Ultimate Sacrifice (Men of Courage Book 1)

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Ultimate Sacrifice (Men of Courage Book 1) Page 7

by K. C. Lynn



  The residential street is calm and quiet as I pull up to Jake’s house, parking directly behind Cam’s truck. The text came in an hour ago, telling us to meet him here before work.

  It was hard to pull myself away from the warm body I woke up next to, a woman who I’ve been lucky enough to share a few nights with this past week. If Zoey isn’t in my bed then I’m seeing her at the bar before shifts or at the hospital after a long day, which is even better because then I get to see Chrissy, too. Another girl who has come to mean a lot to me.

  I’ve completely lost my fucking mind over both of them and it’s the best feeling in the world. Especially when I no longer have to convince Zoey of it. Ever since that afternoon at my house, it’s like a switch went off, something I said or did finally made her trust me. It’s a trust I vow to never break.

  Climbing the front steps, I raise my fist to knock only to have the door swing open and a pissed-off teenager come barreling out of it, slamming right into my chest.

  “Whoa.” I grab onto a pair of slender shoulders that are cloaked in black just like the rest of her body.

  “Shit,” Charlie curses under her breath. Steel blue eyes peer up at me beneath dark lashes, her long pink cotton candy colored hair shielding half her face.

  Must be the color of the day. The girl changes her hair as much as I do my underwear. “Hey, half pint, what’s your hurry?”

  Annoyance sparks in her eyes, mingling with the pain that always lurks there. It’s been there since the fire that took the lives of her parents and left her scarred for the rest of her life. Which is exactly why she is covered from head to toe, despite the warm day.

  “Oh good, you’re here.” Her sarcasm runs thick, contradicting the greeting. “Maybe you can talk some sense into my asshole brother since the other one can’t.” She darts a glare over her shoulder to where Cam and Jake are standing in the kitchen.

  Jake’s arms are crossed over his chest, a pissed-off expression on his face while Cam looks thoroughly amused.

  Without another word, she hefts her backpack further up her shoulder and slips past me.

  I quirk a brow at my two best friends. “Looks like it’s been a good morning.”

  “I swear that girl lives to torture me,” Jake growls.

  “What happened now?” I step inside, closing the door behind me.

  “She had a fucking guy over here yesterday while I was at work.”

  Well that explains why he’s so pissed off. Can’t say I blame him. Though, I have to admit I’m surprised she had anyone over, let alone a guy. Since her parents’ death, Charlie has pretty much kept to herself. We never see her with any friends because she’s usually hiding herself from the world.

  “She says they’re just friends,” Cam explains, sensing where my thoughts are.

  “Maybe they are.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jake snaps. “She knows the rules. Not only do I have that damn school calling me every other week, but now I have to worry about her bringing guys over here. I did not sign up for this shit!” Amongst his frustration is guilt. He drops into the kitchen chair, defeated. “I’m royally fucking this up.”

  Cam claps him on the shoulder. “Come on, man. She’s a teenager. We got into way more shit when we were her age. This is typical stuff.”

  This is true. If she started doing half the shit we did at her age then I would be concerned.

  Jake doesn’t seem as convinced. “The school suggested some counseling sessions. Maybe they’re right.”

  “It can’t hurt,” I say, taking a spot at the table. “Maybe that’s what she needs. Someone to talk to.”

  “She can talk to me, damn it,” he counters.

  I feel like telling him that he is not the easiest person to talk to, especially when the two of them are constantly biting each other’s heads off. However, I decide now is not the best time to bring that up.

  “Whatever. Let’s drop it. This isn’t why I asked you guys over here.” He sits back in his chair, expression grim. “I spoke to Ted Hamilton from arson yesterday. I wanted the answers Roper isn’t giving us and he asked me to go for a drive with him to the apartment building, or rather, what’s left of it.”

  “Let me guess, he tried pulling you over to their side,” Cam says, annoyance thick in his voice.

  Unlike Roper, Ted Hamilton was good friends with Jake’s father. He’s been an arson investigator for almost thirty years. The moment Jake graduated from the academy, Hamilton has tried recruiting him over to their department. Much to Roper’s dismay.

  Jake nods. “He did and my answer was the same as always.”

  I’m actually surprised Jake doesn’t consider it more. He’s always had a knack for figuring out fires, learning them, studying them, something he inherited from his father. But more recently, I think it stems from him trying to figure out how a fire bested his father.

  Dale Ryan was one of the finest firemen in Colorado before becoming a lead investigator. He was a good man, someone we all looked up to.

  Jake has that same intuition his father did. Even Cap has brought him in before asking his thoughts on certain situations for a report. He would make a damn fine investigator just like his father, but I know he loves being front and center like Cam and me, fighting the lethal flames head-on.

  I’m selfishly glad he has chosen to stay on my squad. All of us made a pact long ago. We stick together, always. We’ve been that way since we were kids. All of us finding each other at our first hockey practice when we were only five years old. Jase was part of that pact until he transferred to South Carolina for Sam, something I can’t fault him for because I know without a doubt I would move across the fucking world for Zoey, let alone the country.

  “I did end up going with him though,” Jake continues. “Mainly because I want information, more than what we’re getting from Roper. This bastard has struck twice now, both times on our watch. I want answers.”

  “Did he tell you anything?” I ask.

  “Not as much as I hoped. They’re scrambling for answers themselves and overloaded with cases right now. But he did tell me some of the chemicals that have been used.” He pauses, expression tightening further. “The mixture this asshole is using is more than lethal, it’s unheard of. Nothing like any MO they have encountered before.”

  “How so?”

  “Usually in arson situations, the arsonist wants you to know it’s been set intentionally. They like to display power but this guy has been good at leading them in different directions. That’s why they originally thought the warehouse fire was electrical. It was staged that way. It was also strategically set for them to figure out it wasn’t but not until he was ready.”

  “He’s playing games,” Cam remarks, anger edging his voice.

  Jake nods.

  “So what did you find at the apartment?” I ask.

  “Not much. It wasn’t until I was home that I made an interesting discovery.”

  Jake grabs a folder that rests on the kitchen table, flipping it open. He pulls out blueprints of the apartment building. Red marker runs through it in every direction. It’s clear he’s studied it for hours.

  “This is originally where they thought the fire started,” he says, pointing to the ground floor. “Set behind the walls which would make sense with how it travelled so fast, but when I took a closer look at the wires, something was off. The burn pattern didn’t match up with the others.”

  “So you don’t think it was started from the ground floor?” I ask, trying to understand where he’s going with this.

  “Actually, I do, but I also believe it was started in two other locations at the exact same time.”

  Cam’s eyes pull up. “How is that possible?”

  “With this.” Jake pulls out a sheet of paper, an image of a small device that can only be described as a bomb.

  “Explosives?” Cam says, sounding as doubtful as I feel.

  “Roper didn’t mention anything about explosives,” I remind him. “Evidence would be left behind.”

  “Not this one. This particular bomb is made to disintegrate upon explosion, leaving no evidence behind but one thing…”

  “What’s that?” I ask when he trails off.

  “A distinctive odor. Sweet and musky.”

  Realization hits me like a ton of bricks, the knowledge burning in my mind and heart.

  “Well holy shit,” Cam says, sitting back. “Einstein here figured it out.”

  Jake grunts. “I haven’t figured out shit, not yet anyway, but I’m working on it. This can only be detonated by a push of a button, which means this asshole was watching, waiting for the right time to set it off.”

  “Did you tell Hamilton?” I ask.

  “Yeah. He’s going to take it to Roper but whoever is doing this isn’t just some pyro off the street Googling this shit. This is someone who knows a thing or two about fires, reactors, and chemicals.”

  “You think it could be one of our own?” Cam asks, a heaviness falling with that suggestion.

  “I think there’s too many unanswered questions to go that route yet, but I say we rule nothing out. Whoever this is, is smart, really smart, and if they don’t catch him quick his destruction will only escalate.”

  No doubt it fears us most. We already lost Declan, almost lost a little boy. If we don’t catch this motherfucker soon, then who will be next?



  I sit next to my sister’s bed, her hand gently clasped in mine as she watches one of her favorite TV shows with Gus cuddled in beside her. Her eyes are riveted on the screen while mine are taking in how weak and tired she looks. I left work early when I heard she was having a rough day.

  It started at breakfast when she wasn’t strong enough to hold her spoon. Then her juice didn’t go down well, spilling all over her. As the day went on she only became more agitated, even lashing out at Dina. She has since refused to eat dinner, defeat beating down her newfound spirit.

  My heart hurts that she’s had a setback but I also understand her frustration. She was making strides and to be thrown back to square one in a single day is hard. She has calmed down since I showed up and seems more well rested which is most important.

  “Are you hungry yet?” I ask, wishing she would eat something. She needs her nutrition, especially right now.

  She barely shakes her head, her eyes remaining on the TV.

  A knock on the door has both of us looking over. My heart leaps at the man standing in the doorway, a sexy grin resting on his handsome face. Dressed in fire gear, he holds two bouquets of flowers.

  “A-Au-sdin,” Chrissy greets him before I can, a spark of enthusiasm entering her voice for the first time since I’ve been here today.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, climbing to my feet. As far as I knew he was still supposed to be on shift for a few more hours.

  “I’ve come bearing gifts.” He hands me a bouquet of daffodils, dropping a kiss on my cheek that leaves my skin tingling before moving to my sister, kneeling before her to do the same, only her bouquet is lilies. “Your sister told me pink is your favorite color.”

  “Y-yes. Th-Th-…” Her eyes close in frustration.

  “You’re welcome,” he says, forcing her not to finish. “Tomorrow will be better, kid. I know it.” His inspiring words have emotion burning my throat.

  I texted him earlier to tell him she was having a bad day and that I would be staying the night with her. Not only was he understanding but now he shows up here with this sweet gesture. Right when I didn’t think I could fall any more in love with him, I’m proven wrong.

  After a soft kiss to her hand and a pat to Gus’s head, Austin stands to his feet, facing me. “I can’t stay long. I have some of the guys waiting outside in the truck. We were just making a run to the grocery store and I wanted to drop by and see my favorite girls.”

  The most beautiful feeling skips its way into my heart. Chrissy and I have never belonged to anyone and it feels good to belong to this man.

  “F-F-ire tr-uck?” Chrissy manages.

  Austin turns back to her. “Yeah, we always make runs with it while on shift. You wanna come and see?” His eyes swing to mine. “If it’s okay?”

  I nod before looking over at Chrissy. “What do you say? Want to go see it?”

  She doesn’t have to speak, the answer is written all over her excited face.

  “One second. I’ll get your chair.” I head out into the hallway to grab her wheelchair, then let Dina know that we will be back in a few minutes.

  When I enter the room again, Austin is already lifting her out of bed. He easily places her into the chair and even straps her in, remembering from the last time. He makes sure to place Gus on her lap then he takes it upon himself to be the one to wheel her out of the room and into the elevator. He looks so at ease, so right. The same way he fits in every other part of my life.

  I send him an appreciative smile, loving how he just turned around our whole day. He flashes me a wink along with that killer smirk that makes me weak in the knees. It has me remembering every dirty thing he has done to me this past week. Things I had no idea my body was even capable of feeling…until him.

  Parked right outside the front doors is the massive fire truck, a few of the guys sitting inside. Chrissy’s eyes light up, her entire face beaming at the sight.

  “Hey,” Cam announces, jumping out of the truck with that charming grin of his, Jake trailing not far behind.

  “You came back with beautiful women, you sly devil,” he says to Austin before laying a smacking kiss on my cheek. It earns him a glare from the man next to me but he pays it no mind, moving to kneel before my sister. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  “This is my sister, Chrissy,” I tell him, saving her from having to speak.

  “Nice to meet you, Chrissy. I’m Cam, the best looking firefighter in the state of Colorado.”

  A choppy laugh leaves my sister, a blush staining her cheeks. Leave it to Cam to have Chrissy swooning all over the place.

  “This guy behind me is Jake. He’s the grouchy one.”

  Jake grunts but offers my sister a smile. “How’s it going, Chrissy?” His head turns my way next, giving a small nod. “Zoey.”

  “Hey, Jake.”

  “That’s Carl,” Austin says, pointing to the one sitting in the driver’s seat.

  I give him a wave and receive a nod in return.

  “You ever see a fire truck before?” Cam asks my sister.


  “Come on then. Allow me to introduce you to the beast.” Cam elbows Austin out of the way and pushes her chair closer.

  “Be careful with her,” Austin warns, a protectiveness in his tone that warms my heart. He turns my way, catching me watching him. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, Zoey girl?”

  My fingers curl in his shirt to pull him down and he doesn’t hesitate giving me what I silently seek. His lips land on mine, the simple touch skipping its way through my entire body.

  When my tongue flicks his lip, a low growl leaves his throat, his arm banding around my back as he deepens the kiss. I wind my arms around his neck, moaning when I feel his erection at my belly.

  By the time he pulls back, I’m breathless, my mind lost in a state of euphoria that only this man can bring me. “You just made a bad day beautiful. Thank you,” I whisper, wishing he understood just how much this means to Chrissy and me.

  His expression sobers, concern flashing in his eyes. “How is she?”

  I shrug. “She’ll be okay. Just a hard day. I think she’s more frustrated than anything.”

  “And how about you, Zoey? How are you doing?”

  The question is so foreign to me that it actually takes me a moment to answer. I’m not used to having someone think of me during the hard times.

  “A whole lot better now thanks to you,” I answer honestly.<
br />
  “Good.” His arms hug me closer, providing me a warmth only he can. “What do you have going on tomorrow afternoon?”



  “On whatever you’re about to say.”

  Amusement flickers across his face. “I want you to come pick out a swing for my porch.”

  “Really?” I ask, excited at the prospect. I’ve been telling him all week that his porch is what dreams are made of and he needs one.

  “Yes, really. Whichever one you want, it’s yours. Then I want to fuck you on it.”

  A laugh explodes past my lips at the blunt remark. “You are so sweet.”

  “You know it. So what do you say?”

  “As long as Chrissy is doing okay then I would love to. I don’t have to be at the bar until four.”

  “Then it’s tentatively booked. If you need to be here though with Chrissy we can reschedule. No problem.”

  Understanding and patience. It’s all I ever get from him. Sometimes I wonder how I thought this would never work. Now I can’t picture my life without him.

  “You’re making me fall hard and fast, Austin Hawke.”

  “Good. Because I’ve been waiting all along, ready to catch you.”

  The beautiful words light up every sad and lonely place inside of me.

  “Kiss me again,” I demand, rising to the tips of my toes.

  “My fucking pleasure.” The words leave him on another growl as he meets me halfway, taking my mouth in a searing kiss that sends my senses reeling.

  “Hey, you two! Don’t make me pull the hose out,” Cam bellows, pulling us apart.

  Biting back a smile, I glance over Austin’s shoulder to find him standing next to my giggling sister, looking rather impressed with himself.

  Austin, however, isn’t the least bit amused. “That guy really gets on my fucking nerves sometimes,” he grumbles.

  “Come on, he’s not so bad. Besides, he’s your best friend.”

  He grunts. “Yeah, my annoying best friend who needs to learn to keep his lips off my woman.”


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