Neither Light Nor Dark: Destiny Awaits (Beyond the Gates Book 1)

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Neither Light Nor Dark: Destiny Awaits (Beyond the Gates Book 1) Page 5

by Lynn McCain

  By that time, I was truly starving. I made my way toward the kitchen, and the closer I got the louder it became. The entire group sat around an enormous table, one that took up the whole kitchen, eating breakfast. They were laughing, and one of the boys had taken Levona’s mother by the waist and danced her across the floor. Calev sat with the man I had knocked with the wash bowl. He had a rag pressed against his forehead where I had hit him. On the other side was Levona, even more beautiful than I had remembered.

  I cautiously entered. A silence fell over the entire room, each person avoiding eye contact. Levona was the first to break the silence.

  “Do they not have hair brushes where you come from?”

  My long hair was quite unruly, but I just smiled and sat down across from her at the table.

  “Levona!” her mother scolded. “I’m sorry. Lily, is it? Would you like something to drink?”

  I was glad I had spent that summer at Grandmothers, because I was determined from that point on I was going to act like a lady. Even though, the reality was that I really just wanted to reach across the table and pull Levona’s hair out. Regretfully, I acted like a lady.

  Calev introduced me to the man I had hit in the head. His name was Maleke. He was Calev’s younger brother. With a little nudge from Calev, Maleke apologized for bursting into my room and placing his hands upon me. I did what any lady would do. I accepted and apologized myself. He was quite handsome and was actually larger than Calev, taller and much stronger, yet it was obvious that he looked up to Calev. I soon learned that their father had been captured along with mine. He was trying to protect Father and ended up being taken away right along with him. They were unsure if he was still alive but had never given up hope. Their Mother died when they were both very young and when their father was taken; all they had was each other.

  Once breakfast was over, Calev unrolled a large scroll. It was a map of all the underground troll tunnels throughout the land. He knew he had to keep me hidden until we had heard from Amlachi, until he could convince an army to rise up and be willing to fight with us. He knew we needed the wisdom from the book in order to win. Calev was such a marvelous leader, even Levona agreed to help get me to Amlachi. I sat and watched him take charge, giving a great speech for their freedom. He spoke of the great King Channon, my grandfather, of the prophecy, and the end of their slavery to Reficul. I, myself, was starting to believe that maybe I was able to help.

  Everyone soon looked as if they were prepared for battle. Literally, they had all sorts of weapons strapped to them somehow, even Levona. She looked like a fierce warrior with her black hair pulled back tightly into a bun. I looked more like I was ready for a stroll in the park. I still had on my long, white dress; which was no longer white, and my loose curls lie in a nappy mess against my back. In an attempt to fit in, I took a piece of string and tied my hair back, but that was all I could do. I simply did not fit the part of fierce warrior. Even so, there I was on my way to meet a man who was supposed to reveal unto me my destiny as the savior of Arcadia. Believe me, it was not what I had in mind for my future.

  Levona’s mother packed some food for us to take along, and within minutes we were headed back down the dirty, old troll tunnels, except this time in a different direction. It was so dark and had a smell that no matter how hard I try to explain it, there are no words to describe its pungent odor. The tunnels seemed to go on for miles and miles, and the farther we travelled, they got smaller and smaller. Soon, we were traveling in a single file line. Levona, of course, stayed so close to Calev she could have been his shadow. They had me walking right behind her with Calev in front and Maleke right behind me, followed by the rest of the men.

  Calev was so serious; I don’t think he uttered a word for hours. Maleke, on the other hand, was quite different. He was very loud and could not make it more than five steps without saying something, even if was to himself. I will say I laughed a few times under my breath, yet tried to be serious. After all, it was a serious matter. Levona randomly cut her eyes back in my direction, as if letting me know she did not trust me. She tried to lovingly rub her hand across Calev’s shoulder a time or two, but he remained focused and paid her no attention. Something about his disregard for her made me smile. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of marching single file down a dusty, old troll tunnel, we came to a stop. After making our way out into the forest, assuming our journey was near its end, I sat down against a tree to rest.

  Maleke was the first to point out to me the rather monstrous mountain that we were to be climbing. I truly almost fainted. Climb a mountain, I thought. I knew nothing about climbing mountains, and I was already exhausted. You see, Amlachi had been hiding out under the canopy of the beautiful forests of Mt. Alianza in the small village of Akharon.

  Maleke, although still a little hesitant to approach me since the incident we had in my room, tried to cheer me up. He could see I was not at all thrilled about hiking up a mountain. He was indeed growing on me a bit. His rough, burly appearance was almost intimidating at first, but I could already see he was just a boy at heart and very kind.

  The sun was just beginning to go down as we reached the outskirts of the forest, leaving the sky a beautiful rainbow of purples and pinks. Calev insisted we find Tizipporah, the guardian of Mt. Alianza. Pulling a strange horn from his pocket, he began to blow. The most beautiful noise I had ever heard began saturating the air around us. I began to twirl around in circles. The flowers from the tree above me slowly released the comfort of their branch, falling upon me like snow on a cold winter’s day. A soft wind began to swirl around me creating a cyclone of petals as I spun. It seemed as if I were dreaming, when all at once the music stopped. The petals floated away with the wind, and there I stood. As I looked up, everyone was just standing there staring at me with blank faces. Turning toward Calev though, my gaze was met with a crooked smile. The space between us was considerable, yet it was as if I could feel his breath upon me.

  “That, my dear, was disturbing,” Levona laughed as she blocked my view of Calev.

  Before I could reply, Calev and all the others had dropped to their knees as if we were in the presence of royalty. I stood looking about trying to figure out what they were all doing. All around us, the tiny squirrel like creatures began to appear. All kinds of animals made their way out of the surrounding forest. A massive beast came from behind me. At first glance it looked like a bear, yet had the mouth of a lioness and ears of a jackal.

  I was frightened to say the least, yet felt a sense of peace all at the same time. Calev caught my attention and motioned for me to kneel. As my knees hit the ground, an enormous bird with wings as big as I had ever seen began to circle above us. Graceful as a butterfly, she soon landed right in the middle of us all. It was Tizipporah, guardian of the mountain. Had I not been there myself, I would not have believed what I saw next. With each step she took in my direction, she transformed into a beautiful goddess like creature; looking human, all except for wings that rested upon her back. Her hair was pulled up into beautiful twists and curls, and her dress sparkled somewhat like a pearl.

  The closer she got, the more anxious I became. Fear, excitement, apprehension, all bubbled up inside. Upon reaching me, she placed her hand in mine and pulled me to my feet, bowing down in front of me herself. You could hear gasps all around. I did not know what to do, so again, I looked toward Calev. He just smiled and turned to kneel in my direction; he along with every other creature there, with exception for Levona. She turned her back to me.

  Rising to her feet, Tizipporah approached Calev and congratulated him on successfully finding me.

  “You’ve done well Searcher, but don’t rejoice just yet. Be careful of the Dark Winds, and don’t be deceived by their trickery. Please, come into my mountain; you will find what you search for.”

  She called over one of the squirrel like creatures, which I found out were called Leemiks and told him to accompany us on our journey. His name was Man’cheh.

  Walking away, she stopped beside Levona and with a nod of her head Levona fell flat on her face in the mud. Looking back at me with a witty grin, she spun around and magically turned back in to a bird and flew away. I giggled a little when Levona stood to her feet, mud plastered across her entire face. She was furious! Running to her aid, Calev tried to wipe the mud off, but Levona stormed away seemingly angry at the world.

  “Serves her right,” I heard Maleke say.

  Man’cheh approached.

  “Gather your troops my lady. We must hurry to beat the Dark Winds.”

  “Excuse me,” I laughed, “My troops?”

  He did not quite find the humor in his request. Without my having to ask, Calev stepped in, gathered everyone together and we began following Man’cheh up the mountain.

  We started our climb just as the sun finally disappeared behind the trees. The winds began to grow louder and louder, but we could not be found by them. You see, Tizipporah confused the winds as they advanced toward us.

  After a short trek through the forest, we came upon a small river. A flat raft was pulled ashore tied to a nearby tree. With Calev’s help, Man’cheh slid it back into the water. I found myself pressed in between Calev and Maleke. My face was forced upon Maleke’s chest and my back toward Calev. There were worse places I could be, I thought. The warmth of Calev’s breath settled upon my neck, sending chills down my spine. With each jolt of the river, his lips brushed against my skin. As if I could take any more, his fingers began softly caressing the top of my hand. My heart hammered against Maleke’s abdomen with no hope of calming.

  “Watch your step,” Man’cheh ordered as the boat slid in to shore.

  I let out a sigh of relief. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath.

  We could see a stunning waterfall in the distance. As we started off the boat, Levona wrapped her arm around Calev’s, pulling him ahead of the rest of us. I withdrew to the back, a little confused. Why did I feel jealous of her arm around his? Maleke and the other boys were pretending to throw each other in to the water. Maleke even picked Eitan up over his head and ran toward the falls. I receded even further to the back, admiring the beautiful surroundings. I swore I had seen that waterfall before. I thought maybe in one of Grandfather’s drawings. Soon we were so close I could feel the spray coming off the falls.

  Once inside, I could not believe my eyes. I was expecting a damp, dark nook in the mountain. It was anything but. It was more like one of the fancy hotels Mother took me to when we traveled for her work. Hundreds of Leemiks walked about. Music filtered through the air and marble lined the floors. The walls sparkled with gold inlay everywhere. I was utterly in shock, even Maleke tried to act a bit proper.

  Man’cheh led us up the winding stairs in the center of the room and escorted us to our rooms. We could see the large dance hall just below the terrace and hear the orchestra playing as well. Calev, not wanting me to be alone, asked if Levona would share a room with me to help keep me protected. You can imagine her response. I was quite glad though. I did not want to be locked in a room with her for the entire evening either. Calev and the others decided they would take turns guarding my door.

  Man’cheh escorted each of us ladies to our rooms first, then the men to theirs. I felt like royalty. It was as if they had been in my dreams. Everything was absolutely perfect. There was a large, comfy bed like the one I had at Grandfather’s, and the colors were like that of the ocean’s tides. A mural of the night’s sky adorned the ceiling that actually lit up. Rushing in, I leapt in the bed and sunk beneath the covers. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen.

  “Dinner will be served in two hours my lady, and there is a ball in your honor. A dress has been placed for you in the closet and towels by the bath. Please enjoy,” Man’cheh spoke.

  A ball, I thought. This was beginning to sound more like a fairytale than an adventure story.

  After exploring my room further, I decided a bath was indeed a good idea. As I soaked, the music from the orchestra below permeated the entire room. I practically fell asleep in the water and for a moment forgot where I was. Once clean, I ventured to the closet to see the dress that Man’cheh had spoken of. I could not believe my eyes. There before me hung the most beautiful gown I had ever laid eyes upon. It was pure white and covered in sparkly diamonds, not one detail was left untouched. As I looked over my shoulder, there was a table in the corner covered in bottles, brushes, and all the makeup I would ever need. The room smelt of lilies, just like Grandmother’s garden. I truly felt like a princess.

  After attempting to get myself ready, which was new to me, I walked to a mirror that sat in the corner of the room. It had a beautiful wooden frame with carved images of what appeared to be a battle. I ran my fingers across its surface. Dragons, eagles, lions, even bears all somewhat majestic, told a story of victory and defeat. As I looked through the glass, I hardly even recognized myself. I thought of Henry and our wedding day. I imagined what he might think of this magical gown. Looking down, I gazed intently into the mirror, then, as my eyes refocused I could see a man lying in a bed. I saw myself walk over to his lifeless frame and lie directly on top of him, placing my hands into his. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I almost jumped out of my skin, breaking my focus. I quickly turned my attention back toward the mirror, but it was too late. I only saw my reflection staring back at me.

  A bit shaken, I opened expecting to see Calev. It was Maleke looking quite handsome, I must admit. A suit fit him well. He actually looked like a proper gentleman. He even had his hair combed. Standing in the entrance of my door with his hand held out, he bowed his head toward the ground. As I walked toward him, he slowly lifted his eyes. They started at my feet and made their way toward my face. When our eyes met, his mouth dropped a little. For the first time since I had met Maleke, he was speechless. After calling his name a few times, he finally snapped out of it.

  “Would you do me the honor and accompany me to dinner, Lily?” he asked.

  Just then Calev and Levona passed my door, neither even looking in my direction. I grabbed Maleke’s hand and agreed to his request. I thought I might as well enjoy this beautiful place while I had the chance. With all the strange things happening, I did not know what was in store for us the next day.

  The three other men were already down the hall waiting on us. I believe they had placed bets as to whether or not I would accept Maleke’s request. For when we approached, they all began to hit each other on the arm. They were much chattier than they had been, all complimenting me with the kindest words. I walked slowly to the terrace and looked down upon the beautiful ballroom. The gold sparkled within the walls, and the musicians were extremely talented. Maleke grabbed my hand and started leading me toward the stairs. One by one, they descended. On account of my gown being so full, I had to walk down alone. Praying I would not fall, I slowly began my descent. By this time, the room was full. I coasted down without incident, finally reaching the bottom step.

  Suddenly the double doors that led into the ballroom, flung open, and Tizipporah stood before us. All eyes in the room turned toward her. I stood, staring, as she gracefully glided toward me. Taking my hands into hers, she pulled me to the center of the dance floor.

  “Arcadia, it is with great honor I introduce you to, Lily, granddaughter of the great King Channon and savior to our people.” Tizipporah continued as she pulled Calev to the center of the floor as well.

  “Calev’s reputation precedes him, our great warrior, last of the first born, has finally brought her to us. You must guard her with all of your might, dear warrior; for she is more precious than gold.”

  As she spoke the last phrase, she placed my hand into Calev’s. Without warning, she spun around and disappeared right before our eyes, faded away like the smoke from Grandfather’s pipe.

  Calev, still holding my hand in his, pulled me slowly close to him until my head rested upon his chest. It was as if we were all alone. The orchestra began playing a beautiful tune, an
d our bodies responded. I looked up into his eyes. In spite of all the strange things I had seen since I had entered into their world, that moment was by far the most magical. I swear, he looked into my soul and was happy to keep his gaze. My heart raced within me, and I could feel the beating of his. Each breath was more rapid than the last. The warmth of his fingers wrapped around mine, the heat from his body, and the presence of his arm around me, all had me weak. So weak, I thought I might never stand again.

  Leaning in, he whispered into my ear, “Neither light nor dark, sun nor rain, could ever keep your destiny away, my little Lily flower.”

  With every word uttered, his lips brushed against my ear.

  “You will save us,” he continued, with great passion.

  I did not even question how he knew the words Grandfather used to speak over me. I was in heaven, and I never wanted to leave that moment; although, that is all it was, a tiny moment in the entire expanse of time. Only seconds, yet to this very day it replays in the corners of my mind. Lurking about, always there, and if I close my eyes, I can still hear the music play.

  By this time Levona had become enraged at the sight of Calev’s hands upon me. Angrily walking toward us, she pulled a pin out of her hair and with one flip of her head, her beautiful raven locks fell across her back. She was quite brazen and wore a dress that had a slit all the way up her leg.

  Maleke decided to help her and came up behind me. Beginning to whisk me away, I took one last glance toward Calev, whom Levona had already wrapped her arms around. Our fingers slid off each other’s as we were pulled in opposite directions. Like a whirlwind, we were soon on other sides of the floor.

  As soon as the dance was over, I excused myself and went back to my room. I was so tired and confused. I just needed to get away and be alone. It was all getting too real. Once in my room, I took off the beautiful gown and let my hair fall at my back. I crawled into the bed and got lost under the blankets. As I gazed up at the beautiful star lit sky that was painted on the ceiling above me, I purposely held back the tears that were trying to form within my lids.


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