Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 11

by J. L. Perry

  Smug bastard!

  I reach for the doorknob. He still has hold of my arm. “I’m truly sorry Jacinta.” That’s the first time he’s called me by my real name. I like the way it sounds when he says it.

  He spins me around and pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me tight. It feels good to be in his arms again. I love the way he smells, it brings back memories of that night we spent together.

  I can’t let myself get close to him though. It hurts too much. I need to keep my distance. Unfortunately, that will mean I won’t get to see much of Blake either. Unless he comes to my apartment, I certainly won’t be coming back here.

  I place my palms on Mason’s chest. His body feels amazing under my hands. I can’t go there again. I push him away. “Stay the fuck away from me, arsehole!” I turn, open the door and walk away.

  “Please, Red,” he calls out as I walk towards the elevator. He’s still standing there, I can feel his eyes on me.

  “My name’s not fucking Red,” I snap without turning around. I hear the bastard chuckle. I flip him off before stepping into the elevator. As the doors close, I hear him laughing. Why does he find me so amusing?

  Seriously, who does that?

  I pull myself together before I reach my apartment. I’m glad to find that Connor is out. He left a note on the table saying he won’t be home for dinner. As I walk down the hall I hear the sounds of the television coming from my room. Cass must be back from her coffee date/sex romp with ‘Bank guy’. Who picks up a guy in the bank line? Oh right, my best friend.

  We can’t go anywhere without her picking up. The grocery store, motor registry, even stopped at traffic lights. It doesn’t matter where we are, if she thinks they’re cute she goes after them. She’s drop dead gorgeous, guys love her. She’s left a long line of broken hearts in her wake.

  I find her lying on my bed watching a movie. “Hey go and lay on your own damn bed,” I say jokingly.

  “I would if I had a TV and DVD player in my room bitch. I might go and buy myself one tomorrow, my parents can afford it.” We both laugh at her comment. She loves spending their money. I think it’s her way of getting back at them for being shitty parents.

  After kicking off my shoes I lay down beside her. When I tell her that Wolf turned out to be Connor’s best friend Mason, she can’t believe it.

  “Shut the fuck up!” she screams as she turns to face me. “You’re shitting me right?”

  “I’m not. It’s true. Can you believe it?” She burst out laughing. “He has a son too. He lives with him.”

  “No fucking way.”


  “Are you going to do the nasty with him again?” she asks. Of course I tell her no.

  “He doesn’t do girlfriends. I’m not interested in being somebody’s fuck buddy.”

  Cass and Connor do that sort of thing all the time, but that’s not me. What happened with Mason was a one-time thing, the only one night stand I’m ever going to have.

  I don’t mention what just happened with Mason. She’ll either go up there and kick his arse, which will upset Blake, or worse, tell Connor.

  We make plans to go shopping tomorrow instead. Cass wants me to buy an outfit for my big twenty-first birthday celebration, which is in two days’ time. I can only imagine what she is going to pick. Something slutty I’m sure.

  I don’t feel like cooking tonight and since Connor’s not going to be home for dinner, we decide to walk to the restaurant down the street. We both shower and change before we leave.

  Cass orders a bottle of wine for us to share while we wait for our food. After guzzling down the first two glasses, I’m starting to relax. I haven’t eaten much today, so the alcohol is giving me a good buzz.

  Cass is telling me about her date last night with ‘Bank guy’. I’m laughing my head off.

  “You really are a shameless hussy,” I say between laughs. I love her stories, they’re hilarious. I down my third glass of wine. I wish the food would come. Three wines on an empty stomach is making me a little drunk.

  “Jazzi!” Someone calls out. I’d recognise that sweet voice anywhere. I look to my left and notice Mason and Blake walking towards our table. I quickly divert my eyes away from Mason. He really is easy on the eye for a douche. I could stare at him all day. But, of course, that’s the last thing I’m going to do.

  I smile at Blake as he approaches. “Hey, little man. How’s your new room going?”

  “I love it Jazzi,” he replies enthusiastically. “Thank you for helping me set it up.” Well at least one of them, has manners. Mason could take a few lessons from his son.

  “I asked dad if you could come to dinner with us tonight, he said you were busy.” Yeah I bet he did. Arsehole!

  “Well he was right. I’m having dinner with my best friend. She is visiting me from Melbourne. She flew here to spend my birthday with me.” Shit. Why am I talking so much? Stupid alcohol!

  Blake steps a little closer to me when he notices Cassandra. He gives her the same frightened look he gave me when we met yesterday.

  “Hi cutie!” Cass says with a smile. Blake gives her a small smile back, before putting his head down. Poor little thing, I hate to think what he went through to be so scared of women.

  Blake leans over towards my ear. “Is it your birthday today?” he whispers.

  “No, my birthday is in two days’ time,” I whisper back.

  “It’s my birthday in two days, too.”

  “Really?” I squeal. He nods his head at me. He turns his head to look up at his dad.

  “Jazzi’s birthday is the same day as mine dad.”

  “Do you know what? That makes us birthday twins?” Birthday twins! Is there even such a thing? Alcohol makes me say the dumbest things.

  “Wow!” he says before looking up at his dad again. “Jazzi and I are birthday twins.” I can feel Mason’s eyes boring into me, I don’t dare look up at him. I divert my eyes towards Cassie instead. Her elbows are on the table, chin is resting in her hands. She’s staring up at Mason with a goofy grin on her face. God, she’s pathetic.

  I kick her under the table. “Ouch!” she squeals.

  The waitress comes over with our food. The boys are still standing there. It’s awkward. I’d invite them to join us but I don’t want Mason sitting at our table.

  Good, he gets the hint. “Come on buddy let’s find a table and let the girls eat their dinner in peace.”

  “I want to sit at Jazzi’s table.” Poor little guy. I want him at my table too, just not his father.

  “How about you come over to my place tomorrow and we can play X-Box or watch a movie?” The sad look on his face breaks my heart. “Hey, give me a smile little man?” I ask softly. “Remember, we’re birthday twins.”

  I hold my hand up in the air. A beautiful smile graces his face as he high fives me.

  “Call me tomorrow okay?” I say as I tickle his side. He giggles.

  “Bye Jazzi,” he says.

  “Ladies,” Mason says as he leads Blake away. I ignore him.

  “Holy fucking shit, Jaz,” Cass squeals. “I can’t remember him being that hot.”

  “Well you were pretty drunk that night at the club,” I remind her.

  “He couldn’t take his eyes off you the whole time they were standing there. He’s got the hots for you Jaz. I mean, I want to lick you from head to toe, hots for you.” I just laugh at her. She says some crazy things sometimes. The thought of him licking me all over makes my insides quiver. I remember exactly what his tongue felt like on my body.

  “Can we change the subject?” I don’t want to think about Mason, or his tongue for that matter.



  I couldn’t take my eyes off Red the whole time she talked to Blake. She’s so good with him. She’s obviously still pissed with me though, she didn’t make eye contact once. I need to make things good with her somehow. Being around her is hard, but the thought of not having her in my life at all, is

  I’d been hoping she’d invite us to sit with them. Obviously, she didn’t want that. Well, she didn’t want me to. She was genuinely happy to see Blake though. It was cute the way she said they were birthday twins. It made Blake happy.

  I try to focus on Blake while we eat. It’s hard knowing she is a few tables over. The waitress bring them another bottle of wine. The more they drink the louder they get. They are laughing and seem to be having a great old time, while I sit here like a miserable fuck. It appears she’s well and truly over the tears she shed when leaving my place earlier this afternoon.

  As I’m waiting for Blake to finish his dessert, the girls get up to leave. They’re arm in arm and laughing as they walk towards the entrance. She must have forgotten that we’re here because she’s walking out of the restaurant without saying goodbye.

  I don’t expect her to acknowledge me, she’s angry. But, I’m watching Blake stare at her. I want her to turn around and acknowledge him. I feel bad for the little guy.

  Before she reaches the door Blake calls out. “Bye Jazzi.” She turns around. It suddenly dawns on her that we are in fact still here. She leaves her friend standing there as she walks over to our table.

  She bends down and kisses Blake on the cheek. He put his head down, I think he’s embarrassed. I want one of those fucking kisses. Well, I actually want more than a kiss on the cheek but I’ll settle for anything right now. I remember how soft her lips felt on mine. I’d even settle for some eye contact, she still won’t look at me. Fuck she’s stubborn.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow my little birthday twin,” she says sweetly.

  “Okay Jazzi,” he’s beaming. It warms my heart to see him smile like that. He watches her walk away. He is still smiling. I’m mesmerised by the sexy little swing of her hips. My cock’s fucking aching again. I want to bite that sweet arse of hers. Jacinta turns before reaching the door and blows Blake a kiss. I wish that she was doing that to me.

  What is she fucking doing to me?

  She’s turned me into a pathetic little pussy. No girl has ever made me act like this. I’m pining over a chick, who clearly wants nothing to do with me. Maybe that’s the problem. I’m not used to being rejected.

  Later that night as I lay in bed, she’s on my mind. How can I get her to forgive me? It dawns on me that Blake had called her on my phone earlier today. I reach over to the bedside table and grab my phone. I decide to send her a text.

  Hi Jacinta, it’s Mason. I just want to tell you that I’m truly sorry for the way I treated you this afternoon. I hope you can forgive me. x

  I wait for her to reply to my message, she never does.



  When I read the message from Mason, I don’t know what to think or do about it. So, I ignore it. He hurt me yesterday and again today. Even if he does regret the way he acted, it’s for the best if we stay away from each other.

  The next morning there’s a knock on the door. I open it to find a delivery guy standing there with a huge arrangement of red roses. “I have a delivery for Jacinta Maloney,” he says. They’re probably from my parents, since it’s my birthday tomorrow. They left some presents here with Connor before leaving on their Cruise but, I know they’re upset that they can’t be here to celebrate with me.

  I sign for the flowers and carry them over to the table. They’re beautiful! I unpin the card that sits on the side of the arrangement. When I open it, I’m not prepared for what I read.


  The card’s not signed. There’s only one person who calls me Red. I lean forward and inhale their beautiful scent. I read the card again and sigh. Frankly, I don’t know what to do. I want to ring and thank him but, on the other hand, I don’t want to talk to him. If he can make me hurt like this after a few short days, I hate to think what he could do to my heart if I let him into my life.

  I feel rude for not ringing, I really do. Nobody has ever sent me flowers before. It was a sweet thing for him to do. But, when I think about the reasons why he sent them in the first place, I don’t feel so bad.

  I waited all afternoon to hear from Blake, he didn’t call. It surprised me. He seemed so eager yesterday at the restaurant. I wonder if Mason’s trying to keep him away from me now. There’s not much I can do about it if he is. I’ll miss the little guy though.

  Cass and Connor are sitting at the breakfast bar talking while I cook dinner. There’s a knock on our door. Connor gets up to answer it. It’s Mason and Blake. My heart goes into a flutter and butterflies settle in my stomach. Mason looks over at the flower arrangement on the table before looking back at me. He looks hurt.

  Shit, now I feel bad again.

  Blake comes into the kitchen. “Hi Jazzi. We’re going over to Bridge for dinner, dad said I can play X-box with you when we get back.”

  “That’s sound good sweetie.” I ask him if Bridge is a restaurant, and I’m surprised by his answer.

  “No it’s where all the homeless people go and eat.”

  What the hell!

  “Why would you take your son to eat dinner at a homeless shelter?” I ask in disgust. I’m angry that he would do that. Not that I have anything against homeless people, quite the opposite actually, but I know he has money.

  “If you are so hard up that you can’t afford to buy dinner for your son, you can both eat here.” Connor and Mason both laugh. “What’s so funny?” I snap.

  I know he’s downgraded from the mansion to an apartment, but I don’t believe for a second he can’t afford to buy food. That restaurant where he ate last night would have easily set him back a few hundred dollars, easy. Even those flowers he sent would have cost a fortune.

  Nope, he definitely has money.

  “Jazzi we eat there all the time,” Blake says like it isn’t a big deal. Again, what the hell! I narrow my eyes at Mason and the bastard chuckles. When Connor speaks up and says that Mason owns and runs the homeless centre, I’m both shocked and embarrassed. I look over at Mason. I thought he’d give one of his smug looks that I hate, but he smiles sweetly.

  Wow. There’s obviously a lot I don’t know about this man. Running a homeless shelter is a very noble thing to do. Maybe I have misjudged him.

  “Jaz has cooked plenty of food,” Connor says to Mason. “If you and Blake want to join us, you’re more than welcome.” Mason looks over at me. I think he wants me to say it’s okay. The sweet look of hope on his face melts my heart.

  “We have more than enough.”

  “Can we stay dad, please?” Blake begs.

  “Sure buddy.” Mason looks over at me. He gives me a sexy panty melting smile. Swoon. I quickly turn away and pretend to check on the food. I don’t want him to see how much he affects me.

  I ask Connor and Cass to set the table. Blake offers to help them. That leaves me alone in the kitchen with Mason.

  He comes over and stands beside me. “I see you got my flowers.”

  “I did,” I reply. “Thank you, they are lovely.” I continue with what I’m doing. I can’t bring myself to look at him.

  “Does that mean you forgive me?” I shrug my shoulders. He puts his finger gently under my chin and turns my face. “Please forgive me Jacinta. Blake adores you, so we will be seeing a lot of each other. I want us to be friends.”

  I’m not sure if I can be friends with him. Just being in the same room as him is hard enough. But, I adore Blake too. I want the little guy in my life. After sighing, I agree to be his friend.

  He smiles when I say that, before leaning over and brushing his lips softly on mine.

  “Thank you,” he whispers. Feeling his lips on mine again, and hearing his sexy voice whispering in my ear, nearly makes me orgasm.

  God, what I have gotten myself into?

  Dinner’s awkward. Every time my eyes meet Mason’s, he’s looking at me with a smile on his face. I try hard not to look his way, but I can’t help it. My eyes keep betraying me. From the moment I crashed into him
outside the gym, I’ve felt drawn to him somehow. I can’t explain it.

  “Your food is so yummy Jazzi,” Blake says. “It tastes so much nicer than Uncle Rob’s food.” Mason explains that Rob is one of the volunteer cooks at Bridge.

  “You can come here for dinner whenever you want little man.”

  “Can I come tomorrow?” We all laugh at his eagerness.

  “If your dad says it okay, of course you can,” I answer with a smile.

  After dinner, Mason tells Blake that they need to get going. “Can I stay here with Jazzi while you go to Bridge dad?” he asks. Mason looks over at me.

  “If it’s okay with you he can stay.”

  “Are you sure? I will probably be gone a few hours.” I tell him it’s fine. He walks over to Blake and roughs up his hair. “Be a good boy for Jacinta.”

  “I will dad.”

  “Thanks,” he says to me with a smile. That smile of his does funny things to my girly parts. “Love you buddy,” he says on his way towards the front door.

  “Love you too dad.” It’s nice to see how much Mason loves his son. I would’ve killed for my father to tell me he loved me when I was a little girl.


  Blake and I played the X-Box for a while, before I read him a story. He fell asleep on my bed as I read to him, so I covered him with a blanket.

  Cass and Connor are watching a movie in the lounge room, but I don’t really want to leave Blake on his own, just in case he wakes up. I move over to my desk and turn on my laptop. I need to check my emails anyway.

  It’s at least another hour before Mason comes back. Even though my door is open, he knocks lightly before entering. I look up at him, he’s smiling at me. God, I love his smile, and those dimples.

  “Sorry I was gone so long, two of the volunteers didn’t show up tonight, I needed to help out for a while.” He looks over at Blake asleep on my bed.


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