[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set

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[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set Page 3

by Caethes Faron

  “Yes, sir.” Gods willing, Jason would be spending a lot of time at these events that wouldn’t require his presence. It was quickly becoming apparent that Kale’s best chance at a good life with this man was to not be near him.

  “When I’m not here, you’re to be cleaning and keeping my room in order. I want everything ready for me each day when I come home, and you’re to be here waiting for me. Other than that, I don’t particularly care how you spend your time. Just remember that your actions reflect upon me, and if you do anything to tarnish my reputation, there will be hell to pay.”

  Kale had a hard time repressing a smile as he looked at Jason. This boy was shorter than him by about an inch and was easily fifty pounds lighter. In a different world, this child wouldn’t be able to do a thing to him. The thought of Jason causing hell for anyone was laughable.

  “Do you have something to say, slave?” Jason must have caught the little twitch of Kale’s lips.

  “No, sir.”

  “You sure?” Jason took a step closer. “It looked as if you had something to say to me. Did something I say strike you as funny?”

  “No, sir.” Why couldn’t he just let it go? He was being respectful.

  “You seem to doubt my authority. You obviously don’t respect me, or you wouldn’t be lying to me. Perhaps it’s time to teach you a lesson. Go fetch my riding crop.”

  Kale’s eyes had been on the floor, but now they snapped to Jason’s face. Was he serious? For a moment, Kale’s natural urges pushed to the forefront of his mind, and he found himself clenching his fists and shifting his weight to the balls of his feet, preparing for a fight. Who did this scrawny kid think he was?

  His master. His owner. The hard reality set in: Kale was this boy’s property now. Kale hated Jason at that moment. If Kale’s people hadn’t been conquered generations ago, he would never have had to submit to this child. But the reality was that Arine’s wealth had been acquired through battle and built by the slaves who were the spoils of war.

  Before, he had been owned by men who were respected and feared. Their very presence commanded obedience. With this boy, though, it was easy to forget his place. Knowing there was no other choice, he went and got Jason’s riding crop. When he handed it to Jason, Kale didn’t bother trying to mask the defiance in his eyes.

  Jason took the crop and twirled it in his hand. As his eyes studied Kale, they held a mischievous glint that made Kale uncomfortable. Whatever Jason had in store for him would not be pleasant. Jason’s lips twisted into a sneer. “Face the wall and place both your hands against it.” Kale walked toward the wall Jason indicated, and just as he was about to get into position, Jason spoke again. “Oh, and drop your pants.”

  Kale’s head whipped around and his biceps twitched. Jason returned his look with a hint of amusement. He had Kale and he knew it. What else could Kale do but obey? He turned back to the wall and undid his belt. As he slid his pants down and leaned against the wall, he cursed himself for the red flush that settled on his skin. If there was anything worse than letting this boy get to him, it was letting the boy know it.

  Kale didn’t know how many times Jason hit him with the crop, and he didn’t care. It stung, but the pain wasn’t too bad. He’d had worse. It was the humiliation that was eating him. Surely Jason knew that he would never be able to physically measure up to Kale, but he could certainly humiliate him.

  When Jason finished, Kale moved his hands to pull his pants back up and was met with another blow to his backside. “I didn’t give you permission to move.” Kale put his hands back on the wall and hung his head. Jason wasn’t going to make anything easy for him. “Let’s see if the lesson was learned. Who is the master here?”

  “You are, sir.”

  “And who is the slave?”

  “I am, sir.”

  “Is there anything funny about that?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Do you believe me when I say I can make your life hell?”

  “Yes, sir.” Kale’s mouth tasted bitter.

  “Good. You may now pull up your pants. I hope this won’t be necessary in the future, but make no mistake, I will not hesitate to punish you if I find you lacking.” Kale turned back to face Jason when his clothes were straight, and Jason looked him up and down. “Too bad for you it looks like I’ll be finding you lacking quite a bit.”

  * * *

  That night, all Kale wanted to do was fall into bed and hope to wake up back at the Cartwright’s. No such luck. When he got down to the basement, Charlie was sitting at a table with two men Kale assumed were Simon and Jacob, looking as if they were waiting for him.

  “Hey there, Kale!” Charlie bounded up and patted him on the back. “Just the man we were waiting for. Thought we’d have a little fun tonight to welcome you to the building.”

  Now that Kale was further into the room, he saw that a deck of cards sat on the table next to bottles of beer.

  “You guys get beer here?” Kale looked at Charlie with his eyebrows raised. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad place after all.

  “Yeah, not all the time or anything. One of the perks of being a high class valet. You’ll find that we gamble quite a bit. Sometimes with stolen stuff, sometimes with what’s rightfully ours. Just don’t ask too many questions and don’t let it interfere with your work.” Charlie gave Kale a wink and led him to the table. As he approached, one of the men stood and stretched out his hand.

  “My name’s Simon, and this here’s Jacob.” Simon gestured to the other man who just nodded before going back to shuffling the cards. “Charlie told us he met you this morning. Jacob and I tend to sleep later.”

  “So I heard.” Kale took the only empty seat at the table.

  “Are we going to just sit here and talk, or are we going to play some poker?” Jacob began to tap the deck of cards.

  “That depends. You know how to play poker, Kale?” Charlie asked.

  “Yeah, I know how to play. Might be a little rusty, but I can hold my own. I don’t have anything to gamble with.” Honestly, Kale was a damn good poker player, and he was looking forward to being in a house where gambling was a regular occurrence.

  “Marge made you some honey biscuits. Was going to give them to you herself, but she said she hardly saw you today and that every time she did, you looked like you were in too much of a hurry. You can play with them if you want. Drink your beer, though. We won’t take that from you.” Charlie gave him another one of his winks while Jacob grumbled and dealt the cards. “Is there something in particular you’d like if we can get our hands on it?”

  Kale was a little taken aback by the question. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind some drawing materials. Charcoal, pencils, paper, that sort of thing.”

  “You draw?” Charlie looked genuinely interested.

  “What else would he want drawing materials for, dimwit?” Simon picked up his cards.

  Charlie laughed at the jibe, not seeming disturbed at all by the ribbing.

  “When I can. I don’t get much opportunity, but it’s relaxing.” Kale leaned back in his chair and glanced at his cards.

  “So, how was your first real day with your new master? Did I tell you all that today was Kale’s first day with his master?”

  “Yeah, Charlie, you told us.” Simon spoke with the long suffering tone an older brother might use with a younger sibling. Kale liked him already.

  “How’d it go?” Charlie turned back to Kale.

  “He’s something else. Thinks somehow I’ll forget I’m a slave unless he constantly humiliates me. I’ll handle him well enough, though. Hopefully he’ll get active in the social scene and leave me be. He certainly seems keen enough on it.”

  “Well, you’ll see, there’s plenty of socializing to do here,” Simon said. “These folks make a regular sport out of it. Why do you think Jacob and I get to sleep in so late? Our masters are always out getting drunk, and then running around just in time to get to class the next day. Ain’t that right, Jacob?”

  The only response Jacob offered was a grunt. Some might take him to be rude, but Kale thought he might be the kind of man who just didn’t see the point in talking much.

  “The best thing your master can do is make an appearance at these social events, but not get too involved,” Charlie said. “Get close, but not close enough that any of the mud lands on him, and mud’s always getting flung in one direction or another. That’s how my master is. He comes from an old family and is well liked in the social scene, but he also takes his schooling seriously. He aims to graduate without anyone having a reason to hate him.” Charlie looked immensely proud of his master. Simon, however, rolled his eyes.

  “That’s also why he’s boring as all fuck.” Simon turned to Kale. “Hey, speaking of fucking, do you, Kale?”

  “In general, or with other men?”

  “You see any women around here?” Simon spread his hands and looked mockingly around the room.

  Kale laughed. “Yeah, I fuck.”

  “Good, it’ll be nice to have more than these two sorry asses to choose from.”

  “Your ass wasn’t complaining last night when I chose you.” Jacob didn’t even lift his eyes from his cards, but there was a little twinkle in them. Exactly as Kale thought, Jacob only chose to speak when he felt he had something to add.

  Simon punched Jacob good-naturedly in the arm. “You little prick.”

  “Not as small as some,” Jacob said. Now Kale was really laughing.

  Simon turned red and slumped in his chair. “I thought you wanted to play poker.”

  “I do. Now shut up and let’s get to it.”

  Chapter Four

  Walking around campus the next day, Jason could barely contain himself. Classes would start tomorrow, but today was new student orientation. He had hoped to attend with at least one of his housemates, but none of them were going. From what he could gather, Carl was in his second year, and both Phineas and Timothy had already attended for one term and didn’t think it worth getting out of bed for. Jason woke up earlier than he ever had in his life, the anticipation making it impossible to stay in bed. He met up with his assigned tour guide, an upperclassman named Joshua, and a group of nineteen other freshmen for a tour of the university.

  It couldn’t have been a more beautiful day. Spring was getting underway, and the sun shone down on the little tour party with gentle warmth. The grounds were immaculate, and everywhere Jason looked, there were not only majestic buildings, but flowers in bloom and towering trees thick with leaves. It was easy to forget that he was in the biggest city in the country.

  “And to your left is Rosemont Hall.”

  Jason whipped his head around when Joshua pointed out the ivy covered brick building.

  “For those of you who don’t know, Rosemont Hall is home to the Thistle Society,” Joshua continued. At the mention of the Thistle Society, a ripple of excitement went through the group, and even those that had been indifferent for the rest of the morning perked up. “It is both the oldest and most exclusive brotherhood in the country, the apex of society. Members include prime ministers, titans of industry, and lowly freshman orientation tour guides.”

  Jason looked at Joshua with new respect. To be this close to the Thistle Society was a thrill, but to be standing with an actual member was surreal. Jason had dreamed of becoming a member ever since Demetri first told him about it. As a young man, Jason had been intrigued by the tales his father’s new slave told of his former master, an influential count who was a member of the society. Becoming a member was more than a hope and a dream; it was a goal. It was the only way to know that he had truly left Malar County for good and was accepted into high society.

  The group continued on their way. As Jason rounded the corner of a building, he gasped at the sight before him. The campus radiated out from a central circle, and in the center stood the largest library in Arine, a cathedral to higher learning. Of all the buildings in Perdana, it was the most impressive. It was both daunting in its expanse, and welcoming in its offer of knowledge.

  Stepping inside, Jason was awed. The entryway led to a towering rotunda. Joshua explained the layout and the contents of each branching wing. In front of them was a large study hall, outfitted with both wooden desks and comfortable sofas and chairs for reading. Since classes weren’t yet in session, few people were present, but it was surprising to see a woman sitting at one of the desks hunched over an archaic tome.

  “And as you can see, the library is open to the public, and that includes women. A few years ago there was a large protest to allow women to attend the university. While nothing came of it, allowing them to use the library was our concession. Don’t worry though, only students may check out materials.” Joshua continued leading them around.

  Jason didn’t care who else they let use the library as long as he was allowed. After a lifetime of having to make do with whatever books he could mail order or scavenge in the one-room library that served several counties back home, this was a paradise. He would have been happy to spend the rest of the day wandering its halls, but the group was moving on to another building.

  The rest of the tour passed without him seeing much of interest until he found himself in the middle of an amphitheater. The university was connected to the city’s public park, and all the tour groups were meeting there for a welcome address from the university president. The president’s remarks were dry and generally boring, but Jason felt inspired. This was his chance to make something of himself, and he wasn’t going to let it get away.

  Chapter Five

  “Charlie, you’ve got to help me get my master invited to something, anything. He’s driving me crazy.” Kale sat with Charlie in the kitchen, helping Marge peel and chop vegetables for dinner while both their masters were on campus. School had been in session for a few weeks, and in that time Jason had divided his time between classes, the library, and home.

  “Things really that bad?”

  “You have no idea. Whenever he’s home, all he does is moan and nitpick. I need to get him out of this house.”

  “It’s not healthy how much time that boy spends indoors. He needs some sun on his skin.” Marge collected their finished carrots and potatoes to add to a large pot on the stove.

  “Exactly, Marge. Thank you. The kid needs some fresh air.”

  Marge gave Kale a skeptical eye. “Aye, and I suppose it’s just his health you’d be concerned about, yes?”

  “You know how it is, Marge. What’s the harm in making my life a little easier, especially if it’s better for my master?”

  Marge grinned. “Nothing, dear, as long as you don’t go getting yourself in trouble. There’s blessed little rest in this life; I won’t begrudge you what you can get.” Marge went back to tending her soup.

  “What’s he on your case for?” Charlie reached for another potato.

  “He has yet to be invited anywhere. I know he thinks it’s because he’s from an outlying county, but the boy is as socially awkward as they come. You’ve seen him around the others in the house. Every night, he has me ironing perfectly starched clothes all over again, or some other nonsense. Nothing’s good enough for him, and I can’t take any more of his ridiculous punishments. You have to help me out here.” It was difficult to keep the pleading note out of his voice.

  Charlie chuckled, but Kale wasn’t amused. Jason humiliated him daily, but he wasn’t about to get into the details with Charlie.

  “And how do you think I can help?”

  “I want you to tell me everything you can about the social scene. What events can Jason attend where he won’t need a slave?”

  Charlie quirked his eyebrow over the potato he was peeling. “Quite the list of requirements you’ve got there. Nice to see how much you care for your master’s social fortunes.”

  “Oh, come off it. We both know he’s better off not being seen in public with me anyway. Now just tell me what I need to know.”

  For the next thirty minutes, Charlie taught Kale the basic
s of Perdana society. Which events required slaves, and which did not. It boiled down to the rich liking to show off by having a valet shadow them. However, most of the school events hosted by the university or city were laid back enough that no one would be carting a slave along. There might be exceptions. After all, some students saw fit to have a slave accompany them to classes, but there were plenty of casual functions that could keep Jason busy and leave Kale, mercifully, at home.

  “I’ll keep an ear out and let you know what’s going on. In fact, there’s an open house tomorrow night at the opera. Just a casual get together before the spring season starts. You know, to try to drum up community interest. There won’t be any slaves present.”

  “Does he need an invitation or anything?”

  “No, my master’s family is on the board of trustees, and he’ll be going. I’ll suggest he invite Mr. Wadsworth to share a cab.”

  Gratitude poured through Kale. “Thank you, Charlie. I owe you one.”

  “Don’t worry about it. If I’d known things were this bad, I would have done it before now.”

  A few hours later, Jason came home from the library. When Kale entered his master’s room, he was unsurprised by Jason’s irritable mood. He had come to expect it.

  “There you are. Is it too much to ask that you be waiting for me when I return? Are there pressing engagements you must attend to while I’m away?”

  Walking forward to help Jason take off his suit coat, Kale bit down on the response he wanted to make, reminding himself that he had good news. “I beg your pardon, sir. I was actually talking to Charlie.” Jason’s vacant look showed that he had no idea who Charlie was. “Mr. Bonham’s slave, sir. He told me that there is an open house tomorrow at the opera, and Mr. Bonham would like you to attend.” It was a small lie, but worth the risk.


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