Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 43

by J. L. Perry

  Seeing her carrying part of me inside her, was the best feeling ever. Pregnant Red was fucking sexy. I love her so much. Our life together couldn’t be more perfect. I’m stoked that I’m going to see my two boys grow up. I missed out on all that with Blake. He’s with me now and I’m thankful for that. He adores his little brothers, and like me, he can’t wait for the three of them to come home.

  “They’re good. Adorable as ever,” she says. “They’re both still asleep, for now. The nurses got me to express some milk after you left so they could feed the boys for me during the night. I got to sleep right through.”

  “That’s good babe. You need your rest. I’m gonna jump in the shower and come over. I’ll leave a note for your parents to bring Blake over with them when they get up. I need to see you. I’m missing you. I hope the doctor lets you come home today. I need you here with me.”

  “I feel the same,” she whispers.

  We called the twins Brodie and Brock. Jacinta said she wanted to stick with the BB theme. Blake Bradley, Brodie Bradley and Brock Bradley. It’s a bit of a mouthful but if it makes her happy than I’m happy.

  When I finally end the call I jump in the shower. The sooner I’m dressed the sooner I can see my girl, and my boys of course.



  I place my phone back in the drawer and get out of bed, walking towards the two bassinets. Our twins are beautiful. Tears rise to my eyes as I look down at them. My little BB’s. Mason thinks I call them that because of their initials. To me it means beautiful boys. All three of my boys are beautiful. I love them all so much.

  Brodie has dark hair and brown eyes like his dad and Blake. Brock’s features are light, like mine. Blonde hair and blue eyes. The amount of love I feel for them is overwhelming. Life couldn’t be better. I clutch the locket around my neck. The one Blake gave me the day he asked me to be his mummy. “I love you mummy” is engraved on the back. Thinking of that day brings a smile to my face.

  I plant a soft kiss on my finger tip and place it gently on my boys’ cheeks, trying hard not to wake them. I want to jump in the shower before Mason gets here.

  A few weeks after Mason proposed to me, he surprised me by flying Blake and I to America. I had no idea that Connor, Cass, my parents, Brooke, Logan and the kids were already waiting for us in Vegas. He said he couldn’t wait one more day to have me as his wife.

  Mason arranged for Cass to go out and buy me a white dress for my wedding day. Thankfully, it wasn’t too slutty. It was actually really nice.

  Mason booked a little chapel for our ceremony. Complete with an Elvis Presley celebrant of course. I burst out laughing when I first saw him. Cass and Connor were our witnesses.

  It was perfect. I had all my favourite people there to celebrate our special day with us. What topped that day off, more than anything, was after we’d exchanged our vows, Connor got down on one knee and proposed to Cass. Of course I burst into tears. So did Cass. I blamed it on the pregnancy hormones, but truth is I was just so happy for them. They are perfect for each other. My best friend was now going to become my sister. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.

  Once I’m out of the shower I put my underwear on and blow-dry my hair. When I switch the dryer off, I hear a whistle. I turn towards the door to find my sexy as hell husband leaning up against the door frame watching me. It brings a smile to my face. I can’t wait to get out of here and go back home to him. I miss sleeping in his arms.

  He stalks his way over to me, pulling me into him. “Morning babe,” he says as his lips meet mine. “Fuck you looked so sexy standing there in your underwear. My cock is already aching for you. I don’t know how I’m going to get through the next six weeks.”

  “There’s always my sweet mouth remember?” I giggle when he throws back his head and groans. I reach my hand down between us. He’s hard as a rock.

  “Let me help get you dressed before I do something inappropriate.” His response makes me giggle again.

  “I like inappropriate when you’re involved Mr. Bradley.”

  “Don’t fucking tempt me Mrs. Bradley, I’m already hanging by a thread here.”

  Mason grabs my clothes off the chair. “I need to cover up that sexy body of yours babe.” He squats down holding out the leg of my pants. When he pulls it up my leg he groans again. I look down. He’s staring at the tattoo I have on my hip. He leans forward and places a little kiss on it.

  “I fucking love this,” he breathes against my skin. It’s an image of a wolf. Even though I rarely call him that anymore, in my heart he’ll always be “My wolf.” Every time I look at it, it reminds me of that day we met. I didn’t think so at the time, but it turned out to be one of the best days of my life. Along with the day Mason asked me to marry him and Blake asked me to be his mummy. Not to mention the birth of our babies. I have too many good memories of our time together, to list them all.

  Later that morning my parents arrive with Blake. “Mummy,” he screams as he runs towards me. I love my little man so much. He’s come along in leaps and bounds since we’ve become a family.

  Roxy’s still in prison, she got three years for what she did and an extra year for the drugs that were found at her house. Blake and I had to go on the witness stand in her trial. Thankfully, given Blake’s age and the circumstances, he was able to do his by video link. Mason and I didn’t want him in the same room with her.

  I wrap him in my arms. “I’ve missed you so much sweetheart” I say as I plant a kiss on the top of his head.

  “I’ve missed you too mummy. When are you coming home?”

  “The doctor said that your brothers and I can come home today.” He looks up at me and smiles.

  I hop back into bed and Blake sits down on the chair next to me. Mason passes him Brock. He looks down at his brother and smiles before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. It brings tears to my eyes.

  I look up at Mason. He’s holding Brodie in his arms and smiling down at Blake. My boys. How did I get so lucky? My parents are standing at the end of my bed. My dad has his arms wrapped around my mum’s waist from behind. They’re both looking over at their three grandchildren. It’s safe to say they’re beaming.

  It makes me think of Mason’s mum. At least Mason can talk openly about her now. It’s nice to hear stories about her and his childhood. He ended up donating all the proceeds from his father’s estate to Bridge. They now have enough money to open three times a day which was something Mason always wanted to achieve.

  As for the house, that was given to an organization that looks after abused women and children. We both attended the grand opening. They unveiled a memorial plaque which read “Sophia’s Safe House.” It brought us both to tears.

  It may not have been a safe house for her, but hopefully it will help save other women that are in the same position both Sophia and my mother were in. They even set up a beautiful memorial garden out back where her body was found.

  My dad is still locked up but has been moved to the prison hospital. He’s receiving palliative care now. More than likely he won’t make it out alive. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I’m grateful that I won’t have to worry about him coming after me or my mother anymore. It means I can finally put that part of my life to rest.

  It still amazes me when I think where my mum and I are today, considering where we came from. Who knew after suffering through everything we did, our lives would turn out so perfect.

  Growing up I had such a low opinion of men, with no plans of ever marrying and settling down. So it’s ironic to think that the four most important people in my life today, the ones I couldn’t bear to live without, are my boys. My three sons and my gorgeous husband.

  Mason, Blake and I were all damaged when we met. We all had a piece of us missing on the inside. Something that was robbed from us when we were children. Our innocence. Our ability to completely trust. Together, that’s all changed. Together we’re no longer damaged. We’re no longer s
ad or frightened. We’re happy, healed and most of all we are whole again…

  Keep reading for the synopsis and an excerpt of



  Angel and Chase come from two different worlds. Angel grew up privileged. Her father is CEO of Cavanagh and Associates and her mother owns a successful dance school. Chase on the other hand grew up with a neglectful, manipulating mother, who put her numerous husbands and boyfriends before the welfare of her own son. So much so that when he was twelve, his stepfather at the time, who also happens to be a member of a notorious bikie gang, walked away from his marriage, taking Chase with him.


  Angel is daddy’s little princess. In his eyes, no one is good enough for his little girl. Due to his overprotectiveness, at the age of twenty-two she’s never had a serious boyfriend. She decides to move away from home to finish school, so she can experience all that life has to offer. That includes men. When she meets Chase Daniels, sparks fly. He’s the ultimate womanising bad boy. Even though her common sense says stay away, she can’t seem to control the attraction she feels for him.


  Chase doesn’t hold women in high regard due to his past. With his good looks and charm though, he has women falling at this feet. Just the way he likes it. He’s a playboy and doesn’t do commitment. Then he meets Angel. She’s not only beautiful, but sweet and innocent. Nothing like the women he’s used to. The feelings he has for her are foreign to him and he doesn’t like it one bit. Despite all this, he’s drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.

  Not only do they have their families to contend with, there’s also the secrets from Chase’s past. Not only do they have the potential to destroy him, it will also tear them apart. The odds are stacked against them, but will they still be able to find happiness together? Or will it be enough to stop the one thing they want more than anything, each other?

  Here is the prologue of ‘Against All Odds’.

  It’s based on Brooke and Logan’s daughter Angel.




  I have my daddy wrapped around my little finger…or so everyone says. I adore him and couldn’t ask for a better father. We’re extremely close. There’s absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for me. He’s proven that so many times over the last twenty-two years of my life. There is one thing we cannot see eye to eye on though…that is boys.

  My dad has managed to scare off every guy I’ve ever brought home. It’s so frustrating. My brother Chris has girls over all the time. My dad’s fine with that. When it comes to me though, it seems like nobody is good enough for his little princess.

  That’s how I ended up here in Melbourne. As hard as it was to leave my parents and my little brother, it had to be done. I know my dad loves me, but his overprotectiveness can be smothering at times.

  I needed to get away so I could experience all that life has to offer. That includes boys. I’m twenty-two years old, and thanks to my father, I’ve never had a serious boyfriend. All my friends lost their virginity years ago. Not me though. Boys were too scared to be around me once word got out that they would have to deal with my dad if they touched me.

  When I first decided to move to Melbourne, to finish my schooling, my dad fought me at every turn. I’m a grown woman for God’s sake. It’s time to let go daddy. Thankfully I had my mum on my side. She knows firsthand just how overprotective he can be. He’s exactly the same with her.

  It took me a while to adjust. Being away from them is hard, but I have to admit I’m loving my new-found freedom. Well I was, until I met Chase-friggin’-Daniels.

  He’s the ultimate bad boy. A sinfully hot, tattooed, motorbike riding playboy. He has an endless supply of beautiful women falling at his feet. There seems to be a different girl on his arm every day, sometimes two. I’m a smart girl. That alone should have told me everything I needed to know. Stay the hell away! Like all the others though, I’d fallen victim to his sex appeal and charm.

  I should’ve known better.

  Chase is every father’s worst nightmare, well mine anyway. Daddy would absolutely freak if he knew I had my eye on a guy like that. Well I did, until he ripped my heart out and stomped on it. Arsehole.

  That was a month ago. I act like I’m over it, but truth is I’m not. I gave him a part of me that day. A part I’ll never get back. Those few hours I spent with Chase, were beautiful, magical even. Everything I hoped it would be, and so much more. That was until he got what he wanted of course. Once he’d had his fill, he dressed and walked out of my house without as much as a goodbye.

  At first I lay there dumfounded. I kept thinking he’ll come back…he’ll come back, but he never did. Once the initial shock wore off, I was left feeling crushed and extremely fucking pissed. I felt dirty and used. It’s quite obvious to me now, he was only after one thing. I was stupid for thinking otherwise. What hurts even more, is the way he’s treated me every day since. It’s like I no longer even exist.

  Putting those magical few hours we spent together aside, I thought we were friends. The fact that he won’t even talk to me now, cuts me to the very core. I’ve caught him staring at me numerous times since that day, but when our eyes meet he turns away.

  The Chase that walked out on me that day, is not the guy I thought I knew. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to develop feelings for him. Maybe the guy I thought he was, the one I’d begun to care about, was just part of an act, his plan all along. Deep down I don’t believe that though. No one can be that good an actor.

  I just don’t get it. How can someone be so sweet, wonderful and loving one minute, and so cold and cruel the next?

  I feel like such a fool.

  He broke my heart that day and continues to do so. The sad thing is, even after what he did and the way he’s treated me since, I still want him. I miss him. How crazy is that?

  I have nobody I can talk to about it. I’m suffering alone in silence. I can’t even confide in my best friend Dana. I never told her what happened between Chase and me. She warned me to stay away from the very beginning. He’s bad news. A womaniser. Not the guy for me. Blah blah. I should have listened. If I did, my heart would still be intact, and possibly, Chase and I would still be friends.

  Little did I know that this wasn’t the end of us. Not by a long shot. Neither of us could have known the journey that lie ahead. Our lives, our families lives, were about to be put to the ultimate test.

  They say that every family has skeletons in the closet. You know what, I could’ve sworn my family didn’t. They seem so perfect. Well I was wrong…



  First and foremost I need to thank my readers. Without you I wouldn’t be able to continue to do what I love. The continued support and messages I get from you all blows me away. I appreciate it so much. To all of you who took the time to leave a review for my books, thank you. Reviews mean everything to Authors.

  My family, I love you all so much. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. Your continued support and encouragement means the world to me. I’d be lost without you all.

  My friends, both new and old. Your friendship means everything to me. You guys are always there for me when I need a laugh, a shoulder or just someone to talk to. I love you all and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

  My street team, what can I say about you girls? You’re all amazing and I’m so grateful for everything you do for me. I love when I’m having a shitty day that I can put up a post in our team and within minutes you have me smiling and laughing. Or that day my hubby was being an arse and I posted I was going to advertise him for sale on Gumtree, how you all decided we’d have a Rafflecopter instead, and you were even kind enough to donate your own husbands and kids to the prize list. LOL. I love how you do stuff like that. Rhonda Perry, Kylie Paris, Aida Almeida, Jacquie Denison, Sophia Holt, Cheryl Riddell, Nicola Rhead, Amanda Campbell, Amanda Dean, Brookl
yn Paris, Kristen Geist, Shona Reid, Vivian Hernandez, Kayla Teeples, Jane Bowen, Ellen Small, Charmaine Lynch, Justine McFadyen, Shawna Jimenez, Erika Jean Shannon-Sami, Amber Thompkins, Nicola Beck, Mary K. Gross, Brittney Parkerson, Dianna Hixson Malone, Sondra Servin, Jennifer Schultheis, Karina Zaragoza, Lau Rojas Vera, Laura Archer, Mary Joy Mejarito Pantorillo, Princess Ann Marie, Elvie Antonio, Val Kelly and Vanessa Lyons. You all rock. You’re not only part of my team you are my friends. I love you all.

  I also want to thank Rachel Nicolson, Dana Gallie, Jennifer Rillera, Lynette Benjamin, Tina Oatts, Melinda Sue and Annelle Willard for all the pimping you do. I’m very thankful. I’m also grateful for your friendship. It means the world to me. I hope one day we get to meet in person. I also want to give a shout out to Tracey Weston (Soxie). Thank you for all the wonderful things you’ve made for me. You have a wonderful talent and you’re a lovely person.

  My editor Nicola, from the bottom of my heart thank you. I’ve enjoyed every minute working with you. I have to say I loved the comments you left me along the way. If they didn’t make me laugh out loud they made me smile. Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I look forward to working with you again in the future. You’re amazing.

  My formatter Max, you rock. I know I can be a pain in the arse sometimes but you bent over backwards to accommodate me. The work you do on both my eBooks and paperbacks are amazing. You’re extremely talented and very sweet. Thank you for everything.

  My cover designer Melody, I love the work you do. You have made all four of my covers and I love them all. You are so easy to work with and nothing is a problem for you. Thank you so much for all that you do.


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