Kinsey’s arm. “Everything will be fine, I promise. Dr. Rayner is the best in his field.”

  Kinsey nodded and reached for the stylish paper robe. Dr. Westcott wrote something in Kinsey’s file and left the room. She got undressed and wrapped the crinkly paper around her body. She placed her folded clothes on a chair in the corner and sat on the exam table. Her nerves were off the charts and she tried to calm herself down. Deep breaths were becoming her specialty and she took advantage of a few more while she waited for the door to open again.

  Her eyes were closed when she heard the knock and she indicated she was ready without opening them. She heard someone enter the room, but she couldn’t will her eyes to open. She just wanted to disappear.

  A deep male voice brought her back. “Hello, Kinsey.”

  She opened her eyes, and for a moment, forgot where she was. The man standing in front
of her was the most gorgeous man creature she’d ever seen and since she couldn’t find her voice, she simply smiled.

  “My name is Dr. Rayner and I’ll be performing your procedure today.”

  His words floated somewhere above her head and she tried to rein them in, but all she could focus on was the mass of flesh standing in front of her. His semi-curly dark blonde hair and athletic build was almost too much. She guessed he was in his thirties, but who knew for sure. She didn’t care.

  His voice floated around her again. “Do you have any questions?”

  She could only manage to shake her head, indicating no.

  He smiled and turned to read through her chart. She was finally able to look away and tried to focus on the wall. Her eye caught the stool that sat on the floor and a horrible thought crossed her mind. He’s going to be sitting there.

  She looked back in his direction and admired the mass of curly locks. She looked back at the stool. Oh, my god! The thought of him sitting at a bird’s eye view made her face flush. This is not going to be good.

  He put the file down as Dr. Westcott entered the room with a small vile attached to a syringe looking object. She handed Dr. Rayner a piece of paper, which he immediately looked over.

  Kinsey didn’t want to know what was inside the vile in Dr. Westcott’s hand. The thought of it made her nauseous. She turned away and focused on the wall again.

  Dr. Rayner set the paper aside and casually leaned against the counter, facing Kinsey. His eyes were bright and caring.

  Inside, Kinsey was dying. You’ve got to be kidding me! She tried to focus on his words.

  “Before we get started, I’d like to explain the basics of the procedure. It’s a simple one and won’t take long.”

  Won’t take long…focus, Kinsey.

  “We perform intrauterine insemination here. That means we’ll be injecting washed sperm directly into your uterus.”


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