[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set

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[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set Page 9

by Caethes Faron

  “Excellent, Kale! See, I told you that you’d learn quickly. Today, just go through this book and memorize the sounds the different letters make. I’ve got studying to do, but feel free to practice out loud, you won’t bother me.”

  “Yes, sir.” Kale spent the rest of the day looking through that dumb book. He felt silly reciting the alphabet and practicing the letter sounds while Jason sat at his desk studying advanced mathematics. At the end of the day, though, when Jason asked him to recite the alphabet, Kale did feel the slightest bit of pride at being able to do it. Maybe he wasn’t as inept at book learning as he’d thought. Besides, Jason seemed so thrilled that his pet project was going well that it was worth a little discomfort.

  Over the next several weeks, Jason persisted in teaching Kale how to read. Much to his own amazement, Kale learned rather quickly, and it didn’t take long to go through all the children’s books Jason had brought him. Kale wondered how much of his rapid learning was due to his desire to get through the embarrassingly simple books. There were only so many times one could read about Tom and Mary’s adventures with a dog and a ball on a hill without going insane.

  A few weeks later, Jason surprised Kale with an announcement.

  “I’m really proud of how you’re coming with your reading, Kale. I know it wasn’t something you were eager to do. I’m going to start giving you a reading assignment each day.” Goody, exactly what Kale wanted. “And from now on, after you’re done with your chores and your reading assignment, you may entertain yourself however you wish, as long as you stay here so I can call on you when I need you.”

  Kale stared at Jason in shock. It wasn’t much, but it was quite the concession by Jason. “Thank you, sir.”

  “You’ve earned it, Kale. I mean it.” The sincerity in Jason’s eyes warmed something in Kale. Why did this boy’s approval mean so much to him? Well, that was easy. If Jason approved, then Kale’s life was easier. Hadn’t he just proved that? Having the freedom to do what he wanted was a big step in making life more comfortable.

  For a moment, Jason stood looking at Kale with warmth in his expression. It seemed the only thing that would make him stop was Kale staring firmly straight back into his eyes. It worked, and Jason looked away. That was one difference between him and the Cartwrights. A Cartwright would never look away first and would tan the hide of any slave that even dared try to stare down a free man.

  * * *

  The reading assignments weren’t bad. Every day, he read a few chapters and told Jason what they were about. Afterward, he would sit at the coffee table and draw whatever items in the room caught his fancy. One day, when it seemed he had drawn everything in Jason’s rooms, he took to drawing Jason himself.

  Hunched over his desk working, Jason made an interesting subject. Kale tried to capture the concentration in his brown eyes and creased forehead. Little details, like the way he held his tongue just peeking through his lips as he read, amused Kale. Then there was the hair. The dark brown locks were thick on Jason’s head, and Kale wondered what it would be like to run his hands through them. He had only ever combed Jason’s hair, but imagined that it would feel soft against his fingers.

  The scratching of Kale’s pencil against his paper must have bothered Jason, because he eventually put his pen down and came to stand behind Kale. Kale froze. He hadn’t been told he couldn’t draw, but who knew what his master was thinking? Jason might be wondering where he got the supplies. If Kale told him he gambled and won them, he could get the rest of the slaves in trouble. He would have to think up some other explanation if Jason asked.

  Once Jason got behind him, he didn’t seem angry. In fact, his eyebrows lifted in an expression of surprise. He didn’t say anything, just gave a “hmph” and went back to his desk. When it became apparent that Jason wasn’t going to do or say anything about the drawing, Kale returned to his project.

  The next day when Jason came home from class, he threw a brown paper package on the sofa. “Here. I picked you up a sketchbook and proper charcoal pencils. I also got some pastels in case you want to try drawing in color. Now you can go back to gambling for beer like the other slaves. When you run out, just ask, and I’ll get you more supplies. Or if there’s something else you’d like, paints perhaps, just ask.”

  Kale was dumbstruck. He barely pulled himself together to say, wide-eyed, “Thank you, Master.”

  “You’re welcome, Kale. Don’t look so shocked. You have real talent, and it needs to be encouraged.” Jason smiled and cocked his head. “Or did you think I was so clueless that I didn’t know about the gambling? Give me a little credit, please. I don’t mind gambling, but I won’t have your art be dependent on your ability at cards or whether or not another slave can produce what you need.”

  “Thank you, Master, but this is too much. I just sketch to pass the time. I wouldn’t call it art.”

  “Why not? Because you’re a slave?”

  “No one is ever going to see it because I’m a slave. But it’s not very good anyway. Drawing’s just a hobby.”

  “Kale, when I saw that sketch you did of me yesterday, I was blown away. I’m studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. I’m surrounded by art every day. Trust me, what you do is art.”

  Kale didn’t know what to say to that, so he just stared at Jason, wondering how he could have changed so much. Drawing had always been a way to amuse himself when there was nothing else to do. It was one of the few personal things Kale had. To hear Jason speak of it in such a way was akin to having Jason’s approval of the deepest part of Kale’s person. Kale knew that Jason valued him as an effective slave, and that meant something to him, but to know that Jason approved of him as a person made him feel a satisfaction that he had never experienced before. In twenty-one years of slavery, this was something foreign. It was as if they were crossing a line Kale had always taken for granted.

  He must have stood there staring like an idiot for some time, because eventually Jason had to clear his throat to get his attention. “Go ahead and read the next five chapters in the book you’re studying, and then you may draw.”

  Over the next several weeks, they fell into a comfortable pattern. Kale would do his reading and then draw. Never before had he been granted the opportunity to draw in color, and he found it fascinating to experiment with the different pigments. One day, a red bird landed on the balcony long enough for Kale to draw him, and the impact of the red on the paper was stunning. Using the pastels, he spent hours trying to accurately portray the world on paper, enhancing it with his own viewpoint.

  Whenever Jason needed a break from his studies, he would have Kale read to him, or he would watch over Kale’s shoulder as he drew. At first this was aggravating, but gradually Kale came to accept Jason’s presence. In the beginning, he waited for Jason to criticize his clumsy reading or laugh at his absurd drawings, but neither happened. Instead, Kale could almost swear that he heard Jason murmur as he drew, and each sound seemed to say, “Yes, Kale, I see you, and I approve.” The thought was ludicrous, but Kale couldn’t help having it. When Jason stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes to listen to Kale read, he always had a comfortable smile on his face. It was the most relaxed Kale could ever remember seeing him.

  It was during one of these reading sessions that the first signs of danger appeared. Kale found himself looking at Jason and thinking of how nice it would be to ravish him. Regarding Jason’s lips, relaxed and soft as he lay on the bed, all Kale could think about was how nice they would look and feel around his cock. As soon as he thought it, he was so shocked at himself he actually jolted the book he was reading, sending it tumbling to the floor.

  The commotion stirred Jason from his reverie. “Kale, is something wrong?”

  Yes, something is wrong, Kale thought. “No, Master.”

  “Why did you drop the book?”

  Think fast, think fast. “My hand, uh, cramped, Master. That’s all. I’m sorry.”

  “As long as you’re
fine.” Kale was shocked to see concern in Jason’s eyes.

  The change was too gradual to pinpoint, but he and Jason had gone from master and slave to almost friends, sitting together on the sofa, sometimes lounging on the bed, until the only reminder of the true relationship was Kale’s continual use of the word “master.” He wasn’t stupid enough to stop that convention; it was the only remaining vestige of the world he knew. And now he had actually thought of having sex with Jason, of being the one in control. Things were not fine. Kale was dancing with disaster.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kale lounged on the overstuffed chair in the corner, reading. Jason had been working on a paper for hours, which suited Kale fine. He was engrossed in the story of a band of pirates who journeyed to lands Kale knew he would never see. Later, he would take the images the book stirred in his mind and try to commit them to paper.

  “Kale, come read to me.”

  Startled, Kale looked up, his eyes immediately going to Jason’s empty desk. From there, he looked to the bed and saw Jason lazily sprawled out on it, smiling at him. He had been so caught up in his book that he hadn’t heard Jason move.

  “I’m not going to get any further on that paper right now. I need a break. Why don’t you come here and read to me?”

  “What do you want me to read?”

  “Whatever you’re reading is fine.”

  Kale went to the bed. It was big enough for them to lie comfortably side by side. Once he was situated, he asked, “Should I start at the beginning?”

  “No, wherever you’re at is fine. I just like hearing your voice.”

  Kale didn’t understand that, but it was all right with him. As he began to read, Jason leaned back with his arms crossed behind his head and sighed. Kale was soon absorbed again in his book, and it would have been easy to think that Jason had fallen asleep, except there was no snoring. Kale didn’t think Jason ever slept without snoring.

  All of a sudden, Kale had the feeling he was being watched. He slowed his reading and glanced to the side. Jason had opened his eyes, and he stared at Kale. Feeling unnerved at being scrutinized so closely, Kale returned to reading and resolved to not look in Jason’s direction. A couple of pages later, Kale was still aware of Jason’s gaze and couldn’t ignore it anymore. He stole another glance in Jason’s direction and was surprised to see Jason intently watching his mouth. Even more shocking was the look in Jason’s eyes. They were glazed over, and his pupils were dilated. It took only a moment for Kale to realize that Jason was attracted to him. If he had to bet money, he’d say that Jason was thinking of kissing him.

  Instead of leaning forward to kiss him, Jason spoke. “Keep reading.” His voice was husky and low in a way that Kale had never heard before.

  Kale obliged, but he kept sneaking glances at Jason out of his peripheral vision. If he wants to kiss me, why doesn’t he just kiss me? Kale’s reading slowed as he looked away more often. Just do it already!

  Finally, Kale snapped the book shut and faced Jason head on. The sound of the book closing seemed to make Jason aware of his surroundings and what he was doing. A tinge of pink crept up his cheeks, and Kale guessed it was from embarrassment, not lust. Then, in an apparent attempt to hide his embarrassment, Jason leaned forward and kissed Kale.

  Kale’s eyes widened in shock. What was he doing? Had he lost his mind? For a second, he expected Jason to pull away, but when he didn’t, Kale closed his eyes and carefully let himself feel the kiss. This was exactly the type of danger that Kale had hoped to avoid. In a situation like this, his problem wouldn’t be lack of passion; it would be the constant risk of forgetting himself. If he let his guard down, it was likely that he would end up crossing that ever fading line between master and slave.

  Suddenly, Jason’s lips were no longer on his. “Kale, is this all right? If you don’t want to, that’s fine. This isn’t a service I require of you. I just…I guess I couldn’t help myself anymore.” Dear gods, he ducked his head and blushed like a damn virgin. “But, I’ll stop if you don’t like it.”

  “No!” It came out like a reflex at the suggestion that there might be no more kissing. Even more concerning was how strained Kale’s voice sounded to his own ears. Did Jason hear that hint of desperation? “I mean, it’s fine. It just took me by surprise is all.”

  A smile crept up Jason’s face, and he leaned in again. This time, Kale was prepared and participated more in the kiss. He’d rather show Jason how much he was enjoying it than have to tell him. Jason’s arms crept around him and began to knead the muscles of his back. Traveling down, Jason’s hands slipped into Kale’s pants, and he released a moan against Jason’s mouth. Pulling away, Jason began to mess with the buttons on Kale’s pants, but before he could finish unfastening them, he looked up at Kale.

  “Are you sure about this? It isn’t an order. I haven’t done this before because I don’t believe a free man should take a slave against his will. I just want you now more than I think I’ve ever wanted anything. But I’ll stop if you don’t want it. I won’t take you without your permission.”

  Gods, he didn’t want it to stop, but he didn’t exactly want to tell Jason that. What was his master thinking, anyway, getting a guy worked up and then backing off? Of course he wanted to continue. Why couldn’t Jason just get on with it? Why did Jason have to choose now to have a conscience?

  “Do you have any oil?”

  Jason looked surprised at the question, and then his face fell. “No.”

  “I’ll be back.” Kale scooted off the bed and raced down to the slave quarters, where the boys always had oil available for their frequent fucks. Marge kept them well stocked with extra from the kitchen. When he got back upstairs, Jason had removed his shirt and was lounging on the bed. It was impossible to miss the way his eyes lit up when Kale entered the room. Discarding his own shirt, Kale joined Jason on the bed and placed the oil on the bedside table. As soon as he was situated on the bed, Jason picked up where he left off and continued kissing him. The feel of Jason’s hands, so different than the dried, calloused hands of the slaves Kale was used to, was enough to make him shiver.

  Ever aware of his place, Kale bit back the desire to take charge. But once Jason got around to removing Kale’s pants, Kale reached for the oil. He wasn’t about to trust that Jason would think to prepare him properly, especially given his limited experience. Kale doubted that Jason had ever topped before, but he knew he would think the only proper place for a slave was the bottom.

  When he set the oil aside, Jason pinned him on his back, Kale’s least favorite position. It was too intimate. Jason reached down and brushed Kale’s hair back from his forehead as he leaned over him. The look in his eyes was unnerving. This wasn’t a recreational fuck. For the first time, someone was making love to Kale. It was a scary thought, and he shut his eyes in an effort to merely surrender to the experience and block out any emotions associated with it.

  Closing his eyes intensified the sensations. Kale felt warm breath behind his left ear followed by the soft touch of lips. Had he ever been kissed there before? If he had, he certainly didn't remember it feeling like this. When the tip of Jason's tongue flicked against Kale's earlobe, a tingling shiver traveled down his spine.

  Meanwhile, Jason's hands were underneath Kale, digging into his back, pulling him closer. Tight muscles protested the pressure, but the raw desire in the act made Kale yearn for more. More pressure, more kisses, more attention—just more. Their cocks began to rub together with the nearness, and Kale found himself bucking against Jason, trying desperately to increase the friction.

  Jason's breath caught, and it was no longer merely lips Kale felt against his skin. As Jason proceeded down Kale's throat, his teeth came into play, nipping their way to Kale's chest. The teeth weren't the only change—Jason began to thrust his penis against Kale's in earnest. Jason moaned, and Kale felt Jason's weight lift from his chest. The air felt cool against his skin, and Kale couldn't help opening his eyes, hoping Jason wasn't somehow d
one already.

  Jason's eyes bore down into Kale, and they were a darker shade of brown than Kale had seen before. Jason situated himself between Kale's legs and lifted one onto his shoulder as he slowly began to enter Kale. It was tight, a little more preparation would have been helpful, but Kale didn't care at the moment. Jason's unhurried attempt to be careful was not appreciated—Kale wanted him inside. He couldn't look up and see the way Jason was looking at him without wanting to consume Jason. Closing his eyes, he exhaled slowly, trying to get a grip on himself. There was no reason this should be any more intense than the sex he regularly had with Charlie.

  Once Jason was all the way in, his hands went to Kale's chest and began to alternately fondle the hair there and dig his fingers into the flesh. Every time Jason changed what he did, Kale swore it was his favorite. Then Jason's thrusting hit that sweet bundle of nerves inside, and Kale was corrected once again: this was his favorite.

  As Jason sped up his thrusting in a burst of passion, Kale wondered if he had any intention of taking care of his slave's erection. Would Jason be upset if Kale took care of it himself? Each master was different; some allowed slaves their pleasure and others didn't.

  “Open your eyes.” Jason's throaty voice pierced Kale's thoughts. The moment Kale's eyes opened, the warm tightness of Jason's hand wrapped around his cock, eliciting a moan of pure pleasure. It appeared he didn't need to worry about Jason taking care of him. The eye contact Jason demanded was unnerving, but if it meant he would be permitted to orgasm, it was worth it. At least, at this moment it was.


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