Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

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Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) Page 7

by Fisher, K. T

  "It will be safer."

  This makes me so mad. He is stomping all over girls night!

  "Jax this is ridiculous. We're taking the men in black, isn't that enough?"

  He frowns out the window, not taking his eyes off the road.

  "I won't risk your safety Kendal. People will be drinking and some people can get a bit too friendly when you're a familiar face. You will all have unlimited drinks and your own private dance floor. You will still have your girls night, just now Rhys and I won't be worrying back home about you."

  Apart from the entire safety lecture, the unlimited drinks and our own dance floor did sound great. Plus Blitz is the best club in town, I can't really argue.

  "Well I'll have to run it by Tan because it was her night."

  I see the corner of his mouth lift. The smug bastard.

  When we get to my house Jax takes Finley inside and helps me get him ready for bed. We make our way downstairs and have a quiet drink together in the living room. On the same sofa as last time.

  "Do you think that I could maybe have Finley over for the night?"

  I'm shocked by his question but I don't disagree with him. I know Finley would love that.

  "It doesn't matter. We can wait until I have my own place or just until Finley knows me better."

  I stop his rambling.

  "Jax, that wouldn't be a problem. Finley would love to."


  I laugh at his happy face.

  "You look like Finley."

  This makes him smile even wider.

  "You don't mind?"

  "Of course I don't. As long as Max and Leo behave and don't have girls over when Finley's there then it's OK by me. Finley knows and loves you enough. He's off school for six weeks now so you can have him over whenever you want."

  Before I know it Jax's lips are on mine, I take it that he's happy. Soon the kiss turns passionate but he won't take it any further than kissing no matter what I do or how much I beg, and I do shamelessly beg him. But he won't budge and I go to bed alone and very unsatisfied again. If this torture carries on much longer I'm going to take a leaf out of Tanya's book and buy myself a fucking vibrator.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning Finley wakes me up by bouncing on my bed as usual. I know that it's early but before I can check the time I hear my phone vibrate on the table beside my bed. Before I answer I see that it's Tanya calling.


  My voice is croaky from sleep.

  "Sophie told me what Rhys and Jax have organised for tonight."

  I'm relived to hear that she doesn't sound pissed.

  "Yeah, they're over reacting."

  "They're right though you know. After all, you two are Degirl's now!"

  I can hear the bitch laughing.

  "Jax also mentioned unlimited drinks."

  "Really? Well that's fucking awesome! A free night at the hottest club in town. Tonight is gonna be amazing!"

  I'm shocked. I thought she wouldn't like this at all. After all the two people have organized this are Leo's best friends. I suppose when you throw in V.I.P and unlimited drinks she overcomes her hatred for the man.

  "What time are we meeting?"

  I hear her now groaning down the phone.

  "I'm at work until six. Let's get ready at your house. I can be there for seven and I'll bring drinks."

  "Great. See you then."

  When I hang up I'm surprised that Finley doesn't demand his breakfast. He has been watching me while I was talking to Tanya and he's still looking straight at me.

  "Can I talk to daddy?"

  "It's early honey. He might still be sleeping."

  "It's OK mummy."

  I look down at my phone and see it's 8:00am.

  "Please mummy?"

  Oh what the hell. I'm sure he won't mind and anyway, he needs to get experience for all things parents do. I find Jax's number and hand my phone over to Finley.

  "Make sure you say sorry for waking him up."

  He nods at me with the cutest look on his face. I know the moment that Jax answers because his little face lights up.

  "Morning daddy! It's me! Were you sleeping?"

  He waits for his answer and then laughs.

  "You're lazy daddy."

  I smile as I get out of bed and get ready as I listen to Finley's side of the conversation. When I'm dressed and looking presentable I decide it's time for Finley to say goodbye to Jax.

  "Come on then rock star, say bye to daddy. It's time for breakfast."

  "Ohh. Bye daddy, I have breakfast now."

  I sit on the bed by Finley and wait.

  "Yes mummy going to do my juice, biscuits and toast.........OK you.....Bye."

  Aw he's so cute. When we get downstairs I make Finley what he wants for breakfast. When I put his toast on the table in front of him he smiles up at me.

  "Thank you mummy. You're the best."

  "Aw thank you Finley."

  I kiss his forehead.

  "Daddy told me to say it."

  Good enough.

  An hour later we decide to walk down to the park. We're not there for long when I get a text from Jax.

  JAX: Loved Fin's wakeup call. What R U 2 up 2? x

  ME: I'm glad U liked it. Sorry it was early, I couldn't tell him no. We R at the park :) x

  JAX: I'll B there in 15 x

  I had a feeling he would say that and I feel a little guilty for not asking him myself but it was early. I thought he would roll over and go back to sleep. I think I would have if I had the choice. I decide not to tell Finley and let him be surprised. So me and Finley play while we wait for Jax.

  I see a car stop near the park and I see Jax get out and run towards us. It's not until the car drives away that I notice Max driving it, waving to me. I try my best not to visibly drool at the sight of Jax. Nobody should be able to look that good.


  As soon as I got the text back from Kendal to let me know they were at the park, I had to go. Max was already up and offered me a lift in his car.

  When the park was in sight I could see Kendal chasing after Finley. I could tell they both had smiles on their faces. They looked so happy and I couldn't wait to join them.

  I didn't miss the way Kendal looked at me as I approached them. She looked good enough for me to eat. Absolutely gorgeous.

  As soon as Finley saw me he ran straight up to me. That's when the games began, we were on our own in this part of the park so we could be as silly as we wanted to be. You could have heard Finley laughing a mile away when he was on my shoulders as we chased after Kendal. At one point, I couldn't fight the urge to not touch Kendal any longer. I ran up to her when she was least expecting it, which made her squeal in surprise. I swung her around to face me in my arms until I had her positioned so she had her legs around my waist and her head was looking up to sky as she laughed. When she looked down at me her laughing stopped but she was still smiling. I spun around in a circle which made her laugh again, begging me to stop. I could see Finley laughing at us. This is what I want everyday.

  After we have had enough of playing we decide to go back to Kendal's for something to eat. As we're walking back hand in hand, Finley in the middle. I notice there is a few paparazzi around. I don't think Kendal has noticed them because she's happily smiling.

  I've kept quiet about Kendal going out tonight because I'm jealous. Other men will see her tonight, not me. I know it's stupid but that's the truth. She isn't mine yet and men will look because she is stunning. I want them to know she's off limits. Leo wants to turn up uninvited, I don't want to spy but I'm not going to lie, it is tempting. I've told John and Paul to keep a close eye on them all and if anyone attempts anything they're to ring me. Leo's all for it, so is Rhys to a certain extent but Max disagrees. I don't question Leo's reason because I know without asking his reason is because he wants to see Tanya.

  We manage to make it to Kendal's with no interference from the paparazzi bu
t I know they're snapping away. Greedy to get a picture of the new celebrity rock family. This is why I want Kendal safe for tomorrow, she doesn't realize how much her day to day life is going to change.

  We're sat around the kitchen table eating our sandwiches when I decide to send Kendal a text, even though she's only sitting opposite me.

  ME: Can I ask Fin about staying at mine? x

  She looks up from her phone and nods at me. I look at Finley who has a mouth full of food.

  "Finley, if you're good for mummy. Would you like to sleep at my house?"

  He breaks into a huge smile and quickly swallows. Which gets me a little worried because it seems to take him a while because there's so much food in his mouth.


  "No not today pal. You have to be good first."

  Finley's smile drops and I feel like shit. Kendal thankfully helps me out.

  "You're going to mama and granddads tonight Finley."

  "I wanna go daddy's."

  He crosses his arms across his chest and I try my fucking hardest not to smile.

  Chapter 12


  Jax leaves a little after my mum comes to collect Finley at 5:00 so he can say bye. I jump in the shower so I don't have to have one once the girls are here.

  Tanya turns up right on time at 7:00 shortly followed by Sophie, Jessica and Maisy. When everyone's here Tanya sets down five glasses and fills them with her choice of alcohol.

  "Right girls. Tonight we are getting totally wasted."

  We all exchange a worried glance.

  "Oh come on! Look how much has changed in the past two months. We all need a good night out."

  I notice that she keeps glancing over at me when she's making that little speech of hers. I decide that I do need a crazy night out so I walk up to one of the drinks and take a big gulp and then wish that I hadn't.

  "Christ that's fucking strong Tan!"

  Tanya takes a drink from her glass and smiles.


  John and Paul are going to pick us up at 10:00pm so we spend the time drinking the alcohol Tanya brought over and slowly getting ready. By the time we're all ready we're beyond tipsy.

  We have our dark clubbing make-up on and sexy little dresses. I have decided to wear the lacy black dress that Jax bought for me. It will probably drive him crazy but he's stomping all over our girls night so I feel I'm getting even with him if I wear the sexy dress. Even though Rhys and Jax did get us into V.I.P in the hottest club in town, they still took charge. Tanya soon demanded that there was to be no man talk tonight. I think she just wanted to make sure nobody mentioned Leo while we were out.

  I can't say I'm surprised that when John and Paul knock on I see they have a limo waiting for us. Tanya and Jessica make happy whooping noises while they make their way into the limo. When it's just me and Sophie we share a knowing look. Our men are so stubborn. Oh shit wait, Jax isn't mine. Well I hope he will be but we aren't together. I need to stop thinking about Jax so when Maisy hands me a glass of champagne I eagerly drink.

  When we stop in front of the loud club there's a long line of people waiting to get inside. John and Paul help us all out and I'm surprised when I see a few flashes. I look up to see there's a few paparazzi standing to the side of the club taking photos of us. They're probably here because seeing as this is one of the top clubs, seeing a celebrity is most likely.

  I'm dumbfound when they start shouting mine and Sophie's names. I'm thankful to have John and Paul with us as they guide us into the thriving club. Just before we step into the doors I catch sight of Harley near the front of the que of people. I'm slightly worried to see him because our last encounter wasn't so good but when he waves and smiles at me it eases my worries. I'm sure that whole scene was because he was jealous of Jax. He's just the same old Harley.

  When we step inside the building the loud music immediately vibrates my body.

  We take advantage of the free drinks that we were promised and have a great time. I'm surprised that Jax was right about John and Paul, I hardly notice them. In fact I keep forgetting they're here with us.

  A couple of hours later at midnight me, Tanya and Maisy really want to join the big crowd of people on the dance floor. John and Paul don't really like that idea so I'm begging John while Tanya tries to work her magic on Paul.

  "Come on John, please?"

  "You guys will have a view from up here to watch us."

  She strokes Pauls suit jacket and I notice Paul freeze in place.

  "Alright fine but you stay on that dance floor and no more drinks until you're back up here."

  We agree and down we go, laughing on the way to the clubs main dance floor. As we make our way into the middle of the crowd, I notice that we get a few curious looks.

  We have a great time dancing our 'single dance' as Jessica calls it. As I'm swaying against Maisy I glance up to the V.I.P area and wave up to Sophie and Jessica who are dancing near the glass banister wall. They both wave back but I can see Jessica has her phone in her hand. Probably texting lover boy Sam. All the drinks I have drank are catching up with my system and I am feeling so drunk right now. We form a small circle and sing loudly to each other.

  During a fast song that I love I feel two large hands hold onto my waist and a body press against my back. I turn around with an angry look on my face and demand they let go however, when I face the man I see it's Harley I relax and smile up at him. Letting Harley sway me to the music. He leans down and speaks directly into my ear.

  "Hey beautiful."

  Just as I'm about to answer him I feel somebody else press against my back again. Who is it now? Harley is still holding me so I turn my head around and gasp.



  I'm sat at Rhys house with the guys, when at 9:00pm I get a text from Jessica. When I open it I choke on my beer. Max smacks my back laughing.

  "What's the fucking matter with you?"

  He leans over my shoulder and looks down at my phone. Before I can think to hide the picture Max has already seen it.

  "You lucky bastard."

  I shove him away.

  "Forget you saw that."

  "Not likely."

  Rhys approaches to take my phone away but I hold it to my chest but I don't see Leo reach from behind me and take it. Max holds me back while Rhys and Leo both look at my phone with raised eyebrows. Rhys hands me back my phone.

  "Ask Jess if she has one of Soph."

  I laugh as I send Jessica a text back. I look back to the picture she sent me of Kendal. She's wearing the sinful black lace dress. Playfully posing sexually, she probably has no idea that her best friend sent this.

  Rhys gets a text a couple of minutes later and I know that Jessica sent him by the looks of his satisfied smirk. Leo goes to look at his phone but Rhys puts his phone away.

  "You little fuckers aren't looking at my wife."

  Leo sits back down like a grumpy teenager.

  "I say we just go."

  Max sits on the arm of the chair Leo is sat in and punches his arm.

  "Leave her man."

  "Shut up."

  No guessing who they're talking about. My phone vibrates again.

  JESSICA: Here's a little gift 4 Leo

  I scroll down and see that it's a picture of Tanya in the same pose as Kendal. I can't help but laugh to myself, Rhys being the closest to me looks down at my phone and laughs with me.

  "I think you should send that to Leo."

  Leo looks up and frowns. I look to Max.

  "Come here Max. Do you think I should?"

  Max quickly walks over and his eyes widen at the picture I show him.

  "Fucking hell. The way he pines over her he'll come in his trousers."

  Leo now walks up to us.

  "What are you talking about?"

  I forward the message to him.

  "Look at your phone."

  When he does we laugh at the look on his face.

  "I wa
nna go to that club."

  "Will you just let the girls have a good night? Leave them."

  Max has no idea what it's like to feel like this over a girl. I'm shocked that Leo does.

  "If you care about the girls as much as you say you do. Are you happy them going out drunk like this."

  "Especially now Kendal and Sophie get attention."

  Rhys adds and I see it gets to Max as he shifts where he stands.

  "Unless John and Paul get in touch just leave them alone. They will be fine in V.I.P anyway."

  We try our best to forget about our women. We go into the studio Rhys has built in his house to try out a few new songs to take our minds of them and it does work.

  That is until I get from John informing me three of the girls begged him to go down to the main dance floor and he's watching them. I can guess who those three girls are. I get a text from my little inside spy, Jessica, straight after John's.

  JESSICA: Kendal, Tan and Maisy down on the dance floor. Just 2 let U no Harley is here 2

  I immediately stand and get ready to leave. Leo is straight away at my side.

  "What's up?"

  "Girls went down to the dance floor and that fucker Harley is there."

  Max begins to walk with us, Rhys is already following. He doesn't like the sound of Harley ever since I told him about out little run in before. Rhys laughs as he locks up his house and gets into my Aston Martin.


  All thoughts of Harley getting near my girl making me drive faster towards the club. I park around the back where they're a couple of limos waiting for their V.I.P's.

  As soon as we enter we're taken straight into V.I.P. I see Sophie and Jessica dancing and laughing away. Sophie drunkenly wraps herself around Rhys when she sees him. I walk straight over to John who's standing by the glass banister which looks down to the crowd of dancers.

  I spot the girls and smile as I watch them dance. They sing the lyrics to each other and keep on hugging. Something I've noticed drunk girls do a lot. The girls dance together, swaying against each other to the song. Max and Jessica wonder over to me.

  "That is so hot."

  "That is called the single dance."

  She giggles but I tense. Kendal shouldn't be taking part in a single dance. I watch Kendal as she moves her perfect little body. I feel a little guilty for showing up but I can't help but want to dance with her. To feel her grinding over my body.


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