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The Stone of Elsira

Page 7

by Scott Kennedy

  Magnus Cordak rushed into the Royal Council's old wooden longhouse in the centre of Adlok and joined the rest of the inner Council personage in a meeting. He tried his best to calm his breathing, adjusted his tie, and then entered the main room. The room was large with multiple animal skull mounds throughout. The centre of the room had a large round table with nine men sitting by it.

  “You’re late Magnus,” a Council member said, who was wearing different coloured clothing to the others. He shot a stern look over at Magnus.

  “Sorry Lord Auberon. My wife had kept me this morning.”

  The rest of the Council members were silent. Lord Auberon broke the silence.

  “A person has escaped Adlok, for the first time in ten years. How was this possible? I have summoned you all here today so that we can discuss this matter.”

  The other members of the council talked amongst themselves, each giving light suggestions, but no one was sure for certain. As the minutes passed Lord Auberon grew more angry and impatient.

  “Does not anyone know?!” Lord Auberon shouted, while banging his fists on the table.

  “My lord, I think I know who it was. My wife's son, Zupher.”

  There was a momentary silence among the members.

  “Why would a child want to escape Adlok; what do they know of what lies beyond the city walls?” One of the council members queried.

  Lord Auberon eyed Magnus. “Did you give him details of places beyond Adlok?”

  “No my lord, I swear. Come to think about it, it may have been his grandfather who informed him.

  His grandfather was Aerin, the man we recently assassinated. I suspect that he may have known about places outside Adlok and that is why Zupher eagerly escaped.”

  “Is that so? Well, my scientists have developed a new android that has the capability of locating a person anywhere. Provided that you have a remnant or piece of the person’s body, such as blood or hair. The android will be able to hunt him down and bring him back to us.”

  Lord Auberon looked over at Magnus and clearly wasn't offering him a choice in the matter.

  “Yes my lord, I shall bring something that was once a part of his body for you as soon as possible.”

  Lord Auberon dismissed Magnus and the rest of the Council members and headed over into the basement of the longhouse and spoke to his lead scientist.

  “Our android will be needed for service as soon as possible. Make sure it is ready and fully functional by tomorrow.”

  Lord Auberon looked over to the android, bound by multiple wires. It was silver throughout and was the size of an average man. It had one large lens in the centre of its forehead.

  The scientist nodded his head and replied nervously.

  “Yes Lord Auberon, it will be ready for use midday tomorrow.”

  “Excellent, I look forward to seeing your top-notch creation in action.”

  Lord Auberon nodded at the scientist and headed back up to his study.

  Chapter 14

  A Masquerading Vampire

  Zupher woke up, got dressed and headed towards the foyer.

  In the apprentice mage's corridor Zupher saw Falion walking just ahead of him.

  “Hey there, Falion, wait up!”

  Falion turned around and silently waited for Zupher to reach him.

  “Hey man, you’re heading to the foyer right? I just thought we could talk a little. I don't know much about you.”

  Falion's expression lit up and he gave a warm smile.

  “Sure, let's head over to the art section.”

  Zupher and Falion went over to the art section and sat by a few of the paintings Falion was working on.

  “I know I'm the most quiet guy around here, but it’s not because I don't like my fellow mages. It is just who I am, ya know. I prefer to have smaller social interactions and I don't feel all that comfortable in large groups. I joined the Arcane Society three years ago. I came from the western rocky canyon village. Most people in the village know of the Arcane Society, as it is the closest village from it. There just wasn't much of a future for me in the village. My parents insisted that I go into farming or hunting, but I've never felt those things. My interests lie in the world of art and the arcane. Opportunities for such interests were absent in the village I was from, so I decided to leave for the Arcane Society as soon as I turned eighteen.”

  “What did your folks think about you leaving the village indefinitely?” Zupher asked.

  “I tried to explain to them how I felt and persuade them to accept my wishes, but they never did, so I had no other choice but to escape my village,” Falion said, maintaining less eye contact than before.

  “I also had to escape my village. It was difficult, but ultimately I feel it was the right decision to make.” Zupher and Falion gave each other a gesture of respect.

  Xenos suddenly appeared before them and was looking at Zupher.

  “Zupher, you are needed. Please come with me to the lounge area.”

  Appearing to be tight with time, Xenos folded his arms and didn't break eye contact with Zupher.

  “It was good talking to you Falion; we'll talk more later on, okay.”

  Zupher shook Falion’s hand and proceeded to follow Xenos towards the lounge area.

  Once they arrived at the lounge, there was no one else there but Racer, casually sitting on a couch, smoking a cigar.

  Xenos sat beside Racer and said.

  “Racer, we have been contacted by personage from the Lakeside Village. They seek the help of the Arcane Society to identify a masquerading vampire, lurking in their village. Apparently six persons have been attacked in their homes and on the street by this vampire. I have spoken to the Archmage about this and he wants you to bring it back to the Arcane Society for interrogation. I want you to head over to Lakeside Village today and commence with the mission. I shall train Zupher during your absence.”

  Racer looked at Xenos, not bearing much emotion.

  “There will be no need for that Xenos.”

  He then looked at Zupher with a broad grin.

  “Zupher is more than capable to go on this mission alone.”

  Xenos was shocked and silent for a few moments.

  “I beg your pardon sir? He is but an apprentice. Dealing with a vampire is no task appropriate for an apprentice!”

  “Zupher is especially talented, as you know. He did an excellent job yesterday learning and performing an Enthralment spell. I'm sure he has what it takes. If, for some reason he fails, I will take full responsibility.”

  Xenos was silent for a few moments, his gaze concentrated on Zupher. He then stood up and turned his back.

  “Racer, I trust your judgement. In that case while Zupher is gone, I want you to supervise Oriel in his training.”

  “Certainly,” Racer replied with a nod of contentment.

  Xenos walked away toward the training halls.

  “Where exactly is Lakeside Village?” Zupher asked, his tone lower than usual, slightly overwhelmed by the surprise.

  “Here lad, come a little closer and have a look.”

  Racer pulled up a folded map from his pocket.

  “So we are here, and as you know, the sanctuary of the Arcane Society is located in the southern swamp. Lakeside Village is located northwest of the sanctuary. As you progress northwest you'll come across a large lake. You'll have to get on a raft to sail across the lake towards the village.”

  Racer pointed on the map and indicated to Zupher the direction he should take.

  “How shall I go about obtaining a raft?” Zupher asked, raising his eyebrow.

  “I am going to give you a scroll for summoning a horse for your journey. There is a lodge right by the shore of the lake. I'll send word over to the personage of the lodge and they will supply you with a raft. Please excuse me for a minute.”

  Racer retired towards his living quarters to fetch the scroll. Zupher sat down and pondered on the task he had at hand.

  'This feels a little major,
I must say. But Racer's trust in me seems to be almost indomitable and if I pull this off, it’ll certainly do me wonders in the Society.' Zupher thought to himself.

  Zupher noticed that Najla was approaching him. He shifted his posture on the couch and greeted her.

  “Morning Najla.”

  Najla sat right beside Zupher and stroked her long black hair.

  “Hey Zupher, tell me, are all the boys in Adlok as handsome as you are?”

  “I guess not,” Zupher said, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  “You know, I thought there'd never be a decent guy here. I mean, you get that Oriel character, loud-mouthed and arrogant. You then get that creepy dude Falion. Who knows what goes on in his head! Apart from them, there are no other young guys. I'm so relieved you came along.”

  Najla gave Zupher a smirk and placed her hand on his lap.

  Zupher awkwardly looked to his side and saw Muriel coming over. He then quickly brushed Najla's hand aside and shifted his position away from Najla.

  Muriel stood by in silence, staring at Zupher.

  “It’s not what it looks like, honest. Najla seems to like getting comfortable with all the guys,” Zupher frantically said.

  Najla stood up and looked at Zupher with a large frown.

  “I should of known, how typical. Your interests lie in a mundane girl like her. You don't know what you're missing out on, I tell you.”

  Najla waltzed away, shooting a stern look over at Muriel when she passed her.

  Muriel let out an exasperated sigh and sat opposite Zupher.

  “I don't know what’s up with her. I could just sense yesterday that she has nothing but bad vibes for me. It’s not like I did anything to upset her. I really don't get the deal with people like that.”

  “She's just jealous of you.”

  “Really, you think?”

  “Yeah, I am one-hundred percent sure. She tried to pull a move on me just to get you jealous.”

  “Okay, that explains a lot.”

  Muriel winked at Zupher. Moments later Racer appeared back from his living quarters.

  “Ah Muriel, good to see you this morning. Are you well?”

  “Yes, thank you. Your side?”

  “Well as can be, dear. I am excited for Zupher. He is about to commence on an exciting mission!”

  Muriel looked at Zupher in a way that clearly indicated she was interested to know more.

  “I am to head over to Lakeside Village, identify a masquerading vampire, and bring it back to the Arcane Society for interrogation.”

  Muriel gasped with rapture. She then turned to look Racer dead in the eye.

  “Could I please join him sir? I promise to be most useful on the task! Zupher and I have already worked well in a team during the journey we took to get here.”

  Racer took a cigar from his satchel and lit it.

  “I'm afraid that will not be possible dear. This mission is exclusive to Zupher as a real test of his latent potential. I do believe that you two will work well in a team, so we will consider that for future missions, however, this one is strictly a solo mission for Zupher.”

  Muriel looked down and let out a light sigh.

  Racer walked up to Zupher.

  “Here is your scroll lad, and here is some silver, for any expenses you may have in the village. I recommend you throw salt at the vampire once you identify it. That'll help you tremendously to weaken it and make it vulnerable to psychic attack. I have some salt here that was personally consecrated by Fae. Trying to inflict physical damage before using the salt, will do you little to no good." Racer handed the scroll, silver and enchanted salt to Zupher.

  “You best get going ASAP. If there's any place you'd want to camp for the night, if need be, it should be at the village.”

  Chapter 15


  Zupher left the sanctuary and headed northwest towards Lakeside Village. By the time he had left the swamp, Zupher had a look at the scroll for summoning a horse. Racer had told him that to use this summoning scroll successfully, he would have to read out the scrolls incantation and then sign his name on the scroll with the enchanted quiver that comes with the scroll. He read the incantation and signed with the enchanted quiver. A few seconds passed. The grass on the ground before Zupher started to vibrate; the leaves in his nearby radius all blew away. A spectral horse slowly manifested before him. Zupher approached, with a little hesitation. He had never ridden a horse before, nevertheless a spectral one. As soon as Zupher placed his hand on the horse, it spoke to him.

  “Finally summoned again! Wow, I had thought no one would ever use this scroll.”

  Zupher looked at the horse before him in amazement. The horse spoke with a sharp accent.

  “Blasted scrolls! Only gives one a small chance of getting summoned. I used to be summoned on behalf of a spell, you know.”

  “Why were your summoning conditions changed into a scroll?”

  The spectral horse energetically trotted around Zupher and leapt two metres into the air over a nearby boulder.

  “Because I have energy and enthusiasm my friend! I am not so keen on unconditionally obeying the orders of my summoner as if I am some thrall. I wish to communicate and work with my summoner.”

  “I hope we can work well as a team then. I want to head to Lakeside Village. We'll be heading northwest to get there.”

  “Dear boy, we're not going to get anywhere if you don't hop on now, will we!”

  The spectral horse approached a cautious Zupher.

  “I've never been on a horse before, but I have a feeling, you've previously dealt with this situation.”

  Zupher jumped on and the spectral horse jolted northwest.

  “Now keep that posture erect and stabilised friend, hold on tight and just have faith in me,” the spectral horse said, laughing.

  “Working on it,” Zupher said, trying to adjust to the motion accordingly.

  “Aye friend, you know, I was once a normal, living horse on this plane. I was then killed by a conjurer and he soul-trapped me, so that I could be summoned in spectral form.”

  “Wow, that sounds pretty rough. Is that how all summoned creatures work?”

  “I can't speak on behalf of other techniques, however, I can speak from direct experience as to what has happened to me.”

  “Is there any way you can break free from it?”

  “If the crystal that contains my trapped soul is broken, yes.”

  Zupher and the spectral horse, continued in silence towards the lake.

  Zupher reached the bank of the lake, which was a lot bigger than he had first expected. There was a wooden lodge nearby that was letting out rafts.

  “So we'll have to part ways for now. How long will you still be around?”

  “The scroll spell you used is in effect for twenty-four hours. Rub your finger where you signed on the scroll and I'll reappear, provided it is not too late!”

  The spectral horse slowly faded away.

  Zupher walked into the lodge and found an elderly man sitting by a pooltable.

  “Good day sir, I see that you offer rafts towards Lakeside Village.”

  The sailor got up, gave Zupher a quick glance and unlocked a door further into the lodge.

  The sailor seemed grumpy and irritable.

  “Wait here.”

  After a short time the sailor reappeared and wove to Zupher to follow him outside the lodge. They headed towards a garage that held the rafts. The sailor opened the gate and took off dust coverings on three rafts.

  “Okay kid, so as you can see we have three different rafts here. All different sizes. They all work well, so pick whichever one you need.”

  “I'll take the middle one please.”

  Zupher picked the middle-sized raft as it would be necessary for his hostage on his return.

  “How do you wish to pay?”

  “I am a member of the Arcane Society. I have a mission in Lakeside Village.”

  The sailor stroke through his

  “I am informed on that; just didn't think they'd send a youngster for this kind of job. Anyway the raft is all yours. Do you need a hand getting it to the lake or are you alright?”

  Zupher analysed the raft before him.

  “No thanks, should be good.”

  Zupher gave a gesture of respect to the sailor and pulled the raft towards the lakeside bank.

  It was a beautiful day and the sun was glimmering down and reflecting dark-piercing rays back onto him. The light had a cleansing and purifying effect on him that brought him warmth and security. Zupher pushed the raft onto the water, jumped on and made his way towards Lakeside Village. Drifting deeper into the lake, the water current calmed down and gentle ripples lightly hit the edges of the raft. The water was crystal clear with a wonderful clean, crisp smell and Zupher could nearly see all the way down to the bottom of the lake.

  Zupher sat down, took a deep breath of the cool, pristine air of the lake and closed his eyes.

  Vesser came to his mind. Zupher thought of a time, two years ago, when he had gone to the northern beach with her. It was one of the only times he had ever been to the beach, and one of the only times he had gone out on an excursion with Vesser only. Zupher remembered sitting next to her, enjoying the beautiful view of the northern sea, when she suddenly asked a question that he hadn't expected her to ask at all.

  “What do you think lies beyond the mysterious sea?”

  “According to dad, nothing.”

  “Dad and the Council have a lot to say. The way that it's forbidden for anyone to explore the outer areas of the city is kind of suspicious. I've been thinking about this of late, and I reckon that they might be hiding something out there from us.”

  Zupher was startled at what he had just heard. Vesser never spent nearly as much time with their grandfather to hear the many tales he had to tell, but somehow developed a similar insight to him. Zupher from that point had started developing a much deeper relationship and closer bond with Vesser than he had before. All seemed to be going well until three weeks after that day at the beach.

  Late in the evening one night, Vesser opened Zupher's door and sat down on one of the vacant chairs in his room. She looked as if she had just been crying.


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