The Wedding Planner

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The Wedding Planner Page 12

by Pavan Kaur

  "Cum for me, buttercup," Ocean tells me, and before he can finish the sentence, I cum. It's never felt this explosive before. I can feel Ocean as he is about to climax too. He thrusts harder, faster, and with my name leaving his lips, his orgasm erupts.

  Dropping on top of me, he starts kissing my neck, and I don't want him to stop. I want him to keep kissing me. He rolls to the side as we lay there panting. "That was amazing," he says, and I turn to face him. He gives me a kiss. "For us to do that again, I will keep us a secret." I don't say anything to him.

  He gets off the bed. "You leaving?" I ask him. It would be better if he did, but I want him to stay at the same time.

  “No, I plan on doing this again.” Giving me a wink, he walks to the bathroom. “You better be ready, because I am.”


  I woke up before Ocean did. I wanted to hit the slopes. I knew Tan and Amie would still be sleeping, so I went out alone. Just me and the snow, I can jump and not wait for everyone else to go.

  Last night was everything I hoped it would be. Ocean knew how to make me beg for more. I can still feel his lips on mine. I can feel his hands on my body. Do I regret last night? Not one bit, but I know I can't let it happen again. I just can't. He said he is good with keeping it a secret, but I can't take the risk. I have worked my ass off to make a name for myself. If word got around that I slept with the groom's brother, there is not one bride that will hire me. I have to be strong and I have to tell Ocean that last night should never have happened. I'm lying, but if I tell him I enjoyed it, there is no way he will walk away from me. If I say it was a mistake, then maybe he will leave me alone. I hope.

  “So, do we at least get to know some of the details about last night?” Tanya asks from behind me as I throw the last of the stuff into my bag.

  “What is there to know? What I thought was going to be amazing sex turned out to be the best sex of my life. Now I go back to London, where reality hits and I have a wedding to plan.” As shit as it sounds and no matter how much my body misses him touching me, I can’t lose my job.

  “Was it really amazing, or are you saying that…”

  “No, it was that amazing. He did things to my body, I swear I saw fireworks,” I cut Amie off. They are both trying to help me. They know how much I like Ocean, but for me it’s way past liking him. I want to spend all my time with him. I feel as if I’m lost knowing I have to walk away from him.

  “Hey, if he likes you as much as we all know he does, he will wait until after the wedding for you.” Tanya walks over to me, and gives me a hug. I needed a hug from a friend.

  "Hey don't forget me," Amie joins in on the hug, and I can't ask for better friends than these two.

  "Right, let's go. I have a feeling the guys are waiting for us and I have to get this conversation over with sooner rather than later," I tell them both. This is going to kill me. I don’t want to do this.

  Chapter 16


  Last night was everything and more. The moment we land back home, I plan on replaying the whole night with her. I knew she liked me just as much as I liked her. The more time I spend with her, the more I want to know everything. She’s the girl for me now, I don't want anyone else.

  When I woke up and she wasn't there, I panicked and thought she regretted what happened. Then I saw the note telling me she went to the slopes before we had to leave. I would have waited for her but the guys kept calling to get my bag packed.

  Waiting for the three of them to come down, Marc changed our flight so we could fly together. I could have kissed him for that.

  “Was it worth it? I mean becoming a pussy?” I shake my head at Blake. One of these days someone is going to punch him in the face.

  "Yes, it was," is the only answer I give him. There is no way I'm telling them about what happened last night, so he can stop with the questions.

  I see the girls walking over to us and I smile at Emma as she stops in front of me. "We have time for breakfast before we have to leave," Amie tells us, but my eyes are locked on Emma. Should I kiss her? Does this make us a couple? God, I hope it does.

  I stay where I am as the others make their way to breakfast. I’m not able to take my eyes away from her. "Morning, buttercup." I slowly lean down and give her a kiss, just a quick one. I want it to go on longer but she seems a little tense. "You regret last night?" I ask in almost a whisper.

  “No, not even a little bit, but…”

  "Last night isn't worth risking your job, even after I said we can keep it quiet." I never really knew what men meant when they said they’d been kicked so hard in the gut it hurt, until now. Until the girl I'm falling in love with kicks me.


  "No need to explain, I get it," I tell her. There isn't anything I can say for her to change her mind. I've explained I won't tell anyone about us, but she won't even try.

  "We can see how things are after the wedding, and…"

  “So, you want me to wait for you? You want to be with me, but in five months time, and in the meantime what? You date people, I date people? I’m ready for us now. Last night just told me what I already knew, you’re perfect. Everything about you is perfect. You’re the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen and last night was everything and more, and…”

  “Ocean, please. If there was any way this could work, I would make it work, but…”

  "See you after the wedding then," I almost whisper to her. I don't want to upset her. I want to make her happy. I want to see her smile every day. I want to kiss her every day, but for five months that won't happen. There isn’t much to say.

  “This isn’t easy for me either, I’m falling….”

  "Don't, please. That is just throwing salt on top of the wound," I say. I can't hear her say that word to me and know she's going to walk away from me. "Emma, I only want for you to be happy. If this is what you want then, I’ll wait for my date in August."

  “I’m happy with you,” she whispers to me, and I go to take a step forward just so I can kiss her, but I stop myself. I can see the tears building in her eyes. “Is it stupid to cry when we aren’t really together, but at the same time we are?”

  "In my eyes, we've been dating for over a month. Remember it was our one month anniversary last weekend," I look behind me. "We better get something to eat before we get our flight back home." I move out of the way so she can walk in front of me. The best weekend I've had in a long time has just turned into the worst in less than a minute.

  Pulling a chair out, I sit next to Blake and he leans over. “Not go well?’

  “Don’t ask. I’ve just been punched in the face,” I tell him, as Tanya looks over at me. Even though Amie and Tanya have never said it out loud, I know they were rooting for me and Emma to get together. The look on Tanya’s face tells me they tried to talk to her but it got nowhere.

  I look over at Emma, she's showing her phone to Tanya as it rings, then answers the phone. "Hello, Mum… Yes, Dad told me about her... Does it really matter?... Yes, I will meet you for lunch this week... Fine, I love you." Emma puts the phone in her bag.

  “Your mum find out about your dad’s new girlfriend?” Amie asks.

  “Yeah, and now I’m the one who has to listen to her moan about it,” Emma laughs, and I can’t help but smile as I hear that sound.

  This is hard now, but once I get back home, I'm going to make it my mission to stay the hell away from her. I don't think I can be around her and keep my hands to myself. Not seeing her every day is going to hurt.

  Ordering our breakfast, I get back to the chat happening at the table but I can't focus. Am I being a dick for asking her to put her career on the line for us? I want to say yes, but I know that we will work. I have so much confidence in us working that it's annoying me more that she won't even try.


  I said I was going to stay away from Emma, but every day this week I've sent her a cake, and she sent a text back every day. Most of the week we have been talking through text mess
ages. The conversations have been so good between us, we have joked around, even flirted. We’ve talked about everything from school to now. There was one night we didn't stop texting and chatting until one in the morning. She asked if I wanted to have coffee with her the other day and I told her that I would love to. I don't think it's a good idea. I'm not sure if I can stay away from her. Her last message has me confused.

  Emma - I miss you.

  I stared at the message for a long time. I had written a few different replies and deleted every single one of them. I throw my phone away from me. She is the one that wants to wait until after the wedding, not me. Why is she saying this now?

  Then this morning, my brother asked me to be at the meeting today with Emma. I did everything to try to get out of it. Neil explained Cassie wants me there. I guess I have to be there. So, here I am standing outside her office door. Taking a deep breath, I walk inside and my eyes lock with hers. I've missed looking into her eyes. I’m reminded of that night, how her body felt under mine. How her lips tasted. How she moaned my name, every little thing about that night is staring me in the face.

  “About time you got here. I need you to do something for me,” Cassie says and I finally break eye contact with Emma. I look over at Cassie and notice my brother is not there.

  “Where’s Neil?”

  “He had work, which worked out good as I wanted help with something and I thought you two can help me. She plans it, and you help her,” Cassie stands up. “I’ve told Emma everything. I have to leave. I don’t want Neil to know about it. Emma, when you have something, let me know.” Cassie gives me a smile and leaves the office. The temperature increases with just us in the room.

  There’s a moment we just stare at each other. "You look beautiful," I tell her. She does and I knew she would. It made coming here harder.

  “You look…” she bites her bottom lip, “sexy.” Now, that is not what I thought she would say, but I’m happy she said it.

  We stand there for a moment, the tension noticeable. "What does Cassie want help with?" I ask. One of us has to make the first move here or we're just going to stare at each other.

  “She wants us to get a few things for Neil, but she said if she does it he will know. She can’t keep it secret so we are doing it. I will tell her the night before the wedding,” Emma starts laughing. “I love that he knows she can’t keep it from him, I think a part of me would be like that too. I would tell him little things just to see how he would like it.”

  “I think I would love it,” I tell her, and her eyes lock with mine again. “I mean just looking at this wedding, the amount of thought you put into all this,” I stop before I say anything else. I thought I was falling for her, but this week away from her has told me that I’m in love with her. I’ve missed her so much. “So, what does she want to do for him?”

  "She wants a few things personalized with the wedding date. She wants to buy him a watch which will be engraved and a few other little things. I thought we could start with the watch. Go to a few shops." She grabs her bag and walks over to me. She stops in front of me, she smells amazing.

  “Would you like to go for lunch first?”

  “As in a nice meal before shopping or a lunch date?” She smiles at me and I start laughing.

  “A date. I told you before, I’m taking any dates I can get.” I give her a wink as I open the door. “We’re nearly at the two month anniversary,” I say, placing my hand on her lower back.

  “Emma.” She stops walking and turns around, as do I. “We need to talk about the two businesses joining together. If you can let me know when you’re free to talk?” The women’s eyes watch me and how close I am to Emma. Her eyes land on my arm and she can see it’s around her back. I move my hand but I don’t think it’s going to help.

  "I already told you, Betty. I'm not happy with the joined business, so whatever I have to say is not going to make any difference." I watch Betty looking at her and I can see what the girls were talking about. Betty is trying to push her out and I want to know why Emma is still here. "I put a file on your desk this morning. I'm not sure if you got it," Emma adds.

  “I did see it. I will look at it once I get back into the office.”

  "Everything I have to offer is in that file. Let me know what you think after but now I have to go. Cassie has asked me to do a few things for her." Emma turns around and we leave. As we get outside, Emma takes in a deep breath. "Where would you like to go?" I look around with a smile. "What are you smiling about?" Emma asks.

  “You always said our date would be just us and no friends, so I’m taking this as our first date. I know where I want to take you for lunch.”


  "You can keep saying it but it is, so let's go." Adrenaline races through my body with the touch of our hands. I’m sure she feels it too. "So I take it Betty is still a bitch to you."

  “Yeah, but I have a few weddings booked until this time next year. I will be busy without her in my ear the whole time.”

  Emma doesn't add any more onto that and I can tell she doesn't want to talk about it too much. I don't say anything to her. "I have the final design for the wedding cake," I look over at her as we go to cross the road.

  “I bet it’s going to look amazing. Do I get sneak peek before the wedding?”

  "Before we’re finished, we can go back to the shop," I tell her, and inside I'm so happy I get to spend the whole day with her. Walking through London town, we make our way to the restaurant. I know the owner of this place. We both went to University together and stayed in touch. He makes the best chicken pasta I've ever tasted.

  "We’re here. If I'm making this our first date, I'm going to make sure you remember where I took you." I open the door for her before she can say this is not a date. Staying away from her didn’t work. I’m going to be around all the time now. I plan on getting Tanya to help me too.

  Emma looks around the restaurant as the front of house girl comes over to me. “Hi, can you tell Jake that Ocean is here, please?” I tell her and turn to Emma placing my hand on her lower back.

  “You know the owner?”

  “I know the chef,” I respond, giving her a smile. That should get me a few bonus points.

  “Ocean, you haven’t been here for a while,” he stops and looks over at Emma. “And I see the reason you’re here now.” He puts his hand out to her. “Jake.”

  “Emma. You have a beautiful place,” she tells him as they shake hands. Jake plants a kiss on the back of hers.

  "You're a keeper," Jake tells her, and she starts laughing.

  “I told Emma you have the best chicken pasta, so don’t let me down.”

  "Well, I will be making you lunch then. Can I get you anything to drink?" We follow Jake to our table. The need to touch Emma is overwhelming, my hand instinctually finds her lower back.

  “Can I have a white wine please?” Emma asks as I pull out the chair for her. “Thank you.” She looks over her shoulder at me and it takes everything in me not to kiss her. I’m going to play this right. I’m going to charm the hell out of her.

  Sitting on the seat in front of her, I give my drink order to Jake and look at Emma as she digs her phone out of her bag. "I'm sorry," she looks at me, then answers her phone. ‘Hi Dad...I know Mum already called me about it... This is between you two. I love you both the same so if you are calling to moan about her I would like to get back to my lunch... Are you still free to see a friend of mine?" Emma starts looking through her bag again and pulls out pen and paper. She writes something down then pushes it over to me. "Thanks, Dad. I love you and lunch this week? See you then." Putting her phone away, she takes a sip of her wine Jake brought over while she was on the phone.

  "You know Marc might embarrass you," I start laughing. He’s obsessed with Emma’s dad.

  “I warned my dad, so he’s good to go,” her eyes lock with mine for a moment. “What are your plans to get me into bed at the end of this ‘date’?” Emma licks her lips and I
can’t help but smile at her.

  "Honestly, I am myself. What will it take to get you into my bed?" I ask her, and I can see it's got her thinking.

  “Not much to be honest. It’s a shame this is a lunch date and I’m working.” She grabs her glass of wine and brings it to her lips as her eyes watch me.

  "So, if this was dinner, things could have ended a little different?"

  “I wouldn’t have agreed to dinner. You saw my boss not long ago and how she is.” Her phone rings again and she shakes her head. “I’m so sorry. This must be the worst date you've been on.”

  "Ha, so this is a date," I get all excited and she starts laughing again.

  "Hello, Emma Cox… yes, this is Emma the wedding planner…. I'm sorry but you have to go through the planning service to book me…. When is the wedding?" Emma pulls out her planner and start flipping through it. "I think there must be a mistake. I'm out of the office at the moment but as soon as I get back I’ll have a look then I will get back to you... Thank you, bye." Emma tosses her phone on the table.

  “Want to talk about it?” I ask her.

  “I get the feeling they are stopping big weddings from coming to me.” She’s rubbing her head. I reach over, take her hand in mine and start rubbing it with my thumb.

  “Is there anything I can do?” For the first time, I don’t know how to help her.

  "No, I have to go back and see what Betty is saying. Maybe I am booked and I forgot to write it down," she says looking through her planner again. I don't believe it. She is the most organized person I know.

  I move my hand out of the way as Jakes plates us our food. Emma smiles. “Would you like some more wine?” Jake asks.

  “I wish, but I’m working,” Emma thanks him as she picks her fork up. “Oh my god, this is amazing. I can see why you bring your dates here.”


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