Cut Down To Size: A Sebastian Cork Novel

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Cut Down To Size: A Sebastian Cork Novel Page 12

by Neal Davies

  He stands and she walks into his arms sobbing uncontrollably. Once Cynthia collects herself she looks into Sebastian’s eyes. “I knew, deep in my heart, I should have told you and I am so sorry. I promise you, I won’t do that again. After losing my dear friend Margaret last year and seeing the devastation it caused Bill, I guess I panicked. Honestly, Seb, this whole thing has shaken me to the core.”

  Sebastian kisses her on the forehead again. “Of course it has and I am so glad you took the precautions you did by getting it seen to immediately.” He rubs her shoulders gently and slowly and takes a deep breath.

  They sit down and sip their tea while Sebastian listens empathically to Cynthia’s ordeal in detail.

  “What’s that, Seb?”

  She has caught him off guard and he stares blankly at her first and then turns his head around in the direction she is staring. “Oh that! I almost forgot, I have something for you.”

  Sebastian, obviously still quite shaken from her news walks nervously over to the bench and grabs the brown bag. “I went to Samuel James’ apartment today.”

  “Oh yes, the parole officer.”

  Sebastian warmly smiles. “That’s the one. Anyway, it turns out he’s a bit of an author, so he gave me a couple of his new books that haven’t been released yet, one for me and one for you. I read a bit of mine before I left the office.”

  “Is he any good?” she says, half interested.

  “I will let you be the judge of that.” He reaches into the bag and hands her the surprise.

  Cynthia reads, ‘To dearest Cynthia with warmest regards. Peter Karston.’ She turns her astonished eyes to meet Sebastian’s. “This can’t be true, surely?”

  “Trust me; I was just as surprised as you are.” He sees the happiness in her face and contently smiles.

  Cynthia rises from the table and throws her arms around him. “There are times when I could kill you, Seb, and there are times when you are worth more to me than the air that I breathe. I love you so much!” she says in a burst of spontaneous appreciation.

  Sebastian holds her tight and feels his spirit meet with hers. That evening at dinner, they continue to discuss all the trials and tribulations Cynthia has faced over the past weeks and then retire to the study together to read; both content in the thought that the other is healthy and present in the same room. Later they go upstairs to their room and Sebastian falls asleep until he hears a muffled sob coming from Cynthia’s side of the bed; so without speaking he moves closer to her and gently places his arm around her until they both fall asleep together.


  Through the glare of morning sunshine and squinting eyes, Sebastian sees the silhouette of a slender beauty gazing down at him.

  She bends slowly and kisses him, “Good morning, darling! I thought you might like a little sleep in today as you told me last night that there isn’t anything urgent you need to attend to.”

  Sebastian stretches out his arms. “Mmm, what’s that smell?”

  Cynthia takes a tray from the dressing table. “Sit up, please. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated your support last night, so I thought you might like breakfast in bed and I brought up a plate of bacon and eggs, as well as some freshly squeezed orange juice.”

  Sebastian throws her a look of gratitude and accepts the feast. “How lovely! But seriously, Cynthia, you didn’t have to go to all this trouble. I would have been just as happy to come down to the kitchen and share breakfast with you. But thank you, I do appreciate it.”

  Cynthia kisses him again. “Now I really have to have a shower and head off to meet Clarissa. I have an idea for a new fundraiser that I want to discuss with her and then we’ll probably drive around most the day looking for a venue. So I may be home a bit after you. Since the scare I’ve just had, I’m sure we could raise a lot of money for cancer research. By the time, I get home it will be too late to cook, so I’ll bring home some Chinese. How does that sound?”

  Sebastian who now has a mouthful of bacon nods up and down, “wondorful thoort, mo lorve.”

  “Sebastian! Manners, please! You know better than to talk with your mouth full,” she smiles at him and says, “Isn’t it nice to have everything back to normal?” He smiles back with bulging cheeks, puts down his knife and raises his thumb.

  After Cynthia has left, Sebastian has his shower, gets ready and heads downstairs for another coffee and a perusal of the morning paper but before he gets a chance to read more than the headline, he receives an incoming call: “Hi. Seb. It’s Paul. I did a bit of research last night like you asked me to and I just want to apologise. It makes a lot of sense what you were saying and I really need to approach my work differently.” Sebastian takes a slurp of coffee.

  “What the hell was that, Seb? It sounded like a strong wind.”

  Sebastian had been told off once already for his bad manners. “No, that was just the radio, Paul. Thank you for your apology. This is why I feel you have great potential: because you are open to criticism without being emotionally unnerved.”

  “Thanks Seb, I appreciate that. Hang on a minute… where are you at the moment?”

  “I am in the kitchen of my house, why?”

  “You haven’t got a radio in your kitchen; I know what that was - you were slurping coffee in my ear, weren’t you!”

  Sebastian exhales heavily. “Yes, Paul. If you really must know, I accidently slurped my coffee. Now, is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Yes, I just wanted to let you know that Chelsea’s back in town for a few days so the chief gave me the okay for a rostered day off. I was going to let you know yesterday but you took off out of the office, so I didn’t get a chance to. Is there anything you need from me?”

  Sebastian smiles in a fatherly fashion. “No, actually that should work well. I’m going to the gym this morning and it’s better if we weren’t both there at the same time. Enjoy your day off and say hello to Chelsea from Cynthia and me; we can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Thanks, Seb. That means a lot. Stay safe!” Sebastian throws down his coffee and grabs his coat and cane as he leaves.

  By leaving later he has missed the peak hour traffic. Sebastian’s in a much happier place than he was the day before, so he puts on the radio and begins to sing along. Lost in the overpowering joy he is feeling, he starts to bob and sway; that is, until he looks out his window and sees a police car driving alongside him.

  The officer recognises him, flashes him a huge grin and a thumbs up. Sebastian turns crimson, rapidly turns his head and rigidly faces the windscreen. He flashes a peek to see if he’s still got an audience; the policeman winks, gives him a loose salute and speeds off down the road.

  “Why me?” Sebastian mutters out loud and then breaks heavily to avoid a car that has stalled in front of him.

  He finally arrives at the gym in one piece and on entry finds it much warmer, so he throws his jacket across his arm and heads straight for Kate Kensington’s shop but stops abruptly outside when he hears a familiar voice engaged in an argument. He takes up a position around the corner and out of sight. It’s not long before Sally, Michael Cohen’s fiancée, emerges and hurries to the exit, but Sebastian catches her by the arm. “Hello, Sally. Do you remember me?”

  She jerks her arm away and eyes him up and down nervously. “Sure, you’re the guy from the police station who was asking questions at the Cohen’s house.”

  “Perhaps you can tell me how someone who doesn’t know Kate Kensington very well happens to be having an argument with her?”

  Sally closes her eyes and sighs. “Okay, I may have got off on the wrong foot by saying that Mike was getting too close to her and leaving off a few other details.”

  Sebastian looks at her sternly “Such as?”

  “Just before Mike was murdered he told me he had bought a property from Kate and it was going to help him get out of financial difficulties. I thought, if I found the deed, I’d be able to help Mike’s parents.”

/>   Sebastian can see she is telling the truth, “Where is this property, Sally? And did he buy it in his own name?”

  “I honestly don’t know. But I do know Mike wouldn’t lie to me about something like this!”

  “And what did Kate say about it?”

  “She just played dumb like she knew nothing about it. I know she’s lying, she has to be lying as I said, he wouldn’t have told me if it wasn’t true!”

  Sebastian puts his hand on Sally’s shoulder. “Please listen to me, Sally. When you do something like this it can jeopardise the whole case. I promise you if there is a deed I will find it but I need you to sit back until we have completed our investigation and, if anything else should come to mind, it’s important that you let me know first. Can you promise me that?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Sebastian looks at her sternly. “No, Sally! I need you to promise, otherwise I will have to report this incident to my superiors; now, please, promise me!”

  Sally’s eyes drift from side to side, “Alright, I promise! Are you happy now?”

  Sebastian nods gravely, “No Sally, I am not happy but it does give us a better chance of solving this heinous crime; so thank you.”

  Sally immediately scoops her head upward, “Whatever!” she sneers as she turns and walks out the door.

  Sebastian enters the shop to find Kate on the phone. He watches her body expressions with great intent and listens closely. He’s surprised how warm and fluid the conversation is. Normally Sebastian wouldn’t think twice about it but her demeanour strikes him as a bit peculiar because Paul has told him that Kate’s a loner. Sebastian also recalls she has no living relatives.

  She glances over her shoulder for customers and her keen blue eyes meet Sebastian’s. It’s obvious he is observing her, so she finishes her call as quickly as possible and strolls up to the counter. “Sorry about that. Can I help you with something?”

  Sebastian grins a little and replies probingly. “Not a problem at all… it’s nice when family get in touch.”

  Her eyes once dead, now sharpen, making him feel uncomfortable. “I don’t have any family to speak of. Now, can I get you something?”

  The phone call has heightened his suspicion. “Ah, yes, one of those raspberry shakes thanks. It will help to kick start my day.”

  “Tell me something; is that patchouli oil I can smell?”

  Kate looks sideways from the glass fridge while reaching for his drink. “Yes it is and, like everything else here, it’s all natural.”

  Sebastian removes his wallet from his jacket. “I remember years ago when patchouli oil was all the rage. Do you get many people wanting it these days?”

  “It’s one of my more popular brands in essential oils. I wear it myself.”

  She’s about to hand him his change when Sebastian holds up the palm of his hand. “In that case, I’d better get a bottle for my wife!”

  “I guess women would be more interested in it thanmen,” he says as she returns with the bottle.

  “No, not at all. The guy that does my deliveries buys it all the time.” Sebastian takes his drink and oil, thanks her and leaves. During his drive back he rings the Coroner to let him know he needs to meet with him urgently and on his arrival back at the station, he makes a B-line for his office.


  “Good morning, Cameron. How are you?”

  Cameron looks up from the untidy mound of his desk, “Fine, thanks, Seb. How is that case of yours progressing?” He says with some disinterest as his eyes bounce all over his desk in search of something.

  “It’s moving along quite well, Cameron, but the reason I came down here to see you is this.” Sebastian reaches into his pocket and pulls out the small bottle. He holds it up between his thumb and index finger and continues, “At Truscan Park we detected a familiar aroma?”

  Cameron chuckles. “I remember! Sorry, Seb shouldn’t laugh. But the look on your partner’s face when you told him to smell it as well! Heh, anyway, enough of the frivolities! What do you need?”

  Sebastian feeling some discomfort in not having the knowledge enquires, “Well, as you know, I’m new to all this… is there some way of comparing what’s in this bottle to whatever substance is on the victim’s tracksuit?”

  Cameron holds out his hand. “Well, well, well, patchouli oil; this was all the rage years ago!”

  “Yes I know. Is it possible to distinguish a connection?”

  By bringing this little vial to us, we can compare it to the trace evidence and hopefully get the result you’re looking for. So if you leave this with me, we will do some comparisons and see what we come up with.”

  Sebastian thanks Cameron and heads upstairs to Jim.

  “Hi Seb,” Emily greets him. “I was about to ring you. Jim wants to see you before he goes to the Commissioner.” She rises to her feet, taps on Jim’s door and enters. “Sebastian’s here to see you Jim.”

  “Great send him in!”

  Sebastian takes a seat while Jim busily shuffles through papers. “So, Seb?”

  Sebastian waits.

  “I know you’re covering good ground but what I need now is an accurate assessment of where we’re at with this case so I can inform the Commissioner.”

  Sebastian crosses his arms and pushes his chin out. “Alright… but it is important that no conclusions are adopted prematurely - we all know what happened in the last case! I dare say the odds are in favour of that happening in this case as well. We all know our hierarchy are pushing for a rapid outcome.”

  Jim tucks his left arm under his right elbow and begins tapping his bottom lip. “I agree but I’m not so sure the Commissioner will. It may be better if you word your summary in a way that shows progress without implicating anyone person in particular; is that possible?”

  Sebastian, calm and collected, replies, “I don’t see why not.”

  Jim reaches into his desk drawer. “Just one more thing, Seb; I would like to record this. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all, Jim. Would you like me to begin?” Jim presses record and nods.

  “During our investigation, we found that a gym downtown may have a connection to all three murders. Now we have a link, it’s a matter of sifting through evidence to pinpoint our culprit. Our next move is to do more interviews and one by one eliminate the innocent which will put pressure on the killer. Paul and I believe we are getting very close to closing this case and I feel confident that we will have this person in our grasp before another murder is committed.”

  Jim’s eyes open wide. “That’s a big call, Seb! How can you be so sure?”

  Sebastian gives a cheeky grin, “I will let you know when the time is right, my friend.”

  Jim slumps back and shakes his head ruefully. “Honestly, Seb, if you were any other of my detectives, I would haul you over the coals. Now, I know full well the way you operate is something we, the force, need to look closely at, in the future but I will tell you one thing… if you screw this one up, I won’t be able to hold back the stampede of political beef that will take you down to avoid being sent to the slaughter yards themselves.”

  Sebastian rises to his feet. “Honestly Jim, I only make statements that I am sure of and if I’m wrong, which I am not, I will make sure none of my mistakes are placed on your shoulders, as you have supported Paul and I throughout this case.


  When Sebastian arrives home, the house is eerily silent. Cynthia is nowhere to be seen and before he can even hang up his coat, his phone rings.

  “Hi, Seb. It’s Paul. I was wondering if you can take your car again tomorrow. I have to take Chelsea to the airport first thing in the morning and then go directly to the gym. Is that okay with you?”

  Sebastian, still concerned as to Cynthia’s whereabouts, replies impatiently. “Yes Paul, that’s fine. I do apologise but I am in the middle of something and really have to go.”

  Sebastian hangs up, throws his coat and cane on the hallstand and moves toward her office with h
aste. “Cynthia, are you in there?” he opens the door to an empty room. “Bloody hell woman, where are you?” he says with serious concern as he heads back through the kitchen and toward the staircase. His breathing is getting heavier and fear washes over him. Halfway up the stairs he hears keys jingle outside the front door, so he races down to open it.

  “Oh, my goodness! Sebastian, you scared the living daylights out of me!” She retorts, while still holding her keys toward the lock.

  He glares back at his wife. “Scared you! Where the hell have you been?”

  Cynthia angrily picks up several bags beside her feet. “Seriously, Seb! If I didn’t have so much to do, I would take the time to throttle you!” She pushes past him on her march toward the kitchen.

  He stands there momentarily contemplating what has just happened and then follows her to the kitchen.

  As he walks through the door he sees Cynthia angrily unpacking boxes of Chinese takeaway. She quickly drops what she’s doing, throws her hands on her hips and stares with venom straight into his eyes “Now… what’s going on, Seb?”

  Sebastian sighs, drops his head like a lost puppy and replies. “Well, my love, it seems I have been very remiss with my listening skills. I had fully forgotten that you were out with Clarissa today. When I got home and couldn’t find you the worst possible scenarios began running through my head and I began to panic. I guess it was a bit of a reaction to your recent illness…”

  Cynthia’s emotions flow from anger to concern and can see he was sincerely frightened, so she holds out her arms to embrace him. “Okay. Just don’t ever scare me like that again,” she looks into his eyes and then gently kisses his lips.


  Cynthia wakes, rolls over and shakes Sebastian’s shoulder, “Time to get up, darling.”

  Sebastian turns to face her. “I don’t think I’ll go in ’til later, my love. I have a meeting with Paul this afternoon and I am well ahead of my bookwork, so I thought I might just spend the morning with you.”

  Cynthia gracefully throws back the sheets, goes to the wall, takes down a photo and lays it in the bed.


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