The Stone of Elsira

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The Stone of Elsira Page 23

by Scott Kennedy

  Lord Auberon raised the stone high, and a beam of light shot out first to Arna's chest, then to Vesser’s, and finally back to his own. The three of them then vanished.

  Chapter 49

  Astral Realm

  “I wish teleportation was a little bit more comfortable,” Zupher said, rubbing his eyes.

  “I suppose the properties in the vanishing powder are exclusive to the Elven Kingdom?” Racer said, while looking at Muriel.

  “Indeed, and according to what I've studied, it’s only found in remote areas,” Muriel replied.

  The Elven Captain appeared from behind and eyed the mages with his hand stretched out. The mages took off the winter garments he'd given them earlier and handed it over to him.

  “So you're back, with the shroud, I see. Good.”

  The Elven Captain opened the throne door and made his way in. The mages followed. Behind the throne, there were colossal and beautifully decorated windowpanes. He walked up to a glass door directly behind the Elven Queen’s throne, which led to her private lookout. He knocked.

  “Your grace, the human mages have returned with the shroud.”

  Soon after the door opened, the Elven Captain nodded at the mages and began to make his way out of the throne room.

  The mages stood still in silence for a few moments.

  “Well, aren't you going to come and join me?”

  The mages stepped forward within the Elven Queen's lookout. Each one of their breaths was immediately taken away by the magnificent view; the entire scope of Wyvern’s Valley. There were beautiful hills and lush planes of fertile land with small mountain ranges in full view. The mages also saw the Elven River run straight through the valley towards the sunrise. The Elven Queen put the book down she was reading and smiled at the mages.

  “I see you've recovered my shroud.”

  Zupher handed the shroud over to her.

  The Elven Queen stroke her hand on its fabric and then tossed it next to her desk. It did not fall down to the floor but began levitating moments after she released it.

  “I asked my lead wizards to find out the best they could on this stone you speak about. For a while we thought we had no legitimate records on it, but we did eventually find something. It was from a traveller who passed by here many years ago. According to his record, the stone was never meant to be present or used in this realm. It was stolen by an islander cult from Astral Spirits that they'd worked with for centuries. The cultists somehow obtained the secrets of the stone and manifested it into this realm. They then used its power to seal the Astral Spirits within their own spiritual plane. Consequently, soon after doing this, they all mysteriously disappeared. He claims that there was no sources ever found suggesting the stone was the source of the spirits’ power; their use of the stone was unknown... My wizards and I have evaluated that if the spirits who created the stone are freed from their seal, Lord Auberon will be vulnerable. As soon as he activates a large flush of energy from the stone, the spirits will be able to remove the stone from his possession entirely.”

  “How can these spirits be freed?” Racer asked.

  “Well,” the Elven Queen replied while looking down at Wyvern's Valley. “We haven't been working directly with spirits for decades. However, considering this is the only way to stop him, I'll make an exception. My wizards tell me that the seals relative to the spirits who created the stone should be found within the temple of the cultists. Upon meditation of the seals, we'll be able to access their realm.

  “So that means we have to go back to the temple?” Racer asked, letting out a light sigh.

  “No, no need at all,” the Elven Queen replied.

  Xarthox appeared onto the lookout moments later.

  “Your grace,” Xarthox said bowing down, and had a proper look at each of the mages. Upon catching Zupher's gaze he winked.

  “This is one of my most highly esteemed wizards, Xarthox. He is going to enter one your minds and will trace your memory of the cultists temple, in order to learn the seal. So which one of you has the sharpest memories?”

  The mages looked at one another for a few moments. They then all nodded and Muriel said, “Me”.

  “Very well,” Xarthox replied.

  Xarthox directed his staff at Muriel. His eyes then rolled up and a burst of energy shot out of his staff. Upon hitting Muriel she fainted. The Elven Queen caught her. Ten seconds later, Muriel slowly opened her eyes and reached into her knapsack to sip a revitalising potion.

  “I saw three seals that were consistent in her memory. It appears that they are interconnected and are all necessary to enter the realm.”

  One of the Elven Guard came forth holding a sheet of wood and placed it before them. Xarthox then directed his staff at the wood and three seals appeared on it soon after.

  No one spoke for the next few seconds. The Elven Queen let off a light chuckle and said,

  “Now surely you don't expect me to go in there alone?”

  “You're highness! Of course not!” Bellona asserted. “How many of us can join you?”

  The Elven Queen eyed Xarthox.


  “This will be a profitable experience for the youth if you ask me.” The Elven Queen eyed Zupher and Muriel. They both knew exactly what her eyes were conveying. They held each other's hands and the Elven Queen's. Her left hand, which Zupher held, was cold and her right hand, which Muriel held, was warm. As soon as the Elven Queen formed a breathing pattern, Zupher and Muriel instantly became relaxed. She had an aura unlike anything they had ever felt before. After minute, the Elven Queen widened her eyes at the three seals before her and spread out her hands over them. The seals began to glow and within a flash, their minds were filled with light. Gradually, a strange world began to manifest before them. It was if they were high up within the clouds, but the colours and composition of the environment were surreal.

  The Elven Queen asked, “How's your vision? Clear enough?”

  Zupher and Muriel nodded.

  They then began to make their way toward a fortress seemingly floating within a colossal composition of storm clouds. The closer they got to the fortress, the stronger the wind got. Zupher and Muriel temporarily halted, drawing their hands over their eyes.

  “You need to relax in spirit realms. The more frightened or fearful you are, the more the realm will attempt to dispel you back to the material world.”

  The realm didn't feature much. All Zupher could see were endless clusters of clouds. It was as if nothing was really manifest in this realm in any form. The sealing of its spirits had turned it into a spiritual wasteland. Upon approaching the edge of the storm clouds, the Elven Queen beckoned them to grab her hands. “The spirits are sealed at the top of that fortress. Don't worry about being hurt here. Body does not exist here, only mind; and the mind has the power to transcend any environment.”

  As soon as Zupher and Muriel grasped the Elven Queen's hands, the three of them shot up. Upon reaching the top of the fortress, they witnessed a glowing sphere floating over a pool of dark liquid. Within the sphere were three ghoul-like figures moving about.

  “These must be the spirits of the stone,” the Elven Queen said.

  She stepped forward and drew her hand back to prevent Zupher from following her. Once she was within a few feet from the crystal, she closed her eyes and formed a peculiar sign on her hands. She then opened her eyes and the area slightly below the middle of her forehead began to glow. The regent power coming from the Elven Queen forced Zupher and Muriel to retreat a few steps. The Elven Queen then held the palm of her hand upright toward the sphere; a powerful surge of energy in a circular pulse emanated from her forehead and the sphere exploded causing the entire realm to be filled with light. Zupher and Muriel were rendered unconscious from the force.

  “It is done,” the Elven Queen said.

  “What about Zupher and Muriel?” Racer asked, slightly concerned at the sight of their unconscious bodies.

  The Elven Queen reached he
r arm out, clenched her fist, and pulled her arm back inwards; she then spread her hand out and wove it in the direction of Zupher and Muriel. In correspondence, the shroud levitated toward her, then to Zupher and Muriel. As it hovered over them, they slowly opened their eyes. Racer and Bellona stepped forward to help Zupher and Muriel stand up respectively.

  “The spirits have been freed. You ought to head back to Elshira and deal with him once and for all,” the Elven Queen said, looking towards to the horizon. “The vanishing powder we use can transport you to the end of the Elven Forest.”

  The mages, remained silent for a while. Slightly apprehensive about the disposition of Lord Auberon.

  The Elven Queen, turned around and lightly shrugged at the mages.

  “Your grace, it’s just that Lord Auberon was able to sack our sanctuary and overpower us even before he obtained the stone.”

  “What of this revolution you told me about? Surely by now it would have reached its climax. Without the stone in his possession, he won't be able to enthral a sheer multitude. Records on this stone indicate that is one of its principle uses. Plus, you'll now be facing him under different circumstances, both physically and mentally. Don't forget that the citizens of Adlok won't be particularly friendly with him either. However, from my experience vampires almost always have a gimmick or rabbit to pull out of their hat; so if you really need a hand, I'm sure Xarthox would be willing to assist, now would he?”

  The Elven Queen turned her head to Xarthox and winked.

  “Of course your highness,” Xarthox walked over to Zupher. “I see you didn't charge your wand yet?”

  “Been a little busy,” said Zupher letting out an awkward chuckle.

  “Hand it over.”

  Zupher gave the uncharged wand to Xarthox, who then pulled out a quiver and quill from his knapsack and started writing on the wand. Upon finishing, he gave it back to Zupher and asked him to hold it straight before him. Xarthox pointed his staff at the wand; it started to glow in correspondence with the wand. The glowing lasted for about thirty seconds.

  “Use that wand to summon me, with the incantation 'Sruth Toise'”.

  Xarthox then went over to Muriel and gave her another batch of vanishing powder.

  “Thank you so much for your help, you highness, we couldn't have done this without you,” Racer said. The other mages nodded and gestured a bow out of respect.

  “Sure. You ought to see me once again sometime.”

  The mages formed a circle in preparation of administering the vanishing powder when Xarthox, who had briefly left the lookout, returned and said, “Take this scroll and use it to summon a wyrm. It will help you to easily get to Adlok within no time and might even prove useful against Lord Auberon.”

  “A wyrm?” Zupher asked.

  “A dragon-like creature.”

  Xarthox handed the scroll over to Racer and went to stand by the Elven Queen’s side.

  The mages then joined hands and administered the vanishing powder, disappearing in an array of sparks.

  Chapter 50


  The mages teleported to the edge of the Elven Forest by the northern Elven River, close to where Muriel and Lucius fought the Forest Elves. South of the river, there was a large area of level space. The mages knew that this would be a perfect place to summon the wyrm.

  Racer opened the scroll and found a pendant within it that contained the wyrm’s soul. He put it on and read the incantation. Moments later, the wind started to pick up around the mages. It continued to increase in magnitude to the point where the mages rushed to a nearby tree, fearing they could be blown away. Racer the whole time, however, was seemingly not affected by the wind and remained still, with the wyrm soul pendant glowing around his neck. A loud, thunderbolt noise then roared from where Racer was directing the summoning, and a giant wyrm manifested before them. It retained its full features; it was not in spectral form and seemed to be at full power. The mages observed the wyrm in awe; it had two legs and two colossal arm-wings and was twenty-feet high and fifty-feet long. Racer approached the wyrm and it lowered its neck so that he could climb on. “What are you waiting for? C’mon over!”

  The rest of the mages hesitantly made their way towards the wyrm. Its sheer size and loud blaring cry intimidated them.

  “He's just excited to finally be summoned! He won't bite,” Racer said, laughing.

  The mages climbed on the wyrm one by one, and as soon as they all got into what they'd hope would be a comfortable position, the wyrm launched itself into the air in one mighty leap, and started soaring through the sky.

  “How do you control it?” Bellona shouted, trying to reach Racer's ears against the noise of the speed of flight.

  “It responds to the thoughts of its summoner; a psychic connection if you will.”

  Bellona nodded, feeling a little more comfortable along with the other mages. They were first heading towards Cross-river village. The mages agreed that they needed to gather all the help they could to face Lord Auberon.

  Within a short time, the wyrm was within the proximity of the village. Racer instructed it to land in the field where Lucius typically trained his students. Upon landing, the mages climbed off the wyrm and made their way to Elsje's shop.

  “She's started a shop?” Zupher asked.

  “Yes, she told me she would after Lucius started his magic school,” replied Muriel knocking on the door. “Elsje are you there?”



  Elsje opened the door and Muriel could immediately tell something was wrong.

  “Is everything alright? Look like you've been crying.”

  “Come in, I will explain.”

  The mages made their way into Elsje's shop and sat in her lounge, save Racer who stayed near the wyrm.

  “Lord Auberon, he came here.”

  “What?! Muriel asked in shock.

  “Zupher’s sister and mother came here after escaping Adlok and shortly after, Lord Auberon came here to abduct them.”

  Zupher could not believe what he had just heard.

  “My mom and sister?!”

  “Precisely,” Lucius uttered, coming forth from one of the rooms. He nearly killed me when I tried to retaliate. I was just about to contact Muriel, as a matter of fact. Good thing you guys came. Have you found out a way to stop him?”

  “The Elven Queen helped us free the spirits that the Stone owes its virtue to. The next time he releases a large influx of energy from the Stone, the spirits will be able to remove it from him.”

  Lucius's expression lit up.

  “We came here with a wyrm, so getting to him will be easy. We want you guys to join us; there is strength in unity.”

  “A wyrm?!” Lucius asked, bearing a wide grin.

  The mages nodded and started to make their way out of Elsje's hut. Muriel was the last person to reach the door and looked back to find that Elsje was standing dead-still behind her store counter. “Are you not coming? We need you Elsje.”

  “Muriel, I...”

  “Please. Do it for me, for Lucius, for the Arcane Society that was once so deep-seated in your life.”

  Elsje shed a tear from her left eye and raised her head. She was fear-ridden from Lord Auberon's malicious disposition and never wanted to be in his space again, but knew that Muriel's suggestion was more valid than her personal feelings. This was a time for her to truly serve the common weal.

  Chapter 51

  Lord Auberon's Bane

  Lord Auberon opened the door of the Council Longhouse and made his way outside. He had summoned all of his thralls to the central district. He could sense Zupher and the mages were on their way and he wanted to show them first-hand the extent of power he had unlocked. He clicked his hand and within moments a Council vampire rushed to his side.

  “My lord.”

  “Have you restrained the captives in the manner I requested?”

  “Yes my lord.”

  “Good. They will be her
e soon.”

  Lord Auberon walked by Arna and Vesser, who he had restrained at the same hanging polls that he and the rest of the Council vampires were on before. He then looked ahead to the multitude of Adlok’s citizens who were all under his control. A strange echo suddenly emanated in the distance. A few seconds passed and the echo returned, louder than the first. Lord Auberon looked toward the direction of the echo in anticipation. The cause of the echo then slowly began to manifest. As each second passed, it got bigger and bigger and coursed through the air. Lord Auberon looked directly with narrowed eyes at the creature approaching.

  “Is that a...”

  A thunderous cry interrupted Auberon’s words as the massive beast slowed down upon approach of the Council Longhouse.

  “A wyrm?!”

  There was no space for the wyrm to land. The entire floor was occupied by enthralled citizens.

  “Where are we going to land?” Bellona asked.

  “We will, the wyrm won't,” Racer replied, looking as if he had just realised something beyond profound.

  The wyrm hovered near the ground and the mages hopped off, followed by Lucius and Elsje. The enthralled citizens immediately hurried to restrain them. They did not resist. Lord Auberon started laughing, “Ha! Was that it? Not even going to put up a fight at all, even though you've came with a wyrm?!”

  The mages, Lucius and Elsje were then shoved and thrown before Lord Auberon. He let off a menacing smirk and pointed to the hanging polls.

  “You know, my Council and I would have been hanged if I did not have the Stone in my possession. Pity your mother and sister are not in such fortune!” Lord Auberon said, while shooting a piercing glance at Zupher.


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