Her Christmas Prince (Love in the Keys)

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Her Christmas Prince (Love in the Keys) Page 12

by Godin, Caroline A.

  “I don't think I have the right clothes.”

  “You dress just fine, bring the fanciest stuff you have and what do you don't have, you can borrow from my sister-in-law.”

  “Will you come?” This was it, take a leap or wonder forever. How else could she know?

  “Yes, I will.”

  Henry breathed a sigh of relief. “Great. Can you be ready in two hours? Tom will be there then.” Callie agreed, and hung up.

  First she called Erin, who was more than happy to look after the cafe while she was gone. Then her parents' house. Her dad answered. He seemed totally fine with her going on the trip and was relieved that Tom was going with her. His only concern seemed to be her safety.

  Callie showed and changed into a cotton pantsuit. She packed as best she could and at the appointed time, made her way to the back of the lobby and through the service entrance. Clint was waiting there; he had agreed to drop her and Tom in Miami. They were booked on an early afternoon flight to Paris, and the royal jet would meet them at Charles de Gaulle. With any luck, no one would know she was in Laurenia until she wanted them to.

  Tom stashed her suitcase in the trunk and opened the door of the squad car for her. She got in and snapped on her seat belt.

  “Are you ready, Callie?”

  “Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go.”

  The traffic to the airport was uneventful. Clint had called ahead and arranged for them to use the consular/VIP check-in and lounge at the airport, citing security reasons. Going to visit royalty had its perks, it seemed.

  Clint accompanied them into the terminal and handed her and Tom off to the waiting personnel. He gave her a big hug and wished her good luck. He also shook Tom's hand and told him he'd best look after Callie. They waved goodbye to Clint and he was gone.

  Their tickets, boarding passes and security procedures were completed with lighting speed, and they were whisked to a quiet lounge and offered beverages. It was a great way to travel, that was for sure.

  Unbeknownst to Callie, Jimmy the Paparazzi was still staked out outside her condo with the rest of the photographers. He'd made the deal of his carrer after a bidding war between several magazines, and had sold all the pictures he had taken of Prince Henry and Callie Meyers. It would not only be enough for the new car he had been hankering for, but possibly, to retire. He was uncharacteristically happy that the pictures had gone to a fairly reputable magazine. After traipsing around after the couple for a few days, he knew one thing. This was the real deal, and it was a bona fide love story. He wasn't usually a softie, but Jimmy was actually rooting for them to make it the distance.


  December 28th (in Laurenia)

  The flight to Paris was just as uneventful as the trip to the airport. They had been booked into the first class cabin, and every little whim was catered to. Callie availed herself of the reclining seat and actually fell asleep. The events of the last few days had tired her out. Tom rested, too. And the flight went by very quickly.

  When the plane landed, there were airport personnel there to meet Callie and Tom and they were escorted from the plane first, before anyone else could de-plane. As soon as they saw a customs official, they were driven by golf cart, with their bags following in a second cart with the security officers, to a private plane waiting at the far side of the airport.

  As they approached the small private plane with the crest of Laurenia on the side, Prince Henry emerged at the top of the stairs and was at the golf cart as soon as it stopped. He took Callie's hand and helped her off the golf cart, and immediately enveloped her in a gigantic hug. When they withdrew from the embrace, he also hugged his friend Tom and beckoned them to board the plane. Henry personally thanked everyone from the airport staff for assisting that day. He was amazing when he was on duty, every inch the prince. It was a new side to him for Callie to see.

  On the short flight to Laurenia, the three friends chatted amiably, aware they were not alone. They talked about Christmas, and cookies, and even the press. Henry asked if Callie had seen the magazine expose. She had not. He pulled a copy out of his bag and gave it to her. All the pictures were taken by one man, and he was very good at his job, because none of the three of them had had any inkling he had been around and lurking.

  With trepidation, she thumbed through until she found it. Tom leaned in to take a look, too. There were pictures of Henry and Callie in her car, and in his SUV. And of them entering the church in Sunnyside, holding hands. There were even several shots of their trip to Key West, at the Southernmost Point, watching the lighted boat parade, and having what looked like a very romantic dinner at Sunset Pier. There was a picture of Callie from her high school yearbook, and a very blurry shot of her, obviously taken through a window, serving coffee at the Beach Buzz. There was even one of Tom and Henry on the boat, having coffee. She perused the brief editorial copy and shockingly, it was accurate. And not at all malicious.

  Prince Henry of Laurenia took an incognito vacation in the Florida Keys to visit with his longtime friend Thomas Davis, who he served with in Afghanistan. While there, the Prince enjoyed the beach, fishing and sampled some of the local fare. He was introduced to Miss Calista Meyers by his friend Thomas, who'd known her since childhood. By all counts, Miss Meyers is a well-liked lifelong resident of Sunnyside Key. She owns and operates a small cafe and is known to be active in community causes. She is an only child and close to her large family. Could Calista Meyers be Laurenia's own Kate Middleton?

  Callie was actually quite relieved. She had been expecting much worse. Hopefully it would make meeting Henry's family easier. She still worried they wouldn't approve of her. But she had to trust Henry.

  Before she knew it, the plane was making its final descent to Laurenia. Callie excused herself to wash her face, brush her teeth and tidy up her make up. Her suit was a bit rumpled. Just as she was wondering what to do about it, the flight attendant knocked on the door and handed her a can of wrinkle remover. They really did think of everything, these royal handler types. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she returned to the cabin.

  “Henry, is there anything I should know? Or expect?” Callie didn't want to make a mistake.

  “Not really. Refer to my parents as Your Highness first, and then after that sir and ma'am is fine. But wait until they speak to you. And don't touch them. That's about it, really.” Callie didn't look convinced. “You'll do just fine. I have every faith. And even if you don't it doesn't matter. I plan on telling my parents that we're in love and if you'll have me, my intentions are heading to matrimony.”

  Callie looked at Henry. And couldn't speak. “So, are you willing?” She nodded. “I'm not saying it's going to be easy, Callie, and we have a lot to figure out, but I'm going to fight for us. I need you to fight, too.”

  Callie took his hand and smiled. “I'm ready, whatever comes.”

  The royal jet landed and taxied to the royal hangar at the Laurenia airport. The plane stopped, the door opened, and the staircase lowered. Prince Henry was the first to start down to the waiting car on the tarmac. As he was halfway down, he noticed Biggs waiting. And his parents. Odd. He wasn't expecting to see them ‘til later at the palace.

  Henry stepped off the staircase and immediately to its right, waiting to assist Callie as she came down. When she reached the bottom, she took Henry's hand and she too saw his parents. She looked at Henry in surprise. He shrugged his shoulders, It was clearly a surprise to him, too. She could hear Tom coming down the stairs behind her. And her peripheral vision caught their bags being loaded into the trunk of a large stretch limo. Henry gave her hand a squeeze and gently guided her over to where his parents were standing.

  Callie was terrified. Why were they at the airport? That wasn't the plan. Henry bowed slightly to his parents and she followed suit with a subtle curtsy in the way he taught her. Queen Olivia stepped forward and embraced Callie enthusiastically.

  “Welcome to Laurenia, my dear. Welcome, Calista! We are so
happy to have you here. And you too, of course, Thomas.” Tom, a few steps behind, bowed and acknowledged her comments.

  Henry's father also stepped forward and shook Callie's hands, grinning.

  “I didn't expect you at the airport, mother.” It was half a question, half a statement.

  “We are still capable of the occasional surprise, Henry.” Indeed.

  “Henry, why don't you and Thomas ride in the limo with your father? Callie and I have lots to talk about, just us girls. We'll follow in the town car.” Henry looked at Callie, silently asking if that was OK. She nodded to him. He came forward, kissed her cheek, and promised to be waiting at the palace.

  Once the men had pulled away in the limo, Queen Olivia took Callie by the arm and walked with her towards the limo. Callie was beyond shocked at how this was all unfolding.

  A security officer opened the car door and Queen Olivia entered the car. She then beckoned for Callie to join her. Once inside the car, Queen Olivia pushed a button and the privacy screen went up between them and the front seats of the car.

  “Now then, dear Calista, let's at it. We have so many things to discuss.” Queen Olivia paused. “If I'm not mistaken, we'll be announcing your engagement on New Year's Eve. And that's only three days away.”


  April 28th (in Laurenia)

  The bells were ringing from the cathedral in the heart of Laurenia City. It was a national holiday, and the people were celebrating the marriage of Prince Henry to Miss Calista Meyers.

  The cathedral was full, and the streets outside were full of well-wishers. And paparazzi, including Jimmy. He felt he'd played a part in this royal romance and wanted to see the marriage himself. He'd decided this would be his swan song, and he was hanging up his paparazzi shoes in favour of a quieter life. Once he got back home, he was opening up a portrait studio.

  In the short months since their engagement, Callie had not only won the hearts of her in-laws, but of the people of Laurenia as well. And they had come to see her wed.

  She had quickly become a favourite because of her kindness and her genuine interest in helping people and animals. She'd already become the patron of several charities and was enjoying taking an active role encouraging volunteerism in Laurenia. Though it was her adopted home, she already felt comfortable. Like she belonged. And though her heart would always be in the Keys, she felt sure her life here would be happy.

  Much had been written speculating about the wedding, and what it might and might not be. Callie had been adamant that she and Henry be able to have both their roots reflected. And she had won. Pastor Ed stood at the altar of the cathedral, co-celebrating the marriage with the Bishop of Laurenia. Standing on the right hand side of the altar were Prince Henry, his brothers, and Tom.

  The music began and King Rupert and Queen Olivia entered the church to Panis Angelicus. They made the long trip up the aisle and took their seats. Her bridesmaids, Princess Monique, her cousin Rayna, her aunt Jolie, and Erin, the new proprietor of the Beach Buzz, walked gracefully up the aisle in simple but tasteful pale turquoise dresses. Callie had chosen them because they were the colour of the ocean on a clear day in Sunnyside Key.

  When Erin had reached the front of the church, the music stopped, and after a brief pause, the band began the timeless notes of Wagner's Bridal Chorus. With her father on one side and her mother on the other, Callie walked up the aisle, the very picture of a princess, to marry her Henry.

  Henry's eyes began to mist as he watched Callie walk up the aisle. She was stunning. Her dress was simple but elegant, a delicate lace with an almost unnoticeable shell pattern. Her only jewelry, pearl earrings that had belonged to her grandmother, and a delicate gold crucifix adored with pearls that had been a gift from Henry. Her flowers were anything but traditional, a colourful mixed bouquet of tropical stems including birds of paradise, orchids, magnolia and lily of the valley. And somehow, it all worked, and was uniquely Callie.

  When she reached the front of the church, her father gently lifted her veil. Each of her parents kissed her on the cheek, and did likewise to Henry. Her father placed Callie's hand in Henry's, and the service began.

  In a short twenty minutes, Callie and Henry were pronounced man and wife, to great cheers from inside the church and from outside. They kissed and again, cheers erupted. Henry and Callie both giggled, and when a particularly loud shout came from outside “Kiss her again!”, Henry did.

  They exited the church hand and hand, smiling effusively, to the strains of Bach's Largo, one of Callie's favourite pieces of music and a nod to her Keys roots.

  They made their way to the palace, where the weather had been nice enough for an outdoor celebration. The guests feasted on roast beef and Key West pink shrimp. Callie's mother had instructed the palace chefs how to make their southern specialities and the Laurenian contingent of the guests tried the new foods. For the wedding cake, Callie had chosen red velvet, with Henry's enthusiastic approval. She had personally overseen the baking with the head chef at the palace, and was thrilled that they had replicated her recipe to perfection.

  And in an unexpected turn, Milly Meyers and Queen Olivia had gotten along like a house on fire. At the end of it all, it seemed like the two mothers really only had their best interests of their children at heart. Callie had been welcomed warmly into the royal family and, despite the rocky start, Henry was truly the son that her father had always wanted.

  It was perfect day. What a difference a few months could make. She looked at her husband, giving a silent thanksgiving for the blessings God had given in her life and her marriage. And she knew right then that everything was going to be just fine. Better than fine, wonderful.



  5 eggs

  ¾ cup fine sugar

  ¾ cup coconut cream

  3/4 cup heavy cream

  2 cups whole milk

  ¾ cup crushed pineapple (canned)

  ½ cup rum

  ¼ cup dark spiced rum

  ¼ cup coconut rum

  2 tsp vanilla

  ¼ tsp salt

  ¾ tsp fresh nutmeg for the mix and additional for garnishing


  Beat eggs and sugar until creamy and sugar is dissolved

  Blend pineapple, vanilla and nutmeg in blender til most chunks are removed, add to egg mix

  In separate container blend milk, creams and rum, once blended, add to the egg pineapple mix

  Chill for several hours and serve on the rocks garnished with freshly ground nutmeg on top. You can add a little whipped cream to the top if you want some extra decadence.


  Best consumed within 48 hours of preparation and must be kept refrigerated (though it usually doesn't last that long!)

  There can be health risks to eating anything with raw eggs as an ingredient due to potential salmonella. To mitigate this risk, make sure your dairy ingredients are as fresh as possible. Using organic hormone/antibiotic free eggs is advisable, as is using pasteurized eggs, which are becoming more widely available. Raw eggs, in general, should not be consumed by pregnant or nursing women, young children, elderly persons, and persons with weakened immune systems or debilitating illnesses.

  You can make this recipe without alcohol if you choose, just omit the rums, add 2 tsp rum extract instead and replace the rum quantity with equal parts of coconut cream and heavy cream.

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