The Carducci Convergence

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The Carducci Convergence Page 34

by Nicolas Olano

  With the events of the past few months new factors appeared within the Carducci family and consequently upon The Board. The emotional alliance of Marco and Patricia, the possible extinction of the Carducci crime family from the New York organization, and the probable IPO of their legitimate operations were going to affect everything. The one thing that impacted everyone and everything and they didn’t know about – but enjoyed the fruits thereof – was the existence of five pipelines that shuttled drugs to the US and cash south. These were the purview of the intimate circle of the now extended Carducci, which included Francisco and Patricia.

  Those in the know were sitting together around the table in the Sarasota home of Marco Carducci and Patricia Lujan. Apart from these two there was Ian Carlo de la Rosa, Francisco Lujan, Ernie Goldman and Samuel Goldman; this last one was just to be inducted today. M&M was off fishing. The best guide in the area, Captain Brian Jill, had been contracted at a grand a day to keep the fixer busy for the next two days until he was brought in to discuss plans that did not include the pipelines. If he couldn’t put M&M onto record tarpon, nobody could.

  “What are the chances that these attacks are over?” asked Ernie

  “The intention will still be there but the cardinal’s capability of executing is highly diminished,” answered Marco.

  “There are always mercenaries,” added Samuel.

  “Yes, but the motivation that made Testa so dangerous will not be there,” responded Patricia. “It is easier to defend against an army of mercenaries than against somebody like the monsignor.”

  “That’s a historical fact,” said Ian Carlo. “Lone assassins, deeply motivated, have had much more success than conspiracies or coordinated assaults by hired muscle. Ask Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy if you don’t believe it,” he added, listing the US presidents assassinated by lone, willful men.

  “I’m afraid risk is part and parcel of our lives,” added Francisco. “Over time I have seen more than my fair share of violence. Since the horrendous murder of my wife by the Sendero Luminoso I have sheltered Patricia from the risks of my lifestyle, but now she has overcome my ability to do so and together with Marco they must face and defeat the challenges as they have done till now.”

  They were all in a reflective mood when Samuel spoke up.

  “I have to ask all of you to concentrate on the challenges that the Carducci face in the near future,” said Samuel. “I have some recommendations that I would like to present in regards to the decisions you have to make. First to consider is the divestment of all unlawful activities of the organization headed by Mr. de la Rosa and the conversion to public property of Carducci Enterprises. My recommendation is that the second take place first because if not, when the time comes to cede the illegal part of the business, the families that benefit from that may want to take over Carducci Enterprises as well. It’s the nature of the beast and I estimate the possibilities of that outcome at a hundred percent.

  “You’re telling us that if we give the families what I manage, they will want us to give them what Marco manages, correct?”

  “Exactly,” added Ernie. “You know these people, everything is never enough. They’ll split up your business and never look back, but they will go to war for what you don’t offer…first against you and then each other. If the IPO has taken place, there is nothing they can do that would not bring the law down on them hard and fast.”

  “How long would this take?” a frustrated Marco asked.

  “It’s not so much the time but the way,” Samuel explained. “First we have to divide the business into two groups, segregated if possible by affinity, and then these new groups, with different names, proceed to apply for the IPOs, one here in the US and the other in Canada, based on how the ownership of these has been structured. It’s a big job but we have mapped it out with Leon Goddard and we think it’s possible to do within six months for the US offering and eight months for the Canadian offering. The beauty of this is that we can press the sale if necessary through affiliated or friendly entities so the pre-marketing of the shares is not so onerous.”

  “There is a British investment banker I would like to discuss this with. When could we have some rough prospectus on the two groups?”

  “Practically now. As I said we have this mapped out with Leon. Give me a week and we can give you a preliminary prospectus just for discussion purposes. Is that good for you?”

  “Works for me; we should meet in New York a week from Monday. I’m flying from there to meet with the banker and this should give me an idea of what we can expect.”

  The group discussed the IPO and the succession of business to exhaustion, hoping to consider all the liabilities. Finally Francisco made a suggestion that made them re-think one of the plans.

  “There’s got to be someone in your organization who could take over your business, Ian Carlo, I don’t think it’s fair to your team to hand them over to other families where you don’t know if they’ll fit. And another thing; however this goes down, in the best perspective, your people will take a demotion. This could have repercussions.”

  “I know but traditionally there has never been a trade of leadership unless it’s by default. That’s not the case here. I’ll still be around,” said Ian Carlo.

  “Don’t you think that may be a problem in itself? Some people might think that if you’re not around the deal is better sealed,” asked Patricia.

  “I can’t say I haven’t thought of this a lot, but nobody has the management capabilities or the respect of the others. This needs a natural leader and I don’t see it among the capos, which is precisely why Sal had them there. He only trusted Marco and myself and didn’t want anybody that thought strategically among the heads of the crews.”

  “How about Tommy Lee?” asked Marco.

  By dinner time they had it hammered out. Ian Carlo would call Tommy to NYC and he, Ernie, and Samuel would sound the man out as a possible candidate. The advantage was that Tommy had proved himself time and again as a friend and a cool operator. The decision was something they could take after they drilled the man to make sure he had the mettle for a hike this big and if he had someone to take over in Vegas so as not to jeopardize the business there.

  About six, M&M was back with a smile on his face; he had landed a couple of nice tarpon and it was like nothing had happened during his previous fishing expedition, which was only two days ago.

  “I had a couple of good opportunities at migrating ’poons this morning and in the afternoon we went looking for resident fish inside the bay. It was fantastic. I don’t know how to thank you,” said M&M, who the day before had spent the whole afternoon with Pete at the hospital where they both talked about the great king that had escaped and never mentioned a word about the assailant.

  “What have you heard about Pete?” he now asked, and was told that he was doing fine and expected home by the end of the week. The spear was not strong enough to break the shoulder bone but it would take time and rehabilitation to get him back in shape.

  “I know what he’s gonna go through,” said Marco. “It’s a bitch, but he’ll be okay.”

  “I would like to invite Luigi and Jose to sit with us at dinner tonight. They both feel that they let us down,” said Patricia

  “That’s ridiculous,” said Marco, “how could it be their fault? This guy fooled an army of guards that had nothing else to do.”

  “Nonetheless, I think they feel really bad and I want to reassure them that they have our trust.”

  “A brilliant idea,” interceded M&M. “I know Luigi is hurting bad. He went to the hospital yesterday and was at the edge of tears asking Pete to forgive him for not foreseeing the attack.”

  “Hah!” said Marco, “the only time that goombah would cry would be at his momma’s funeral because he was forced to go.”

  “Marco!” scolded Patricia, and she went to call the two bodyguards.

  Dinner started subdued. The gazpacho was eaten practically in silence. Not eve
n Matilde said anything. It was a real icebreaker when Francisco stood up and, calling the attention of all, made an announcement:

  “I would like to share with all of you some wonderful news that should distance our minds from the recent events. Earlier today I had a short conversation with Patricia and Marco and they announced to me that they are getting married.”

  Everyone erupted in cheers, toasts, and commentaries among themselves. Matilde was literally dancing around the table kissing everyone that could be kissed and chattering away in her Kuna dialect, which nobody understood.

  “I cannot express in words how happy this makes me. We here, all present included, are a family and this union makes it evermore close.”

  Being included in something as momentous as this for the Carducci, M&M felt emotional and internally swore fealty to them. Something he had never done before in his whole life. As a matter of fact it was the first time anyone had called him family and he was overwhelmed.

  “Including me in this intimacy has touched me deeply. Far more than you can possibly imagine. Count on me for anything at any time and I will be worthy of your trust. To our beautiful people,” said M&M, raising his glass.

  Maybe only Francisco knew of the significance of such declaration. The others didn’t know it, but they had acquired one very powerful ally. Luigi and Jose, who had started the evening very quiet and somewhat timid, made toasts of their own and the little group, including Matilde, felt the intimacy and joy of the occasion. Nobody noticed that Patricia, who was a constant if moderate wine drinker, had only had lemonade all evening. At a moment before they had their dessert, Patricia asked Marco quietly if they could have a moment apart.

  When they came back, Marco stood with his glass raised and said, “Ian Carlo, it looks like your coming son is going to have a little playmate…Patricia just told me that I’m going to be a father.”

  For the second time that evening everyone joined in with this momentous piece of news. Glasses were raised, toasts cheered, love expressed, and joy shared. It was, unbelievably, M&M who had tears in his eyes as he drank to the new parents. The evening went on until bodies could not hold on any longer and, for the first time in months, they all had a peaceful sleep.


  Delany had done all the paperwork on Enrico Testa to assure himself that the culprit would spend the rest of his life in Guantanamo or another similar vacation spot at the expense of the US taxpayer. In the meantime Senator Mason had been using all his influence to have Testa charged as a common criminal and US Citizen with no other result than confirming his hand in the priest’s crimes, so when people from Homeland Security started asking questions he rapidly distanced himself from the case. Now it was Delaney’s turn to go after the senator. He called in Toby Carson and got the latest update on the senator’s visits to his Maryland apartment. Toby came in with his partner in the stakeout, Agent Betsy Blues. Everybody liked Betsy Blues because she was always in a good mood and had a great sense of humor. She told everyone that she was the illegitimate daughter of one of the Blues Brothers but didn’t know which one because her mother had shared the company of both on a one-night stand in Pocatello. The duo had been very effective and had become de facto SACs of the project while Delany was elsewhere.

  “He’s been there twice,” said Toby.

  “Twice in a row actually,” added Betsy.

  “He keeps to the same routine, doesn’t change a thing, pretty stupid,” quipped Betsy

  “Don’t underestimate him,” answered Toby. “He made senator didn’t he?”

  “Money makes senators, not brains, look at the roster of the Senate and you’ll see what I mean.”

  “Okay, so what’s the status now” asked Delany.

  “He’s playing the perfect senator. Doesn’t miss a beat, votes every time, hits the committees regularly, does the handshaking thing with all sorts of visitors and leaves work late. He goes home or to some official function and then home – Mr. Boring.”

  “What about a search warrant for the apartment?”

  “No can do; it’s in a woman’s name and so far no judge wants to sign an unwarranted warrant,” he smiled.

  “Very funny. How about tracking Internet communications out of that apartment?”

  “No hardline, not even a telephone line; he doesn’t get his smut via internet. He gets it in the mail somewhere else, not here. We checked,” said Betsy.

  “The possibilities are so many that it’s not even worth pursuing,” added Toby. “We have to get him in the apartment doing his thing.”

  “I doubt he gets the stuff in the Senate mail. Everything is scrutinized to the umpteenth degree. No way has he got any smut delivered there.”

  “Well, the team has followed him twenty-four-seven and we’ve been attentive to any possibility but the guy is like clockwork with his routine. Except for his clandestine visits to Maryland, it’s very predictable. It’s even made it easy for us to go unnoticed by his protective service. Those Capitol Police agents must be going nuts. When he goes to the hotel to do his switch, he has them wait in the lobby and will not allow them to wait by the door. It must be a nightmare for them. They have CCTV on the door permanently monitored, but the only thing they see is a waiter bringing in dinner and wine, he leaves and then returns in about three hours to get the table. That’s how he does the switch because he knows the cameras and the waiter has the same body build and outfit. Mason always keeps his face away from the cameras.”

  “Is there anything else he does for recreation? Movies, bars, anything?” asked Delany

  “Sometimes after late session on one or another of the committees he serves he’ll go to the Round Robin at the Willard. He goes to the smoking room, orders a cognac and lights up a cigar. The cheap bastard always steals the matches; you know the longer ones in a box for lighting cigars.”

  “Toby, he’s been getting his smut right under your nose,” said Special Agent Delany. “This is what I want you to do…”

  Dupree’s interview with His Holiness the Pope did not happen as soon as he expected. It wasn’t until three days after the news of Testa’s arrest that he was summoned to the private offices of the new pope. Dupree, in full bishop regalia with his red zucchetto and cincture, knelt before the Vicar of Christ and kissed the ring of Peter. The pope invited him to a small sitting room where privacy was assured.

  “Has Your Eminence been well?” asked the Pope in perfect French.

  “Yes, Your Holiness, thanks to God.”

  “And do you talk to him frequently, Jean?”

  “I pray, Your Holiness….”

  “But, do you talk to him? Do you believe he listens?”

  “Holiness…” was all Dupree could say. He couldn’t lie to this man. Nobody could. He was the most humble man Dupree had ever met. There was no subterfuge to him. No love of earthly power or glory, yet in a short time he had more influence in the world than any other pope in recent memory.

  “We know you love the Church, Jean. Nobody works harder to help us sustain our missions and our duty to the poor…but do you love God?”

  Dupree could not bring himself to answer.

  “The Church is a glorious institution, Jean, but a man-made institution none the less and not a substitute for God. I have been very disturbed to see that the Church has become its own reason to be and we have forgotten that it is here to foster the communion of man with his creator, not to propagate its own power.”

  “But the Church needs the strength of worldly power and that only comes with a strong treasury, your Holiness. I think that is my calling and my strength.”

  “As a Jesuit we admire some Machiavellian undertones in the pursuit of our goal, which is the salvation of man’s immortal soul, but we cannot cross the line of sin, Jean. It is a thin line, but it creates an infinite divide between salvation and perdition.”

  “I pursue no glory of my own, Holiness, only the glory and power of the Church so that it can bring humanity out of its mi
sery and in that way we can save them. They are too hungry and sick to think of God, or salvation. First we must save their bodies in order to save their souls.”

  “A noble thought, Jean, but at what cost? Do we become the rulers of their hearts by ruling their stomachs? And when that happens who rules? Do we have the moral right to give or withhold according to the recipients faith? Are we to become the Taliban of Christ?”

  “But Holiness, all I want is for the Church to be great again. To be what it was.”

  “Nothing will ever be as it was, Jean, nothing ever is. Each moment is unto itself and we are not to anchor our hopes or effort on what has been, but on what man needs to reach salvation by his own free will. Feeding the poor is a noble calling, consoling the afflicted is our duty, teaching the ignorant is our obligation. But holding mankind in ransom is not.”

  “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned…”

  The bulletin from the Holy See read as follows: Cardinal Jean Dupree, Prince of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and, until today, one of the governors of the Institute for Religious Organizations, has asked His Holiness for dispensation of his duties as he wishes to enter a spiritual retreat in a monastery that has not yet been announced. He has effectively retired from public life and his duties at the IOR have been distributed among several of its governors until a replacement is appointed.

  The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, published the bulletin without much comment, the Economist did the same but recounted some important issues about the IOR. Sub-rosa the news was another story. A lot of very important financial leaders, like the Secretary of the Treasury and the Head of the Federal Reserve, as well as their equivalents in Great Britain, Russia, China, Japan, and Brazil took note of this and made adjustments…because the show must go on. Lord Humphrey huffed and puffed and congratulated himself on going with the sheik. The sheik did a jig…however it was done in Dubai. The one who was left out to dry was Edward Meredith, but not for too long. Lord Humphrey and the Sheik were on a G650 hot for Kansas. The Carducci group, M&M, and Francisco Lujan were relieved but preferred to wait and see, as did The Board.


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