Broad Daylight

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Broad Daylight Page 12

by A. M. Wilson

  “Can’t.” I shake my head. “It hurts to move.”

  “Come to me.”

  I shake my head again.

  “Get up and walk to me right now. Walk to me right the fuck now!”

  It takes several tries to get my elbows under me enough to support my weight. One after the other, I situate my knees and push up into an all-fours position. All the while, from behind a pane of shatterproof glass, Reece coaxes me on.

  “That’s it. You got this. Make your way over to me.”

  “You’re…bossy,” I mumble, winded from taking my first steps toward him.

  “I think you secretly like it.”

  I throw a glare in his direction. “I don’t like a single thing about you, Reece James.” Not mentioning the fact he’s grown into a hot as hell man. That tidbit will stay buried for the rest of my, possibly incredibly short, life.

  When I reach the window, I rest my fingertips against the frame. “I’m so cold.”

  His brow creases with concern. “I know you are. But you’re tough as hell. You’re going to get through it.”

  “I’ve never been this cold in my entire life.”

  He presses his finger tighter against the glass in response.

  “You look so warm.”

  Reece chuckles without humor. “She’s going to bring you something. I just know it. She’s not going to let you die.”

  “Yeah, well, if she doesn’t, don’t tell anybody I died from a c-c-cold bath. How stupid does that s-s-sound?”

  “Don’t. It’s not gonna happen, okay?”

  My energy wanes with each second I remain standing. I try softly marching in place, but it only tires me faster.

  “I’m scared.”

  With my admission, Reece visibly stiffens, and his face transforms from soft to serious.

  “Me too.”

  Talking becomes too taxing. The two of us stand on our separate sides of the wall, watching one another with our shared confessions hanging between us. There isn’t a lot left to say. The part I refuse to acknowledge in the open is that we know Bolt has a purpose for Reece. She stalked him for weeks and kidnapped him with a plan.

  As for me?

  Maybe this is it for me. Maybe I’m as expendable as it seems.

  I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.



  “I won’t be gone long,” I say, pulling my wife into my arms and pressing a gentle kiss against her lips. “You need anything, call me.”

  “I will. You go and do what you have to do. The kids and I have Spencer and Rita. We’ll be fine,” Aislin reassures me.

  I hate leaving her and the kids, especially in this place, but I couldn’t bear to leave them back in Florida. Westbridge holds too many bad memories for us. For fifteen years, it was a place of nightmares and pain for Aislin. For the same number of years, it was a place of fear and regret for me. We left for a fresh start and have only been back once.

  “Are you sure you’re okay being here?” I watch her face for the truth.

  She smiles, and it meets her eyes, so I know she’s fine. “I’m okay. You don’t need to worry about me, Niko. You need to concentrate on finding your brother.”

  A lead weight settles in my stomach at the reminder of why we’re here.


  Yesterday afternoon, the captain called to inform me Reece was missing. I booked the first available flight for my family and me. According to the Captain, there’s not one fucking clue as to what happened to him.

  Memories of searching for Aislin, of the countless days and nights of looking for evidence of her disappearance and coming up empty, filter through my mind. The difference between now and then is the authorities actually believe there was foul play. I have the police and other resources on my side. I try not to let that bitter reality get to me, but I can’t help but still feel an inkling of resentment toward our judicial system.

  Little patters of feet come running down the hallway, and a second later, two heads poke around the corner. Every time I see the two miracles Aislin and I made, a fresh wave of love slams into my chest.

  Chris makes a beeline straight for Aislin, and Maggie heads for me. I love both my kids the same, but my heart holds a special place for my little Mags. I know Chris has the same spot in Aislin’s heart.

  I bend and scoop Maggie in my arms while Aislin squats in front of Chris.

  “Me and Cwis looooove da house!” Maggie says excitedly, kicking her legs around my hips.

  Instead of renting a hotel room since we don’t know how long we’ll be here, Aislin and I decided to rent a house. Thankfully, Tavers knew a guy who had a furnished house some tenants just left, and he agreed to rent it to us on a weekly basis.

  I snuggle my face into my daughter’s neck and give her a kiss. She giggles from the scruff on my chin and cheeks tickling her.

  “You do, huh?”

  “Yep. Can we go see da tree house now?”

  Although Westbridge is filled with bad memories, there are still some good ones. The tree house is one place that Aislin and I loved as kids. It was our sanctuary. On our trip up here, Aislin told the kids all about our tree house and promised them we would show them.

  “Not today, Mags.” I kiss her cheek. “I have to go talk to some people. You, Chris, and Mama are going to stay here with Spencer and Rita. I promise we’ll go soon, though.”

  “Okay. What about Uncle Weece?”

  I hate lying to my daughter, but telling her the truth would be too much for her to understand. That, and she’s too young to worry about her uncle.

  “Uncle Reece is busy right now, but we’ll see him some other time.”

  I pray like hell I didn’t just add another lie.

  I set her on her feet just as Rita and Spencer walk into the room.

  To the outside world, Rita is the kids’ sitter. Spencer is her husband, and through her, a close friend. Behind closed doors, though, the pair are brother and sister who run Moreno Security. I hired them to watch over my family. Rita watches over the kids while Spencer is tasked to protect Aislin. They’ve been with us for two years. The kids have grown close to them both and even call them aunt and uncle. We have no reason to believe the kids or Aislin are in danger, and it may seem extreme to some, but I take no chances with my family.

  I turn to Chris and bend to scoop him up. “You help Uncle Spence and Aunt Rita watch over your mom and sister, you hear?”

  He nods solemnly as though I’ve given him an important task. “I will, Daddy.”

  I kiss his forehead before I put him on his feet.

  “Come on, kiddos,” Rita says, holding her hands out for both of them to grab one. “Let’s go raid the kitchen for a snack.”

  “Everything’s set and secure,” Spencer says once the kids are gone. His expression appears calm, but I know he’s always on high alert.

  “Thanks, Spence. I shouldn’t be too long. I’ve got my cell on me if something should come up.”

  He jerks his chin up in acknowledgment before leaving the room.

  I secure my arm back around Aislin’s waist and pull until she’s snug against my front.

  “Love you, North.”

  Aislin beams up at me, just as she always does when I call her by the nickname I gave her when we were kids.

  “Love you, too.” She rolls to her toes and gives me a kiss. “Now go and find out what happened to your brother.”

  After another kiss, I reluctantly let her go and force myself to turn around. Walking out the front door, I head toward my truck and get behind the wheel. The house we’re staying in isn’t far from the police department, so it isn’t long before I’m pulling into a parking space.

  The department looks the same when I walk inside, not that I expected it to be different. I stop by the front desk and speak to the officer there for a few moments before I pass through the doors leading to the back. I head straight for the cap’s office.

  Along with Tavers and Capt
ain Morgan, I’m surprised to see another man and woman who look vaguely familiar.

  A smile breaks out on Tavers’ face when he spots me just inside the door. He walks over, and we do our manly back-pounding hug thing.

  “I wish it was under better circumstances, but it’s good to see you, man,” he says, stepping back.

  I take in his tired eyes. “It’s good to see you too. How are you holding up?”

  His expression deepens with misery. “I’ve been better.”

  “How’s Mindy?”

  He grips the back of his neck. “Not good. She’s only had chemo for a few days, and it’s already kicking her ass.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry to hear that.” I grip his shoulder. “You call if you need anything.”

  He nods.

  “Niko.” Captain Morgan draws my attention to him. Walking to his desk, I hold out my hand. “I would say it’s good to see you, but we both know this isn’t the way we wish it would happen.”

  “What do you have?” I get right down to business.

  He holds out a thin folder. “Not much, I’m afraid. And we have more bad news.”

  My hand pauses as I reach for the folder, and my lungs freeze. “What is it?’ I force the words out.

  “Danica Lawrence, the lead detective on the case, is missing as well. They went to Reece’s place to investigate and talk to some of the neighbors. She and her partner, Detective Barns, never reported back in. We sent a squad out and found Detective Barns outside Reece’s house.” His eyes turn dark, and I know just from that look that it’s bad. “He was gutted from the neck down to his groin.”

  “Fuck,” I mutter. It’s always hard hearing about a fellow officer dying, but knowing it was in such a gruesome way doubles the pain. “There was no sign of Detective Lawrence?”

  “No. And from the way Barns’s body was handled, it looks like the perp was in a hurry.”

  “Are we sure it was done by the same person who took my brother?”

  “There’s no way to know for sure, but it’s a good assumption. Or at least someone working with them.”


  I look down at the folder and flip it open. Pictures of the damage to Reece’s truck and the package are inside, along with the initial report from Tavers.

  “This is it?” I ask Cap.

  He jerks his chin up. “Yes. Whoever’s been harassing your brother has covered their tracks. He claimed he had no enemies and didn't know of anyone who would want to harm him. We ran the lightning bolt in the database and came back with nothing. Same with the partial print we managed to get off the package. None of the neighbors has seen anything either. I had Tavers run a background check on Reece’s workers, but they’re all clean.”

  “I want to do an extensive search of the neighborhood and talk to the residents myself.”

  The captain’s brows form a frown. “You know I can’t let you on this case, Niko. First, it’s out of your jurisdiction, and even if I could get you approved to work it, your personal involvement wouldn’t allow it.”

  His statement doesn’t surprise me. I came to Westbridge knowing I wouldn’t be able to officially be on the case. But there’s not a chance in hell the captain will be able to stop me off the books.

  “You know me better than that, Captain Morgan. My brother is missing. And now one of your detectives too. Not to mention this case has just changed into a murder investigation. With all due respect, you can’t expect me to sit on my ass.”

  “Niko…” Captain Morgan starts, but I talk over him.

  “I know I can’t officially be on the case or use the resources of the department. But I can be a consultant.”

  Captain thinks over my suggestion for a moment before he gives a tight nod. “Just watch your steps.”

  “Will do.”

  Captain turns to the man and woman, who have been quiet this whole time. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Danica’s parents.”

  I shake both of their hands. “ I’m not sure if you remember me, but we met briefly when I was a teenager, and my brother and Danica were seeing each other. I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. We’ll be doing everything we can to bring her and my brother, Reece, home safely.”

  “Thank you,” Mrs. Lawrence says, her eyes glistening with tears. “Please call me Laura.” She gestures to her husband. “And this is Timothy.”

  “Reece and Detective Lawrence knew each other prior to her taking the case?”

  I turn to Cap. “Yes. They dated for a while back in high school. She didn’t tell you?”

  “No.” Cap’s brows pull together. After a moment, the look falls from his face. “Given the circumstances, Tavers has agreed to come back on the case,” he informs us.

  I look at Tavers. “Are you sure? I know your plate is full at the moment.”

  “Yes. Mindy’s mom has moved in with us temporarily to help out.”

  I feel like an ass for being glad Tavers is back on the case, but from the leads we have so far, which are fucking zilch, we need all the help we can get. From the look Tavers gives me, he knows how grateful I am.

  There’s a tap on the door before a head pops in. “Barns’ family is here, Cap.”

  “Shit,” he mumbles to himself. He looks at Tavers and me. “I have to go tell them the news. If either of you comes across anything, let me know.”

  We all follow him out of the office. Barns wasn’t here when I left the Westbridge Police Department a couple of years ago, so I didn’t know the man. I watch as Captain Morgan approaches the man and woman and leads them to another room. I don’t envy him having to give the grave news.

  Tavers talks quietly with the Lawrences for a moment before they turn and leave the station. He comes back to me, leaning a hip on one of the desks.

  “I don’t care what the Captain says,” I start, keeping my voice low. “Whatever it takes, I want my brother and Danica back.”

  Tavers nods, catching my meaning.

  Whoever in the fuck decided to mess with my family will soon find out that it will be the last mistake they ever make.





  “Talk to me.”

  “About what?”

  Fuck. The quietness of her voice becomes harder to hear as her energy wanes. Some time ago, her legs gave out, and she sat down against the wall separating us. The cinder blocks already muffle our voices, and as her energy depletes, she’s nothing more than a whisper from the other side of the barrier.

  “Tell me something I don’t know. What have you been up to for the past two decades?”

  Her chuckle is chased by a hacking cough. “Are we bonding now? Because I can t-tell you, I think I hate you even more for getting me into this s-s-situation.”

  “I hate me too,” I admit quietly. She probably doesn’t hear it. And what sort of coward does that make me? I tried to do what I could to keep her safe and still failed.

  The silence stretches between us, and my heart rate jumps a notch.

  “Dani!” I call hoarsely.

  “What?” Her response comes a few seconds later than I’d like.

  “Tell me a story. I don’t care what about, I just need you to keep talking. You can’t go to sleep.”

  “I know that, Reece.”

  For some reason, the annoyance in her tone tugs at the corner of my lips.

  “My work partner, Bryan Barns, have you ever met him?”

  “What about him?” I answer in a warning tone, knowing just who Bryan Barns is and not liking the fact Dani’s bringing him up.

  “He’s asked me out a few times now since I got back to Westbridge. I’m considering taking him up on the offer.”

  I shift uncomfortably against the window ledge. “Talk about something else,” I grunt.

  “He’s cute, but I don’t date long-term, so I don’t want to hurt his feelings.”

  I wish I could see her face right now and read her expression. She’s tryin
g damn hard to hurt my feelings, and she knows exactly how to do it.

  “Why don’t you date long-term?”

  “Because I learned a long time ago that giving myself to someone so completely is the only way in life to ensure getting hurt.”

  “Dani…” I start, then stop, not knowing what to say. She isn’t wrong, so there’s no reason to pretend to comfort the damage I purposely inflicted.

  “I tried to move past the destruction. I dated after a few years. I even had a long-term relationship that I thought for sure was the one.” She guts me with each sentence as she paints a vivid picture from the ashy ruins of our relationship.

  She moves past my lack of response. “But when it came down to putting it all on the line, I chickened out.”

  “Why?” The single word scrapes up my throat as if being drawn out by claws. As much as I know what she’s about to say will fucking hurt, I want to know why someone like her would back away from a lifetime of happiness.

  The sound of footsteps quickly nearing pulls my attention away from Dani’s answer even though I’m damn desperate for her reply. I jump up and ready myself for what’s to come as Bolt approaches my door for the first time since we arrived. Unlike Dani, I’m not shackled with a collar around my neck. Even though Bolt is probably prepared for my reaction, I have to try to get us out of here.

  Keys jangle before the lock releases an audible click, and the door pulls open, leaving me nowhere to hide. A dark hallway beyond is revealed for the first time and beckons me to freedom.

  As my muscles coil to lunge at the open door, Bolt’s voice rings out.

  “If you so much as approach me, I’ll shove this gun so far up her cunt, she’ll get to enjoy the taste of her own pussy before I pull the trigger and end her life.”

  The desire to attack flees at her promise, but the demand to fight keeps my muscles locked and ready. A small handgun held in front precedes Bolt into my room. An object flies from her other hand to land at my feet, but I refuse to look. I don’t want to take my eyes off the weapon in her hand, not convinced she won’t fire mercilessly. I learned quickly she’s not the type to bargain—not truthfully anyway—which makes her word worthless in this situation.


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