Our Kind of Love

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Our Kind of Love Page 15

by Shirleen Davies

  “Of course, it will cost you.” Glazed eyes sparkled, her mouth tilting into a smug grin.

  “Ah, sweetheart. Those are words I live for.”


  “Tell me what you know.” Linc shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it on a table, and took a seat between Shane and Matt.

  “A sophisticated hit on our system about an hour before Matt called. See this?” Shane pointed to his screen. “This isn’t some random attack by an amateur. It’s serious shit, Linc.”

  “Phreaker’s still working on it. He caught it before any real damage was done.” Matt took a long swallow from a can of Dr. Pepper, his normal drink of choice when working.

  “Clients?” Linc glanced at Tina before leaning forward, deciphering what he saw on Shane’s screen.

  “Nothing from any of them yet, sir.”

  “Tina, you’re killing me. Call me Linc or Lincoln, but not sir. Am I clear?”

  “Sorry. It’s a habit I’ll work on breaking.”

  “Phreaker doesn’t think the breach caused damage to client data or access to their files.” Shane rubbed his eyes. He’d been working late, pushing aside the latest argument with his girlfriend, when Phreaker called. “When he finishes his checks, we’ll know more.”

  As Matt and Shane continued their work and Tina monitored client communication, Linc left to find a cup of coffee. Activity in the customer contact room didn’t reflect anything unusual, signaling Phreaker had caught the attempted breach early and neutralized it.

  Sipping his coffee, he thought of the upsurge in attacks. The increase in incidences over the last few weeks wasn’t normal or acceptable. Linc didn’t believe these were random attempts to try and hack into any unsecured system, but were targeted directly at TSR and their clients. In his mind, the reason for the increase, as well as the possible person or persons behind them, seemed clear.

  Simondson Security hadn’t been happy when they weren’t selected for a prominent job in Boise. Everyone, including Linc, had been surprised when the award went to TSR. He knew they deserved the award, assuming they were the lowest bidder as budget had been a prime factor in the selection. Until that point, the two companies had been friendly competitors, crossing paths on occasion with Simondson always filling the role of big dog, the vendor most everyone wanted to use. Not any longer. More than six years of hard work, countless sleepless nights, excessive networking, and access to cutting edge technology had paid off. TSR now stood at the top of the hill, and Ephraim Simondson wasn’t a gracious loser.

  “Linc?” Tina poked her head into the lounge as he poured another cup of coffee. “Matt and Shane want to talk with you.”

  Nodding, he followed her through the hallway to room 77C, wondering what he’d missed on her résumé, glad Matt had pushed to hire her. He remembered not thinking she had the background or level of experience TSR needed. Her competence during the kidnapping episode, ability to change directions on short notice, and willingness to accept any challenge had changed Linc’s mind.

  “What have you heard from Phreaker?” Linc set his cup down, leaning over Shane’s shoulder.

  “We’re clear. He’s working on tracking down the source.” Shane stood, stretching his arms above his head, letting out a groan. “Why don’t you go back to your kid, Linc? Matt and I will keep watch, and Tina can handle any client communication, although they don’t seem to be aware of what happened.”

  “I don’t like leaving when you two have been up most of the night.”

  Matt clasped a hand on Linc’s shoulder. “I hate to break this to you, bro, but by the look of you, I don’t think you’ve had much sleep either. Go on home to your son and your lady. We’re good here.”


  “Are you ready?” Selena stood several feet in front of Caid, a ball in her hand.

  Licking his lips, his face scrunched in concentration, Caid gripped the bat in both hands and nodded.

  “Okay. Here it comes.” She tossed the ball in a soft arc, holding her breath as he readied the bat and swung. “Oh my.” Clapping her hands, her gaze moved between the ball and Caid’s surprised expression.

  “I hit it!” Caid jumped up and down, still holding the bat as the ball skidded across the lawn toward the lake. His eyes wide, he stared at Selena. “Did you see it?”

  “I sure did.”

  “Can we do it again?” He took his place behind the line of string Selena had placed on the ground, unaware of Linc standing on the patio, his arms crossed, a smile on his face.

  “We sure can, but you’ll need to go get the ball.”

  Dropping the bat, Caid took off at a run.

  Selena’s heart hummed at a fast pace when she noticed Linc stalking toward her, his gaze unwavering and intent, face devoid of expression. Licking her lips, she took a step back, her face heating.

  “I didn’t know you were back.”

  Not answering, he stopped so close, his chest brushed against her. Without a word, he wrapped a hand behind her head, drawing her toward him as he lowered his mouth. Raking his hands through her hair, he held her steady, deepening the kiss, forgetting the audience a few feet away.

  “Ew, Dad. That’s gross,” Caid groaned.

  Pulling back, Linc glanced down at the disgusted expression on his son’s face, then looked back at Selena with a wry grin. “He won’t think so in a few years,” he whispered, kissing her once more. “That was some hit, Caid.”

  Caid’s face instantly turned into a smile. “You saw it?”

  “Not only that, I’ve been watching for a while.” Linc crouched, holding out his hand for the ball. “I guess we need to get a few more of these.”

  “Like, maybe a hundred, huh, Dad?”

  Linc bit back a smile at Caid’s pleading words. “Well, at least another ten or twelve. Maybe we can find a store before dinner. That is, if Selena agrees to join us.”

  “Oh, I don’t—” Selena began.

  “Please, Selena,” Caid begged.

  “You are the coach and should have final say on his equipment.” Linc grinned when her face colored. He loved the way he could make her blush.

  “Yeah,” Caid agreed, fiercely nodding his head.

  She laughed at the sincerity on both their faces. “I’d be honored to join you.”


  “What about this one, Dad?” Caid held up a jersey displaying the Seattle Mariners logo.

  “I thought you were a Pirates fan.”

  “Nooo.” He dragged the single word out. “Grandfather likes the Pirates. I like the Mariners.”

  “You know, Linc, most people around here tend to support the Washington teams.” Selena held back her laughter at the disgust on his face.

  “Seems I’m going to be outnumbered on this.” He wouldn’t mention he was more of a football than baseball fan, although he had followed the Yankees when he went to the Naval Academy. “Let’s make sure it fits.” Slipping the jersey over Caid’s head, he stepped back. “What do you think, Selena?”

  “I think you have a potential big leaguer living in the house.”

  “Guess you’ll need something to wear when baseball season rolls around,” Linc conceded, although he’d never intended to leave the store without it.

  Caid pumped his arm up and down. “Yes!”

  “Okay, we have a dozen balls, a helmet, new glove, and the jersey. Let’s get out of here.” Linc pulled out his wallet as he stepped up to the cashier. Handing the lady his card, he winced at the sound of his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he turned to Selena. “Sorry, I need to take this. Can you sign for me?”


  He stepped away from the counter, answering his phone. “What’s up, Matt?”

  “You aren’t going to believe this, but we have another serious attempt to hack the system. Phreaker says whoever it is went about it a little different this time.”

  “Can he contain it before the clients are alerted?” Linc turned to look over his shoulder, seeing Selena and
Caid standing next to a football display.

  “The clients are calling us. Apparently, a few have received anonymous calls telling them our system has been breached and their data compromised. It’s pure bull, but the clients don’t know that.”

  Linc lowered his voice, cursing under his breath. “Who the hell are they and what’s their intention?”

  “Don’t know the answer to the first question. The second is obvious. Our success has made TSR a target, which is never a good thing. I’d bet my last dollar it’s Simondson or one of the other firms we’ve beat out in the last couple years. Someone is getting tired of our winning percentage. Phreaker is working on tracking the source, but the first priority is thwarting the attack. You’re right, though. Our man needs help, and sooner rather than later.”

  “I need to take Selena and Caid home, then I’ll come in.” Linc paused at what he’d said about taking them home. The comment seemed so natural and right. He cleared his throat. “I’ll contact my guy on the way to the office.”

  “Does he know Phreaker?”

  “No, but he will.” Linc hung up, sliding the phone back into his pocket, joining Caid and Selena at the Seattle Seahawks display. “I suppose you’re going to root for the Seahawks, too.”

  Caid shook his head. “Maybe. Selena and I kind of like the Steelers.”

  Linc slapped a hand to his forehead in mock surprise. “Steelers?”

  “What team do you like?” Selena leaned toward him, sliding an arm through his.

  “The Packers. I mean, who doesn’t like a team owned by the entire town?” Pulling out his keys, he pressed a kiss to Selena’s temple. “We need to get going.”

  Selena cocked her head, narrowing her gaze at him. “Another issue at work?”

  “I’m afraid so. I need to call Nina and ask her to come over.”

  “No, I’ll stay with Caid.”

  “It may be another late night.” Linc cringed at the thought of another sleepless night. “You can sleep in my bed.” He unlocked the truck and opened the door, watching as Caid jumped into the back seat.

  “Is that a good idea with Caid’s room so close?”

  “That’s one of the reasons I want you in there. If he wakes up, my room is the first place he’ll go.”

  “And the other reason?” Selena asked, her brows lifting.

  He ran a hand down her hair, cupping her cheek. “I’d think that would be obvious.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Identifying the server will take more time, but the threat has been eliminated for now.”

  “Are you sure, Phreaker? We need to give our clients an update and can’t afford a miscommunication at this point.” Shane turned up the volume so Linc, Matt, and Tina could hear.

  “We’re good, man. Whoever it is, they’re real talented. But I’m better.” Phreaker’s confidence never wavered, a trait Linc appreciated and respected.

  “How much sleep have you gotten the last few days?” Linc knew the man must be running on a combination of adrenaline and caffeine.

  “Hey, dude, I’m good. Not to worry.”

  “You didn’t just call me dude, did you?” Linc shook his head. Humor had always been their relief when on missions with their SEAL team.

  “Hey, I’m from California. Deal with it. And while you’re at it, can you please delete Phreaker from your vocabulary? I seriously hate that moniker. Call me Tomás or Vega or Awesome Tech Genius. Your choice.”

  They all laughed, including Tina. She’d heard about his hatred of the nickname he’d been given in the Navy.

  “No worries, Vega. I think we can learn to accommodate you.” Matt looked at the others. Tina nodded, Shane shrugged, and Linc ignored them all, his expression neutral.

  “You and I need to speak, Vega. I’ll call you back in ten.” Linc hung up before turning toward the hall. “I’ll be back after the call.”

  Shane’s brows furrowed as he turned toward Matt. “What’s that about?”

  “I’m guessing Linc got in touch with his other contact. The one he wants to work with Phreak…I mean Vega. I don’t believe he thinks Vega is going to take it very well.”

  “Yeah, I don’t imagine he will.”


  “What do you mean no?” Linc’s voice signaled his irritation. Partly because of lack of sleep, and partly because he wasn’t used to his orders being rejected.

  “It’s English, man. Let me clear it up for you. No, I don’t need help. I’ve got this covered.”

  Linc pushed a hand through his thick hair. “Look, Tomás, you’ve got to be more exhausted than any of us, and we’re fried. This guy can pick right up with no hand-holding, and he’s known to us—another ex-SEAL. Tell me what your issue is?”

  “I don’t need someone looking over my shoulder all the time, messing up my work, putting TSR at more risk.” Vega’s voice sounded strained, irritated. “Besides, you know I can go days without sleep, the same as you. We’ve lived though much worse than this.”

  “True. The difference is we no longer have to. He’s going to be doing other work for TSR, activated to assist you only when threats like the latest ones escalate. We need a backup for you. As good as you are, there will be times we’ll need more resources.” Linc paused before dropping the last bomb. “Westfall starts tomorrow.”

  Linc held the phone away from his ear as a string of curses exploded from Vega. Leaning against the edge of his desk, he let him vent, knowing the man would eventually run out of steam.

  “Hell, Linc. Why didn’t you tell me up front you’d already hired him?”

  “For one, if you had valid reasons for not wanting Gray Westfall on your team, I would’ve honored them.”

  “I don’t have a team, Linc,” Vega shot back.

  “You do now.”


  Linc pushed open his bedroom door, relief flooding him at the sight of Selena sleeping on his side of the bed. Tossing his jacket on a chair and slipping out of his shoes, he stepped around the bed, noticing a small lump, Selena’s arm resting over it. Leaning down, he pulled back the covers, not surprised to see a sleeping Caid.

  At three in the morning, he was torn between disturbing his peaceful slumber to return him to his own bed, and crashing on the sofa across the room. The overwhelming desire to share his bed with Selena won out.

  “Come on, son,” he whispered, slipping his arms under Caid. Not waking, his eyes fluttered as Linc walked to his room and set him down in his bed, tucking the covers around him. Straightening, he watched Caid’s breath come out in soft puffs. His heart swelled at the knowledge this small boy belonged to him, connected to Linc in a way no other person had ever been. The knot in his chest tightened as he took a silent vow to do all in his power to keep Caid safe.

  Leaving the door ajar, he returned to his room, then stripped off his clothes. Slipping into bed, he pulled Selena close, tucking her tight against his chest, repeating the silent vow he’d made to Caid—this time, including the woman who had burrowed her way into his life and heart.

  Brushing a kiss across her brow, he closed his eyes, believing sleep would claim him within minutes. Instead, his mind continued to cycle through the events of the last few days. He’d called Gray Westfall to confirm their earlier discussion, bringing him up to date on the latest threats. Regardless of Vega’s objections, Westfall was solid and would make an excellent addition to TSR. The corners of Linc’s mouth lifted as he recalled the muttered oath Vega had made to his final comment.

  “Westfall is now a part of TSR. Deal with it.”

  Shane, Matt, and he had already agreed Gray would be brought into the inner circle. Along with Vega, five people would now shape the future of TSR, building a legacy which had now become critically important to Linc.

  His thoughts turned to the recent series of attacks. They needed to identify the source. If it were anyone other than Ephraim Simondson, he would be surprised. The man had become obsessed with thwarting the attempts by any firm to usurp Si
mondson’s place as a premier security provider in the northwest. The man was in denial. Almost two years ago, TSR had commandeered first place, leaving Ephraim’s company a distant second. Few men took defeat in stride, but none were more vocal in their contempt at being displaced than Simondson.

  They just needed proof. That was why he needed both Vega and Westfall working on the issue. His gut told him the threat was far from over, and Linc didn’t know how many more targeted attacks TSR could explain to their clients.


  Selena woke to bright light streaming through the blinds, strong arms holding her tight against a wall of solid muscle. She’d dreamed of waking in Linc’s arms, each morning signaling a day full of surprises and challenges. Blinking to clear her head, she tried to slide out of his embrace, only to find herself clutched within his bands of steel.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Linc’s husky voice stilled her movements as his mouth sucked lightly on the sensitive skin of her neck, then trailed kisses along her shoulder. She arched into him, feeling his hands splay across her stomach.

  Sighing, she relaxed against him, relishing each kiss, each caress, wishing they didn’t have to stop.

  “Caid will be coming in soon.” Her already sleepy voice became sultry, her need increasing with each touch. Turning to face him, she slid her arms around his neck, drawing his mouth down to hers. “I missed you last night,” she whispered against his lips, enjoying the feel of his hands tracing a pattern along her back to her hips, tightening his grip.

  Linc groaned at the sound of the door opening, footsteps padding toward the bed.

  “Oh no,” Selena moaned, knowing she’d waited too long to slip out of bed and into her clothes. She buried her head in Linc’s chest, wishing she could disappear.

  “Dad? Is Selena still here?” Caid climbed up on Linc’s side, resting his hands on his dad’s shoulders and glancing over, a smile blossoming on his face. “Can we play ball again today, Selena?”


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