[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set

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[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set Page 44

by Caethes Faron

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do. It just shows the craziness of the world we live in that I could be put in this position.” Jason reached for the formal evening suit he had laid out on the bed and began dressing.

  “From what I’ve heard, you haven’t been attending these things regularly. Why now? Need a break from me?” Kale had to bite down on the smile that would give his teasing completely away. It worked. Jason paused and straightened. He came to Kale, stopping only inches in front of him so Kale was face to face with his torso.

  “No, never. This is about me getting my life together, being a better person, not least of all for you. There’s a lot of good I can do.” Jason’s hand rested in Kale’s hair, fondling it lightly. The little attention gave Kale more pleasure than he thought possible from such a small gesture.

  However, there were more important things in front of him. He had succeeded in getting Jason closer. Now Kale reached out and placed his hands on Jason’s waist, pulling his stomach to his lips. The brush of skin against Kale’s mouth further stoked his desire. “There’s a lot of good you can do here.” Kale looked up with a wolfish grin.

  Understanding dawned in Jason’s eyes. “You’re a shameless schemer. You were never worried about me leaving tonight.”


  Jason pulled back and began to dress again. “You’re probably the one who’s relieved. You can do whatever you want tonight.”

  “Well, I can think of one thing I won’t be able to do.”

  “Ha. I’m sure if you want to badly enough, you’ll be up for it when I get back.”

  “Really?” For some reason, the thought had never occurred to Kale. He had assumed Jason would want to go to bed after a long and boring evening.

  “Really. You can come and go from my room as you please. If you want to spend time with me tonight, be here when I get back.”

  It was a tempting thought. Jason always looked spectacular when he was dressed up, and it was clear he wasn’t going to allow any pleasure before the event. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Jason was attempting to arrange his tie and waistcoat. Kale sighed and went to him. “Move.” Kale batted Jason’s hands away. “You were never good at doing this yourself. How did you manage without me?”

  “Not very well, apparently.”

  “There.” Kale straightened Jason’s tie and smoothed his shirt under the waistcoat. “Didn’t Martin ever help you with this stuff?”

  “Oh, he tried, but I usually wouldn’t let him.”

  “Yes, we wouldn’t want to betray my memory by actually looking well put together.” Kale couldn’t help teasing Jason. The boy begged for it.

  “Very funny. I just didn’t let anyone close enough to do much of anything.”

  It hit Kale how lonely they both had been. He shook it off quickly. This wasn’t the time. “Do you have cufflinks picked out?”

  “Yes, over there.” Jason pointed to the dressing table.

  Kale picked up the simple onyx links. “No, these aren’t nearly fancy enough. You need something with either sparkle or color.” Kale rummaged around in the jewelry box. Finding a pair featuring large rubies, he nodded. “These are much better.”

  When Jason saw which ones Kale held, he protested. “No, those are too much. I only keep them because they were a gift.”

  “From someone with taste. If you’re leaving me and going off to play the part of steel magnate, then you might as well look it.” Kale fastened them and stood back. “That’s nice. You could do with more color, but now at least you’ll stand out.”

  “I had forgotten how good you were at this.” Jason looked at himself in the full-length mirror.

  Truth be told, Kale had forgotten too. More than that, he was remembering how much he enjoyed being good at this. Being good at something. Useful.

  “Gods, I really don’t want to go. It’s going to be incredibly boring.”

  “You used to do just fine.”

  “Yes, but that was only because I had you to look at.” Kale felt a warm glow at Jason’s words. “You always knew how to make me laugh or snap me out of a bored stupor. And gods know I won’t be able to remember anyone’s name or anything about anyone but the people I do business with. Somehow, you always kept it straight.”

  “If you miss it so much, why don’t you bring me with you?” Kale found it easy to picture himself in that role again. He would be nervous, but if called on, he would don a formal suit and attend Jason.

  “I won’t take you as a personal slave. That’s not what you are to me.” Jason was firm. The set of his eyes and jaw told Kale there would be no swaying him.

  “But there is no other way, don’t you see that? I am your slave. You can’t take me anywhere as anything other than that because it’s what I am. It’s the same problem we had before.” It felt like they had the same argument over and over again. It was exasperating. Kale was finally beginning to come to peace with the way things were; why couldn’t Jason just go along?

  “I understand the realities, Kale. I know you would be great tonight. I would certainly enjoy not having to leave you here, but nothing good has ever come of me pretending you’re only a valet to me. I want you there, but not as a slave. I can’t stand it. Unfortunately, this isn’t the type of event where we can act casually with each other.”

  “So, what are your long term plans for us? We fuck, sleep together, and then you go off to work and I hide away here?”

  “No, it’s not like that, and you know it. There are certain things that I won’t be able to bring you to, but that would be true even of a wife. Besides, it’s not like you actually want to go.”

  “I want to be with you.”

  “And you can, just not at these things. You know I would take you as my free companion if I could. If I thought we could get away with pretending you’re free, I would, but there’s too great a risk we’d be found out. If you get caught impersonating a free person, I’ll lose you forever.” Jason’s voice was strained.

  It was one of the few strict regulations regarding slaves. If an owner let a slave impersonate a free person, that slave became a threat. There was a constant fear in the government that the slaves would one day rebel. Kale never saw much evidence of it ever happening. Even if the slaves could organize, what would they do with freedom? They wouldn’t be able to get jobs and feed themselves.

  Allowances were made for favored slaves. It wasn’t uncommon for a closeness to develop between a personal slave and master. Privileges were extended and casual relationships established, but there was always a line that couldn’t be crossed. The slave always knew he was a slave. Any evidence that the owner had lost sight of that truth and paraded a slave around as a free man would prompt an investigation and seizure of the slave. They played a dangerous game.

  “I know. Don’t worry about it. I’m not hurt. I just wish you would let me go as your slave. It’s not as bad as you think. I’ve been one all my life.”

  “I’m glad you want to go, so much so that, if I hadn’t committed to this, I would stay home and show you how much.” Jason embraced Kale and kissed him tenderly on the lips. Kale didn’t want to let the pressure of Jason’s body go. “I love you. Now I have to go, or I won’t get out of here tonight.”

  “Fine.” Kale stepped back and opened the door for Jason. He followed him downstairs. When they passed the door to the garden, Kale had an idea.

  “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” There was something missing from Jason’s outfit, and Kale had figured out what it was. Calla lilies had started to blossom. They weren’t blooming yet, but a red lily would add a dash of color that was sorely needed to go with the cufflinks. Kale grabbed the shears and clipped one, returning to Jason in less than five minutes.

  “Here.” Kale affixed the flower to Jason’s lapel. “It’s still a little too early, but this one looked like it might do.”

  Jason smiled down at the flower, then looked at Kale. “Thank you.”
r />   “You’re welcome. Now, you better go before I strip your clothes off and take the decision out of your hands.”

  “All right.” Jason chuckled and leaned in for one last kiss. “I love you.”

  The door closed behind him, and all Kale could think of was how tired he was of seeing Jason walk through that door without him.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Kale had been in such a playful mood when Jason left, Jason hoped it would continue. He’d hate to think he was missing out on the chance at a good time with Kale just to fulfill his obligation to the children’s hospital. It was a worthy cause, but as Kale had said, they didn’t benefit much from his presence, just his money.

  An odd mix of people attended. Much of the upper class spent the summer in the country. That left people who had business in the city, those who were visiting for a break from country monotony, or the worst of the bunch: those who craved scandal and drama too much to leave the city.

  Jason waved away a slave who offered a glass of wine. With relief, he saw that there was a punch bowl off to the side. “You.” Jason caught a passing slave’s attention. “Fetch me a glass of punch, please.” It would have been inappropriate for him to get it himself.

  “Yes, sir.”

  It was odd being served by someone else when Kale sat at home. Kale would have delivered his punch with a quip designed to make him smile. No use thinking of that, though. He wouldn’t be able to leave for a few hours. An auction and dinner would require his presence.

  Surveying the crowd over his punch glass, Jason didn’t see anyone he particularly wanted to talk to. The women were all twittering about, showing more skin than was entirely appropriate, but was tolerated in the lax atmosphere of summer. The air was sweet with their perfume, easily overpowering the men’s cologne. It was all a glittering display of decadence. Only a banner on one of the walls reminded them that this was for the good of the children.

  “What have we here? The young steel mogul?” Lord Conrad’s booming voice turned Jason’s head as his heavy hand landed on Jason’s arm. “Taking a break from strategizing long enough to join us, huh?” It was a common misconception. Rumor had it that Jason was reclusive because he was a shrewd businessman plotting his next deal.

  “Lord Conrad, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” Jason nodded to the very young lady hanging on Conrad’s arm. Her sleeveless, blood-red dress was low-cut and designed from stitch to sequin to draw attention. Her raven hair and milky white skin only emphasized Conrad’s graying beard and wrinkles.

  “Yes, this is Miss Alisha Pemberton. Darling, this is Mr. Jason Wadsworth, one of the most devious minds in business today.”

  Ah, mistresses, the other staple of summer life in the city. While all the good wives were back in the country, their men enjoyed a grand time. Jason placed a chaste kiss on her presented hand. “How nice to meet you.” He caught her eyes lingering on his ruby cufflinks. Conrad should watch what he said about Jason’s wealth. Jason didn’t think the diamonds dripping off Miss Alisha Pemberton were her own. If she thought Jason could give her better, she’d take it.

  “What about you, Mr. Wadsworth? Don’t you have a pretty thing here to decorate your arm?” Conrad asked.

  “No, unfortunately. I fear I don’t have much time to attract the fairer sex, and my wife is in the country.” Jason despised having to play this game, as if he had any real interest in socialites.

  “That’s the place for wives, Wadsworth. I barely escaped in time to be here tonight. Nothing drains the life out of a man as quickly as a long summer season.”

  Jason laughed because it was expected. “Well, let me help you with that. I would love to have you and Miss Pemberton over for dinner.” Here was an opportunity. With Conrad in town, Jason could make another bid for his business and secure the contract.

  “That sounds wonderful. I’m only in town for another week, though.” Conrad looked at Alisha, and she nodded with enthusiasm.

  “I’ll arrange it then.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will begin shortly.” The master of ceremonies banged his gavel against a podium set up at one end of the hall.

  “I’ll look for your invitation, Mr. Wadsworth.” Conrad nodded farewell and escorted Alisha to her seat.

  As far as Jason was concerned, the evening was over, but he knew he needed to remain. Scanning the crowd, he looked for anyone else who might interest him and found his old roommate, Carl Bonham. He was the only person with whom Jason kept in touch from his short time at university. He rarely ran into anyone else, including Eric Vanderhoff. It was amazing that Jason had once thought Eric the center of the world, but now that he was one of the wealthiest men in the country, he realized how little Eric was. The Vanderhoff heir was still partying, chasing after boys and girls alike.

  Carl caught his eye and smiled. Jason made his way over to him. “How good to see you here, Carl.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, Jason. It’s been a while.”

  “It has.”

  “You’re doing well, I hope?”

  “Better than ever, and yourself?”

  “Marvelous. I’m going to be a father.” Carl beamed.

  “Well, that’s something worth toasting.” Jason raised his refreshed punch glass. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jason eyed a familiar slave hovering behind Carl. “I see you have the same slave with you.”

  “Oh, Charlie? Yes, he’s a good boy. Don’t see the point in making a change if it’s not necessary. Are you still without one? I know someone who’s selling an excellent valet if you’re interested.”

  “No, thank you.” Jason recalled that, of all the slaves back in college, Kale had been closest to Charlie. He projected his voice a little louder, clearly signaling that this was for Charlie’s ears. “In fact, I recently purchased back my old slave, Kale.”

  Charlie visibly startled and even met Jason’s eyes briefly. Charlie’s face was riddled with questions.

  “Really? Well, good. That was a nasty business. Glad to see it’s worked out. How is he?” Carl glanced back at Charlie. Apparently, he knew of their friendship.

  “He’s doing well. The problems that caused him to be sold in the first place have been resolved. We’ve come to an understanding.” Charlie seemed to breathe easier and a small, knowing smile formed on his lips. Apparently, Jason had been the only one to believe Kale’s lie.

  “Good to hear. Would you like to sit with me?”

  “I’d be delighted.” Jason followed Carl to some chairs near the back row. The rapping of the gavel on the podium echoed through the hall, and everyone settled down. Jason glanced back to where Charlie stood against the wall. The slave nodded his thanks, and Jason grinned. It felt surprisingly satisfying to be able to share their good news.

  * * *

  Outside his bedroom door that night, Jason wondered what he would find when he opened it. As soon as he was able, he had left, aware of who waited for him at home. When he had come through the front door, he had almost expected Kale to come meet him. Now at his room, he envisioned opening the door to see Kale lounging on the bed, maybe even already naked.

  When he turned on the light, though, no one was there. Jason sighed. He had wanted to unwind with Kale tonight, but if Kale wasn’t up to it, then Jason would respect his wishes. He was so disappointed he almost missed the letter resting in the center of his bed.

  I’m helping Sophie with the cleaning. Find me when you’re ready. And don’t undress. I want to do that myself.


  Jason laughed. Leave it to Kale to surprise him. This worked out well. Jason wanted to talk to Martin about his conversation with Conrad. A lot of preparation would be necessary if they were going to be able to entertain on such short notice. He would need the head start.

  * * *

  “Martin?” Jason was outside his secretary’s open office door. It was rare for Jason to come do
wn here, but it was late and he didn’t want to ring for him.

  “Sir?” Martin glanced up from a book, the surprise in his voice mirrored on his face. “Did you enjoy your evening?”

  Jason waved a dismissive hand. “It was fine. I actually had something to discuss with you.”

  “Yes?” Martin stood and gestured for Jason to sit.

  Jason seated himself as Martin warily lowered to his own chair. It felt odd to be on this side of the desk. “I ran into Lord Conrad tonight. He’s in town for a week visiting with his mistress. I’ve invited the both of them over for a little soiree. It’s an excellent opportunity to solidify this deal. I’m going to need you and Sophie to put it together for three days from now.”

  Martin’s eyes widened. “Sir, that’s not nearly enough notice.”

  “I have every confidence you can do it. I want you to send out invitations tomorrow. We’ll be inviting him and Miss Pemberton, Carl Bonham and his wife, Hector Isaishin and his wife, and Lord Rockford along with his mistress, Amelia Bancroft. It doesn’t need to be anything too fancy, just passable. I’m counting on you, Martin.”

  “Yes, sir. Would you like me to invite your wife, sir? I’m sure we could get her here in time.”


  “If everyone else has a date, it would appear strange for you not to.”

  “I won’t have her in the same house as Kale. A wife won’t impress Conrad, not when he’s bringing his mistress.” He wouldn’t subject Kale to her presence.

  “Very well.”

  “Whatever you need, ask. It’s important this goes well.”

  “I understand, sir. Thank you for telling me tonight.”

  Jason chuckled. “I thought you’d appreciate it. Do you know where Sophie is?”

  “Yes, I believe she and Kale are scrubbing the kitchen.”

  “I’m going down there. I’ll tell Sophie to come talk to you.” Jason rose, and Martin mirrored him. “Thank you, Martin.”

  “My pleasure, sir.”

  * * *


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