Her Only Son

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Her Only Son Page 22

by Shawna Platt

  Tessa looked up again. “I want her. What do I have to do?”

  Sorina felt her eyes well up. “I’ll make sure you get her, Tessa.”

  “Good. I’ll just be taking her with me now, if you don’t mind.” She paused. “Is she okay? I mean, do you need to keep her here for any reason?”

  Sorina shook her head. “No, she’s perfect and she’s all yours. We’ll handle the paperwork soon. She’ll have to remain here until that’s complete. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get transferred to the adoption agency.”

  Kinsey couldn’t hold back her tears and hugged her. “This is a wonderful thing you’re doing, Tessa.”

  “I honestly never thought about adopting one of the babies, but the second I laid eyes on her, I knew she had to be mine.”

  Sorina hugged her next. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother.” She pulled Kinsey into the hug. “I’m so happy I was able to meet both of you.” She pushed back and wiped away her tears.

  Kinsey touched her arm. “What are you going to do after the facility closes?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but I can be a doctor anywhere. I’ll land on my feet.”

  Tessa snorted. “Of course you will, because you’re amazing!”

  They all laughed as Sorina picked up a small pile of papers on the counter. “I have to get these to Lisa Butler, so she can be released. She’s chomping at the bit.”

  Tessa looked down at the bundle Lisa was leaving behind. “She can suck it. Never did like her anyway.”

  Kinsey agreed.

  On their way out of the clinic, Kinsey and Tessa saw Brice rushing up to them.

  “I’ve been looking for you. Keith’s awake and is asking to speak to you and your family.”

  “I think they’re still over at the housing building.”

  “Let’s go pick them up and head to the hospital.”

  He paused and addressed Tessa. “How are you doing?”

  She looked down at the bundle she held in her arms. “I’m doing great. Guess who I’m adopting?”

  He looked at the baby Tessa held. “Really? You’re adopting a baby from the program?”

  “Yes, Lisa Butler’s. Apparently, she doesn’t want her.”

  He made a face. “That doesn’t surprise me. You’ll be a great mom, Tessa.”

  She smiled. “Yes, I will.”

  “Well, congratulations. It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing.”

  “Thank you.” Tessa saw her parents walking toward her. “I think I’ll go introduce my mom and dad to their new granddaughter.”

  An hour later, Brice, Kinsey, and her family were waiting to speak with Keith.

  Donna addressed Kinsey. “This is the guy that caused Brianna’s accident?”

  Kinsey took a deep breath. “Yes, Mom, but he’s feeling the guilt and is trying to make up for it. If it wasn’t for him, I would have been captured.”

  After a moment of silence, Curtis spoke. “This is another big one, Kinsey. How do you expect us to respond to him?”

  “I don’t know. Just listen to what he has to say and go from there. This situation has been hard on everyone.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by a doctor who told them Keith was awake again and asking for them.

  “He’s groggy. He may slip in and out, but he’s insisting on talking to all of you.”

  “What are his chances?” Brice asked.

  “Right now, pretty good. He’s a fighter.”

  They all filed into Keith’s room and stood around his bed. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

  “Good, you’re all here. Thank you for coming.”

  Kinsey took his hand. “Thank you, Keith, for everything you’ve done.”

  He squeezed her hand. “My pleasure, Kinsey. I’m sorry I didn’t do more from the beginning.”

  “Well, you made up for it.”

  “If I make it through this, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you and your family.”

  Brianna stepped forward and took his other hand. He looked at her.

  “Hi, Brianna.”

  She tilted her head and studied him. “A short time ago, I didn’t think I’d ever forgive you.”

  He nodded. “I understand and I don’t blame you if you want to press charges. I’m willing to take full responsibility for what I’ve done.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “I paid all your medical expenses. I know it doesn’t take away what I did, but I didn’t want your family burdened with them.”

  Donna spoke next. “You’re the one who paid them? We were wondering. The hospital told us someone called and offered to pay the entire bill, but wouldn’t tell us who it was.”

  “It was the least I could do.”

  Everyone heard Curtis exhale at the end of the bed and Keith turned his eyes to him.

  “You have every right to hate me for what I did. I wouldn’t blame you, but I ask that you hear me out before you decide.”

  Kinsey squeezed his hand again. “Of course, Keith.”

  Keith tried to sit up a bit and winced in pain. Kinsey stopped him.

  “Don’t try to move.”

  He took a deep breath and blew it out before speaking.

  “It’s important you know that everyone who worked with or came in contact with Hakon was being threatened. This was how he controlled people, through fear and intimidation.”

  He glanced at Brice. “I’m sorry you had him for a father and I mean that. He was a horrible man.”

  “Yes, he was and no offense taken.”

  “Thank you.” Keith turned his attention back to Kinsey and her family. “My family was being threatened, too. I have a wife and daughter. My wife couldn’t handle the constant threats if I didn’t do what Hakon wanted, so she left me and took our daughter with her.”

  He paused and lowered his head. Everyone watched him wipe at a tear before he continued.

  “Even after they left, Hakon told me he could still get to them if I didn’t do as he asked. He’d send me pictures of them in their new home, out shopping, Hannah at school. He had eyes on them all the time.”

  Donna sat on the edge of his bed. “I’m so sorry, Keith.”

  “Melody, my wife, thought she was safe after she left. She had no idea Hakon was watching them and I didn’t want her to know. I knew as long as I did what he wanted, they’d remain safe.” He paused again. “But it just got to be too much and I knew I couldn’t continue. I just didn’t know how to get out without my wife and daughter being hurt.”

  He glanced at Brice again. “There was only one way to stop him.”

  Brice nodded. “I know.”

  “I know you know, but I’m sorry you had to be the one to pull the trigger.”

  “It was going to be him or me, and it wasn’t going to be me.” He reached out and took Kinsey’s hand. “I have too much to live for.”

  Keith smiled. “I have a lot to live for, too, and now that, excuse my language, that bastard’s gone, I plan on getting it back. A lot of people will be able to live in peace now that his threats aren’t hanging over their heads.”

  Donna patted his leg. “You get better and go find your wife and daughter. I’m sure she still loves you.”

  “Yes, I think so. She told me she did when she left, but she just couldn’t take it anymore.”

  He looked at Brianna. “Before I try to mend things with Melody, I have to know where you stand. If you plan on pressing charges, which I don’t blame you, I might as well wait until I deal with the outcome of that.”

  Brianna looked at her mom and dad. “I don’t want to press charges, so please don’t. I’m fine, everything turned out fine, and he did save Kinsey and Ryker from getting captured and taken back to Hakon.”

  Curtis and Donna’s eyes met for a moment and Donna smiled softly. “We won’t be pressing charges against you, Keith, and I’m sorry for all you’ve been through as well.”

  Keith leaned his head against the pillow and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheeks.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. I’ll do anything I can to continue to make it up to all of you.”

  He leaned his head forward again and looked at Kinsey. “I knew from the beginning you’d be a handful and look at what you did. It took a lot of courage to escape with your son.” He motioned her forward for a hug. “I admire you, Kinsey Garrick. You have my respect.”

  Kinsey pulled away and wiped tears from her cheeks. “You have mine as well.”

  “Where is that little guy, anyway?”

  Kinsey pointed to the car seat on the floor next to Brice. “He’s right there.”

  “He’s doing okay?”

  “He’s perfect.”

  Keith felt his eyes closing again and before he fell into a deep sleep, he said, “I bet he is.”


  Late Summer, 2022

  It had been over a year since Hakon’s death and a few months since the final closure of the compound. All the babies wanted by their birth mothers had been returned, and those that were put up for adoption quickly found good homes. People were more than willing to come forward and adopt the babies left behind.

  Brice and Kinsey still lived in Nevada, were married, and expecting a little girl. Brice adopted Ryker and loved him like his own. Kinsey was a stay at home mom and loved every minute of it. Ryker kept her on her toes. Her parents and Brianna visited them often. She received full compensation for her ordeal with Operation Vala and Brice was cleared of any charges regarding his father’s death.

  Brice and Sorina opened a private practice clinic together and it was thriving.

  Tessa received a healthy settlement from the government from her ordeal with Hakon and Operation Vala, along with her compensation for being in the program. She moved to Nevada and lived right down the street from Brice and Kinsey. Ryker and her daughter, Tyra, were growing up together and Tessa was happier than she’d ever been. For now, her plans on becoming a vet were put on hold. Once her daughter was older, she might pursue her dream career, but for now, her life revolved around Tyra.

  Sheila was the branch manager at the bank in Chicago and was engaged to a guy she met at an art show. She remained in close contact with Kinsey and Brice and they got together as often as they could.

  Keith fully recovered from the shooting and found his wife and daughter. Actually, they found him. Melody had seen the news about Hakon’s death and Keith’s shooting. She arrived at the hospital with Hannah and they were sitting by the side of his bed when he awoke one day. He thought he was dreaming. They’re expecting another child as well.

  Ted and Margaret convinced everyone to get together for a weekend at their house in New Mexico before the end of the summer.

  Kinsey flew her family out, as did Tessa. Sheila and her fiancée, and Keith, Melody, and their daughter came as well. Even Sorina and her parents showed up. Ted and Margaret had a house full and they were cherishing every minute of it.

  Everyone was gathered on the back deck, enjoying each other’s company. The barbeque was full of meat and a table was set up in the corner of the deck, brimming with side dishes and finger food. Sheila was discussing plans for her upcoming wedding. The home was full of love and laughter.

  Kinsey and Tessa sat beside a small kiddy pool in the yard that Ted and Margaret had set up for Ryker and Tyra. As the kids splashed and played, Tessa reached over and squeezed Kinsey’s hand.

  “Can you believe it’s been over a year?”

  Kinsey shook her head. “I’m not sure. On one hand, it seems like yesterday, on another, it seems like a lifetime ago.”

  Tessa chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

  “One good thing did come from it.”

  Tessa already knew where she was going, but she played along. “Oh, yeah, what’s that?”

  Kinsey laughed. “Like you don’t already know.” She reached over and hugged her. “I would have never met you.”

  “Yes, that was a blessing.” She pointed to the two squealers in the pool. “We wouldn’t have them either.”

  Kinsey smiled. “No, we wouldn’t, and I wouldn’t have Brice or any of the others involved in my life. Funny how things work out, huh?”

  “Meant to be, I guess.”

  Kinsey patted her growing belly. “Meant to be.” She paused. “We put flowers on Stella’s grave before we left.”

  Tessa looked down. “So sad about her.”

  “I know. Brice had a difficult time with it.”

  “I know.”

  The two exchanged a glance and Tessa reached for Kinsey’s hand. Kinsey accepted it and squeezed.

  Brice called from the deck, telling them the food was ready. They grabbed the squealers from the pool and headed to the deck to join the others.




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