Angel of Wisdom

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Angel of Wisdom Page 7

by Julia McKnight

  Aileen turned to Uriel with a smile. “That was really great! How do you feel?”

  “What just happened? I feel weak and strong at the same time.”

  “You just had an orgasm. Your fluids came into me, leaving you drained and temporarily weak,” Aileen explained. “It’s a normal part of intercourse.”

  “Did you also orgasm?” he asked.

  “No, but I was close. Men typically orgasm much sooner than women.”

  “That needs to be rectified. How do I make you orgasm?”

  “You can use your tongue, lips, and fingers and touch me here,” Aileen stated and guided his fingers to her clitoris.

  He rubbed her there the way she showed him. In a few minutes, Aileen was tossing and turning, calling out his name. Uriel watched her eyes roll back into her head, her hips bucking with his finger still hitting her magical spot. Her orgasm hit her, and she clung to Uriel and screamed his name out. He felt an incredible sense of power knowing he could give her such pleasure.

  When her orgasm had passed and she was no longer panting, he asked, “Can I do that again? I liked how you scream out my name.”

  She grinned at him. “I liked how you made me scream your name.”

  “This time I want to use my tongue.”

  “That’s the best feeling in the world!”

  Uriel ducked under the covers and went to work making Aileen scream out his name again. He decided her orgasm was more exciting than his own. After her third orgasm in a row, she pulled him up to lay beside her.

  “You’re amazing! However, too many orgasms in a row, and it does start to get a little tender,” Aileen panted out.

  Uriel nodded and mentally noted that she needed breaks in between her orgasms. She curled up next to him, and he held her until she fell asleep. A feeling of tenderness and protectiveness washed over him.

  Uriel refused to let anything hurt her. He was going to help her find Deirdre and kill Gorgoneia. After she and Deirdre were safe, he would spend the rest of his life watching over them and protecting them. With that thought, he too fell asleep.

  Chapter 14

  Uriel and Aileen arrived on a beach in Crete right by the Mediterranean Sea. The other archangels had come earlier. Michael had brought underwater lights and bendable, lightweight mirrors for reflection. He and Raphael were checking the equipment and making sure it all worked properly.

  Aileen spied the different animal suits and shot a questioning gaze at Uriel.

  He turned Michael. “What are these?”

  Michael grinned. “Obviously, we can’t just swim after you and Aileen, because if Gorgoneia sees us, she’ll attack us. So these are different underwater animal suits we can wear to hide our identities.” Michael picked up a seal suit and waved its paw at Uriel. “See, I’m a seal. Raphael is the shark, Barachiel is a sea turtle, and Zerachiel is a lizard.”

  “I don’t know why I can’t be a sea turtle too,” Zerachiel complained.

  “Would you prefer to be a merman?” Michael teased.

  “I would prefer to get this operation done and over with,” Zerachiel muttered.

  “I also brought along robes. We can don them over our suits and chant for her. After she takes you two, we will jump in after you as sea animals and follow at a safe distance,” Michael announced. He turned to Raphael and stated, “Yes, you can see and breathe in these suits.”

  “Good, I would hate to suffocate underwater,” Raphael replied.

  “Where is Azrael?” Uriel inquired, looking around.

  A black mist appeared, and Azrael strolled over to them and declared, “You don’t have much time. The child is hovering between life and death now.”

  Aileen gasped and a look of sheer desperation came upon her face.

  Uriel took hold of her hand and squeezed it, trying to reassure her. To his brothers, he clipped out a command, “Let’s get ready and start chanting for her!”

  His brothers donned their suits and robes. When they were finished, they all gathered around him and knelt down in a circle by the water. Uriel taught them the chant that he’d heard the demons say by the Tiber River. Then he and Aileen went in the middle of the circle. Aileen blindfolded him and sat down next to him. They all started the chant for Gorgoneia to appear.

  “Oh, Goddess of the Waters, Queen of Darkness. Hear us as we call your name. Your children need you. Come and guide us.”

  They chanted it over and over until a mist rose from the Mediterranean Sea and moved closer to the shore. Aileen watched as a blue-gray head with serpents showed up. Aileen swallowed a scream at the hideous sight. Her red eyes glowed, and Aileen heard her voice inside her head.

  “Come to me, my child. Come to your queen. Come to me.”

  Aileen got up and walked toward the water. She barely felt Uriel beside her walking with her. She stared unseeing as Gorgoneia opened her mouth and her serpent tongue swam toward them. It wrapped itself around Aileen and Uriel.

  * * * *

  Uriel pulled off his blindfold the moment he felt something crawl all over his skin. He almost wished he hadn’t. The serpent had wound itself completely around him and Aileen. He looked over at Aileen and could tell she was entranced. The serpent tongue pulled them underwater.

  He went down into the watery depths knowing there was nothing he could do. They went deeper and deeper, and there was only darkness. Up ahead, he spied the outline of a building. They were dumped unceremoniously on its steps.

  He heard a female voice order, “Take care of these two. They’re fresh.”

  Demon servants grabbed him and Aileen and took them to separate rooms. Uriel was wrapped in seaweed and laid down on a bed. The servants left, and Uriel waited a few minutes before he broke free from the seaweed wrap.

  He swam out and looked around him. It looked like a temple similar to the Parthenon. Greek columns held up the ceiling, and there didn’t seem to be any doors. Just open chambers where servants swam back and forth doing their work.

  Uriel swam into a room and saw Deirdre lying on a bed. The little girl had no seaweed wrap, and she looked gray and on the verge of death. Snake bites covered both her arms, and Uriel swallowed a bile of rage. He swam out and saw his brothers enter the temple.

  He swam over to them and spoke to them telepathically. “I found Deirdre. She’s covered in snake bites, and she’s close to death.”

  “Where is Aileen?” Raphael asked.

  “In a different chamber wrapped in seaweed.”

  “Why seaweed?” Mike inquired.

  “Probably because it keeps things fresh down here. Gorgoneia mentioned we were fresh when she deposited both of us here,” Uriel answered.

  “This place is gloomy,” Zerachiel said.

  “Let’s swim around and try to find Aileen and Gorgoneia,” Uriel advised.

  “Yeah, we should split up and explore. We’ll cover more ground that way. We can meet back here at the entrance when we’re finished,” Barachiel stated.

  Raphael, Michael, Barachiel, and Zerachiel swam off in their animal suits. Uriel went on his way and came across a chamber with rotting corpses. He swam in and gagged as he saw that the flesh of former humans were rotten and half-eaten from the different sea creatures.

  Uriel itched to dispatch this water demon that has caused so much suffering. He kept on swimming and went into a different chamber. Gorgoneia was in this one, and he hid out of sight but observed her.

  He saw her serpent tongue go out and bite another victim lying on a bed. The snake sucked, and the victim twitched. Finally, the victim stopped twitching, and the snake withdrew and went back into her mouth.

  “This one is now dead. Toss it with the others,” Gorgoneia ordered a servant.

  She swam away. The bottom half of her body was a huge fish tail. The top half was human, and her head was a nest of serpents wriggling as she swam. She turned back and barked out another order.

  “I’m going to my chambers to sleep now. Do not disturb me.”

  A se
rvant picked up the body and took it over to the room with the rotten corpses. He put it in there and left. Uriel tailed him at a discreet distance. He followed the servant into a huge room and watched as he helped Gorgoneia into a bed and wrapped her with seaweed. After that, the servant left.

  Uriel swam in and studied the room. It was quite spacious with a huge bed, paintings, chests, and furniture. If it wasn’t underwater in this gloomy place, it would actually look lavish. Instead, the water had eroded a lot of the beauty. Uriel thought that her chambers would be a good place to kill her.

  Uriel swam out and went to meet his brothers at the entrance. He waited until he saw them swimming toward him. As usual, Raphael and Michael were bickering.

  “No one will know. They have rooms full of rotting corpses. What’s another one to their collection?” Michael insisted.

  “I told you not to play with the lights,” Raphael chastised.

  “I had to make sure it gave off enough light. This place is super dark,” Michael argued.

  “Yeah, well it was so bright, it drew in the guards!” Raph yelled.

  “Yes, and now they will all dwell in eternal darkness,” Mikey answered.

  “Guys!” Uriel barked out telepathically.

  They both stopped arguing telepathically and turned to face him.

  “I found Gorgoneia’s chamber. Our best bet is to kill her in there,” Uriel told them. “However, we should probably evacuate all the victims that are still alive before we engage her in battle to decrease civilian deaths.”

  “Very well, how should we do that?” Zerachiel asked.

  “Gorgoneia has just gone to sleep. We will take the victims up to Az. We can teleport with them up to the surface. We should be able to take two people at a time,” Uriel replied.

  “Okay, what about the lights and mirrors?” Michael inquired.

  “Let’s plant some along the entranceway and in her chambers after we evacuate the victims,” Uriel suggested.

  The archangels worked quickly going in and out of the chambers and teleporting those who were alive back up to the surface. Uriel found Aileen and picked her up. He swam into Deirdre’s chamber and picked the little girl up. He teleported to where Azrael was on the beach.

  He laid them down, and Azrael looked them over. He bent down to examine Deirdre and spoke.

  “She will need medical attention and is near death. Aileen is fine, she is just entranced.”

  “They’re all entranced, Az,” Uriel responded.

  “All the more reason for you to finish off this water demon,” Azrael proclaimed.

  Azrael turned to help the other victims the archangels brought with them. They had all discarded their animal suits in order to bring up the entranced people more efficiently. A few more trips and they had brought up all the people. The brothers all went back down to the depths of the Mediterranean Sea to do battle with Gorgoneia.

  Chapter 15

  Uriel arrived to see Michael planting lights along the entranceway. The other archangels went to dispatch the demon guards around the temple. Uriel took a few of Michael’s lights and mirrors and swam toward Gorgoneia’s room.

  A demon guard swam across his path and surprised him. Uriel dropped his supplies to fight off the demon. The demon threw a punch, and Uriel blocked it. Uriel kicked him, and he slammed into a wall.

  The demon recovered and swam at Uriel and tackled him into the opposite wall. The breath was knocked out of him, and the demon punched him in the face. He saw stars. The demon punched him again, and Uriel fell to the sea floor.

  The demon picked him up off the sea floor and put him into a chokehold, strangling him. Uriel struggled and elbowed him in the ribs. The demon broke his grip, and Uriel slipped behind the demon and put him in a chokehold. The demon tried to get out of it, but Uriel squeezed his arm around his neck tightly and cut off circulation. In a few moments, the demon went limp and died.

  Uriel dropped him and swam back to the temple. He picked up the lights he’d dropped and found his way to Gorgoneia’s chambers. He arrived to find it empty. Alarm raced through him, and Uriel swam out. He needed to find her.

  Uriel stopped when he came across Gorgoneia with her serpent tongue wrapped around Raphael’s neck. He turned on his light to distract her. She gasped at the brightness and released Raphael. Then she swam straight for Uriel.

  Uriel was unprepared for her speed, and in a moment, she was upon him. One of the wriggling serpents from her head knocked the light out of his hand. They were surrounded in darkness. He saw her red eyes glowing at him. He closed his eyes to keep himself from being entranced.

  He felt multiple snakes slide up and down his torso, strangling him. He held very still and kept his eyes and mouth shut. He heard Gorgoneia scream. Her snakes released him, and he opened his eyes to see her swimming away with a white arrow sticking out of her back.

  Uriel swam after her, not wanting to let her get away. He swam into blinding light and realized Mike had turned all the lights on. Gorgoneia was momentarily blinded by the light, and she stopped swimming. This gave the brothers enough time to form a circle around her and hold up their mirrors.

  Gorgoneia screamed and tried to leave the circle, but she saw her own reflection and froze in place, entrancing herself. Uriel swam through the circle and took out his battle axe. With one powerful stroke, he hacked off the water demon’s head. Her head fell off and rolled onto the sea floor. Black blood squirted from her torso before it too sank to the floor.

  Uriel and his brothers teleported back to the surface where Azrael was. They reached the surface and saw the people had broken out of their entrancements. They were confused and disoriented. Azrael had enlisted the help of paramedics, and ambulances were transporting people to local hospitals.

  Uriel looked and found Aileen sobbing and clutching Deirdre to her body, rocking back and forth. A medic came over and gently pried Deirdre from Aileen’s grasp and put her on a stretcher. Aileen followed them into the ambulance.

  Uriel went over to Raphael and spoke to him, “I might need your assistance with Deirdre.”

  “I’ll do what I can, but some things are beyond my healing skills,” Raphael responded.

  They teleported to the hospital and walked into Deirdre’s room. Aileen was sound asleep in a chair next to Deirdre’s bed. Uriel realized she must have been given sleeping pills by the staff.

  Raphael sent healing energy over Deirdre in the bed, but she didn’t stir. Uriel joined his brother in healing the little girl and bringing her back to life. Beside him, he felt a presence and saw Azrael.

  “I’m sorry, Uriel, but her time is up. She stayed too long in Gorgoneia’s domain,” Azrael spoke quietly.

  Uriel heard Deirdre’s heart monitor stop beeping and go flat. The nurses and doctors rushed in to perform resuscitation and bring her back to life.

  Uriel felt Azrael’s wings unfold, and he turned to plead with him. “No, Az, just wait. Wait a little bit longer.”

  “It is not up to me, Uriel. You know that,” Azrael answered.

  He turned to go, and Deirdre was holding his hand. Uriel gasped as he saw her soul out of her body. He got down on his knees by the hospital bed next to the nurses and doctors who could not feel him and prayed aloud to his Father.

  “Please Father, spare her. Take me, take me in place of her. I have sinned. I have lain with a mortal woman in my chambers. Spare her and take me instead.”

  He continued to pray, and he heard his Father’s voice speaking in his head. “My son, you have committed a grievous sin. However, you killed a demon who had been torturing my children for centuries. I will return the child back to you. In return, you will lose your wings, although you will retain the ability to teleport at will.”

  “Yes, Father. I agree. Thank you, Father,” Uriel answered.

  “My daughters are precious to me. Watch over them well.”

  Uriel felt Raphael’s hand on his shoulder. “She’s awake, Uriel. Deirdre is alive,” Raphael said.
  Uriel opened his eyes to see Deirdre breathing and her eyes opening. She looked around the room and saw Aileen sleeping in the chair.

  “Auntie Aileen?” she whispered.

  “She’s asleep for now, Deirdre,” Uriel answered her.

  “Uriel? What happened?”

  “I’ll tell you after you get some rest and feel better.”

  Deirdre nodded and closed her eyes. Soon, she was fast asleep. The doctors and nurses left once they brought her back to life. A staff member checked the machines to make sure Deirdre’s vitals were acceptable and shut the door as she left. Deirdre’s heart monitor beeping was music to Uriel’s ears.

  “Since you have sinned with Aileen, are you still one of us?” Raphael asked worriedly.

  “Yes, but my wings were taken away in return for Deirdre’s life.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  “I understand why Gabriel sacrificed himself now. I would have gladly done the same for Aileen and Deirdre’s life.”

  “I hope I don’t ever have to make that sacrifice.”

  “I hope not either, but I would understand if you did. I understand things that I didn’t before.”

  “Goodbye, brother. I’m glad you’re still one of us, but duty calls me.”

  “Very well, attend to your duties, Raphael. Mine is here.”

  Raphael disappeared and Uriel was left alone in the room. He went over to Aileen. She was completely knocked out from the pills. He gathered her in his arms and sat down on the chair and held her. Uriel dozed off with the feel of her hair all around him.

  Chapter 16

  Aileen awoke to find herself wrapped around something hard and muscular. She looked around and realized she was sitting in Uriel’s lap. They were both in a hospital room. Deirdre was lying in a hospital bed. Aileen gave a cry of distress and jumped off of Uriel’s lap to go check on her niece.


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