Friendship on Fire (Love in Bloom: The Bradens, Book 3) Contemporary Romance

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Friendship on Fire (Love in Bloom: The Bradens, Book 3) Contemporary Romance Page 29

by Melissa Foster

  Savannah swiped the phone from his hand and ran across the room with it as she read his messages.

  “Oh.” She laughed. “Gosh, blush, blush.”

  Dane chased her. “Give me that, Savannah.” His voice boomed across the room.

  “Goodness, who knew you were so into Lacy? Those Snow sisters must be something else. Blake fell just as hard.” She turned her back to Dane as he swooped in and retrieved the phone.

  “How long have you been dating her?” Savannah asked Dane.

  “We’re not exactly dating,” Dane answered.

  “Don’t tell me you’re…sexting a girl you’ve never actually taken out,” Savannah said with a tsk.

  “I’m not sexting. Our schedules haven’t come together yet, but she’s coming to Treat’s wedding,” Dane explained.

  “Do you even know how to read a calendar? Are you telling me that she’s going to wait for you for the next three months?” Savannah shook her head and flopped into the now vacant couch.

  “I’d wait for Dane,” Jade joked.

  Rex pulled her close. “Oh no, you wouldn’t.”

  “We talk all the time,” Dane explained. “You know how crazy my schedule is.”

  “That’s crap, Dane. Make her a priority or set her free,” Treat said.

  “What makes you such an expert? Lacy understands my schedule,” Dane said.

  “Then I need to have a talk with her,” Treat said. “No woman deserves to be treated that way. It’s been, what? A year? Inexcusable. Shit or get off the pot. Women are different. You may have other women filling your nights, but I’d put money on the fact that Lacy Snow isn’t dating anyone else. I met her, Dane. She’s not that kind of girl.”

  Dane let out a breath. “Look, I’m not trying to hurt her. I really like her. Maybe too much.”

  “You haven’t even dated her yet,” Savannah reminded him.

  “No shit,” Dane said.

  “Okay, listen, guys, this is supposed to be a happy time for us,” Josh said. “Can we just break out the champagne and let Dane worry about his love life? I can’t wait to meet her, and if it’s at Treat and Max’s wedding, then it is. Whatever. Let’s just keep the good mojo rolling.”

  “You’re right; sorry,” Savannah said. “Dane, I’m really good at dating advice, and I’m here.” She stretched her arms out to the sides.

  Dane rolled his eyes. “Yeah, haven’t you and Connor Dean been off and on again forever?”

  Savannah looked away.

  “Sorry, man,” Dane said to Josh.

  “No worries.” Josh headed for the kitchen. “I’m breaking out the bubbly.”

  Dane followed him. “I’m really sorry for all that. Congratulations, Josh. I’m happy for you.” Dane leaned against the refrigerator, watching Josh uncork the champagne. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “For years, we’ve had no idea if you’re dating, much less who you’re dating, and then, all of a sudden, you’re getting married. How does that happen?” Dane asked.

  Josh spun around, ready to defend his relationship with Riley.

  “I don’t mean that in a judgmental way. I guess I mean, how did you know?” Dane added.

  Josh poured them each a glass of champagne. “One day nothing in your life makes sense except for the happiness you feel when you’re with that other person. And you get the sense that this meaningful life is floating around your head, just waiting for you to grab hold. That’s the best way I can explain it. There’s no secret message written in the wind or any of that shit. It just…is.” He shrugged.

  “When that day comes, Dane, you’ll have all sorts of crazy shit going on in your head. But, man…” He watched Riley walk into the kitchen, her long legs bare below her short red dress, her smile adding light to the expansive kitchen, and her eyes locked on his in a way that made Josh feel like he was the only thing that mattered.

  He reached for her and kissed her forehead. Then he turned back to Dane. “When it happens, you’ll thank your lucky stars that you were there to catch it.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  AFTER SPENDING CHRISTMAS with their families, Josh and Riley had come back to New York to prepare for the annual JBD New Year’s Eve party and to wrap up the loose ends regarding Claudia. Her attorney had been in touch with Josh’s attorney, and Josh had agreed to drop the sexual harassment charges in exchange for a public statement from Claudia stating that all allegations against Riley were unfounded. In addition, he demanded that she personally apologize to Riley, which she reluctantly had done. Now, as Riley stood beside the bed in their apartment, watching Josh secure his cuff links in place, her stomach was doing acrobatics for a different reason. Josh was going to announce their engagement tonight at the JBD New Year’s party. Riley had yet to see anyone other than Mia since returning to the city, and she had no idea how the others might react. Thankfully, Mia was genuinely happy for them.

  “Nervous?” Josh asked as he slipped his arms into his tuxedo coat.

  “Very,” she admitted.

  “Don’t be.” He crossed the room and touched her cheek with his palm.

  Riley leaned in to the familiar caress.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Not everyone is as cutthroat as you know who, and if anyone makes a remark about you sleeping your way to the top, you just smile and hold your head high,” Josh said.

  “That’s easy for you to say,” Riley said. She smoothed her long black gown along her waist.

  “Babe, do I embarrass you?” Josh asked.

  Riley spun around and ran her eyes down every inch of his six-foot-three frame, lingering over his arms, chest, and between his legs. She drew her eyes back up to his freshly shaven cheeks and took a step closer. She placed her hands on his cheeks, her engagement ring sparking in the light. She ran her hand through the side of his hair, loving the feel of him.

  “Never,” she said, then pulled him in to a deep kiss and pressed her body against his, feeling his arousal against her.

  “We’re not missing this,” he said with a smile. “You can seduce me all you want, but we’re going. We’re doing this, Ri.”

  “God, how can you know me so well?” She slipped her feet into her heels, secured the diamond earrings Josh had given her for Christmas in place, and feigned annoyance. “Shall we go?”

  Josh wrapped his arms around her from behind and nibbled her ear. “We can make time…before…if you want.”

  Riley playfully pushed him away. “You canned my strategy to dodge the party. Now you’ll have to wait.”

  MIA MET THEM at the front door, wearing a form-fitting navy gown with a plunging neckline and long, arm-hugging sleeves. “Everyone’s talking about you two; I just want to warn you.” She hugged Riley. “You look gorgeous. I knew that would be the perfect dress. Josh, wow, you clean up real nice,” she teased.

  “Thanks, Mia,” Josh said.

  “I’m a wreck. Are they saying horrible things about me?” Riley was so nervous she thought she might be sick. She clung to Josh’s hand with a vice grip.

  “They’d better not,” Josh said.

  She felt his arm tense.

  “No, no,” Mia said. “All anyone knows is that you two are dating, so they’re still in the have-you-heard-the-news stage of gossiping and trying to figure out what they missed over the holiday.”

  Riley let out a long breath. “Okay, I guess we need to get this over with.”

  Josh put his arm around her. “I’m right here. Besides, Savannah’s coming, so you’ll have even more support.”

  “She is?” Riley asked.

  “Yeah. She’s all bark, you know. She loves you,” Josh said.

  They headed into the ballroom, which was alive with festive music and the employees mingling among themselves.

  All eyes turned toward them when they entered the room. Riley tried to swallow past the lump that was pressing on her windpipe. OhGodohGodohGod. She clung to Josh’s hand and felt a hand slip around her

  “You are gorgeous,” Savannah whispered in her ear.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Riley said, remembering Savannah’s semithreat. “Savannah, I’m not going to hurt Josh,” she said.

  “I know. But if you ever are tempted to, you’ll hear my voice in your ear,” Savannah said with a wide smile.

  Josh and Riley made their way around the room hand in hand. Simone and K.T. were drinking champagne together when they approached. Riley felt the heat of Simone’s stare, wishing Mia were there to play interference. She and Simone had gotten close before the holiday, but Simone had an edge, and by the look in Simone’s eyes, Riley was on the wrong side of it at the moment.

  “Simone, K.T., I hope you’re having a nice evening,” Josh said.

  “Oh yes, Mr. B.,” K.T. said. “Riley, you look smashing. No Juicy for you tonight, huh? JBD all the way.”

  Riley bristled. Is he making fun of me? She looked down at her JBD gown, then forced herself to smile. “Thanks, K.T., you look great, too,” she said. “I love your dress, Simone.”

  “Thanks,” Simone said.

  Her answer came with a wave of icy wind. Here it goes. “I know I should have told you and Mia, but I didn’t know how to handle it. I’m sorry,” Riley said.

  Simone worked her jaw from side to side. She looked into her glass and shrugged.

  “Simone,” Josh said.

  “It’s okay,” Riley said. “I would be upset, too. Simone, I’m not a conniving, devious woman. I love Josh and I’ve loved him since we were kids. I just tried to ignore it and pushed it all away. I know you and I were getting close, and I should have trusted you and told you, but I was so scared. I didn’t want to be known as the girl who slept her way to the top, and it was—” She looked away as tears filled her eyes.

  “Babe, you don’t have to do this,” Josh said. He cast a stern look at Simone.

  “Yes, I do,” Riley whispered. “I’m fine.”

  Savannah sidled between Riley and Simone in her long green dress and tossed her fiery hair over her shoulder. “Simone? Hi, I’m Savannah, Josh’s sister. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  “Hi.” Simone eyed Savannah.

  “This whole stink-eye thing that’s going on? That’s not going to continue,” Savannah said. “It wasn’t easy for Josh and Riley to make the decision to keep their relationship private, but they had to because of scrutiny just like you’re showing right now.”

  Josh stepped in between the two women. “Savannah, that’s enough.”

  “No, Josh, it’s not. That look she gave Riley is exactly why Riley was afraid to let people know about you two,” Savannah said. “Riley’s going to be my sister-in-law, and if you think I’ll sit back and let anyone hurt her, you’re dead wrong.”

  “I’m sorry,” Simone said. “I’m not upset about you two seeing each other. I’m only upset because I thought Riley and I were getting close, and friends share shit like this.” Simone crossed her slim arms over her chest.

  Great. Now I’ve lost a friend, too.

  “Simone, honey,” K.T. said. “Calm down.”

  “No, this is all bullshit,” Simone said. Every muscle in her lean legs was taut and clearly visible beneath her short black dress. She motioned toward the other staff members as she spoke. “Yeah, Riley, everyone thinks you’ve slept your way to the top, so what?”

  “Simone, that’s enough,” Josh demanded.

  Riley took a step backward as the room went silent, save for Simone’s rant.

  “So what?” Simone continued. “You’re happy. Mr. B.’s happy. Who cares what anyone thinks? What I care about are friendships.” Simone looked from Riley to Josh, the sharp ends of her hair whipping against her cheek.

  “I said that’s enough, Simone,” Josh said. He took a step forward.

  “Simone!” Mia ran to her side. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Talking to Riley,” Simone snapped. Her black eyeglass frames slid down her nose. She pushed them up with her index finger and lifted her chin.

  “God, sometimes I wish you had an electric collar so I could zap you when you went off the deep end.” Mia dragged her a few feet away and said to Josh and Riley, “I’m sorry. You know how she can get when her feelings are hurt.”

  “It’s okay. Simone, get ahold of yourself,” Josh said.

  Riley pulled her hand free from Josh’s and went to Simone. “I’m a damned good friend. I am. You may not believe it, but you could ask Jade, my best friend…if she were here…which she’s not.” Oh God, where was I going with this? “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m not very thick-skinned. What my coworkers think is a big deal to me, and I wanted nothing more than to spill my guts to you and Mia, but I was so freaking scared. Even now, standing in the middle of this room with everyone looking at me, it’s my worst nightmare. So let me just say this, to everyone…” She turned and faced the other employees.

  “Riley.” Josh reached for her.

  She twisted away and raised her voice. “I’m sorry, okay?” she said to the others. “I fell in love with Josh and we kept it a secret, but it wasn’t meant to hurt anyone, and I didn’t sleep with him because he’s my boss.” She looked at Josh and lowered her voice as she took his hand. “I’ve known Josh all my life, and I spent years trying to push away the feelings I had for him and feeling like he was too good for me, and you know what? That’s what’s bullshit. Josh is the kindest, most generous person I know, and I’m proud to be with him. I’m not going to hide anymore, or feel bad because any of ya’ll think I did something wrong.” Oh God, ya’ll. She turned back to Simone. “And I’ll never hurt my friends if I can help it. I’m sorry, Simone.”

  “Okay, well, nothing like a grand entrance,” Josh said.

  A muffled laugh rose from the group.

  Josh addressed them. “Look, this is pretty simple. We’re in love. We’re getting married, and JBD is going to be JRBD very soon. I value each of you, and I have a speech ready that outlines exactly what I value about each one of you, but none of that matters at this juncture.” He went to Riley’s side and took her hands in his.

  Riley tried to steady her trembling limbs.

  Josh let go of one of her hands and turned back to the staff. “The bottom line is that whether it’s JBD or JRBD, we’re the same designing family we were before. We just have one more family member, and an important one. Ya’ll know I’m not one for ultimatums, but tonight I’m making one, so please listen carefully. Riley is going to be my wife, which means she’s more important to me than anything else. If you cannot see yourself working in our offices with Riley and me as equal partners in the business, or if you feel that you’ll cast sneers in her direction, or you cannot refrain from gossiping about her, or us, then please take this time to walk out those doors forever, because I will not tolerate snide looks, nasty comments, or any type of innuendos.”

  “Ya’ll?” Riley whispered.

  “Sometimes I slip,” he said with a wink.

  “Sorry I gave you the stink eye,” Simone said to Riley.

  “Sorry I didn’t tell you about me and Josh.” Riley embraced Simone.

  Hushed whispers rose from the crowd. Savannah and Mia appeared by Josh’s side.

  “That’s what you should have done ages ago,” Savannah said.

  “I’m just learning about this relationship stuff,” Josh said.

  “Mr. B., look.” Mia turned toward Riley, who was now surrounded by the other staff members. “I think things are going to be okay,” Mia said.

  Josh let out a breath as he watched his fiancée with the employees he trusted, and he realized that the protective instincts he’d felt for Riley were never going to change.

  Riley noticed Josh watching her with the other staff members with a concerned look in his eye, and she went to his side.

  “Thanks for standing up for me. I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much,” she said.

  He pulled her against him. “Nothing you do could ever embarras
s me. I’m just going to have to get used to the Incredible Hulk rearing his powerful head and taking my body over every once in a while.”

  Riley pressed her hips against his. “Mm. Incredible Hulk? Powerful head? Now, that’s something we should explore.”

  “Get a room,” Savannah teased.

  “You know, that’s not a bad idea.” Josh kissed Riley. “Mia, can you handle the rest of this?”

  “I’ve got this,” Mia said.

  “You have to make your speech,” Riley reminded him as he pulled her toward the door.

  “I think I just did. Come on. Let’s go find some his-and-her edible underwear.”

  The End

  Please enjoy a preview of the next

  Love in Bloom novel

  Sea of Love

  The Bradens, Book Four

  Love in Bloom Series

  Melissa Foster

  Chapter One

  LACY SNOW SAT between Kaylie Crew and Danica Carter, literally surrounded by her half sisters. In the year and a half since she’d met them, they’d become her closest friends, her coconspirators, and the women she most looked up to. She’d known they existed her whole life, but as the child of their father’s mistress of more than twenty years, she couldn’t exactly knock on their front door and introduce herself.

  Kaylie reached for her hand and squeezed, flashing a sisterly smile. She and Lacy shared the same robin’s-egg-blue eyes and buttery blond hair, though Kaylie’s was shiny with a natural wave and Lacy’s was a mass of spiral curls, like Danica’s, save for the color. Danica took after their father with dark hair and olive skin.

  “God, this place is gorgeous,” Kaylie said.

  “It was built in a similar fashion to the original Chequesset Inn, which perished during an ice storm in the 1930s,” Lacy said.

  Max and Treat had fallen in love in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, and it was only fitting that they wed at the Wellfleet Inn. The two-story inn overlooked the bay. Treat owned resorts all over the world, so it came as no surprise when he purchased the inn and added it to his collection.


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