DUMPED! (2nd Edition)(bwwm/bdsm) (Letta Storm)

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DUMPED! (2nd Edition)(bwwm/bdsm) (Letta Storm) Page 10

by Dee Dawning

  Clearly worried, Lamar jumped in. "I did authorize him to feel them out, but it was never a formal offer."

  Judge Clemons turned her gaze to him "When was this?"

  "About a week ago."

  Her eyes roved the ceiling. "This is very confusing. A week ago you were willing give your wife ten million, but now you're sticking to your guns for what seems like, even to me, an inadequate offer."

  Letta spoke up, "It's more than inadequate. It's an insult. While he was going to medical school, she supported him and went to school as well. To add insult to injury, Dr. Patterson stands to reap upwards of two hundred million dollars, from his disposable wife's idea, and her research. You have the data your honor. We seem to be wasting our time here. If the good doctor can't see his way to paying a reasonable settlement to his loyal wife of seven years, we will ask for a hundred and fifty million dollars and request a jury trial. It's that simple. May we be excused?"

  "Not so fast. If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with the plaintiff and his attorney in private. Could you and your client step into the waiting room for ten minutes?"


  We stepped out into the antechamber. Not more than two minutes later, the court reporter asked us back in.

  When we seated ourselves the judge turned to us. "The plaintiff has made a new proposal. He feels that the absolute maximum he could come up with in cash and liquid assets would be seven-point-five million, so he's made a new proposal. His new offer is twelve-point-five million of which five million will be the assignment of five hundred thousand shares of Progressive Technologies stock, with an initial value of ten dollars a share."

  I would have accepted the seven and a half million with no shares of stock. Shares of stock at this point, were like giving me Monopoly money. It cost him nothing and would seem like he was giving me nothing. Letta leaned over to confer with me, but before she could say a word, I preempted her rather loudly, "Make it four million shares and we accept."

  When I saw that subtle smile on the snake's face, I knew exactly what he was telling his lapdog lawyer.

  Herbert Effington stood. "Your honor, my client will stipulate that the offer of five hundred thousand shares, be increased to two millions shares if we have an agreement before we leave."

  Once more, Letta leaned over to confer with me. "Why did you change your mind?"

  "What I said before was emotional. This is reality. Having stock in his company, doesn't give him access to my life, but it does give me access to his."

  "I could have told you that, but you seemed so adamant. What do you want to do?"

  I smiled. "What do you think?"

  Letta grinned and stood. "Your honor. My client says four million shares is the minimum she will take, given she's truly entitled to half. If that's not acceptable, I'm looking forward to examining and cross examining Dr. Patterson in court."

  Lamar's looked absolutely terrified. Loosening his tie, he leaned over and whispered in his lawyer's ear.

  Herbert Effington stood once again. "Your honor, my client will stipulate that the offer of five hundred thousand shares, be increased to five million shares on the condition we get this behind us before we leave."

  The Judge's eye's narrowed. "Let me get this straight. The plaintiff has countered with an offer higher than the defendant requested?"

  "Yes your honor. Providing we have agreement before we leave the court.

  Judge Clemons turned toward us, with a slight smile on her face. "An what does the defense think about the revised offer?"

  Letta rose. "Your honor, my client accepts."

  The judge looked pleased, looking straight at me, she said, "Good. Have your respective counsels draw the paperwork up. Then after the required time, I will sign the Dissolution of Marriage document. You and your husband can go your separate ways."

  Lamar stood and shook Effington's hand.

  I rose and hugged Letta. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome. That was a nice ploy you used. It might never get you anything, but it just might get you fifty million dollars some day."

  We started to walk toward the exit. "Correction, it might get me forty-five million. You get ten percent, remember?"

  She smiled. "I know a couple women's shelters than can use my share."

  "Hmm, if we get it, and you give yours to charity, I'll match yours. In fact I'll double yours."

  Letta laughed. "That's the spirit."

  "It's contagious. Now, before you go. I have a question?"

  "No. Wait at least a couple weeks, before you and Daniel go out in public together."

  "How did you…never mind." I hugged her again. "I owe you a lot."

  "No you don't." She started to walk away, then angled back. "I'll see you again when the dissolution is finalized, but I'd like to stay in touch."

  "I'd like that too."

  Letta nodded and left.

  Chapter Fourteen - Vegas

  After all the hot, screaming sex I'd enjoyed over two of the last three weekends, Vegas was a disappointment.

  It's not that we couldn't have sex. We did manage to have some form of sex each day, but no marathons. We just couldn't seem to find the time. Actually, Danny couldn't seem to find the time.

  Every day, while he attended a seminar or a conference or both, I laid by the pool, reading my ereader, or swimming laps. It was a huge pool and I must have swum a couple hundred laps. I was in great shape and brimming with need.

  The problem was when Danny wasn't attending some event, we were both drawn to the gambling or shows, some of which, were damned sexy.

  On our last night, we saw the ultra sexy Zumanity show. I was so randy I wanted to go straight to our room and spend the rest of the night in bed.

  I looked up at Danny as we exited the showroom. "That was amazing. I just love Cirque shows, and this one was so sexy."

  "Yeah, it was. Would you like to grab a cocktail then we could play some slots?"

  "They give you cocktails when you play the slots. Baby, that show got me so juiced up, can't we just go to our room? I really need some of your good lovin'."

  He kissed my cheek. "Yeah, it got to me too, but since this is our last night, let's each play a hundred dollars on the slots, before we head upstairs."

  I pouted, but he didn't seem to notice. "You go ahead. I'll just watch."

  Danny found a progressive quarter machine in a quiet part of the casino and began to play. We'd played the slots and I knew they ate quarters pretty fast, so I expected Danny's four hundred quarters to be gone in no time.

  Danny wore beige, light summer slacks, a white, short sleeve shirt and loafers with no socks. I knew for a fact that he wore no underwear because his boxers showed through thin fabric of his slacks.

  Standing behind Danny, his taut, well-defined tush was so tempting it drew a touch, then a caress from me.

  "What're you doing?"

  "Just admiring your fine looking ass. Just play your quarters so we can go."

  He peeled the wrapping off a roll and inserted five quarters. "It won't be long. I'm down to my last roll." He pulled the handle and four bells lined up, paying a hundred coins. "Hey that was cool. Your hand brought me luck."

  "It did?"

  He shugged. "I donno. Keep it up."

  I did and he hit three bars. "It works. Keep it up."

  Tired of waiting with no relief in sight, I spooned up to him and ground my groin against his butt. Mmm, it felt good and warm me up even more.

  When he had hit three sevens, he jumped. "It does work. Do more."

  As the four hundred coins fell into the coin tray, I realized it would be awhile before I got loverboy to bed. If I wanted satisfaction—and I did—I would have to get it where I could. I glanced around. We were at the next to the last machine on the end of a row of slots with two visible players, a man about fifty feet away and a woman a few feet further on the opposite side of the aisle, both of whom paid us no attention. Feeling extra naughty, I reached around Danny
and while grinding my mound into his derriere, ran both hands over his chest and groin—he's hard.

  All of a sudden, more coins, lots of coins rapidly fell into the tray. I glanced over Danny's shoulder and realized he had lined up four bars. How strange. Maybe this does work. As he inserted five more quarters into the slot, I glanced around once more, nuzzled my lips into the crook of his neck, unzipped his slacks and pulled his rigid manhood free. Kissing his neck, I stroked his cock and he began to moan. Barely able to insert the next group of coins, he pulled the lever, then reaching behind, stroked my clit. Though I wore a dress and panties, it felt strong as if he rubbed my naked clit.

  Danny's winning streak continued with four more bars, but instead of continuing to play, he angled toward me and pulled me into him. Whirling me around, he eased me back against the machine. Sandwiched between the machine and Danny, he was so worked up, he began dry fucking me while kneading my breasts through my dress and swirling his tongue around my mouth. He slipped a hand under the skirt of my dress, and I gasped when talented fingers shoved my panties aside and zeroed in on their favorite playthings. When two clever fingers glided effortlessly into my slippery recess, my head lolled back, banging against the machine. I felt no pain. All I felt was glorious pleasure as intimate digits massaged me from inside in slow, sensual strokes.

  I was so wet even Danny's substantial girth glided effortlessly into my womanly haven. I prayed no one watched. I wrapped one arm around Danny, and tunneled my fingers through his hair as he fucked me. Fucking in public view felt wicked. It was wicked. It also felt good. It was better than good. The thrill exceeded anything I'd experienced until now.

  My pussy was on fire. I felt lightheaded. Each thrust was so deep, so savagely good, I wanted to scream my joy at the top of my lungs, but I couldn’t. I daren't even groan, lest we draw attention.

  I was so wound up from my need, the show and what we were doing, it didn't take long before I felt the stirrings of an orgasm. My heart hammered my ribs. Blood throbbed in my ears. My breath stalled and I couldn’t breathe…and then like a torrential flood it came.

  "Fuck, baby. I'm coming," I whispered.

  To keep from screaming my ecstasy, I bit down through Danny's shirt on his shoulder. I suspected it hurt, because he sucked in a breath and said, "Ooh," but he kept pumping his cock into my cunt as the raging climax surged through me. After the last pleasure shudder had flittered through me, I whispered, "That was amazing, but I can't believe we did that."

  "Me either."


  At first, the familiar voice didn't register.

  "Is that you, Lila?"

  Oh my God! I extricated myself from Danny, straightened my dress and juxtaposed myself between my exposed lover and mother.

  "Mother! What are you doing here?"

  "I could ask you the same."

  It didn't appear she was going to answer me. "Is daddy with you?"

  "Of course. He's playing Blackjack. Where's Lamar?" She hitched her chin at Danny. "And who's this?"

  "Oh!" I glanced back. "This is my friend Daniel Westbrook. I've told you about him. Danny this is Carolyn Landers, my mother."

  Danny stepped sideways and I held my breath that he was decent. He held out his hand. "Pleased to meet, you. I can see where Lila gets her looks."

  Mother, ignoring Danny's hand, gave a curt nod. "Likewise, I'm sure." Then she looked back at me. "I saw you hugging."

  "Yeah, well, Danny just won a nice jackpot."

  "So I see. And Lamar is?"

  "Probably with his girlfriend." I took my mother's hand. "A lot has happened since you went on your cruise. How come you're not on ship?"

  "The cruise ended yesterday and we decided to stop here for a couple days."

  "I see. Let me buy you coffee." Deciding to give her a hint of what was going on, I angled toward Danny. "Sweetheart, why don't you cash in your winnings and join us in the coffee shop."

  Mother's eyes narrowed. "Sweetheart?"

  "I'll explain everything. Should we get Dad?"

  "No leave him. He doesn't need to know his married daughter is involved with a white man."

  A tinge of anger flushed through me. "Suit yourself."

  Neither of us spoke to each other until after we were shown to a booth and I ordered three coffees. I turned to her. "Almost six weeks ago, Lamar filed for a divorce and moved me out of the house."

  Eyes wide and mouth ajar, she leaned forward. "You and Lamar are getting a divorce?"

  "Yes, it's all settled except the waiting period."

  The waitress brought the coffees. While I poured creamer into my cup, she took a sip of hers. "This is what you want?"

  I sneered. "It's what he wanted. I had no choice, but after what he did, I'm tickled to be rid of him."

  "Are you sure the divorce didn't have anything to do with your involvement with…with your young man."

  "Mother! What Lamar did to me was unconscionable. I hate his guts. Danny stood by me and helped me through this mess. He's not like grandfather. He's kind, gentle and considerate. You have to realize there are good, decent people and bad people in all races."

  Carolyn lifted her cup. "You seem pretty impressed with this man."

  "He's not "this man." His name is Daniel Westbrook and compared to the snake I was married to, he's a saint. I love him and I'm going to marry him."

  Carolyn dropped her cup and started coughing. As a busboy rushed over and blotted up the spilled coffee, she looked up with watery eyes. "Are you sure?"

  I rose. "I've never been so sure of anything in my life and if you can't accept that, then there's no sense talking anymore."

  Still coughing, she waved her hand for me to sit. "Don't go."

  I sat and as I waited for her to regain her composure, Danny came up. "Is everything all right?"

  I scooted over so he could sit. "She's fine, baby. Just swallowed a little coffee down the wrong pipe when I told her I intend to marry you."

  He raised his eyebrows and slid in. "You told her?"

  "Ah-huh. She needs to get used to it. I gave you up for her once and I'm not going to do that again."

  "She's why you wouldn't go out with me."

  "I don't know what you're talking about, but I better explain."

  "No mother, I'll explain. My mother's father—my grandfather—is white."

  Mother interrupted me. "Yes, if being the product of a mixed marriage wasn't hard enough to overcome, he deserted us when I was six. He was nice to me and I adored him. I thought he loved me too, but—"

  "Mother please. You're too bitter. Let me tell Daniel. Her father went to get a pack of cigarettes and never came back. At first she thought it was because of her, like there was something wrong with her. She finally realized it was a flaw in him and since he was white she ascribed that flaw to all white men. Does that sum it up, Mother?"

  "I think so. Occasionally, he contacts me."

  That surprised me. "He does?"

  She fidgeted. "Oh yeah. He's very apologetic. He claims he was a drunkard, but hasn't had a drink in thirty years."

  "What does he want, Mrs. Landers?"

  "If we're going to be related, I prefer you call me Carolyn. He wants to get to know his daughter and granddaughter, Lila and me. The last time he called, I almost agreed. Then I remembered how much he hurt me, so I rebuffed him."

  "I don't think you should have done that Mom. People change. You should at least meet him."

  "I don't know if I'm ready to meet him. You can call him if you wish."

  "I do."

  "Fine, I'll get his number to you. Anyway, I better reclaim my husband before he gambles all our money away." She rose and offered her hand.

  Standing, Danny took it.

  "I'm afraid we got off to a bad start. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. If you'll excuse me."


  I married Danny Westbrook six weeks after my divorce was final. From what Cami told me, Lamar didn't even
wait that long to marry Cybil.

  Nine and a half months later, the turnabout in my life was complete when a blessing named Amanda Lila Westbrook joined our household.

  Three years and two months after Danny altered my life by handing the divorce petition to me, we had a big second birthday party for little Mandy in the back yard of our new home in Los Feliz.

  While watching Danny play with our birthday girl and her eleven young guests, the doorbell rang. I rushed through the house and opened the front door. "Cami!" I hugged my friend whom I hadn't seen in ages. I turned my attention to Jonny, her darling three year old, who stood beside Cami, his little fingers clasping the fabric of her dress. I stooped and welcomed him, "Hi Jonny. Thanks for coming to Mandy's party."

  He handed me a wrapped present.

  "Why thank you Jonny. Mandy will be thrilled. Everyone's in the back yard. Shall we go there?"

  He nodded.

  Mama picked the little cutie up and we walked through the rear French doors. When Jonny saw the coven of kids, he squirmed until Cami set him down.

  As he ran off to join the party, Cami said, "Sorry I'm late. I forgot you moved back into your old house and went to your condo first. How did you swing getting your old house back, anyway?"

  "It's kind of a long story?"

  "You know me. I always have to know everything."

  I smiled at my friend. "Okay, grab a seat at the table while I get us both some lemonade."

  Noticing Cami lit a cigarette as I went to fetch some lemonade, I grabbed an ashtray on the way back. "Okay, here's your lemonade and here's an ashtray."


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