Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 38

by J. L. Perry

  When I’m done he puts his hands under my arms and pulls me up to him. “Come here,” he says as he crushes his lips to mine. “Thank you,” he whispers against my lips. “You have no idea how much I needed that.”

  Our kiss is interrupted by a knock on the door. “Fuck,” he grumbles as I pull away from him.

  “Jaz. It’s Cassie, are you in there?” Why would Cass be knocking on the door? Mason lifts me off his lap and we both stand up. He’s still pulling up his pants as we walk towards the door. When he opens it, she looks first at Mason then at me. A huge smile graces her face. Shit, she knows.

  “Mmmm. Sorry, am I interrupting something?” I feel my face heat with embarrassment. I immediately try and straighten my clothes and flatten down my hair. I think Mason is embarrassed too because he clears his throat and puts his head down as he runs his fingers through his hair. This makes Cassie burst out laughing.

  “Oh, you two are adorable.”

  “What do you want?” I snap as I narrow my eyes at her.

  “The hospital called. You had an appointment there this afternoon remember?”

  “Shit!” I curse. It completely slipped my mind.

  “Why do you have an appointment at the hospital?” Mason asks. There’s concern written all over his face.

  I hold my plastered hand up to him. “I’m supposed to be getting my plaster off today.” He smiles. I can tell he’s relieved that’s all it is.

  “The nurse said to come in now and they’ll fit you in. I’ll come with you if you want.”

  “No, I’ll take her,” Mason interrupts. I look up at him and smile.

  “I don’t want to put you out.”

  He reaches for my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I want to come with you.” I smile at him and then look at Cass. She’s beaming at us.



  I’m happy she agreed to let me take her. I wasn’t there for her the day it happened. This is my way of trying to make it up to her. Plus, I get to spend more time with her. That’s an added bonus. I’ve missed being around her.

  Once I’ve secured the helmet on her head I help her onto the bike. Memories of our first night together flood my mind. Fuck, thinking about that orgasm she had whilst straddling me has my cock going hard again. Great. I try to adjust it in my pants as best I can before starting the bike. I love the sound this baby makes. I also love the fact my girl has her sexy body pressed up against mine.

  I rub my hands down her leg. “You ready?” I yell over the noise of the engine. She tightens her grip around my waist. It brings a smile to my face. I love having her hands on me.

  We arrive at the hospital in no time. I reach for her hand and lace my fingers through hers as we walk towards the entry. I’m glad she doesn’t try to pull her hand out of mine. I give it a little squeeze and she smiles at me.

  The nurse at the desk tells her to go straight in. Jacinta doesn’t ask me to wait out here so I follow her.

  When the doctor says, “There’s no writing this time, I presume you don’t want to keep this one?” Jacinta looks over at me as her face turns bright red. I smile. I’d wondered what happened to the one Blake and I had written on. The fact that the doctor just confirmed she’d ask to keep it, warms my heart.


  I help her off the bike when we pull up at the apartment. The arm where the plaster was is pale compared to the other one. When we left the hospital, Jacinta said that it felt weird. She’s happy to have it off though. Personally, I couldn’t wait to see that dreadful fucking thing gone. It was a constant reminder of that horrible day. Not only with what happened between Blake, Jacinta and Roxy, but also what I did, it ruined everything between us. I hope that’s all behind us now.

  When we reach her apartment she stops and turns to face me. “Thank you for coming with me,” she says. I pull her to me and wrap her in my arms. I know she’s not ready for anything more right now. I need to hold her one last time. I’m not sure when I’ll get the chance to do it again.

  “It was my pleasure. I’m happy I got to spend some time with you. I’ve missed you.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist. “I’ve missed you too.” I smile. I kiss the top of her head before she lets go and opens the door. I need to get Blake before I head home.



  A week has passed since my plaster was removed. Finally things are back to normal. That first night I must have stayed in the shower for over an hour. It felt wonderful having a proper shower again without that damn plastic on my arm. Being able to wash my hair with both hands was heaven. It’s funny how you take the small things for granted sometimes.

  My job at the clinic is going great. I finally got to meet Sebastian’s wife the other day. She’s lovely. I’m back in full swing at the studio. Mandy’s coming in two nights a week. One night on her own, for her normal lesson, the other with Cinnamon. The extra night is only temporary. The big VIP night is coming up next week.

  She wants to make sure the opening act she’s performing with Cinnamon is perfect. She said if she pulls this off she’ll more than likely become one of the lead dancers at Leather and Lace. Her boss has been impressed by the improvements her private lessons have made.

  I’m grateful for the distractions. Mason and I are still friends. Nothing more for now. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up though. He and Blake have been coming to the apartment nearly every night for dinner and sometimes for breakfast before school and work. That electricity thing we have, the pull I feel whenever he is around, is stronger than ever.

  He knows it too. Every time he’s close he’ll rub up against me or brush his hand against mine, before giving it a little squeeze. A few times he’s even played footsie with me under the table. He’s doing a lot of that sexy whispering thing also. It’s driving me crazy. The slightest touch from him sends tingles coursing through my whole body. I’m highly strung and horny as hell. He’s fucking with me. Trying to wear me down. I know this because whenever I look at him he is smirking.

  It would be so easy to give in. Drag him to my room and fuck him senseless. I’m tempted, trust me. The sex part isn’t the issue though. It’s always fantastic. It’s all the other bullshit I need to work through first, before we can be together like that again.

  Mason finally made the appointment to see the lawyer about his father’s estate. We are going together next week. I’ve been thinking a lot about what went on between his parents. How he never got the chance to speak with his father and get the answers he so desperately craved. It made me think about my own father. I wonder if I’ll ever get the chance to ask him the one thing I’ve always wanted to know, why?

  I’m considering going to the prison to see him. I can’t believe I’m even entertaining the thought, but I really need to know. Am I strong enough for that though? It’s been seven years since I’ve seen him and the truth is, I’m still petrified of him. Thinking about it makes me feel sick in the stomach. I don’t think my family would be happy about me going to see him either. Seeing what Mason’s going through, I’m seriously considering it. I don’t want to be left wondering why for the rest of my life.



  The past week has been hell. I’m glad things between Jacinta and I have improved but, this friend’s only thing is bullshit. I fucking need her. I need to hold her, kiss her, be in-fucking-side her. It’s been nearly two months since I’ve been buried in that heavenly pussy of hers. Being around her and not being able to touch her sucks arse. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I’m fucking aching for her. So is my cock.

  At least my obsession with her is distracting me from thinking about mum and that fucking appointment I have next week with the lawyer. I can’t believe I let her talk me into going. I’m not interested in my father’s estate. Sure the money belonged to my mum before she left but, it’s tainted by him though, so I want no part of it. I’m only doing it in the hope of finally gettin
g some answers. Some closure.


  By the end of the week it’s safe to say I’m nearly going out of my fucking mind. I’ve barely slept the past few nights. I need her so fucking much, it hurts. I’ve been walking around with a hard-on for days. I even jacked off in the shower this morning because my cock was in pain. Literally. My balls are bluer than her fucking eyes. I haven’t done shit like that since I was a horny teenager. I never needed to in the past.

  I’m giving her until the end of next week. I know I said I’d wait forever but I’m fucking desperate here. I’ve been trying to wear her down all fucking week. I don’t know who it’s torturing more, me or her.

  Saturday morning I decide to hang around the apartment. We’ve been going to her apartment for breakfast and dinner nearly every day. I can’t stand another excruciating minute of watching her eat. It makes me think about the last time we were together. Her sweet mouth wrapped around my cock. Fuck, I think I’m dying here.

  As the day wears on I find I’m missing her. Blake’s been driving me crazy asking if he can go visit. Christ, what am I going to do? I decide to take him out for dinner. It’s been a while since we’ve done that. Maybe being out will distract us both. I doubt it but it’s worth a try.



  All day I’ve waited for the boys to come. They didn’t show. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. Sure it’s hard being around Mason with his constant taunting. I’d rather suffer through that than not see him at all. Well it’s not really suffering as such. I love his hands on me. It’s only suffering because I desperately want more and can’t have it.

  I’m home all alone. Connor took Cass out on a lunch date which was sweet of him. Things are going really well for them. It makes me happy to see my two favourite people so in love. They’re perfect for each other. I don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner.

  Around 4:00 p.m. my phone rings. My heart starts to race. Please let this be Mason. I’m disappointed when I see Mandy’s name on the screen.

  “Jacinta,” she says. It sounds like she crying.

  “Mandy. What’s wrong?”

  “Cinnamon twisted her ankle during practice today. She can’t dance tonight,” she sniffles.

  “Can someone else take her place?” I ask.

  “No. Not at such short notice. Nobody else know the routine.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish I could do something to help.”

  “Well that’s why I’m calling. Would you take her place? You’re the only other person who knows the dance.” What the hell! Is she on drugs? No friggin’ way! I couldn’t dance at a strip club.

  “I’m sorry Mandy. There’s no way I could take Cinnamon’s place.”

  “But you know the routine better than us.”

  “It has nothing to do with not knowing the routine Mandy. It’s a friggin’ strip club.” She bursts into tears again. Shit.

  “Please Jacinta. I’m desperate here. It’s just one dance. The rest are solo’s. You don’t have to take your clothes off or anything.”

  “No way. I’m sorry but I can’t.” God, does she even realise what she’s asking here? She’s sobbing now. “Please, don’t cry.”

  “You don’t understand. If I don’t do this dance I could lose everything. My job, my house, my little brother.”

  “What do you mean, lose your little brother?” I don’t really want to ask because I’m afraid her answer may back me into a corner. How can I ignore what she just said though? On the other hand there’s no way I could dance at a strip club. Fuck!

  She goes on to explain that her father died in a car crash when she was ten. Apparently, her mother is an alcoholic, she has been since the accident. She has a little brother that she looks after. That’s why she became a stripper. For the money. Her mother doesn’t work so her family rely on her for everything. Bills, food, rent.

  If she loses her job she’ll lose the house and more than likely her brother will be taken away and put into foster care. Fuck, I want to scream. I know exactly where this is leading.

  After ten more minutes of tears I give in. Jesus Christ! I can’t believe she talked me into this. I’m already pacing the floor by the time I hang up the phone. She’s on her way over here to pick me up.

  Connor and Cass arrive home a few minutes later. They find me in a real state. “What the fuck?” Connor says. “What did he fucking do to you this time?” I shake my head at him.

  “This has nothing to do with Mason.” When I explain why I’m upset, Cass bursts out laughing.

  “It’s not fucking funny, bitch,” I snap.

  “Oh I beg to differ, I think it’s fucking hilarious.” Connor gives her a look.

  “You’re not helping here sweetheart.” I love how he just called her that. It brings a smile to my face. He turns his attention back to me. “Jaz, you’re a big girl,” he says as he places his hands on my shoulders. “I know I can’t stop you but, I want you to know that I’m not fucking happy about this. I don’t want my little sister dancing at some strip joint. Even if it is only one dance. I’ve been to plenty of them over the years. Fuck, Jaz some of the guys that go there are animals.”

  “I’m not happy about it either,” I say with a sigh. “It’s the last thing I want to do. I felt like I didn’t have a choice. She has so much riding on tonight.” Cass starts to laugh again. God she can be a bitch sometimes. She always seems to find humour in the strangest things. I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Come on Jazz. It will be fun. If I knew the routine I’d definitely take Sugar’s place.” I start to laugh.

  “It’s Cinnamon, not Sugar.”

  “Like fuck you’d take her place,” Connor snaps. Cass smiles at him. So do I. She needs someone who’s going to love, protect and look after her. Lord knows her family never has. My brother is definitely the man for the job. I know how well he looks after me. I’m happy they have each other.

  “Awww…that’s so sweet babe,” she says as she wraps her arms around his waist. I smile again as I watch them together. Connor leans down and kisses her nose. “The only person that’s going to watch my girl on a pole, is me.” Cass blushes before reaching for his hand and dragging him towards the bedroom.

  “Come with me and I’ll show you exactly how good I am at working a pole.” Connor’s face lights up. Ewww. Why did she say that in front of me? All her sex talk over the years has never bothered me before but, she’s talking about my brother now.

  “Call me if you need me Jaz,” Connor calls out over his shoulder. Oh great. I guess I’m going it alone.

  “Good luck hun,” Cass adds. “You’ll be fine. I’ve seen you work that pole. Every guy in that place is going to have a hard on for you.” Oh, and that’s supposed to make me feel better? Shit. I put my head in my hands. What in the hell have I got myself into?

  Mandy arrives a few minutes later. Thank god too. I can already hear Cass’ moans coming from the bedroom. I’m dreading leaving with her but hearing my brother and best friend going for it, is enough to push me out the door.

  By the time we arrive at the strip club it’s safe to say I’m a mess. I’m not sure if I can go through with this. I think Mandy can tell too because as soon as we walk inside she drags me straight to the bar.

  “We’ve got ourselves a newbie here, Max,” she says. “Line me up some shots.” Max smiles at me.

  “Welcome to Leather and Lace doll,” he says with a wink. “She’s a pretty little thing Candy?”

  Mandy or should I say Candy, I better get used to calling her by her stage name while I’m here, wraps her arm around me. “She’s the best. Jacinta’s just doing me a favour for tonight. She’s taking Cinnamon’s place for the opening act.”

  I smile at him nervously as he lines the shots up in front of me. I feel sick to the stomach. I have never been more grateful to see alcohol in my life. I pick up the glasses one by one and down all three. Shit that burns. Hurry up and kick in alcohol, I need you.

; Next, she drags me towards her boss’ office. “James, it’s me Candy,” she says after knocking on the door. He invites us in. He’s a lot younger than I thought. Probably in his mid-thirties. He’s not ugly but not what I’d call hot either. Kind of in-between. He’s tall and well-built with light brown hair. It’s a little thin on top. Shifty eyes. I don’t like the way he looks me over. It’s kind of creepy.

  “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you from my girl Candy here,” he drawls. “She didn’t mention you’re a total fucking babe.” Yep creepy. He extends his hand out to me. “James.”

  “Hi, I’m Jacinta,” I say shyly as I ignore his outstretched hand. He just drops it and chuckles.

  “Well, let’s go out onto the floor so you can show us what you’ve got.” He looks me over again and smiles as he rubs his hands together. Yuk. My gaze moves to Candy as my eyes narrow. She neglected to mention I’d have to do an extra performance for him.

  “It’s okay,” she whispers as she links her arm through mine. “There will be a lot of VIP’s here tonight. He just needs to make sure you’re not going to let him down. You’ve got this in the bag, you’re a pro.”

  “I don’t like him,” I whisper.

  “He’s harmless. Don’t worry about it, you’ll be fine. I promise.”

  When we reach the stage she takes my bag off my shoulder and places it on the floor next to hers. I use this time to have a quick look around. This place is huge. Nothing like I’d imagined a strip club to look. The décor is really nice. I don’t know why but I expected it to look a lot sleazier.

  She jumps up on stage and reaches down for my hand to help me up. After calling out to some guy sitting in a small DJ’s booth in the corner, we take our places at the poles. “Just pretend we’re in class and nobody else is here. That’s how I got through the first few months,” Candy says. I nod before closing my eyes and inhaling a huge breath. I can do this, I can do this, I chant to myself as the music starts.

  “That was fuckin’ smokin’ hot,” James says as he walks towards the stage adjusting his crotch. Ewww! Candy beams at him. I, of course, don’t. He’s her boss so she has to suck up his arse I guess. Hopefully after tonight I’ll never have to lay eyes on him again.


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