The Child Taker to Criminally Insane Box Set, Crime Books 1, 2 and 3 Detective Alec Ramsay Mystery Series (Detective Alec Ramsay Crime Mystery Suspense Series)

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The Child Taker to Criminally Insane Box Set, Crime Books 1, 2 and 3 Detective Alec Ramsay Mystery Series (Detective Alec Ramsay Crime Mystery Suspense Series) Page 83

by Conrad Jones

  Kisha listened and waited. She opened her eyes but squinted, so that her attacker wouldn’t see them move. Patrick Floyd was hopping about with the torch and the boy was sitting up, vomiting from every orifice on his face. He was crying hysterically and every time he sobbed, he sounded like he was going to choke to death. The noise was getting louder. Patrick snarled at the boy, and he tried desperately to stop making a racket, but Kisha didn’t want him to stop making a noise, in fact, she needed him to make as much noise as possible, because he was the only one with the gag removed. She had to decide if there was anyone within earshot before making a decision. The simple fact was that she didn’t have any choice. She rolled on her back and lifted her feet as high in the air as she could. Patrick Floyd caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, and he turned his attention to Kisha. There was a confused expression on his face as she brought her feet down as hard as she could on the young boy’s spindly legs. Her heels connected with the boy’s knees and the powerful impact smashed them into the stone floor beneath them. His kneecap splintered into four pieces and his femur snapped above the knee joint. The boy screamed like a banshee. It was the kind of high-pitched scream only a child could make. It was the worst noise that Kisha had ever heard in her life, but it didn’t stop her raising her legs again. She swung them upwards as high as her muscles would allow and then smashed her heels into the boy’s shattered bones once more. The boy’s frantic screams reached a new high before Patrick Floyd jumped on her.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine


  Leon squeezed the sesame seed bun together with his fat fingers and Big Mac sauce splurged onto his chubby digits. A tear shaped blob clung to one of the four gold sovereigns he wore. He licked it off, took a huge bite from the sandwich and chewed it with his mouth open. He washed it down with a mouthful of full-fat Coke. “It’s warm in here, isn’t it?” Leon sprayed coke as he spoke.

  “Yes, it’s warm,” a hoodlum called Gareth agreed. “How did it go down south?”

  “It went good.” Leon wiped his mouth with a fistful of napkins. “Today is just the start, Gar; I’m telling you now that today is just the start. We are going to cream it in, my friend.”

  “Nice on, mate, don’t forget me when your raking it in,” Gareth laughed and took a bite of his quarter pounder. “Don’t forget me and Monkey, whatever you do!”

  “We’re all on this bus together, Gar, all of us.” Leon made a circular motion with his fingers. “Has anyone heard anything from Jackson?” Leon’s face became serious again. His jowls hung loosely from his chin.

  “Nothing, mate, but the Dibble were all over his gaff yesterday. I made out that I was knocking on next door and had a nosey at the flat on the way past. It looks like he’s been turned over,” Gareth explained. “Do you think he’s done a runner or been nicked?”

  “I would know if he’d been nicked,” Leon frowned, and his fat cheeks wobbled when he shook his head. “And he hasn’t got the bottle to do a runner from me. I’ve always looked after my boys, anyway.” He couldn’t go into the hit on Jinx. Not with Gareth, because he wasn’t far enough up the chain yet. “What time did Deano say he would be here?” He asked. Bread and meat sprayed from his mouth as he spoke. His Ed Hardy watch glistened with diamonds as he checked the time.

  “He said eleven,” Monkey replied. It came out as ‘Hesh shaid elevensh’. A brain injury incurred in an illegal boxing match made his speech slurred. His real name was Mickey, but his pronunciation of it sounded like ‘Monkey’, and so the name had stuck. He tried to say, “I heard his kids aren’t too good.” It came out as ‘I hearsh his kidsh aren’t too goosh.’

  “Yes, they are sick, real sick. Get me another Big Mac and fries, Monkey.” Leon tossed a twenty-pound note onto the table. “Oh, and a large chocolate milkshake, do you want one?”

  Monkey rolled his eyes to the ceiling and frowned. He was used to Leon telling him what to do, but the thought of ordering a milkshake with his speech impediment was daunting. He slid out of the booth and swaggered over to the counter. His black shell suit rustled as he walked. There was a queue at the till, and the lone crewmember was struggling to cope. Monkey noticed that the manager was dealing with a complaint at the drive thru window, and the distraction had caused the front counter service to grind to a halt. Monkey shuffled impatiently from foot to foot, looking down at his sky-blue high-tops nervously. He liked working for Leon, but it always made him nervous, and when he became nervous, his bowels cried out. He could feel his guts cramping and gurgling. His urge to use the toilet was growing stronger by the minute.

  Leon had munched his way through his meal, but he was still hungry. “Monkey,” he shouted impatiently. “What’s happening?”

  “Fuck knows.” Monkey shrugged. “I need to visit Trevor,” he slurred.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Leon growled. He drained the dregs of the coke noisily from the cup. “Who the fuck is Trevor?”

  “I need to visit Trevor, you know what I mean,” Monkey said in a hushed slur.

  “I haven’t got a fucking clue what you’re talking about, Monkey.” Leon glared at him. “Who is Trevor?”

  Gareth laughed aloud and slapped the table with his hand, “Ha, hilarious, fucking hilarious!”

  “What’s so funny?” Leon was paranoid. Gareth was laughing at him. “Who the fuck is Trevor?”

  “His family all say that, mate.” Gareth sensed that his boss was edgy. “He wants to have a shit.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Leon laughed.

  “No way, Leon, I was at his one day and his mum said, ‘where’s Dad?’ Monkey said, ‘he’s gone to see Trevor.’ Then she said, ‘He spends more time on the shitter than he does with me.’ I spat my tea all over the living room!”

  “Go and see Trevor, Monkey,” Leon laughed. “I don’t want you shitting your pants today, mate!” His man boobs shook visibly beneath his Ralph Lauren sweatshirt. The material was stretched to breaking point over his belly. Monkey put the twenty-pound note back on the table and headed toward the toilet corridor, embarrassed into silence. He could hear Leon cursing at him as he opened the door. A miserable-looking woman in her fifties opened the fire door, which led to the restaurant’s backups, wedging the door open with a red fire extinguisher so that she could carry an armful of balloons through to the dining area. She smelled of cheap perfume and bleach. The doors to the ladies and gents were on the left. The open fire door was directly in front of him, and the disabled toilet was on the right. Monkey always used the disabled toilets when he went to McDonalds, because there was more room and a little more privacy. He pulled the sliding door open, stepped inside and slid it closed behind him. He twisted the handle ninety degrees and the door locked. Someone had left a copy of the Daily Star on top of the sanitary bin, and he smiled as he undid his belt. He glanced at the front page whilst he unzipped his tracksuit bottoms and he wiggled his podgy hips so that he could pull them down. He sat down and began reading yesterday’s news, sighing loudly as the digested ingredients of last night’s vindaloo splattered against the porcelain.

  As Monkey emptied his lower intestine, Dean Hines parked his Ford in the restaurant’s car park and turned the engine off. He could see Leon’s massive shape through the window of the store. His blood began to boil as he opened the door and climbed out of the car. “Leon, you fat tosser!” He shouted across the lot toward the store. “You lazy fat fuck. My kids are in hospital and you’re feeding your fat fucking face. I don’t believe you, you useless fat chuffer!”

  His boss was oblivious to the abuse. He was making a call and hadn’t noticed Dean arrive. Dean started toward the restaurant in a rage, when the deafening honk of an articulated lorry claxon snapped him back to reality. A McDonald’s delivery truck trundled past him and nearly ran over his feet. He jumped back and waited for it to pass.

  Nate Bradley watched Monkey head toward the toilets as the articulated vehicle manoeuvred into the delivery bay. Leon Tanner had his hug
e back leaning against the window and he could see Dean Hines heading into the restaurant. A third gangster whom he didn’t recognise was eating a burger opposite his boss. Dean didn’t look happy as he opened the dining area door and marched into the restaurant. The back gates of the store opened and two members of staff began dragging empty delivery cages across the drive thru lane toward the lorry. There were a dozen stacks of bun trays stood next to the curb where the wagon stopped. The driver jumped down from the cab and pulled on his safety gloves. He handed the crewmembers the delivery notes and walked to the back of the lorry mumbling something that Nate couldn’t hear. As he glanced back into the restaurant, he could see Dean Hines and Leon arguing. Dean was standing next to the booth, pointing his index finger toward Leon in a stabbing motion. Leon was laughing, which seemed to be infuriating Dean further. Nate made a snap decision to even up the numbers whilst they were busy arguing. He checked his pistol. It was a Walther P22 fitted with a polymer silencer. One click released the ten-bullet magazine, and although he had checked it five times that morning, he checked it again before sliding it into the pistol ready for use. He climbed out of the car and headed unnoticed through the open wooden gates at the back of the store.

  Chapter Sixty

  Shankly Way

  The boy’s screams were deafening. Kisha felt the air crushed from her lungs as Patrick Floyd jumped on her chest. His knees rammed into her diaphragm, forcing the breath from her body. “You fucking bitch!” He yelled. “Do you think you’re clever, do you?” She felt his fist smash into her mouth. The gag forced her lips over her teeth and his knuckles split the tender flesh against them. Her front teeth snapped at the root and the exposed nerves seared white-hot. She felt blood running into her mouth. A second blow slammed into her broken nose. She saw lightning flashing across her mind and blinding bolts of pain stunned her brain. The attack was relentless, and he hammered her face and head with both hands. She could hear him screeching like an animal and as each blow struck, her grip on consciousness waned. A fierce blow split the baggy flesh above her left eye and warm blood ran down her face. Another punch hit the eyeball so hard that she thought it had exploded. The punches stopped for a second as her mind drifted away from the brutal onslaught. She felt that she was going to die. Strong hands grabbed her face and his nails dug deep into the flesh on her cheeks. She felt him leaning over, coming closer to her face. She could smell his putrid breath and feel its warmth on her skin. The boy’s screams reached fever pitch and mingled with his as Patrick’s teeth closed around her nose. She wasn’t sure what was happening until he clamped his teeth together in a powerful bite. He shook his head like a rabid dog attacking a rabbit. She felt her skin and gristle tearing as he bit down hard. His teeth cut through the flesh easily, and he twisted his head violently back and to until her nose was ripped from her face. Blood and mucus trickled into her eyes. The pain was incredible. He spat her mangled nose at her face and she felt it slop against her forehead and then slide off onto the floor.

  “How funny is that, Bitch?” He yelled. “Hey, how funny is that?” He punched her bloodied face again and then yanked her head toward him. His forehead connected with the gaping hole in the middle of her face, and the sickening thud echoed across the cellar. Her body couldn’t endure anymore, and as he twisted her head to one side and bit into her left ear, her mind shut down completely.

  Chapter Sixty-One


  The second phase of the search was underway when muffled screams drifted through the walls.

  “Quiet!” a SOCO shouted from the basement. The three- storey house fell silent instantly. The screaming became more urgent and it was painfully obvious that it came from a child.

  “Where is it coming from?” Alec shouted downstairs.

  “It’s coming from my left, Guv,” the officer replied. “If you’re on the pavement facing the front door, it’s the house on the right.”

  “See if the firemen have taken the door off that house, move it!” Alec ran toward the front door. There were eight sandstone steps leading to the pavement, and he took them two at a time. “Smithy, it’s the house on the right!” The ginger detective was emerging from the house on the left with two armed officers and three detectives in tow. The firefighters were in the process of removing corrugated iron sheets from the entrance of the house next door. They heard the commotion coming from number forty- four and saw a stream of officers running toward them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Get that door open!” Alec shouted. “The boy is in there, we can hear him screaming.”

  The firefighters tore at the metal with renewed vigour, and the sheets buckled and folded beneath the pressure. When the sheets came away, a third firefighter thrust a battering ram into the lock. The wood was rotten and riddled with worm, and it splintered under the third blow.

  “Armed unit first!” Alec shouted, and four officers disappeared into the deserted terrace. The detectives were seconds behind them.

  “Armed police!” Their voices boomed through the empty house. “Armed police!” Another warning echoed from the first floor. “Armed police! First floor clear!”

  The ceilings in the hallway were hanging down in places. Scrap metal thieves had demolished long sections of the walls in order to get at the electric cable and copper pipes. The building smelled of damp and must.

  “Guv!” A voice shouted from the hallway. “Get everyone out, now!” The armed officer shouted an urgent warning. “Bomb!”

  Alec reached the officer and peered into the basement stairwell. On the top of the stairs was an oil drum. Strapped to it was a timing device. “I think there is a motion sensor fitted to the top, Guv,” the officer babbled. “When I stepped onto the stairs, the timer activated.” The red LCD display was counting down. There were forty seconds left. The child’s desperate screams spurred them into action.

  “Get everyone out of here now, Guv.” The armed officer pushed Alec out of the stairwell. “I’ll get the child, do it now!” He slammed the door closed behind him and he left Alec frozen in the hallway.

  “We can’t let him go down alone, Guv, let us by!” Alec stepped away from the door and the remaining members of the armed response unit hurtled into the basement. Their lack of concern for their own safety was stunning, and Alec swallowed hard. His responsibility was the safety of every detective, scientist and emergency services officer at the scene, and he had to clear the building.

  “You heard them!” He hollered, “Everyone out now!”

  “Kisha is down there, Guv,” Smithy hesitated.

  “I hope so, Smithy.” Alec shoved him toward the door. “If she is, then they’ll bring her back to us, now move!”

  They cleared the building with about thirty seconds to go. The firefighters illuminated the interior of the building with the spotlight on the tender, but the beam was lost just yards inside the house. Alec heard frantic shouting from inside. The voices were lost in the building, and they couldn’t make out what was being said. A gunshot rang out, and Alec flinched at the noise. They were helpless. A second shot quickly followed the first. A third and then a fourth shot sounded much closer. The cellar door burst open and dark shadows flitted about in the hallway. A figure took on a human shape as it entered the beam of light. He was carrying the body of a woman and butterflies took off in Alec’s stomach. “Please let her be alive,” he prayed. As the officer reached the steps, the woman cried out in pain. Her attacker had crushed her jaw and the broken bones were jingling together as the officer ran full tilt. It was odd to want to hear a woman scream, but on this occasion, they welcomed the sound. The officer jumped the stone steps in a single bound and he landed in a heap on the pavement. Two of his colleagues followed on his heels. “Get down, get down!” One of them shouted as he jumped for the top step.

  “The cellar is full of oil drums!” The third officer added as he joined his comrades in a heap on the tarmac. Firefighters and detectives dragged them away from the building. Th
ere was a few seconds of anxious wait as they realised that the fourth armed officer had not returned, and they fell silent as they waited for the incendiary bombs to explode. “Get her to the ambulance!” Smithy shouted. “Paramedic!” He hollered at the top of his voice.

  The hallway remained still and silent. There was no sign of the fourth officer or the boy. It was getting dangerously close to the timer reaching the end of its journey. As the seconds ticked by, Alec realised that the Victorian terrace had not turned into a fireball. Kisha moaned in agony as the paramedics reached her. Alec ran to where she lay and as he approached, he saw the expression of horror on Smithy’s face. His mouth hung open and a tear ran from his left eye. He wiped it away with the back of his hand and looked at Alec. Alec looked down at her and his brain tried to comprehend what had happened to her once beautiful face.

  “What has happened to her?” Smithy shook his head in disbelief. Her injuries caused her face to swell around the eyes and there was a gaping hole in her face, where her nose used to be. A paramedic cut the gag from her face, and her jaw flopped unnaturally to the side. She moaned and her body began to twitch. Congealed blood poured from the corner of her mouth, and the paramedic put his fingers into her mouth the check if her airway was clear. As her head tipped to the side, Alec could see that her ear was nothing more than a flap of skin and cartilage. A dark red hole was all that was left of it.

  “She’s been bitten, Guv.” The medic glanced up at Alec. “Her breathing is laboured and she’s tacy, we need to ventilate, now!”


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