[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set

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[Measure of Devotion 01.0 - 03.0] Box Set Page 77

by Caethes Faron

  “Not at all. Renee, Kale’s quite the gardener at home.”


  “No, it’s just impressive to Jason because he couldn’t keep a weed alive if he needed to.”

  Renee laughed. It was the same laugh Kale remembered from the night he had arranged for her and Jason to meet.

  “I was hoping you might give me a tour.”

  “Certainly. Jason?” Renee turned to Jason in a gesture of invitation.

  “Jason actually has some phone calls he needs to make before we leave.” Kale hoped Jason would give him this time alone with Renee. After a brief moment of eye contact, Jason nodded.

  “Yes, that’s right. You two go on ahead.”

  Kale gestured for Renee to lead the way. The gardens really were amazing. Kale thought it must take a staff of half a dozen to keep them so well maintained. Renee was quiet. She had always been an intelligent woman. She no doubt knew that Kale’s interest in the gardens was secondary to his primary purpose.

  He waited until they were well away from the house and on an enchanting path that led through a maze of rose bushes. “Do you get lonely?”

  Renee smiled. “Heavens, no. I use the manor here to house women who have fallen on unfortunate times and help them get back on their feet. I have friends here and some who visit. I still spend much of my time in Perdana and, as you know, there’s never a dull moment there.”

  “You don’t crave companionship?”

  “Not as much as you might think. There are nights when it’s lonely, but then the day comes, and I realize there are more important parts of my life.”

  “You know he wouldn’t begrudge you a lover.”

  “I couldn’t do that to him.” Kale eyed her incredulously. “It’s different with you and him. You had claim to him long before I did. No, I made my bed, and I’ll lie in it. If I took a lover, it would cause scandal, and my mother would push for a divorce. I like the arrangement we have. I don’t wish to alter it.”

  “I don’t wish you to live your life alone.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Kale.” Renee stopped him with a hand on his arm and deliberately met his eyes. “I’m very close with my girlfriends.”

  Kale was caught off guard. He supposed it made sense, but it was the last thing he’d expected. “I didn’t realize.”

  They resumed walking. “It’s sweet of you to care after everything I’ve done. I know you got my apology in writing, but I want you to know how truly sorry I am for the pain I caused you and Jason. I’m amazed you don’t harbor any ill will toward me.”

  “I can’t. If he hadn’t married you, he wouldn’t have had the money and resources to free me or move to Naiara and have me accepted as a citizen. Besides, it was my fault as much as yours. I could have stopped Jason from selling me any time I wanted, but I didn’t. That was my choice, not yours. You did what you thought was best for yourself.”

  “And you did what you thought was best for Jason. It’s why you won in the end.”

  “Yes, it is.” It wasn’t a competition, but there was no denying that Kale had won. “Thank you for your support. It’ll go a long way in getting reforms passed.”

  “Of course. I’m glad you asked. This is going to become a reality, Kale, and it’s going to be a very good thing. It’s just a first step, and the first is always the hardest. Improving the lives of slaves will improve all our lives. Someday, this country is going to realize that by helping the least fortunate, we help everyone.”

  “And you’re the one who’s going to show them.” Kale smiled at her. “We should go back inside. Jason’s eager to get home.”

  “I can imagine. Take good care of him. Don’t let him lose himself.”

  “I won’t. He’s safe with me.”

  “I know. You’re better for him than I ever could have been. You understand him in a way I never did.”

  “He still loves you, and I know you love him. You offered him something special, just different. If this bill passes, there’s a chance we’ll be spending more time in Arine. There’s the ranch to check on, as well as my brother, and the business in Perdana. It might be nice for us all to visit occasionally.”

  “I would enjoy that.”

  They reached the house to find Jason waiting at the door. “Thanks for your help, Renee, but we’ve got to be going now if we’re going to catch the train. I don’t want to spend any more nights away from home than I have to.”

  “I understand. Thank you for coming. I hope to see you again with good news.”

  “We look forward to it.” Kale kissed her on the cheek and then stepped aside for Jason to do the same. A few minutes later, they were in the car on the way to the station.

  “How was your talk with Renee?”

  Kale took Jason’s hand. “We made peace with each other.”


  “Yes. It was time.” Kale smiled at the love and concern emanating from the man next to him. Life may not be a competition, but he had indeed won.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  They arrived home early in the morning. The sky was still pink from the sun stretching across the horizon like a child rising from bed. Kale didn’t think home had ever looked more beautiful. The back garden would be a mess from his neglect, but he relished having the project to tackle. They had let Neissa know when to expect them, so Kale was confident they would find something waiting for them in the kitchen.

  Jason unlocked the front door, and Kale followed him inside. He couldn’t help taking a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of home. They plod up the stairs in silence. Kale had left everything in the trunk of the car except the valise that had ridden in the back seat. As soon as they entered their bedroom, he tossed it on a chair, relieved he no longer had to worry about its contents.

  “I don’t want to wake up until tomorrow.” The bed muffled Jason’s voice, and Kale turned to see him face down on top of the comforter, fully clothed.

  Kale smirked and suddenly desired a little mischief. He fell on top of Jason and tickled his ribs. Jason started laughing uncontrollably, squirming underneath Kale until he had rolled over onto his back. Jason’s merry face brought a smile to Kale’s lips. To his surprise, he felt something begin to stir in his groin. He almost sighed with relief. It wasn’t an erection, but it was a hopeful start. Maybe after they had some sleep he could try to coax his desire out from its hibernation.

  “You don’t need to get up. Just wiggle out of your clothes.” Kale undressed Jason, his lover scooting around until his trousers came free. The sight of Jason’s body made Kale feel even more at home. It was wonderful to be back in their own bed, without the worries and stresses of being around other people in a foreign house.

  Kale tossed Jason’s clothes on the ground, rid himself of his own, and folded down the comforter, climbing in next to Jason. As soon as his back hit the sheet, Jason cuddled against him, not even bothering to open his eyes to find Kale. The stubble on Jason’s chin from the journey scratched at his chest. For the first time since Kale had discovered the letter Jason was hiding, he was able to relax. Tension poured out of him. The curtains were drawn, keeping all but a sliver of sunlight out. Kale’s eyes scanned their room, pleased to see it unchanged. He and Jason had both been through such emotional turmoil and upheaval away from home. There was a certain amount of comfort in the knowledge that through it all their home remained a steady place for them to return to.

  It was the first time in his life he had a place to call home, to give him the comfort and security that a home did. The entire time in Arine, he had been tense. Every moment, he’d been on edge, even when he wasn’t consciously aware of it. Arine wasn’t his country. He had been born there, but his freedom had come from Naiara. There had to be a way for him to reconcile the memories of his life in Arine with the life he currently lived. With time, he felt he’d be able to look upon his memories with an appropriate amount of fondness for the good times and distance from the painful recollections.

p; Kale ran his hands through Jason’s hair. A few stray silver strands had appeared over the last couple of weeks. Some of Jason’s color had faded. The luster was absent from his hair and skin. The brown of his eyes appeared as vivid as before, except a shadow had appeared behind them. Kale didn’t know if it would ever completely go away. In the space of a few weeks, Jason had aged a couple of years. Kale didn’t mind, other than to worry about the emotional implications. Jason was still the most stunning man he had ever seen. The changes to his appearance only spoke of a man who had given his whole heart over to experiencing life. Kale couldn’t be more proud to be lying next to him.

  Their troubles were far from over. They had merely moved to a new stage of healing. Kale had confidence in their ability to persevere. After all, they had each other’s support. The love that swelled in his chest started to swell another part of his anatomy. Of course his lust would resurface when Jason was sleeping. If it had been any other time, Kale would have woken him, but Jason was in need of sleep. Kale could only hope that when his erection withered, it wouldn’t be permanent.

  He tried to think of mundane matters: the work he would need to do in the garden, making a trip to the gallery in the next few days to see what had sold, the magnitude of the mission they had undertaken in campaigning for slavery reform. Nothing worked. If anything, his erection was straining even more.

  Kale tried to move from underneath Jason so he could go to the bathroom and relieve himself. The moment he shifted his weight, Jason cuddled in closer, moving his knee up so it barely grazed Kale’s cock before settling lower down. Gods, Kale almost wished for the return of his impotence. Almost. If Jason was moving around, he couldn’t be as deep in sleep as Kale thought. Kale lowered his lips to Jason’s ear and barely whispered, “How tired are you?”

  “Hmm?” Jason moved around on top of Kale more, but his eyes didn’t open.

  “Nothing.” If they weren’t going to have sex, then he really wanted Jason to stop moving. Once he was settled down, maybe Kale could take care of it without bothering him.

  “All right.” Jason wiggled against Kale, snuggling in for a closer fit. Kale’s erection leapt as Jason’s knee once again brushed against it, and Kale had to suppress a groan. Jason continued to move until his leg settled against Kale’s cock. As soon as the hard heat registered against Jason’s skin, his eyes flew open and he lifted his head, all traces of sleep banished.

  A smile curled Jason’s lips. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “You’re tired.”

  “No, I’m not.” Jason moved on top of him and rubbed his own growing erection against Kale’s.

  Kale chuckled. “I’m glad your cock hasn’t realized that you’re not a teenager anymore.”

  Jason blushed, reminding Kale of the young man he had been when they’d first met. “Can you blame me when I have you lying here?” Jason didn’t wait for a reply. He dove for the canister of grease they kept by the bed. With one hand he liberally applied the lubricant to Kale’s cock. With the other he grasped Kale’s bicep and then littered his chest with kisses.

  Kale didn’t try to suppress his groans any longer. Jason’s hand was firm on his erection, doing more than simply preparing him. His lover’s mouth was devouring his chest as if he had been waiting weeks for this moment. In a way, Kale supposed he had, though he wished he hadn’t denied himself simply because of Kale’s problem.

  “Stop.” Kale wrenched Jason’s hand off his cock. “Unless you want this to end in your hand?” Perhaps Jason did want to simply get the job done and get back to sleeping.

  “Gods, no.” Jason knelt up on his knees and prepared himself. It took little more than a greased finger, and he was putting the canister away.

  “Are you sure you’re good?” Kale didn’t want Jason to let himself get hurt in his rush.

  “Yes. I want to feel you. I don’t care if it hurts a little.” And with that, Jason lowered himself onto Kale’s cock in one slow, smooth motion.

  The tight warmth that enveloped him was intoxicating. Kale’s back arched, and his hands immediately grabbed Jason’s hips, holding him still. “Don’t move.” He needed a moment to adjust. Otherwise, this wasn’t going to last very long.

  Jason nodded and leaned down to suck Kale’s bottom lip into his mouth. The closeness gave Kale a heady sensation. He arched into the contact until his rib cage touched Jason’s. At the touch, he wrapped an arm around Jason and pulled him flush against him. Using his other arm for leverage, he flipped them over so he was on top of Jason. A little smile played at Jason’s lips. He clearly liked this turn of events.

  “I don’t know how long I can last.” Kale’s husky voice communicated his desire more than his words did.

  “That’s all right. It’s not like it’s the last time we’re going to do this. We have an entire night to fill later.”

  Kale smiled. Of course, they had all the time in the world. A dark voice in the back of his head said that wasn’t true, that eventually it would be their last time, but Kale pushed it away. If he had learned anything during recent events, it was to treasure life’s moments as they happened.

  Slowly, he began to thrust into Jason and released a shuddered breath. The sensation was overwhelming after so much time. Slow was suddenly no longer an option. All he wanted was more of this feeling. He latched his mouth onto Jason’s shoulder and raked his nails along his back, pulling Jason to him, rough with desperation. Somewhere in his mind, he registered that Jason was taking care of his own cock in time with Kale’s movements.

  The tension curled and built in his groin until he didn’t think he’d be able to take it anymore. In a burst of sensation, the tension broke. Kale released Jason’s shoulder and arched up in ecstasy. His orgasm kept going longer than he would have thought possible. Once his climax had washed over him, he fell forward onto his hands. He gathered himself in time to see Jason reach his finish, come spurting out in long ribbons over his chest. Too late, he realized the implications as Jason’s ass tightened around Kale’s sensitized cock.

  “Ooh. Aah.” Kale pulled out at the first loosening of Jason’s muscles and lay next to him. Jason laughed and rolled over to give Kale a passionate kiss. When Jason pulled away, Kale marveled at the man looking down at him. “Gods, you get more beautiful every day.” Jason’s blush warmed Kale’s heart. “I’d better go get a washcloth before we fall asleep. We don’t want to wake up stuck to each other.”

  Jason grinned. “I wouldn’t mind.”

  “Yeah, that’s because you don’t have as much chest hair as I do.” Kale moved out from under Jason and retrieved a damp cloth. After he cleaned both of them, he tossed it on the floor. Tidying up could wait. Everything could wait until they had gotten some sleep.

  Jason pulled Kale down and wrapped an arm around his chest. The pleasant afterglow settled around them, and Kale felt a rush of closeness to his partner that was more intense than the physical contact they shared. As wonderful as the sex was, Kale thought he might have missed the afterglow even more. The intense physical sensation enhanced the emotional bond they shared. Kale tightened his grip around Jason, seeking an outlet for the fierceness of his love.

  “Hmm.” Jason drifted off to sleep, his snores ruffling Kale’s chest hair.

  It was good to finally be home.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  “Kale, can you hand me my blue shirt? You know, the one I like to wear around the house?” Jason had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off while he looked at a list of calls he wanted to make. He’d spent every day of the last three weeks in Calea. This was the first day he was staying home and making calls instead of attending meetings in town, and he wanted to be comfortable.

  “No, I can’t. It’s packed.” Kale pulled clothes out of the closet.

  “Packed? Whatever for?” There hadn’t been a trip on his schedule.

  “For our vacation.”

  “What are you talking about, Kale? I don’t have time to go anywhere
. There’s too much to do.” Jason didn’t have the energy to mask his irritation.

  “There is exactly nothing for you to do. You’ve done all you can. Renee and the others will manage anything that’s left. You’ve worked day and night on this legislation for five months, and it’s time to realize that it’s done. The Arinians are either going to accept the proposal or not. There is nothing more you can do. You’ve let this consume your life in an unhealthy way.”

  “I know, but I’m doing this for you, Kale. For Thomas and Demetri and Darlene and all the others. For the men in my mills.”

  Kale rubbed Jason’s arms in what Jason was sure was meant to be a comforting fashion while he made eye contact. “Which is why I’ve allowed it for so long, but it stops today. Now, in fact. We’re leaving for the train station in twenty minutes.”

  Jason broke free of Kale’s grasp. “Kale, I can’t be ready in twenty minutes.”

  “You already are.” Damn Kale’s collected calm.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I already told you. Besides, you promised me once that you’d show me the world. I’m calling that promise due.”

  Kale had him.

  * * *

  Kale had been right. They had both needed a vacation. Jason hadn’t worked alone to get the bill passed. Kale had taken Lisa’s suggestion and done a series of pieces from his experiences as a slave. They were haunting, more so because Jason knew the truth behind them. Kale had also allowed him to see the ones that were too personal to display publicly. It had been a cathartic experience for both of them. Newspapers credited Kale with turning the abolitionist movement into a nationwide cause. It had worked perfectly. Anything short of abolition was looking good to the Arinians.

  Watching Kale see new places was an endless source of delight for Jason. They hiked the Hiashin foothills, explored the ruins of the abandoned city at Parubala, and frolicked on the white sandy beaches of the Bluffington coast. Jason couldn’t remember ever being more relaxed. He and Kale reconnected, reminding each other why they had chosen to spend the rest of their lives together. Each new experience was sweeter because he shared it with Kale, each new discovery more amazing because he saw it through Kale’s eyes as well as his own.


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