Beyond Death (The Afterlife Series Book 1)

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Beyond Death (The Afterlife Series Book 1) Page 18

by Deb McEwan

  ‘Probably not. Well not for a good number of years hopefully, and only then if you prove acceptable to the Committee.’

  Ron smiled, picking up the inference that they would only see him if he was good which meant that Claire’s final place was heaven. It was totally lost on his friend who was deep in thought, considering her sister’s circumstances he assumed.

  ‘We don’t know where the girl is and I want you two to find out and alert the authorities.’

  ‘But how...’

  ‘Use your initiative and your brothers of course, Claire. Now any further questions?’

  They said nothing as she hadn’t answered the questions they’d already asked.

  ‘Good. Start at Big Ed’s location and see where that takes you. Goodbye and good luck.’ She disappeared and they quickly said their goodbyes to Ken and disappeared themselves. He was left as he was before she’d arrived, contemplating his future life, but also regretting ever meeting Big Ed.


  Roger missed the parties but all thoughts of the good times disappeared as he listened to the news headlines. He broke out into a cold sweat. With hand shaking he removed a red spotted handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit and wiped his forehead. He picked up his phone to make a call but slammed it down as his secretary walked into his office.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘You said to come in for a diary check at 2pm and it’s ten past now.’ She smiled patiently as if talking to a child.

  ‘Can’t you see I’m busy. We’ll do it later.’

  ‘Okay. Would you like a coffee?’

  ‘Just get out and leave me alone.’

  ‘Certainly.’ That was rude even by his standards and she noticed that he did look more stressed than usual. She smiled again and left the office, wondering if his wife had at long last found out that he was up to something. She didn’t know exactly what, but she did know that he had something to hide and suspected that it was both immoral and illegal.

  Roger locked the door before picking up the phone and calling his three friends. They had the same reaction as him when they heard that a girl had gone missing and that the police were looking for someone fitting Edward Cathcart’s description. As Roger hung up there was a knock at the door.

  ‘Piss off!’ Stupid cow, how many times did he have to tell her he didn’t want to be disturbed?

  ‘It’s the police, Mr Lancaster. Open the door now or we’ll open it for you.’

  Roger looked around, desperately. Jump out of the tenth floor window or open up to the police. It was a no brainer. He opened the door and glared at his secretary as if she were the cause of all his problems.

  ‘We need to talk to you as a matter of urgency,’ said DI Sparks after showing his ID. ‘Get your coat, we’re going to the Station.’ And Roger cursed the day he’d met Big Ed.


  Mel was struggling to breathe and it was this that woke her. It was pitch dark and she felt pressure on her throat. Still groggy from sleep, she shook her head trying to move then lifted her free hand realizing that someone was squeezing her throat. She attempted to remove the hand that was causing her pain. It was a vice-like grip and it didn’t budge. It didn’t occur to her that this might be the end and she thrashed about as much as she was able trying to break free. Suddenly, the hand moved of its own volition and a light was turned on, almost blinding her. Her eyes adjusted to the light some seconds later and she took in a sharp intake of breath when she at last recognized the face in front of her.

  He leaned toward her, his face inches from hers and Mel turned her head to face away from him. He squeezed her cheeks, forcing her to face him. He smelled of stale tobacco and what she thought was whisky, combined with a sickly sweet mixture of sweat and too much aftershave lotion. She coughed and tried not to gag.

  ‘I’m arranging a little party for you. And you’ll be sorry. I’m saving you for them but I might have a go after they’ve finished.’ He gave her face a little slap and smiled. That was all he said before getting up from the bed and walking to the door. He winked and left the room.

  Mel hugged herself with her free hand, trying to control her trembling body.

  ‘Mum, oh Mum. Help me, Mum.’ She cried. But nobody heard her and eventually she was cried out. Despite the fact that it was starting to get light, her exhausted body needed to rest and she fell into a fitful sleep. She dreamt of the Bogey Man that her mother had warned her about when she was young, a man she’d thought was fictional, but now she knew that he really did exist.


  Big Ed was nowhere to be found. The closed sign hung from the front door and a number of punters had banged on it surprised to be confronted by police who either sent them away or brought them in for questioning. The word was out that something was amiss and the more shady characters kept away from his shop. Claire and Ron had only spent a little time at his base before concluding that they wouldn’t get any information from there.

  ‘Where do we go next?’ Said Claire, asking herself as well as Ron.

  ‘We need to find out about his associates and hope that one of them can lead us to him.’

  ‘I know that, but how?’

  Ron had no idea and was pondering their predicament.

  ‘The party location. We need to go there. He might have taken her there.’ Said Claire.

  ‘I don’t think so. Would he be that stupid?’

  ‘Do you have a better idea?’ It was a fair point.

  Ken was surprised to see them again and greeted them as if they were long lost relatives. This is all very well, thought Claire. They were in a rush but she tried not to show him, not wanting to hurt his feelings for some reason she couldn’t fathom.

  ‘Yes, nice to see you too, Ken.’ She said.

  Ron coughed.

  ‘We need the address where you used to take the girls. It may help us to locate my sister.’

  He explained that there had been two separate venues and he gave them both addresses. Ron knew the areas well from his taxi driving. They said their goodbyes once again and left in a hurry.

  They were too late at the first place, it looked as if it had been gutted and all that was left was the shell of the house. They struck lucky at the second location.

  Sandy was absolutely shattered. He’d sent her back to London the previous night and she’d already sorted the first house. Now she had to do this one and get back to feed the girl. She sighed, placing another heavy plastic bag in the corner of the big room with the two already there. The journey from city to city was only two hours, which was fine. But they were out in the sticks and by the time she hired a car and negotiated the windy roads it would be at least four hours from door to door, and that was only if everything went smoothly. It hadn’t the first time and she tentatively placed a hand on her cheek and winced. It was still painful even though the beating had happened two days before and he wouldn’t have done it if she’d followed his instructions. It had saved time but he wasn’t happy that she’d used her own licence for the hire car, and hadn’t bothered to obtain a stolen one like he’d told her to. He was under a lot of stress and she knew he couldn’t help himself, but this was the worst beating he’d given her and Sandy was beginning to feel that it wasn’t her fault this time. The woman on the train didn’t believe her story that she’d drank too much and fallen over. She’d told her that she could leave and that there were organisations that would help her. Sandy took the card out of her pocket and studied it, wondering if it was possible to start over. Her ringing phone brought her back to the present and she sighed when she saw it was him. She hoped that she wasn’t in trouble again.

  Claire noticed that the woman’s work rate increased once she’d hung up the phone, despite the fact that she was also crying and hastily wiping the tears from her face as she was going about her business. She finished loading the bags and dragged them one by one down the two flights of stairs, and out onto the main road. There was a skip at the end of the street and C
laire and Ron watched as she struggled to lift each bag into it. She failed with the third and had a quick look around to ensure she wasn’t being watched, before removing some of the bottles, old clothes and syringes and throwing them into the skip separately. Exhausted, she slowly climbed back up the stairs and looked around. It was all clear and Sandy went downstairs and satisfied herself that there was no incriminating evidence left in the house. She washed her hands and face, and dried them on the old towel in the bathroom. She left the house, forgetting to remove the old towel, locked the front door and put the keys in her bag, planning to throw them out of the train window between stations. Wearily she made her way to the underground to start her journey northwards, hoping that his mood would improve by the time she got there.

  The journey to Manchester was uneventful and Claire and Ron followed Sandy from the time she entered the underground station in London, until she arrived at the old rundown farmhouse out in the sticks. They didn’t have an address but she would be able to give the twins the location of the nearest village and with Ron’s help, clear directions from the village to the farmhouse.

  They quickly entered the old farmhouse just to be sure and looked around. They eventually found the miserable room where Mel was being held prisoner. She was sleeping and as far as Claire could see, she wasn’t physically damaged except for a few red marks on her neck and the pale and drawn appearance even in sleep, due to the worry of her current circumstances Claire assumed.

  ‘It’s going to be all right,’ said Claire. ‘We’ll send someone to save you as soon as we can.’

  Mel turned over in her sleep and smiled, muttering thank you as she did so.

  ‘She can hear me! I can talk to my new sister when she’s sleeping, just like I did with the twins!’

  ‘Calm down, Claire. It might only be coincidence and she’s having a nice dream to escape from her current dire circumstances.’

  But Claire knew she was right and wanted to get to her brothers as soon as possible so they could start the mission to save their sister.


  For some reason unclear to him, Carol had distanced herself even further from Graham. She hadn’t exactly blamed him for Mel’s abduction, but had said that if they’d been a normal family, Mel wouldn’t have got into the taxi that night and therefore wouldn’t have been abducted later on. When Graham had tried to explain that her logic was flawed they’d fallen out and she wouldn’t let him anywhere near her house. The twins knew how distressed their father was and didn’t want him to be on his own, so they’d insisted he move in with them until Mel was found safe and sound. They’d also taken time off work to concentrate all their efforts on finding their sister.

  Graham hadn’t slept for the two days since his daughter had been taken and Tony looked as his father’s drawn, haggard face, and hair that seemed to be going greyer by the second.

  ‘Here, Dad. Drink this.’

  He took the mug of hot milk without a word and started sipping. ‘What if he’s hurt her? I couldn’t bear to lose her as well.’

  ‘It’s not going to happen, Dad. I want you to go and lie down after you’ve drank that and we’ll speak to the police in the meantime, to find out what progress they’ve made.’

  Graham didn’t want to sleep in case some news came in and he missed it.

  ‘We’ll wake you if there’s any news, Dad. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling but you need to look after yourself so you can be there for Mel when they find her.’ Said Jim. They were all frightened about what could happen, but he was determined to try and stay positive for his father’s sake.

  ‘Here, this will help.’ He handed his father a sleeping tablet and helped him up from the sofa as if he were an old man. Jim took his father’s mug and escorted him to the bedroom. He watched him take the tablet and he closed the curtains. Graham lay on the bed.

  ‘Don’t leave me too long, son.’

  ‘Of course not and I’ll wake you if there’s any news.’

  He closed the door and returned to the lounge. Tony looked at his brother and the unanswered question hung in the air between them. Why hadn’t Claire been in touch to help out?


  Satisfied with the progress made by Claire and Ron, Gabriella was able to concentrate on other matters within her area of responsibility. Ken was totally bored when she appeared unexpectedly with her customary whoosh. He could see from her expression that it was time for him to leave and he closed his eyes for a second, trying to sum up courage and not look frightened in front of his adored heroine. Feeling composed and slightly less stressed he looked at the angel.

  ‘What do you want me to do?’

  ‘I want you to prove me right, Kenneth and to live a good life.’ She gave a special smile and if he could have granted her the universe he would have.

  ‘I’ll try not to let you down.’

  ‘Say goodbye to Kenneth and close your eyes.’

  ‘Where am I going?’

  ‘All will become clear, Kenneth. Say goodbye.’

  He did as he was bid. Kenneth saw a few stars on a black background, spinning around inside and outside his head, their number multiplied and he started to feel dizzy. The black background became smaller and smaller as the stars blurred and seemed to join together. All he could see wherever he looked was one intensely bright light, and he couldn’t work out whether it was in his very being or in the outside world. He only knew that it was warm and seemed to be calling to him. He followed it and wasn’t at all frightened.

  She gave one final scream and the baby slithered out and was picked up by the midwife who wiped it and wrapped the crying infant in a baby blanket.

  ‘Your son, Frau Mueller.’ Said the midwife in heavily accented English as she handed the baby to his mother. The mother looked at the perfect being in her arms, and felt a surge of love that surprised her with its intenseness. She knew that she’d do anything for this boy and if anyone tried to harm him or make him unhappy, God help them. Her husband stroked her hair and she remembered that she wasn’t alone. She kissed the baby’s head and handed him to his father. She could tell from the expression on Otto’s face that he felt exactly the same as she did, and her love for her husband grew even more.

  Gabriella brushed her hands together at a job well done as she looked at the happy scene and smiled, satisfied that Kenneth would have the best chance she could give him to live a good life. The rest was now up to him.


  They arrived at the flat as her brothers were in the living room. There was a chat show on the TV, but both were lost in their own thoughts and neither appeared to be watching. They sat up straight at the same time. They know, thought Ron as Tony looked at Jim.

  ‘She’s here isn’t she?’ His brother nodded and they waited for their sister to speak.

  ‘I know where she is.’

  ‘Is she okay?’

  Claire told them that there was little physical harm but she couldn’t say the same for their sister’s mental state.

  ‘She was sleeping. But she’s fifteen years old and with a man who arranged for her friends to be raped. She’s bound to be terrified about what’s going to happen to her, especially if she knows he’s the one who abducted her.’

  Claire told them the location and Tony looked it up on his tablet. ‘Even if we leave now, we won’t get there for another four hours at the very least.’

  ‘And the police said they’re going to be interviewing the scum who went to that party, so the Big Ed tosser is bound to find out about that soon.’

  ‘And when he does find out. If any of those know about the farmhouse, he’ll want to move on quickly.’

  The twins were doing their tag-team conversation and Ron was the only one who found it disconcerting. But he was also impressed with their deductions and told her so. He suggested that they contact the police and tell them the address.

  ‘Are you still there, Claire?’

  ‘Yes. You need to contact the police so they
can arrange to get someone there, in case he moves and we lose him. Not sure how you’re going to explain it though.’

  Ron shook his head. For a bright girl she could be incredibly stupid at times.

  ‘Anonymous email.’ Said the twins and their sister shrugged to Ron, acknowledging that she’d had a blonde moment.

  ‘Good idea. We’re...’

  Ron nudged her.

  ‘I mean I’m going to go back to keep an eye on things and I’ll try to let you know if anything changes before the police arrive.’

  Jim woke his father and told him that the police had called and had received an anonymous tip-off while he’d been sleeping. Graham was still feeling groggy so got ready to leave the flat with his sons, not yet fully aware enough to ask any intelligent questions.

  Tony logged on to his secret URL while they were in the car and sent an email to the address that had been given in the missing person news bulletin, shortly after Mel had been abducted. He was rather pleased with his own Guardian Angel email address.


  It wasn’t going to plan and Big Ed was seething. Despite his earlier warning, Sandy had yet again failed to follow his instructions and he’d had to teach her another lesson. Already annoyed because he couldn’t reach any of the party guys, he’d been heavy handed and she wouldn’t be any use to him now other than fetching and carrying for the girl. It was different this time too. He rubbed his arm where she’d bitten it and although crying for him to stop, she’d had a defiant look about her. He’d have to bring her back into line when all this was over and he’d be glad when the girl was out of his hands. His thoughts wandered and he wondered whether to have a go at the girl himself, but soon put that out of his mind, knowing how much he’d earn for such a good looker who hadn’t been touched. Money was always his overriding influence. He would get Sandy to confirm it but he was almost sure the girl was a virgin by the way she acted. But first he’d need to find someone to take her off his hands. He logged on to his laptop and typed in the password for his database. Big Ed selected half a dozen names and started making the calls. By the time he’d made three, he suspected that all was not well and this was confirmed on the fourth call.


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