[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set

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[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set Page 6

by Caethes Faron

  When they arrived, the elegant butler opened the door for them, and standing in the entryway was Silas. Eric’s personal slave was always impeccable in his attentions, always where he was needed, offering devoted service. Jason wished he had such a slave.

  “Silas, is dinner ready?”

  “Yes, Master, just as you requested.”

  Eric placed his hand at the small of Jason’s back and gently pushed him toward the dining room. “I thought you might be hungry after spending all day in class. We’ll eat first.”

  The table was set with china Jason’s family would have reserved for special occasions. The first time he ate at Eric’s, he thought the setting was a gesture to him; now he knew it was normal fare. For fancy affairs, Eric ate from gilded plates. The formal setting made it difficult for Jason to relax, no matter how jovial Eric’s company was.

  “There’s a concert at the park tonight. I thought we might go.” Jason took another bite of his veal while he waited for the answer.

  Eric reached across the table and covered Jason’s hand with his own. The warmth of Eric’s hand spread through Jason’s body. These little casual touches still excited him.

  “I wanted to spend tonight alone with you. I’ve been running around all day, and the only thing that got me through was knowing I had you to come home to. But, if it really means that much to you, we can go.”

  Eric smiled at him, and just before he pulled his hand away, he rubbed his thumb in a little circle on top of Jason’s hand. The touch led Jason’s thoughts to what was likely to happen if he chose not to go to the park.

  “No, that’s all right. Let’s stay in.” Eric always let him choose. When Jason first came to Perdana, he had wanted to spend as much time as he could at the many social functions throughout the city, but he was flattered by Eric’s desire to spend time alone at his home. It was a privilege, and Jason was grateful for the attention.

  It wasn’t long ago that Jason lost his virginity to Eric. Even though they had slept together often since then, the memory of the first time was still dreamlike. It had been uncomfortable at first, but the mere fact that it was Eric Vanderhoff sent shivers down his spine. To look at Eric’s hands and know that they had touched him where no one else ever had was exhilarating. Knowing that those hands could drive him to heights of pleasure previously unknown was enough to keep him in Eric’s bed as often as possible.

  When dinner was over, Eric extended one of those hands to Jason. Jason slipped his hand inside and felt lightheaded as the hungry look in Eric’s eyes sent all the blood in his brain south.

  Chapter Ten

  “I finished beating the rugs, and they're back in their places. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Kale stood in the kitchen doorway and wiped sweat from his forehead. Jason was in such a good mood after his night with Eric that he’d left Kale to his own devices while he was out for the day. With time to spare, he had offered to help Marge with some of the household chores.

  “No, that's all right. You can go ahead and draw if you like.” Marge was busy preparing for dinner and baking.

  His sketchpad waited for him on the large wooden table they used for everything from eating to polishing silverware. Initially he had thought he would enjoy drawing in the garden, but being in the pathetically small plot that people called a yard here was just depressing. Instead, he had taken to drawing in the kitchen.

  Turning over his sketchpad, he picked up where he had left off on a drawing of the woods Carter Cartwright used to hunt.

  “Here, have a cookie.” Before him, Marge placed a plate of not one, but three cookies and a tall glass of cold milk.

  “Thanks, Marge.” This was another perk of drawing in the kitchen; Marge always gave him treats or portions of whatever she happened to be cooking.

  “You’re welcome, hon. I like having you here.” Marge went back to kneading dough, and Kale smiled as he took a bite of a chocolate cookie still warm from the oven.

  Kale savored the time he had to draw. He helped Marge whenever he was asked, and even when she didn't have anything she needed doing, the other slaves were usually around wanting to play cards, fuck, or simply chat. Right now, though, it was just him and Marge. Charlie was cleaning—he was a habitually good slave—and Simon and Jacob were both out with their masters, who were skipping class.

  A rapping on the kitchen door pulled his focus away from his drawing. He considered letting Marge answer it, but thought better of it. She ran around looking like she didn’t have enough hands, and it was in poor taste to even think of adding to her burden. Turning over his sketch, he got up, went to the door, and immediately regretted his decision. Staring back at him from the other side of the door’s window pane was Silas.

  It was tempting to just walk away, but Kale knew that wouldn’t achieve anything other than getting him in trouble with Jason. But he didn’t have to let Silas in.

  “Hello, Silas. My master isn’t here.”

  “I know. My master wished me to give this to you to pass on to Mr. Wadsworth. It’s not urgent, but make sure he gets it before he goes to sleep.” Silas held out a note and Kale snatched it, eager to send Silas on his way. As soon as he did it, though, he realized his error. Silas smiled, and Kale knew he would now try to prolong the visit just to irritate him. “Can’t I come in? I thought you’d appreciate the company.”

  “Sorry, but Marge is busy, and I’m helping her today. I really don’t have time to chat.”

  “Oh, well, perhaps I can help?”

  “Ah, you know how it is; Marge doesn’t like anyone she hasn’t trained in her kitchen.”

  “Oh, she’s one of those, is she? Such a bother. I guess I’ll be going then. Just make sure that note reaches your master tonight.”

  Kale didn’t bother replying before he shut the door. Stuffing the note in his pocket, he went back to the table. When he turned his sketch over to begin working on it again, he let out a string of curses. The paper had landed in some drops of milk and was ruined. It shouldn’t really matter. It wasn’t as if he ever showed them to anyone, and it would have ended up in the fire in an hour or so anyway. Still, it was one more reason to dislike Silas.

  He had no time to start again. Jason would be home soon, and Kale headed to his master’s room to tidy it. Before he got to work, he put the note on Jason’s bedside table where he was sure to see it before he went to bed.

  * * *

  “What’s this?”

  Kale had just finished dressing Jason for bed, and was putting away his shoes. He looked up. “It’s a note that Silas dropped off for you from Mr. Vanderhoff.”

  Kale’s answer wasn’t needed, Jason was already reading it. Jason went rigid, and Kale anticipated trouble.

  “This is an invitation to dinner tonight. Why didn’t you give me this note earlier?”

  Kale felt the heat from Jason’s gaze. “Silas said it wasn’t urgent, to just make sure you got it before bed.”

  “It says right on it that it’s to be delivered immediately. Why are you trying so hard to sabotage me and my happiness?”

  “I’m not trying to sabotage you, Master, I swear. Why would I do that? I want you to be happy.”

  “Like hell you do. You’ve resented my relationship with Eric from the beginning.” Jason paced. “Why would you not give me this note as soon as you got it like it says? What excuse will you give me now?”

  “None, Master, only that I don’t know how to read.”

  Jason stilled. “You what?”

  “I don’t know how to read. I never learned. Never seemed like much use in me knowing how, so no one ever taught me.”

  “And you’ve kept it from me all this time? You lying little wretch.”

  “I never lied, Master. I’ve just never needed to read anything, and I wouldn’t have tonight if Silas had been honest with me.”

  Jason pointed at him. “Oh no, you don’t. Don’t go blaming this on Silas. There is no excuse for this kind of deceit. Go get the crop.”

  Kale hesitated just a moment, which only fueled Jason’s anger. “I said go get it, or are you deaf as well as stupid?”

  Kale retrieved the crop that had grown so familiar to him in his early weeks in Perdana. He had been naïve to think that he would never have to feel it again. He handed the crop to Jason, but couldn’t look him in the eye.

  “Now strip and brace yourself against the wall.” At this Kale’s head snapped up, and his incredulity overcame his shame. He looked Jason in the face, not believing what he heard. “You heard me, I want you naked. If you won’t feel shame at your own ignorance, you will feel shame during this punishment. Now go.”

  Kale did as he was told. He had never heard such danger in Jason’s voice before. “This is going to be the worst punishment you’ve ever received. I can guarantee that. Not only did you ruin my night by not properly performing your duties, you lied to me by not telling me that you can’t read, when you should know perfectly well that it would be important to me.” That was all the warning before the crop descended. At first, the pain was nothing compared to Kale’s white hot shame, but as time passed, the pain steadily worsened. Kale gave up guessing when it would stop. Jason just kept bringing the crop down until Kale could no longer keep quiet and howled, giving up his last shreds of pride. Still, the beating didn’t end. What Jason lacked in strength, he made up in endurance. Tears leaked from Kale’s eyes.

  It wasn’t apparent to Kale what stopped the beating—if Jason got tired or figured Kale’d had enough—but it eventually stopped. “Now stand there while I write an apology letter to Eric.”

  While Kale knew that writing the note couldn’t have taken longer than his beating had, it certainly felt like it did. The minutes dragged on with the only sounds being Kale’s labored breathing and the occasional scratch of Jason’s pen.

  “Put on your clothes.” Kale bent down to retrieve his pants so quickly he was momentarily dizzy when he straightened. “You will take this note to Eric’s townhouse, and if he isn’t home, you’ll wait. Watch him read the note, and after he’s done, you’re to show him your backside so he can see that I’ve properly punished you. If he wishes to punish you further, you’re to let him.”

  Kale wanted to rebel. He had accepted his punishment. Punishment was between a master and his slave, wasn’t it? Of course not. He had no privacy. It had been easy the last few weeks to forget that he was a slave, but moments like these were meant to remove any doubt. There was no way that he could avoid doing this. If he tried to get out of it, he’d just end up further humiliated, and he’d still have to do it. He knew Jason wouldn’t back down. The best he could do was not let it bother him so much. Jason was trying to take his pride, but Kale didn’t have to give it to him. It took him less than a moment to reach this conclusion.

  “Yes, sir.” He tried to relate with his tone that he was unfazed by this development and took the note Jason handed him with as much aplomb as he could muster. “Is there anything else, sir, or should I leave now?”

  It gave Kale a little bit of satisfaction to see the disappointment in Jason’s face. Jason was just like a little bully, working to get a rise out of those he terrorized. Kale wasn’t giving him what he wanted. “No, that’s all, Kale. You’re to report back to me once you return. If I’m asleep, wake me.”

  “Yes, sir.” Kale made a little bow and left.

  On the way to Eric’s house, Kale had time to think over everything that had happened. It was clear that Silas had set him up. Was Eric behind the plan, or did Silas act on his own? A slave getting an afternoon’s entertainment? Not likely. Silas wouldn’t risk his master’s wrath for a little bit of fun. Silas served Eric with devotion. He wouldn’t do anything without Eric’s knowledge and blessing. Silas was just a puppet; the man pulling the strings was Eric. What an apt analogy: the world really was Eric’s stage, and he viewed the people in it as puppets for him to move about for his amusement.

  When Kale arrived at Eric’s townhouse, he took a moment to steel himself against what was coming. Even more so than with Jason, he didn’t want Eric and Silas to have the satisfaction of knowing they had gotten to him. A very formal butler answered the door and showed Kale into a parlor. Silas was the first to appear. Kale wondered if he was sent by Eric, or if it was just coincidence.

  “Well, Kale, fancy seeing you here. Is everything well with your master? We were worried when he didn’t come to dinner tonight and didn’t send word.”

  Kale focused on making his voice sound as unaffected as possible. “Everything is fine. Thanks for asking.”

  “Oh, then why are you here?”

  Not smacking the smirk off Silas’s face was an incredible show of Kale’s self-control. “I have a note from my master to deliver.”

  “Well then, I can take it from you and get you on your way. My master will be a few more minutes.”

  “No, thank you. I have orders to hand it directly to Mr. Vanderhoff.”

  Apparently Eric didn’t need a few more minutes because he strolled in mere moments later. Kale guessed that he had been standing nearby to hear what Kale said. He hadn’t the faintest idea why, but Eric probably wanted to try to trap him again somehow.

  “Kale, how wonderful to see you! We missed Jason tonight. I hope everything is all right?” If Kale hadn’t known better, he would have thought Eric was genuine. Where does one learn to lie like that? Was he born with such a skill?

  “Yes, sir, everything is fine. I’m afraid that his absence tonight was my fault, and I’m sorry. My master wanted me to give you this note with his apologies.” Kale held out the note, and Eric took it, not taking his eyes off Kale’s face.

  “Thank you, Kale. I appreciate your apology. Tell your master I’ll see him tomorrow.”

  Kale knew he was being dismissed, as clearly as he knew that Eric was aware he was meant to stay and watch him read the note. Why else would Kale wait around to give it directly to him? The bastard just wanted to put Kale in the awkward position of a slave who must contradict a free person. “I will, sir. However, my master wished me to stay and watch you read the note in case there is anything further you want from me when you’re done.”

  “Ah, well then, I won’t hold you up any longer.” He opened the note and read it. Surely he had to know the gist of it before he began, but he did a superb job of acting surprised at the information it contained. Kale thought he knew what was coming, but he was surprised when the next thing Eric said was, “Silas, go up to my room please. I wish to speak with Kale alone.”

  Why would Eric give up this opportunity to humiliate Kale in front of Silas? Silas seemed to be taken aback, too, and ready to protest when he received a sharp look from Eric. Silas appeared to catch the words that were about to come out of his mouth and sulked away.

  “I’m very sorry that things turned out this way, Kale. I should have had Silas deliver the message directly to Jason. I had no idea you couldn’t read. Was the punishment very bad?” The concern in Eric’s voice seemed all too real.

  Kale was caught off guard, and at first, didn’t know how to answer. If he claimed it wasn’t bad, then Eric could very well remedy that. If he told Eric it was harsh, he would come off as a whiner trying to curry sympathy. “It was fitting, sir.”

  “Let me see.” Eric made a little circular motion with his finger. Kale turned and lowered his pants and lifted his shirt, keeping his mind as blank as possible. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Eric came and felt some of the welts. Kale wanted to recoil in disgust at the first touch of Eric’s fingers, but held himself in check. “I’m afraid Jason was too harsh on you. You may dress yourself and turn around now.” Eric continued to talk. “You have to understand that to Jason, education is very important. He abhors ignorance. He doesn’t realize that you weren’t given the opportunity to learn to read. Don’t take it too harshly. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”

  What was he playing at? Why wasn’t he taking his victory lap and gloating? He had won. Kale didn’t kid himself for a moment into th
inking that Eric was being genuine. He felt a little cold knowing that Eric could lie and feign emotion so easily. Only someone deeply disturbed could put on this kind of show. Then Kale realized, the show’s not over, there’s still another act. Taking the long view, Kale could see that Eric was lining him up as a pawn to play him again, possibly against Jason. That was the only thing that made sense. This was the breaking point for Kale, and he let a little crack show. “He also values honesty. Is there any message you’d like me to take back to him?”

  Kale could see Eric’s eyes harden almost imperceptibly, but that was the only sign that his message had been received. “No, only that I’ll be in touch tomorrow. You’re dismissed.”

  Kale bowed and left. At least now Eric knew that Kale wasn’t going to be used as a puppet.

  When Kale got back to the house, he climbed dutifully up to Jason’s room despite his strong desire to just crawl into bed. To make matters worse, Jason was already asleep. A part of Kale was tempted to go to bed and hope that Jason forgot about his orders to wake him. That, however, would be inviting disaster. Instead, he prepared for the worst and whispered “master” until Jason stirred.

  “Kale?” Jason’s sleep-thickened speech sounded confused.

  “Yes, Master. I just returned from Mr. Vanderhoff’s. He wanted me to tell you that he’ll be in touch tomorrow.”

  “Did you show him?” Jason seemed wide awake now.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Did he punish you further?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Hmph.” Kale was surprised by the hurt he felt at Jason’s disappointment.

  “Sir, is there anything else you require tonight?”

  “No, that’s all. Go to bed.”

  Jason was already snoring again by the time Kale got to the door. He made his way to bed without talking to anyone. Charlie and Simon were already asleep, and Jacob wasn’t around. Climbing into bed, Kale hoped that Jason’s bitterness was gone by morning.


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