The Stone of Elsira

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The Stone of Elsira Page 8

by Scott Kennedy

  “We need to talk.” Zupher could sense unease in her voice.

  “Last night, I woke up to get some water from the fridge. As I was about to head downstairs, I couldn't help but notice shouting coming from mom and dad's room. I walked up to the door and listened in. Mom was angry with dad with regards to the time and attention he gives to us. Dad was very defensive and was protesting against all of mom's claims with excuses. The statement that struck me the most came from mom.

  She said, “If you were their real father, maybe you'd understand how much they are in dire need of your presence.”

  After hearing that, I left and went back to my room. To be honest with you, it wasn't a total surprise to me. I always had this subconscious feeling that Magnus isn't our real father. But having heard it yesterday, with full confirmation, really hit me hard. I just thought I'd come in and tell you, because it is your every right to know. I don't know when they are going to tell us themselves, if they ever will. Goodnight Zupher.” Vesser rushed out, not giving Zupher a chance to reply.

  Since that day, Vesser never again never mentioned anything rebellious regarding the Royal Council, or the customs and laws of Adlok. She would always scorn and ridicule Zupher if he were to bring up such conversation. It was as if that revelation had changed her character.

  Zupher's head felt heavy and he looked down, in sorrow.

  Chapter 16

  Lakeside Village

  Zupher arrived at the shore of the Lakeside Village, it was just past dusk. He tied his raft to a tree that was close to the shore and headed further into the village. The inner village was paved with stone and most of the houses were quite large and posh. A grand fountain was in the centre. The village had a familiar and inviting feel to it. Zupher noticed a noisy inn, and he proceeded to walk in in an effort to gather some information on his target.

  He walked up to the bar counter of the inn and sat next to a lone man.

  “Hello sir, how are you doing this evening?” Zupher said, looking over to the man, smiling.

  The man put down the drink that was in his hand.

  “Content, who are you?”

  The man turned to look at Zupher. His face was sunburnt.

  “My name is Zupher. I am a mage from the Arcane Society. I was contracted to come here and identify a masquerading vampire in your village.”

  “The Arcane Society hey... I have a tale to tell that might capture your interest. Name’s Sirael. Three months ago, I set sail on the northern sea from Adlok. I had been a resident of Adlok my entire life. Sailing is a part of my blood, and it was something that I had started doing early in my life. Legend has it that my great-grandfather was said to have discovered islands north of the Adlok coastline. The whole idea of mysterious, uncharted land beyond the seas enticed me, so one day I planned to set forth on an expedition to explore the seas beyond Adlok. I knew that I would be unable to return to my normal life once I have undergone this expedition, as Adlok forbids any activity outside the city limits. I then made a deal with a friend that he would agree to propagate that I died in a fishing accident, and in return, I would give him a decent portion of my legacy. Life in Adlok is terrible, I hated it. I just felt so restricted and limited to the point that I felt nothing less than a machine. I couldn’t do what my heart longed for. So on the day when I commenced with the expedition, I packed survival supplies, long-lasting food and headed out with pride, knowing that it is one of the biggest risks that I could take, but ultimately I had little to lose and much more to gain.

  “After sailing north for about an hour, I came across a small island. I was filled with excitement and joy. I anchored my boat and set forth to explore the island. There was nothing much of interest in the island except for one thing. I came across the ruins of an ancient temple. The closer I got to it though, the harder it was for me to continue to proceed any further. I could only reach a certain point away from the temple ruins and I could not get any closer, no matter what I did. The walls and stones of the temple were filled with strange symbols and glyphs. There was also writing of a script that I had never seen in my life before, and paintings of a stone-like artefact that was consistent throughout the ruins. Very mysterious, I must say.”

  “Wow, you know, your story has spread in rumour. I actually heard about it in the Arcane Society. Do you mind telling me the rest of the story? I'd like to hear it from your mouth, if you don't mind.”

  “After I left the temple island, I didn't find any other islands. I searched for three whole days in a large proximity, but was unsuccessful. I decided to head back down south, but this time to the Western Lands. I had no idea for certain what to expect, but the gypsies had spoken about mythical beasts residing there. I arrived at the shore of the Western Lands and headed into a jungle. The environment there is extreme. Unsullied nature like you cannot believe. I saw all kinds of strange animals and insects, some gigantic in size. My chances of survival in such an environment would have been very slim, so I headed southeast towards the southern regions beyond Adlok. After three days of traversing the Western Lands I came across a wide plane, filled with the most colossal trees you have ever seen in your life. They were so tall that I could not even gauge exactly where the top of the tree was. It was fascinating. Then, near in the distance I saw it. I was stunned and stupefied. I closed my eyes, rubbed them and opened them again, thinking that what I had just seen was merely a product of my imagination, but it was still there. It was a ten-foot tall Minotaur. I moved behind one of the trees, and waited in anticipation for the Minotaur to move along. I must have waited for about an hour, but the whole time the Minotaur remained still, as if in a trance. It eventually did move and I dashed as quickly as I could towards a less exposed area. I must have initially arrived much deeper into the Western Lands than I anticipated. It felt like a labyrinth that I would never get out of. Fortunately, I gradually approached a massive river that was flowing eastward. I followed alongside it for another two days. Luckily I didn't encounter any major threats or mythological creatures. This river eventually led to Lake Mingran, where I discovered Lakeside Village. And here I am.”

  Sirael picked up his drink and had a long sip after speaking.

  “I actually escaped from Adlok as well, believe it or not! My goal was to join the Arcane Society and I fulfilled it.”

  “Great, isn't it kid. There is literally a whole new world out there from Adlok. If only the others just had the courage to get out there and discover it for themselves.”

  “It is not that easy though. Escaping Adlok is a tough feet, and most of its citizens are deeply brainwashed. Most will need help.”

  “Yeah, fair enough.”

  “Do you know anything about this masquerading vampire in the village?” Zupher asked.

  “I don't. I have no information on it whatsoever. However, I do know someone who was attacked by the vampire. I could tell you where to find him and then you could maybe ask him about it.”

  Zupher's expression lit up with hope.

  “Sure! Thanks so much.”

  Sirael gave a faint grin to Zupher.

  “Don't mention it. You can find him near the Grand Fountain in the centre of the village during the first hour or two of sunrise. He typically wears a yellow shirt and has long blonde hair. I'd tell you where he lives, but since he was attacked, he requested that I don't give out his address to strangers.”

  Zupher got up and shook the man's hand.

  “No worries sir. Thanks for sharing what you've told me. I hope you keep well!”

  Zupher went over to the reception of the inn and rented a room for the night.

  Chapter 17

  Enchanted Salt

  Zupher arose at the crack of dawn and headed straight to the Grand Fountain. He then sat on one of the nearby benches and waited eagerly for the vampire victim to arrive. No one was around just yet, besides the odd fisherman heading towards the lake. For the time being, Zupher watched the magnificent display of the fountain before him in awe and
the ephemeral beauty of sunrise. After a short while, a man approached the fountain who matched Sirael's description of the victim. Zupher walked up to the man and greeted him.

  “Good morning friend. My name is Zupher, mage of the Arcane Society. I have been sent here to root out and deal with a vampire masquerading in your village. I believe that you have been attacked by this vampire?”

  The man was sickly pale and melancholic.

  “Yes, it is true, and thank goodness you are finally here to deal with it.”

  Zupher gave the man a friendly reassuring pat on the back. The man's body temperature was low.

  “What can you tell me about this vampire?”

  The man directed his tired eyes at Zupher's face for this first time.

  “It was a stealthy attack during my sleep. I didn't see anything, feel anything or hear anything initially. I woke up in the morning feeling drained and lethargic to an extreme degree, which I had never felt before. I went to the village doctor, to no avail. They couldn't figure out the reason for my condition. I decided to eventually head to the village shaman. I found out from him that I was attacked by a vampire and I was the sixth person that had come to him bearing such a condition. Once I got home later that day, I noticed a strange patch of silver dust near my bed. I had no reason to have a patch of dust in my home, especially of that colour. I reckon it is a remnant from the vampire that attacked me.”

  “Do you still have the dust? Do you mind if I have some?” Zupher eagerly asked.

  “Yeah I do. It's still in my home. Follow me and we'll head over there.”

  Zupher followed the man to his home. He lived in an oval-shaped wooden house.

  “Here it is. I put all of it in this container. Do whatever you wish with it and keep it for however long you want. Please just find that vampire and get rid of it.” Zupher nodded and bowed out of respect to the man and took the container of vampire dust and headed back outside.

  Zupher opened up the container and rubbed some of the vampire's dust on his hands. It was smooth and brought a chilling feeling to his hands. He concentrated on the energy emanating from the vampire dust. It was the most unique energy he had ever felt.

  'This energy shouldn't be hard at all to distinguish. It is just a matter of knowing where to look.'

  Zupher headed back to the inn and sat on one of the middle tables. He then started rubbing the vampire dust on his hands and focused on identifying an aura in the proximity of the inn that matched the energy of the vampire dust. After fifteen minutes of meditation, Zupher found no link. He walked around the village and repeated the aura meditation process at a few more places, to no avail.

  “Damn it! I have even been to the cemetery and sensed nothing there. Where could this blasted vampire be hiding?!” Zupher said out loud, frustrated.

  Zupher walked over to the northern half of the city where there weren’t a lot of shops and attractions, aside from a bookstore.

  'Might as well go in here and take a break,' Zupher thought.

  Upon entering the bookstore, Zupher saw only three people inside; a clerk sitting by reception, an employee busy arranging shelves, and a hooded man sitting with his back turned, reading. Zupher took a long, hard look at the hooded man.

  'This has just got to be him. I'll do the aura meditation just to be sure though.'

  Seconds into the meditation, Zupher received a strong sensation. The vampire dust matched the hooded man's aura. Zupher reached into his pocket and grabbed the bag of enchanted salt that Racer had given him. He then slowly and casually headed to the vampire, pretending to be going through books. As Zupher walked directly passed the vampire, he threw out the enchanted salt directly into the vampire’s face. The vampire howled out in agony, and fell to the floor. Zupher projected his consciousness at the vampire's psyche with all his might. The salt had taken such a huge toll on the vampire, rendering it utterly defenceless. Zupher willed the vampire to unconditionally obey his every command.

  The vampire slowly stood up and followed Zupher outside the bookstore. As soon as the vampire walked outside in the sunshine, its eyes turned dark yellow and the parts of its face that the sun’s rays touched, wrinkled up and hardened. It remained silent. Zupher waited a few hours until late afternoon and then headed back to the sanctuary with his vampire thrall.

  Chapter 18

  Marshmallow Root

  Muriel woke up, feeling slightly drained. Taking Dahlia as her apprentice was harder than she'd anticipated. She was a highly enthusiastic girl with prospective talent, eager to improve her ability, but lacked the vital patience and discipline necessary for Herbal Alchemy and Healing, especially potion making. For her two training sessions Muriel refreshed Dahlia of the basics of potion making due to the absence of an adept in this school of magic for some time. The absence also enabled Dahlia to train more in different schools of magic, like Enchantment, which she had a fairly decent knowledge of.

  Muriel had her breakfast and headed to see Freya. Upon entering Freya's room, a gush of myrrh incense hit Muriel. The room had multiple red gemstones and was encircled by bushes of red roses. Muriel saw Freya facing an ice-dummy target, with a fireball burning on her hand. She cast off the fireball with a powerful thrust and it shot towards the ice dummy. In half a second the entire ice dummy was decimated with nothing but steam remaining. Freya slowly turned towards Muriel and smiled at her.

  “Muriel, how good to see you. Here for a mission hey?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I can feel your avidity for making a name for yourself here. I empathise fully, as I also felt the exact same way when I started out.”

  Freya walked closer to Muriel.

  “The Archmage has personally requested for Marshmallow Root potions to be made for each of the apprentices. We don't have any of the herb left in supply so you'll have to go find some in the swamp. This kind of herb only grows in the southwestern region of the swamp and there have been goblin sightings there on the odd occasion, so be weary.”

  “I am familiar with the Marshmallow plant. I'll get on with it right away!”

  Muriel eagerly turned her back to head out of the sanctuary but was stopped by Freya's

  grasping hand.

  “Hold on just a minute dear. I want you to take Dahlia along with you. She hasn't been out on a mission in a long time, especially a Herbal Alchemy mission. I have a strong feeling that the experience will do her great.”

  Muriel let out a light sigh and nodded at Freya. She then walked back into the foyer and found Dahlia playing the piano.

  “I didn't know you could play the piano. You're pretty decent at it.”

  Dahlia blushed.

  “My mom taught it to me as early as I can remember. I love it as an alternative means to express myself outside of my esoteric interests.”

  “Freya has a mission for us. Well actually it is of interest to the Archmage himself. He wants us to collect Marshmallow Root so that we can make potions out of it for all of the apprentices here.”

  Dahlia's expression lit up.

  “That sounds wonderful! I haven't been out of this sanctuary in weeks.”

  “Excellent. I'll meet you outside the sanctuary in say, fifteen minutes?”

  “Certainly!” Dahlia sprung up from her chair and jolted towards her quarters.

  Right at the time they agreed upon, Muriel met Dahlia outside.

  “So, Freya told me that our best chance at finding Marshmallow Root will be in the southwest region of the swamp. We'll stay on the lookout for riverbanks as that is the most likely place we'll find it.”

  Muriel and Dahlia approached a pond that directly stood between them and the direction they were heading in.

  “Looks like we're going to have to swim across this one. There’s no real clear path to go around it.”

  “What?! Are you kidding me? Swimming in murky swamp waters?”

  Dahlia's former enthusiasm to the task plunged.

  “The sanctuary is located
in the middle of the swamp, so didn't it ever occur to you that we might have to swim in order to reach certain parts of it?”

  Dahlia rolled her eyes and let out a disgruntled sigh.

  “Freya won't be happy at all if you bail out here, so I suggest you leave whatever you feel cannot be in the water under a nearby stump or something, and follow me.”

  Shortly after speaking Muriel tied up her hair and jumped into the turbid lake waters and started swimming. After reaching just over halfway to the other side, Muriel heard a splash.

  'This'll be interesting,' Muriel thought to herself.

  As Muriel swam within a few feet away from the opposite bank, she heard a high-pitched screech coming from Dahlia. The screech was so loud that some birds in the upper trees of the swamp flew away.

  “Help me!” Dahlia yelled.

  Muriel swam towards Dahlia as fast as she could. Upon reaching her, Muriel couldn't notice any obvious problem.

  “What the hell is wrong?” Muriel asked.

  “Get them off!” Dahlia hysterically said, trembling in fear.

  Muriel wove hear hands underwater as there was no clear problem on the surface. After only ten seconds of checking, she stopped and gave Dahlia a grim look.

  “If something in a swamp touched you're body you need to investigate what it is. Not everything that you come across is going to be malign and dangerous. Those were merely tadpoles.”

  Dahlia calmed down and looked down in shame.

  “Sorry. I just had a terrible experience as a kid swimming in a lake. I'll be more careful now, promise. At least I am in safe hands with you.”

  Dahlia gave a warm smile, her eyes emitted a light twinkle.

  “It's okay, just stay close to me now and we'll be fine.”

  Muriel and Dahlia reached the southwest region of the swamp, which became more of a mangrove. They saw a river that served as a tributary to the waters of the mangrove. Alongside the bank of the river, Muriel noticed a few clusters of the Marshmallow plant by spotting its distinct white flowers. They headed up to the clusters.


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