The Bloody Ripper (Leopard King Saga)

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The Bloody Ripper (Leopard King Saga) Page 12

by T. A. Uner

  “So he’s your man on the inside?”

  Seamus nodded. “He’s going to assist us onboard Blood. I only hope that when I collect the stolen energy I can return it to their hosts.”

  Jack wouldn’t have believed that possible if Robert hadn’t told him about Atlas and its remarkable technologies. “Suppose we’re successful, Seamus, what’s to prevent The Sect from coming back to finish the job later.”

  “Time incursion is a tricky thing Jack, there are an infinite number of realities, and The Sect knows that if they try and return the Atlasians will be able to track them easily since multiple incursions in the same realities leave ripples in time which the Grand Militia tracks. That’s why The Sect infiltrates countless realities and timelines to diversify their operations. They’re a desperate people remember? Archon formed the Grand Militia to act as a service branch against these blood-suckers.”

  Jack was amazed at the magnitude of this war that stretched across time. Seamus had obviously been trained extensively by this Archon to have so much knowledge of advanced technologies and procedures. But these beings from Atlas, despite being human in nature, acted in an omnipotent manner by recruiting races native to affected timelines to help them fight The Sect. Jack marveled at the efficiency of these mysterious people, and envied Robert for being exposed to such advanced medicine, he would’ve given anything to take a look at the machines that had resurrected his brother from certain death. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, but still one thing did not make sense.“I wonder why these ‘clones’ as you call them would turn against The Sect and go rogue.”

  Seamus looked over the screen and shook his head. “Unfortunately I could not locate that vital piece of information, Jack. But we do have a lead that may be able to answer that question.”

  Jack’s eyes lit up. “How?”

  “The Sect sent five clones here to gather information. Four are dead, which leaves one, and I have her name and address on file, a Mary Jane Kelly of 13 Miller’s Court.”


  Miller’s Court was quiet and misty.

  Using the portal device Jack and Seamus shifted near the last known recorded residence of Mary Jane Kelly. This was Jack’s second shift, and like the first time, he felt dizzy before the effects wore off. “A few more shifts Jack and you’ll be a pro at traveling through portals,” Seamus told him before drawing a hand-held device from his pocket, which to Jack resembled a small, thin piece of paper with a glowing surface.

  “Did you locate her?”

  Seamus nodded. “She’s twenty meters ahead of us, on the sidewalk.”

  “Another piece of amazing technology, these Atlasians are geniuses.”

  They walked briskly, Jack grasping his saber’s hilt while Seamus led them toward the final woman. “Are you picking up Vampiress?” Jack asked, he was anxious to get another crack at this woman, and drew his saber, the moonlight glinted off its blade.

  “No, but I’m getting something different, two different types of signatures, they’re definitely not Vampiress, Jack.”

  “Who are they?”

  Seamus put away the paper-thin device and drew a strange-looking pistol.

  Up ahead a female shape came into view, paying through thin layers of mist. The street lanterns glowed like hazy yellow candles upon the cobblestone street flanking the sidewalk. “There, I see her.” Jack pointed his saber, he saw two tall men on the other side of the street cross and head toward the woman, who was wearing a linen dress and had a shawl draped over her shoulders.

  “I don’t like the look of this.” Seamus said.

  The men came into view; they wore black suits and wore sunglasses over their eyes. “Who wears sunglasses at night?” Jack said.

  “I have a feeling we’re going to find out,” Seamus said. He drew the paper-thin device again. “Strange. I’m getting a null reading from those two men.”

  “Why so strange?”

  “Because usually Sect machinery gives off that type of signature, not regular operatives.”

  Jack scowled. “Where is Vampiress?”

  One of the two men broke off from the other and started walking in their direction before the other tailed the woman. “I don’t like this,” Seamus said.

  “I’ll take this one,” Jack said. A glowing object appeared in the suit-man’s hand. It pulsated like a small yellow star.

  “Jack get down!”

  A yellow stream of energy erupted from the object. Jack slashed his saber and it deflected the blast; the object erupted again and Jack had to hit the ground to avoid being struck. Seamus fired his pistol at the man, he evaporated into white energy like a star going nova.

  Jack got up and ran toward the second man, who was struggling with the woman. Seamus fired his weapon again but the man threw the woman down on the sidewalk before deflecting the blast with its shielded hand.

  “Shit!” Jack said. He charged the creature with his saber, the battle rush he felt many years ago serving in the Boer War returned. But this time he wasn’t facing Dutch settlers fighting for freedom, but an unearthly creature with unknown powers. The creature unleashed a spray of energy which Jack deflected with his blade. In the corner of his eye, Jack saw the woman, Mary Jane Kelly, he presumed, watching in horror as she lay sprawled on the sidewalk.

  The creature threw a punch at him and he was able to get his fists up to deflect the blow. His bones rattled in his body as he absorbed the blow, it felt as if a locomotive had driven over his arms. The creature grabbed Jack by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him closer to its face. Under the lantern light Jack saw behind its sunglasses, whirlpools swirled like vortexes in sockets where eyes should have been. Jack saw the whirlpools grow larger and larger until he felt the energy draining from his body.

  He gathered his remaining strength and head-butted the creature in the forehead twice before it released him; Jack’s temples throbbed with pain as the night mist swirled around him. He saw the creature above him, it collected its composure and drew a glowing cube from its pocket. That must be the weapon that fired on us earlier, he thought. He tried to get to his feet but couldn’t. A flash of light appeared above him and the creature snarled before disappearing. The darkness returned; just another misty night.

  “Jack are you all right?” Seamus appeared and thrust smelling salt under his nose. His head jerked upright as he came to his senses.

  “I’m fine,” Jack said in between breaths, “check on the girl.” But to Jack and Seamus’ amazement the girl was already on her feet. She kneeled next to Jack and placed a hand on his arm.

  A surge of energy pulsed through his body and soon he felt his full strength return. She picked up Jack’s saber and handed it to him as both he and Seamus looked at her with disbelief. “Who are you two?” she asked. “And why did you try and save me?”

  “We’re trying to stop Vampiress,” Jack said. “She and The Sect are trying to destroy my people.” He figured he could trust this woman.“Seamus here is an caretaker operative of a planet named Atlas.”

  Mary Jane Kelly’s eyes widened. “Atlas? It is said that they are the most advanced race in this galaxy. Well, if you are aligned with the Atlasians then your cause is just.”

  “We know you’re a clone,” Seamus added, “but what we don’t understand is why you defied your programming, why did you abandon your mission.”

  The woman’s eyes looked tired, he knew that look before, seen it in thousands of patients in hospitals he had worked at. “Let us talk in more secure surroundings.” She led them off the streets and they disappeared into the night.

  • • •

  It was a modest dwelling, Jack thought. Kelly brought them two cups of tea and they sat down around her small kitchen table and waited to hear her story.

  “The five of us were sent to this timeline to observe humanity and report back to Sect Command before they could establish their base. I was the last of a special mold that was created on Grydus II, a military research
base 6 light years from Kaotika. The Sect’s mission was very ambitious, but genocidal. Without any opposition, they would’ve drained this timeline dry.” She paused for a moment and looked down at her hands abashedly. “I and the others were not told of this, but one night we intercepted a transmission and learned of their intentions. We were outraged, trained as both scouts and healers for damaged Hollow Men, it contradicted our programming to allow, anyone, even our enemies to be harmed, let alone exterminated, so we sought out women whose identities we could borrow. And, with their permission we merged.”

  “Merged?” Jack said.

  “But why would these human women want to merge with alien lifeforms?” Seamus asked.

  Kelly turned toward Seamus. “Because Mr. McCoy, they were all living destitute lives, working as women of ill-repute and suffering from various sexually transmitted diseases. They were happy to accept our offer. But of course The Sect would never allow this so they assigned a ruthless Section Chief named Ambrogio to hunt us down, using Vampiress and Hollow Men troops.” Kelly pointed at Jack’s saber. “You’re lucky to have such a weapon, Mr. Mansfield, Silver is the only metal that can deflect firepower from a Black Cube — the weapon of choice for Hollow Men.”

  “Vampiress tracked us down and murdered each of us, gaining strength in the process by violating our bodies and sucking our enhanced blood.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “Your efforts are admirable, but stopping two Hollow Men will not be enough, she’ll send more.”

  “We’re planning a major assault on their locomotive, Blood,” Seamus said,once the cell has been shut down, The Sect can no longer bother you.”

  Kelly looked grateful. “Then I wish the both of you Godspeed on your mission, and hope, will all my heart, you can stop the killing.”


  They left the house full of hope, yet knowing the challenge they faced would test their resolves. Both men were quiet, they walked home to clear their minds and decided to forgo shifting for another trip.

  “What’s on your mind Jack?”

  Jack lit a cigarette, and exhaled, the smoke swirled around his face before dispersing. “Just trying to get myself mentally prepared. Truth is, I may never see Mercedes or Robert again.”

  Seamus nodded. “I face that question almost every day, it’s hard, keeping my secret life as Caretaker for Atlas secret from my wife and children. It eats me up every time that I have to lie to them about it. And, that I may never return from any given mission, knowing that every action I take will never be known to them.”

  Jack finished his cigarette and tossed it down the slit of a sewage drain. “Then I guess I shouldn’t be complaining, you’re in this a lot deeper than me.”

  A light appeared before them and they stopped walking. To Jack it looked like a door opening into a dark room, the light eventually formed into the familiar face of a woman. Jack’s eyes widened and he felt his heart drop into his stomach.


  She had a small bruise above her upper lip but apart from that seemed uninjured. Something sharp was pressed against her temple. It looked like an arrow head. “What’s going on here?” Jack said angrily. “Where are you?”

  “Jack…please…you have to come for me…” Her face disappeared and was replaced by….Vampiress! Her chalk face and dark eyes, foreboding and alluring, were filled with malice.

  “Hello Jack, so we meet again.”

  Jack drew his saber and waved it at the Vampire woman’s image. “What have you done with my wife, you vampire bitch?”

  Vampiress laughed. “Mind your manners, or else I might be tempted to hurt her, you wouldn’t want that…now would you, Jack?”

  “What do you want Vampiress?” Seamus asked.

  Her face turned toward Seamus. “Ahh, the great Seamus McCoy, my favorite Grand Militia operative. I knew you’d want to get to the point.” She laughed again. “I have Mercedes, and if you ever wish to see her alive again you will come to Liverpool Street station, and gentlemen, try not to be late.”

  The image disappeared, leaving Jack fuming in its wake. “When I find that filthy bloodsucking bitch, I’ll kill her…I’ll…”

  “Calm yourself, Jack, don’t you see? That’s what she wants, for us to go in there all cocked and careless, we must remain calm.”

  Jack wiped a tear from his eye. “It’s not your wife they’re holding, Seamus.”

  “I know,” the Irishman said compassionately, “but we need to be patient, and have a set plan before confronting her, or else we’ll lose for sure.”

  Jack spent a minute trying to compose himself. He nodded and exhaled. “I know, Seamus, but I’ll never forgive myself if Vampiress kills Mercedes.”


  They found Robert in Jack’s home, sipping brandy and looking sullen. Jack stomped into the living room and unloaded his sabers onto the ground. When Robert saw his brother his eyes were alight. He rushed toward Jack. “Jack? My dear Lord, you’ve escaped!” Jack didn’t know if his brother was more elated or surprised to see him.

  “Robert, they’ve got Mercedes.”

  Robert looked at his brother alarmingly. “Who…the vampires?”

  “Yes, somehow they must’ve tracked her down,” Seamus added.

  “But she’s in Barcelona, with her family,” Jack said.

  “You mean she was in Barcelona, Jack. Somehow Vampiress must’ve tracked her down and plucked her from Spain. It’s not uncommon, given The Sect uses controlled anomalies to travel through time and space — it’s similar to shifting. That’s how they’re likely transporting the life force they’ve been stealing, and using a modified locomotive from this time period to look less conspicuous.”

  Seamus turned to Robert. “Any chance your boss Swanson can loan us some extra men?”

  Robert shook his head. “He won’t go for it, and now that Jack’s escaped Swanson will probably think I helped him break out of prison, he’s not aware of the technology you possess, Seamus.”

  “Well in that case you’ll have to convince him Robert, we’re going to need Scotland Yard to help clean up the mess we’re about to make.”

  Robert finished his drink. “I don’t like the sound of this Seamus.”

  “We’ve got to all be on one page, men, if we’re to save Mercedes and rid this reality of The Sect incursion,” the Irishman said, “I’m going to contact Flick and tell him to expect us; then, we’ll draw up a plan before taking on The Sect. Our assault commences before dawn. ”

  Robert grabbed his gun and jacket before pouring everyone a round of brandy. Jack took a gulp and the warm liquor felt good as it eased into his stomach. “All right, Seamus, what’s the plan?”


  Liverpool Street station loomed ahead of them, a structure filled with unknown portents.

  Robert took the Atlasian weapon Seamus had given him and replaced it with his own weapon. Jack admired the trust Seamus had for Robert, the fact the three of them stood against staggering odds seemed admirable.

  “I wish this could’ve been easier,” Jack said, gripping his two sabers.

  “Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, Jack.”

  Robert drew his Atlasian pistol. “Whatever happens gents, it was an honor knowing both of you.”

  “Listen, mate,” Jack said, “we haven’t lost yet.”

  “That’s right,” Seamus interjected, “but just in case we do fail, I’ve left a message beacon behind to instruct Atlas to send an operative to permanently shut down that warehouse harvesting those innocent citizens.”

  Seamus checked his pocket watch. “The departure time is in less than ten minutes, let’s get inside the station and on that train.”

  They moved quietly and fast through the darkness. Around him Jack studied the peaceful London streets and the dark silhouettes of buildings clustered around Liverpool street station for any Sect activity. If things went according to plan he would rescue his wife and defeat the callous plans of Vampiress and The Sect.

entered Liverpool street station from the main concourse. Activity was non-existent except for one janitor cleaning the floors. Jack looked around and studied his surroundings like an owl searching for prey.

  Nothing. This seemed too easy, but he had a feeling The Sect would make their appearance in due time. They searched each platform until Seamus found the one where Lok’s locomotive was located. Blood. It was a huge menacing hulk of steel, rods, wheels, pumps, and dome. Painted black and red, a large bat logo, wings outstretched, displayed proudly on its smoke box door. Knowing its true purpose was to facilitate genocide made Jack want it destroyed even more.

  “Let’s not waste any time standing around, Flick should be on board, waiting for us,” Seamus said. As they neared Blood Jack could see strange cranes loading canisters into one of the boxcars. Jack found it strange there were no sentries or Sect personnel around to supervise the transaction. His heart beat even harder the closer they got to Blood.

  “Say there my good chaps, would any of you have a light?”

  Jack, Seamus and Robert all whirled around and saw an old man in a top hat and long coat emerge from behind one of the platform columns. He had a cigarette in his gloved hand and wiggled it at them as he slowly made his approach.

  Seamus stepped forward. “I say old bloke, we’re on business here, you must clear out.”

  The old man stopped and smiled. There was something in the smile that Jack did not trust. It was as unfathomable as a fox protecting a chicken coop.

  “What makes you think I don’t belong here Irishman?” the old man said. He let out a burst of malefic laughter before his eyes transformed into whirlpools. Energy rays exploded from them just as Seamus deflected the blast with some sort of energy shield. “Hollow Men!” he yelled before he returned fire. The old man ducked to avoid being disintegrated and shed his disguise, revealing the black-suited antipathy of its true form.


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