Her Only Son

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Her Only Son Page 16

by Shawna Platt

  “I’m ordering a manhunt for Kinsey Garrick and I want her face on every news channel, the front of every paper, and sent to every airport and bus terminal in this area. She can’t be far.”

  He stopped pacing and addressed the guard who talked to Stella. “You said she was dropped off at the airport?”

  “Yes, Sir. Airport security cameras confirm she was dropped off and went inside, but she never boarded a flight.”

  “Where the hell did she go?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ll check with airport security again and see if they can trace her steps inside.”

  “Yeah, you do that, and put a trace on her cell phone.”

  He turned to Keith. “You’re my main eyes on this one. She was your assignment, so you know everything there is to know about her and her family.”

  Keith thought about Kinsey’s family and the guilt set in again for the pain he caused.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “So go do your job and find her. Terrorize her family, do whatever you have to do. She won’t stay in hiding for long if her family’s in danger.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Keith walked out of the room with a smile. If he was the one in charge of terrorizing Kinsey’s family that simply meant they would be safe. He could focus his attention on locating Kinsey and her son.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Kinsey tried to act casual as she checked into a hotel about fifteen minutes from the restaurant. She paid in cash and bent down to pick up her bags. The person behind the counter saw her struggling and offered to give her a hand, but Kinsey kindly refused.

  “No, thank you. They’re not as heavy as they look.”

  The counter person shrugged and watched Kinsey walk away.

  A few moments later, Kinsey put the bags on the bed and unzipped the one that held Ryker. She pulled him out and removed the oxygen device. She cradled him against her neck and felt his little chest rise and fall. She vowed again to do anything to keep him safe.

  She placed him on the bed and unwrapped the blanket to get a good look at him. Tears filled her eyes as she gazed at how perfect he was. Never in her life had she felt such a powerful love, such a need to defend and protect. She would give her life for him in a heartbeat.

  She gently rubbed his arms and legs, trying to pull him from his sedated slumber. He stirred slightly, but his muscle tone was still low. She wanted to feed him before she left and knew she didn’t have time to waste. She had to get to the bus station before they began searching for her.

  She used her new phone to call the station and check for the next bus to New Mexico. She was informed there were no buses to New Mexico in the next couple days, but there was one leaving for Phoenix, Arizona in one hour. There were still seats available if she wanted to reserve her ticket over the phone. She informed them she was paying with cash, but hopefully, she could get there in time.

  She checked on Ryker again, but he was still pretty out of it. She’d have to leave now to get to the station before the bus left. Maybe by the time they were on their way, he’d wake up enough to eat.

  She tried to condense her bags as much as possible. It was important she travel light and much of the room in the bags were taken up with stuff for Ryker. She’d have to leave some personal items behind. She packed what was absolutely necessary, bundled Ryker in the thick blanket Sorina had provided, and headed out to the bus station. Hopefully, she could get boarded and on her way before the hunt began.

  She took another cab and made it to the station without being questioned. She walked slowly, like she didn’t have a care in the world, and approached the ticket counter. The guy behind the glass didn’t even look up. Fine with me, she thought.

  “Where to?”

  “Two tickets to Phoenix, Arizona, please.”

  He glanced up and saw her holding the baby. “Babies ride free if they’re sharing your seat.”

  She glanced at Ryker. “Yes, he will be.”

  “All right.” He looked at the schedule on his computer. “Bus leaves in ten minutes, with a short layover in Flagstaff. Gate Nine.” He pointed to the doors to the right. “Through those doors.”

  She took the ticket and thanked him. She felt Ryker begin to stir in the blanket. Good timing, she thought.

  She found Gate Nine and offered her ticket. The woman smiled and took her bags that were to be stowed under the bus.

  “Will you be traveling all the way through to Phoenix or getting off at Flagstaff?”

  “To Phoenix.”

  “Very good. She instructed a young man to place the bags in the back of the storage area.

  Kinsey boarded the bus and felt relieved her seat was by the window. She placed the small bag with the items she may need for Ryker in the overhead, settled into her seat, and willed the bus to move. Almost on cue, a driver entered the bus and took his seat. He grabbed the intercom and spoke.

  “Good evening, passengers. This is to confirm this bus is heading to Phoenix, Arizona, with a short stopover in Flagstaff. If this is not your desired destination, please exit the bus now.”

  Everyone remained seated.

  The driver started the bus and waited for his turn to depart the station. A few moments later, he was pulling out and Kinsey was on her way to Phoenix.

  About twenty minutes after Kinsey’s bus left the station, a bulletin came through at the station with Kinsey’s picture. The caption below the photo read:

  Kinsey Garrick, female, age 25.

  Traveling with newborn male infant.

  Accused of kidnapping.

  Notify authorities immediately if seen.

  Kinsey’s photo was quickly passed to all ticket personnel and the young man who sold Kinsey her ticket recognized her immediately and notified his supervisor.

  A few moments later, Kinsey’s photo was being broadcast on every news channel, along with the information of where she was headed. A reward was in place for anyone who could bring information to the authorities and assist in her arrest.

  Hakon disconnected the call from the supervisor at the bus station. He could have called the police and have them pull the bus over, but he liked to handle things his way. He was in control. He called Keith.

  “She bought a bus ticket for Phoenix, Arizona. The bus just left about fifteen minutes ago, so get your ass to Phoenix and grab her as soon as she gets off.” He gave him the bus route and the identification number on the bus that he received from the supervisor.

  “You got it. If the bus just left, I may be able to catch up to it and follow it all the way to Phoenix. There won’t be anyway for her to escape.”

  “Make it happen. I want her and that baby in custody.”

  News spread quickly around the compound of Kinsey’s fate. They’d located her and would grab her the second she got off the bus in Phoenix. Most of the participants in the program felt disappointed. They were hoping Kinsey would elude being captured and brought back to the compound. Who knows what would happen to her once they had her in custody.

  Sorina called her father and updated him.

  “They’ve already found her and will have her in custody as soon as she gets off that bus.”

  “Sorina, we did all we could. We told her once she left, she was on her own.”

  “I know, but there has to be something we can do to warn her. You gave her a non-traceable phone. Can you at least text her? Maybe it will give her a chance?”

  With a hesitant nod, Conrad said, “I’ll try to warn her, Sorina.”

  “Thank you, Dad…for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  Conrad stared at his phone for a few minutes contemplating what to do. Sorina was right, they had to at least warn Kinsey so she had a chance. He typed the following text:

  This is Conrad. Do not reply. They know you’re on a bus to Phoenix and will intercept you there. If you can get off that bus before then, do so! Good luck!

  Once he had confirmation the text had been sent, he deleted it from his p

  Kinsey was settled in and nursing Ryker, who finally decided to wake up. The bus was quiet, and so far, no one seemed to pay any attention to her. When she felt her phone vibe in her pocket, she pulled it out and read Conrad’s message. Panic raced through her and she immediately began thinking of ways to get off the bus before it pulled into Phoenix. She breathed a sigh of relief when she remembered the bus had a short stop in Flagstaff; she’d get off the bus there and devise a new plan. If they knew she was on her way to Phoenix, they knew the bus had a layover, but it was a chance she’d have to take.

  Brice was in mid-flight back to Nevada when he received a frantic text from Sorina.

  I don’t know where you are, Brice, but you need to get back her asap. Kinsey escaped with the baby and is on a bus to Phoenix. They know of her whereabouts and plan to grab her as she soon as she gets there.

  Brice felt his heart stop. He assumed Kinsey would still be at the compound when he returned and they’d figure it out. He should have known better. He replied to Sorina.

  How the hell did she escape? I’m on my way back to Nevada. I went to Chicago to talk to Kinsey’s friend. Everything Kinsey told us was the truth. We have to try and warn her they’ll be looking for her in Phoenix.

  Sorina replied.

  “I’ll explain more when you get back. Dad sent her a text on a non-traceable phone he gave her. She’s aware, but I don’t know if she can get off the bus before then.”

  Brice ran his fingers through his hair. Son-of-a-bitch!

  “Your dad’s involved? I’ll be there as soon as I can. Delete these messages from your phone!”

  On her end, Sorina sighed. “Already doing so. Please, hurry!”

  It didn’t take long for Keith to catch up with Kinsey’s bus and he had no intention of letting her out of his sight. For now, he was the one on her tail and reporting back to Hakon, so as long as he could keep tabs on her, she’d be safe.

  When the bus driver made the announcement they’d soon be making a short stop in Flagstaff, Kinsey began gathering her belongings. It was dark out now and she was hoping the cover of night would help hide her identity in case they were there waiting for her.

  She tried to tuck Ryker inside her coat so it wasn’t obvious she was carrying a baby and made her way to the diner next to the bus stop. No one tried to stop her, so she kept her head down and walked as fast as she could. She didn’t even take the time to grab her bags that were stowed under the bus. All she had was the bag for Ryker.

  Keith was used to keeping an eye on Kinsey and he had no problem making her out in the small crowd that filed off the bus. He watched her walk across the parking lot and into the diner. He parked his car in front of it and waited.

  Kinsey made her way to the bathroom and locked herself in the large handicap stall. She took a deep breath, so far so good. She looked down at Ryker and thanked him for being such a quiet baby. Rarely did he even make a sound, which helped avoid unnecessary attention. She ran a finger over his eyebrows. It’s almost like you know. She took a moment to gather her courage and walked out of the bathroom.

  She decided to take a chance and ordered some food to go at the counter. She walked to the front window and surveyed the area. There was a hotel across the street. Once her food was ready, she’d stay there for the night and figure out her next move. No one seemed to be looking for her here and she felt a slight sense of security, even if it was just for the night.

  Keith watched her from his car and noticed the couple in a booth by the window eyeing Kinsey. One of them pointed at her and the other turned to stare. He saw them shake their head like they were agreeing. One of them pulled out their phone.

  He could read people and their expressions were giving it all away. They recognized Kinsey. Keith knew her face was being broadcast everywhere and the reward Hakon put on her head didn’t help. Kinsey was worth a lot of money to the person who could help turn her over to authorities.

  When Kinsey made her way back to the counter, the couple stood and headed that way. Keith stepped out of his car and continued to watch. If he had to, he’d go inside and pull her out of the chaos.

  The waitress was bagging Kinsey’s food when the couple approached her. The man extended his hand to Kinsey.

  “Hello? Do I know you?”

  Kinsey felt a sudden sense of panic and looked away. “No, I’m sorry, I don’t think so.” She threw some money on the counter and turned to walk away, but the woman blocked her path.

  “Yes, I believe we do know you.”

  Kinsey went into defense mode and replied firmly. “No, you don’t. Excuse me.” She pushed past the woman and headed for the door.

  Keith watched the couple follow her outside. When Kinsey got within earshot, he decided to call out to her. She looked up and saw him and took off in the other direction. The couple quickly followed her, but he was faster, and hooked his arm with hers.

  He whispered, “Unless you want to get caught, do exactly as I say.”

  “Like I can trust you.”

  “Right now, you don’t have a choice.” He glanced back at the curious couple still in slow pursuit.

  “Those people behind you, the ones from the diner, they recognize you and want the reward money Hakon’s put on your head.”

  Her eyes widened. “There’s a reward out for me?”

  “Sweetheart, your photo’s being blasted everywhere right now. You want to keep you and that precious baby safe, you’ll come with me.”

  “How do I know you won’t take me back to Hakon?”

  He tightened the grip on her arm. “Even if I did, do you really think you’d have a choice?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good. Let’s just turn around and go back to my car before anymore attention is brought to us.”

  They turned and passed the couple, still following behind them. Keith gave them a wink and a two-finger salute as they went by.

  The male of the couple became angry. “Hey, we saw her first.”

  Keith laughed and kept walking. “Better luck next time.”

  The man ran up to Keith. “Hey, I’m serious.”

  Keith kept one hand wrapped around Kinsey’s arm and grabbed the guy’s throat with the other. “You don’t want to mess with me.” He shoved the guy back. “Keep walking.”

  The guy put his hands up and turned back to the woman waiting a few steps back. He turned back toward Keith, who was walking away with Kinsey.

  “I’m calling the authorities to let them know she was here.”

  Keith responded over his shoulder. “Go ahead, tough guy. By the time you call, I’ll already have her turned in.”

  He heard Kinsey gasp beside him and he laughed.

  “No worries, love.”

  Ryker started crying in her arms and Kinsey tried to comfort him. “I’ll need to feed him soon.”

  Keith pointed to his car parked in front of the diner. “I’m right there. Let’s go.”

  He opened the passenger door and Kinsey got in. He slid into the driver’s seat and they took off. He looked to make sure the couple didn’t follow them back to his car. It was a rental, but if someone reported Kinsey in that specific car, he’d have to ditch it and get another one. He didn’t see the couple, but wasn’t going to take any chances. As soon as he could, he’d have to get a different car.

  Kinsey’s parents, Curtis and Donna, were settling in to watch television before bed when they saw their daughter’s picture flash on the screen. Donna reached over and touched her husband’s arm. They listened to the newscaster accuse Kinsey of kidnapping and how she was currently on the run from authorities.

  Donna grabbed her phone and called Kinsey. No answer. Next she tried Sheila.

  “Hello? Sheila?”

  “Hi, Donna. You okay?”

  “No, I’m not. Have you seen the news?”

  “I haven’t.” She recalled her visit with Brice and panic set in. “What’s wrong?”

  “Please, just get over
here as quickly as you can.”

  In Texas, Tessa was also watching Kinsey’s ordeal. She placed her hand to her heart and whispered, “Oh, Kinsey, what have you done?”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Brice rushed through the airport. As soon as he exited the plane, he saw Kinsey’s story being reported on the television in the waiting area. He couldn’t believe everything had fallen apart in the short time he’d been gone and he cussed himself for leaving. He should have been there for Kinsey and he let her down. He had to get back to the compound and talk to Sorina.

  Donna was pacing by the living room window, waiting for Sheila to arrive. She watched her car pull into the driveway, followed closely by a black van. Two men exited the van as Sheila was getting out of her car. She watched one of the men grab Sheila by the arm and escort her to the front door.

  She rushed to the door and opened it, addressing the two men flanking Sheila.

  “Let go of her this instant! Who are you?”

  They pushed their way inside and gave Sheila a little shove in Donna’s direction.

  “Where is Kinsey Garrick?”

  Donna felt her legs go weak. “We don’t know where she is. What’s going on?”

  “You’re Curtis and Donna Garrick, correct?”

  Curtis stepped in from the other room. “Yes, we are. What is that about?”

  “Kinsey Garrick is your daughter?”

  Donna answered, her voice shaking. “Yes, she is. Please, tell me she’s all right.”

  “I have no idea, but we’re not going anywhere until her capture is confirmed.” The man paused and looked around. “She hasn’t contacted you?”


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