Our Kind of Love

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Our Kind of Love Page 18

by Shirleen Davies

  Pulling into Selena’s driveway, he vowed to focus on her for the remainder of the afternoon. Other than Caid, she’d become the most important person in his life, burrowing under his skin and into his heart. Surprisingly, the extent of the love he had for her didn’t bother him as much as he’d always thought it would. All he had to do now was convince her of his feelings and hope she felt the same.

  “Hey. You’re here earlier than I expected.” Selena opened the door, stepping outside. Locking the door, she moved into his open arms, accepting the kiss he offered. “Hmmm, that’s the best greeting I’ve ever had.”

  His gaze wandered over her, unfamiliar fear flashing through him. Clearing his throat, he threaded his fingers through hers. “You hungry?”


  He tightened his grip before letting go to open the car door. “Good. I have a place in mind.”

  They drove in silence, Linc glancing at Selena more than once, seeing her relaxed.

  “It’s been a hectic few weeks.” His deep voice sounded unsteady, hesitant, as if he were searching for something to say.

  Selena tilted her head, studying his face. Reaching over, she rested a hand on his thigh. “Is everything all right?”

  Looking down, he placed his hand over hers. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just glad we’ve identified the source of the hacking.” He did feel fine, other than the lump in his throat and tightness in his chest.

  She shrugged, taking him at his word. He’d get around to telling her what bothered him on his own time. Pushing would do nothing but make it worse.

  Pulling into a parking place at a lakefront restaurant, he killed the engine. Walking around the car, he opened her door.

  “Come on. Let’s eat, then take a walk.” He held out a hand, helping her out, then slipped an arm around her shoulders.


  The table by a window, having a beautiful view of the lake, created a wonderful atmosphere. Selena tried to relax, devouring her vegetables with pasta while Linc finished off a hamburger with all the trimmings. Reaching across the table, she snagged a french fry, popped it into her mouth, then took another.

  Linc pushed the plate toward her and sat back. “Go for it. I’m too stuffed to eat any more.”

  He’d said little on the drive and less at the restaurant. Maybe the reality of becoming a father had finally settled in, causing him to rethink the rest of his life, including the people in it. Again, she pushed aside the uneasy feeling in her stomach, deciding to enjoy their time together.

  “How about a walk?” Linc stood, pulling out her chair, taking her hand. “I need to get some air.”

  They strolled along the water’s edge, Linc clutching her hand as if it were a lifeline. From this location, he could see the spot where, two months prior, he and Selena had their first real conversation. The day he’d made the decision she was much too good to let go.

  He’d tired of the single life, dating strictly to get out and away from his work. An inner voice told him Selena offered more, and he wanted it, wanted her. The doubts he’d felt over the last few weeks had more to do with his blundered first marriage than his feelings for Selena. He and Valerie had jumped into marriage after a couple weeks. It had never felt quite right, yet he’d gone ahead. If it weren’t for Caid, he would’ve considered the brief union a total failure.

  “Oh, look.” Selena pointed toward the lake where several geese swam in the cool water. “I thought they’d all be further south by now.”

  “There always seems to be a few stragglers.” Turning, he spotted an empty bench a few feet away. “Why don’t we sit and watch them?”

  The minutes ticked by, neither speaking as the sun warmed their faces. Linc blew out a shaky breath, shifting on the bench to look at Selena. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, he leaned over, brushing a kiss across her temple.

  “I know my life has been out of control the last few weeks. It hasn’t given us much time alone.”

  Her eyes crinkled as a grin lifted the corners of her mouth. “I don’t mind. What time we’ve had has been good, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, it’s been better than good. The weeks with you have been the best of my life.” He could feel her body shift toward him. “I know I’ve said this before, but Valerie and I weren’t in love. Lust, perhaps, but that’s a faint comparison to what I feel for you, Selena.”

  Her lips parted, her eyes growing wide as she sucked in a breath.

  “The first week we were together, I knew how I felt. I’ve held it in, not saying a word, hoping you’d come to feel the same. It’s no longer in me to keep silent.” He knelt before her. “This may be too soon for you. If it is, I’ll accept it and we’ll go on from there.” Taking her hands, he kissed her knuckles, then turned them over, placing warm kisses on her wrists and her palms. Glancing up, he noticed moisture in her eyes. “I love you, Selena. I’ve never said that to a woman before. I’ll do whatever is needed to keep you in my life. Tell me what you want, what will make you happy, and I’ll do my best to make it happen.”

  Pulling a hand free, she placed it over her mouth, tears glistening on her face. “You, Linc. You’re all I want.”

  He closed his eyes in relief and reached into his pocket. “Marry me, Selena. You, Caid, and I will build a life like no other. We’ll create our own kind of love unlike any other.” He opened his hand, revealing a stunning diamond and ruby ring.

  Blinking rapidly, trying to swipe tears from her face, she nodded.

  “Is that a yes?” he chuckled, although the knot in his gut still tugged at him.

  “Yes, and yes again. I love you, Linc. I have since the day you walked into my office, my sandals in your hand, and asked if I was Cinderella. Today, I believe I am.”


  Three months later…

  “Stand still, Selena. I’ll never get this veil on right if you keep moving.” Julia grabbed another clip, adjusting it until she felt satisfied it would hold. “There. Now you can move.”

  Selena stood in front of the mirror, still not quite believing within an hour she’d be Mrs. Lincoln Caldwell. The thought still sent shivers through her body, the same as every time Linc touched her.

  “Oh my.” Caly stood at the window, pulling back the curtain to stare toward the lawn where wedding guests were taking their seats.

  “What is it?” Julia asked, walking up beside her.

  “More like who. Right there, standing next to Linc’s parents.” Caly nodded toward a man in military uniform, awards on his left breast, a beret on his head. “Wow. Who invited him?”

  “All right. Now you’ve gotten my interest.” Selena joined them, poking her head between the two, looking in the direction they were staring. She bit back a smile when she recognized the officer from a photo in Linc’s study. The picture showed Linc’s older brother wearing a West Point uniform, a stern expression on a handsome, uncompromising face. The man outside had more creases, a deeper tan, and stood well over six feet tall.

  “That is one hot piece of male,” Caly breathed out, a hand coming to her throat.

  Julia burst out laughing, raising a hand to press it against her sister’s forehead. “Are you all right? I’ve never heard you react like this to any man.”

  Caly brushed Julia’s hand away, her expression turning to indignation. “That’s because I’ve never seen one as fine as that one.” She looked at Selena, then took another look outside. “Okay, spill it. Who is he?”

  “If I’m not mistaken, he’s Linc’s brother, Dez.” Selena was as surprised as Julia at Caly’s reaction. “Linc asked him to be his best man, but when he didn’t show for the rehearsal dinner, we figured he couldn’t make it.”

  “Well, he’s here now.” She made a show of fanning her face. “Excuse me, ladies. I think one of us should give him a formal Kerrigan welcome.” Caly dashed out of the room before either could respond.

  Julia cocked her head, then looked at Selena before they both started laughin

  “I never thought I’d live to see the day Caly reacted that way.” Julia turned back to the window. “Is he single, or is she in for a broken heart before she’s even met the man?”

  “According to Linc, he’s single—and a confirmed bachelor. I believe Linc said something to the effect the Army is his only love.” Selena shrugged, not quite understanding the uncompromising connection some people made with their career in the military.

  “There’s the minister. Looks like it’s time for this show to start.” Julia kissed Selena on the cheek. “I’ll send Dad to the foyer. Love you, Selena.”

  “Love you, too, Julia.”


  Holding a flute of champagne, Selena still had the broad smile she’d worn when walking down the aisle toward Linc. It had been an hour. She couldn’t seem to come down from the high.

  “Are you all right?” Linc slid an arm around her waist, brushing a kiss against her neck.

  “More than all right.” She rested her head on his shoulder, unable to suppress a sigh. “I can’t believe the changes to my life in less than six months.”

  His deep, throaty laugh had her drawing away and looking up at him. “All for the better, I hope.”

  “I couldn’t ask for more.” She scanned the crowd, seeing her youngest sisters, Danielle and Lillian, talking with several of their friends, and spotting Caid running around with a group of children. “I’m so glad Dez made it.”

  “He’s a hard man to pin down, although it appears Caly is doing her best to do just that.” He nodded toward the dance floor they’d set up in front of the band where Caly and Dez danced together. “She sure doesn’t waste time.”

  “You may need to warn her off. I don’t want to see her get hurt.” Selena watched the expression on her sister’s face as she danced with Dez. “I’ve never seen her act like this.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Dez and my parents leave in two days. If history repeats itself, I won’t see him again for a couple years.” Linc’s voice signaled his disappointment at not having more time with his brother.

  “We can always go visit him.”

  Linc’s brows drew together. “He has no real home, Selena. Wherever the Army sends him is his home. We have to wait for him to come to us.”

  “We wondered where you went, old man.” Matt clasped Linc on the shoulder as Shane, his girlfriend, and Linc’s closest colleagues at TSR formed a circle around the couple.

  Linc reached out, shaking hands with Tomás Vega, then Gray Westfall. “Good to see you all made it.”

  “Hey, we wouldn’t have missed it. Besides, there are many reasons to celebrate.” Shane slung an arm over his girlfriend’s shoulder.

  “The work is underway at the arts center, we’ve had no hacking attempts in three months, and Ephraim Simondson has charges pending against him and his company. Adam’s friends at the FBI say they have more evidence than needed to smack him with jail time and a huge fine.” Matt sent a look at Vega and Westfall.

  “The idiot didn’t know whoever he hired to sabotage us was either incompetent or a complete genius. No one could miss the trail right back to Simondson servers.” Vega brought his glass of beer up, taking a long swallow. “Too bad Tina took a job back east. She seemed to be the perfect fit to handle client communications.”

  Linc agreed, believing there was more to her leaving TSR than the job offer which had come out of nowhere. Maybe he’d get answers someday, maybe not. Today, he had everything he wanted.

  “Come on, guys. I’m in the mood to dance, and I’m sure these two want a few minutes alone.” Shane took his girlfriend’s hand, leading her toward the dance floor.

  Selena’s gaze followed them, searching for any sign of Caly or Dez. Not seeing either, she shot a look at Linc.

  “Have you seen Dez or Caly lately?”

  “They walked toward the bar a few minutes ago.” Linc settled a hand on Selena’s back, scanning the crowd. “I’ll be damned,” he muttered, not sure if what he saw should be shared with his bride.

  “What? Can you see them?”

  He cleared his throat, nodding toward the line of parked cars. Dez and Caly were wrapped around each other, giving the guests a real show.

  “Oh no. I’d better go warn her off.” Selena started to walk away before Linc grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

  “She’s a big girl, and Dez is a big boy.”

  “But…” Her voice faded as Dez opened the door to a magnificent Lamborghini, holding it wide as Caly slid inside. Regardless of the joy she felt, her heart sank. Wherever Caly and Dez were off to, Selena knew, deep in her heart, her sister would never be the same.

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  About the Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.

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  Other Books by Shirleen Davies


  Tougher than the Rest – Book One

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “A passionate, fast-paced story set in the untamed western frontier by an exciting new voice in historical romance.”

  Niall MacLaren is the oldest of four brothers, and the undisputed leader of the family. A widower, and single father, his focus is on building the MacLaren ranch into the largest and most successful in northern Arizona. He is serious about two things—his responsibility to the family and his future marriage to the wealthy, well-connected widow who will secure his place in the territory’s destiny.

  Katherine is determined to live the life she’s dreamed about. With a job waiting for her in the growing town of Los Angeles, California, the young teacher from Philadelphia begins a journey across the United States with only a couple of trunks and her spinster companion. Life is perfect for this adventurous, beautiful young woman, until an accident throws her into the arms of the one man who can destroy it all.

  Fighting his growing attraction and strong desire for the beautiful stranger, Niall is more determined than ever to push emotions aside to focus on his goals of wealth and political gain. But looking into the clear, blue eyes of the woman who could ruin everything, Niall discovers he will have to harden his heart and be tougher than he’s ever been in his life…Tougher than the Rest.

  Faster than the Rest – Book Two

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “Headstrong, brash, confident, and complex, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will captivate you with strong characters set in the wild and rugged western frontier.”

  Handsome, ruthless, young U.S. Marshal Jamie MacLaren had lost everything—his parents, his family connections, and his childhood sweetheart—but now
he’s back in Fire Mountain and ready for another chance. Just as he successfully reconnects with his family and starts to rebuild his life, he gets the unexpected and unwanted assignment of rescuing the woman who broke his heart.

  Beautiful, wealthy Victoria Wicklin chose money and power over love, but is now fighting for her life—or is she? Who has she become in the seven years since she left Fire Mountain to take up her life in San Francisco? Is she really as innocent as she says?

  Marshal MacLaren struggles to learn the truth and do his job, but the past and present lead him in different directions as his heart and brain wage battle. Is Victoria a victim or a villain? Is life offering him another chance, or just another heartbreak?

  As Jamie and Victoria struggle to uncover past secrets and come to grips with their shared passion, another danger arises. A life-altering danger that is out of their control and threatens to destroy any chance for a shared future.

  Harder than the Rest – Book Three

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain Historical Western Romance Series

  “They are men you want on your side. Hard, confident, and loyal, the MacLarens of Fire Mountain will seize your attention from the first page.”

  Will MacLaren is a hardened, plain-speaking bounty hunter. His life centers on finding men guilty of horrendous crimes and making sure justice is done. There is no place in his world for the carefree attitude he carried years before when a tragic event destroyed his dreams.

  Amanda is the daughter of a successful Colorado rancher. Determined and proud, she works hard to prove she is as capable as any man and worthy to be her father’s heir. When a stranger arrives, her independent nature collides with the strong pull toward the handsome ranch hand. But is he what he seems and could his secrets endanger her as well as her family?

  The last thing Will needs is to feel passion for another woman. But Amanda elicits feelings he thought were long buried. Can Will’s desire for her change him? Or will the vengeance he seeks against the one man he wants to destroy—a dangerous opponent without a conscious—continue to control his life?


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