Magic, New Mexico: Tainted Magic (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic, New Mexico: Tainted Magic (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 9

by Sabine Priestley

  Livy had good-naturedly accused Dante of stealing her best guest.

  Jinx and Lido bounded after them across the lawn. It seemed as though they’d both grown in the short time she and Dante had been gone. The pair left them at the door and took off around the corner.

  They unpacked and she got her toiletries settled. It was a nice space. Perfect for two, and it felt like home.

  She joined Dante outside on the balcony overlooking the lawn and the river beyond. His heat pressed against her back was a slice of heaven. “Weird how everything looks different now,” Arabella said.


  “Yes, better.”

  A sudden clamoring in her head jarred her mind.


  Her feral bat existence flashed before her, bringing panic.

  “Arabella, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s coming back.”

  “What is?”

  “The bats.”

  “No way in hell, woman.”

  The volume increased. Fear, no terror. “No, not bats. Birds?”

  Complete terror.

  An image flashed in her mind. “Oh my god, Jinx is in the river! They can’t get him. Go south.” Arabella shifted into eagle form and flew across the lawn, gaining height for a better view. She turned downstream and found them. Lido and two other ducks were tangling with the cub. He was panicked and clawed at anything that got near him. They were no match for his size and weight.

  She sensed Dante close behind and could only hope he was close enough. Swooping down, she grabbed Jinx by the scruff of the neck.

  He whirled and clawed at her chest in an attempt to climb out of the water. The movement was too much with his weight and they both went under.

  Icy water shocked her system, and she shifted from bird to woman and back. Her head surfaced only to have Jinx slash her shoulder trying to get on top. She shifted back to human and went down.

  So cold.

  A flash from above had herself and Jinx hurtling out of the river and sailing to the bank on the far side.

  They slammed into the dirt edge and rolled to a stop a few feet from the water.

  It took a moment for her brain to register two things. First, a group of stunningly beautiful elves, male and female, stood over them, and second, the body next to her wasn’t a cub’s; it was a boy. He was curled into a ball, coughing and shivering.

  Behind them, three ducks clambered to the bank. The larger two shifted into their human forms. They both bore the slash wounds from Jinx’s panic.

  The woman scooped up Lido and they stood behind Arabella and the boy. She quickly summoned a blanket and covered the child, pulling him into her lap.

  Dante arrived next in wolf form and shifted, placing himself between the elves and the rest of them.

  Two adult snow leopards came whipping around the bend and straight for them. They also shifted and the woman ran forward and scooped up Jinx.

  Dante helped Arabella to her feet. The heat of blood from her own injuries trickled down her skin.

  This was one hell of a stand off with the elves fully armed, her in tattered clothes, and the rest of them ass-naked and weaponless.

  The sound of hooves echoed off the bank and Hunter came crashing around the bend on one of the horses, rifle drawn.

  The elves responded by raising their own lethal-looking weapons.

  Hunter pulled up next to Dante.

  “How is this going to play out?” Dante spoke to the elves, one arm around her waist and the other held palm out.

  Hunter leveled his rifle on one of the elves, a female that stood in front.

  “Stop!” Arabella called out, amplifying her voice with a spell.

  Dante called over his shoulder, “Stand down, Hunter.” Leaning closer, he whispered, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Morgain said I had a part to play in this.”

  Hunter dismounted and came to a stop next to Dante. “You just gave me an order.”

  No one moved. Stalemate.

  “They saved Jinx and me,” Arabella said. “We were both going down.”

  The air was thick with tension. Neither Hunter nor the elves had lowered their weapons.

  “That true?” Hunter asked the female elf closest to them.

  The woman nodded. The elves stood still and strong, with a grace unique to their kind.

  “Why?” Hunter asked. He and the female were at some kind of stand-off.

  “The young ones were in danger.” The woman’s voice was melodic.

  Arabella felt the pull of destiny as she had in Edinburgh. “Thank you for that.” She needed to find a way in. An opening. “We owe you a debt.”

  Dante stiffened next to her.

  “Perhaps.” The elf flicked her wrist and the other elves lowered their weapons, and turned to go in a single fluid movement.

  “But I’d like to…talk. To you.” She was flying blind.

  “Talk? Why?” the woman finally pulled her gaze away from Hunter.

  His horse made an impatient neigh.

  “There’s a great deal of tension between our people,” Arabella said.

  “This has been truth for some time.”

  “For too long.”

  The elf held her gaze. “What is your name?”

  “Arabella. And the wolf is my mate, Dante.”

  She turned back to Hunter. “And we know who you are, Hunter from the Gila Forest.” Anger flashed in her eyes.

  “What do I call you?” Arabella asked.

  “Loralea. Perhaps we will talk.” She eyed the horse behind Hunter. “But not today.” She spun and followed the others into the forest.

  “How do I find you?” Arabella called after her retreating back.

  “You don’t.” She wasn’t five steps into the shadows when she simply vanished. It’s what elves did. They had their own kind of magic.

  “You’re bleeding,” Dante said.

  “Give me a moment.” Arabella closed her eyes and focused her healing energy on her lacerations. She didn’t want to take the time to fully heal, just needed to stop the bleeding. Once she was satisfied, she turned her attention to Jinx. “Are you okay?”

  The boy nodded, and he was adorable. Blond hair and pale skin. Lean. Cute as sin. He was studying his hand with rapt attention. Must be strange being in human form for the first time.

  “The rest of you all right?” Arabella asked.

  “Lido’s bleeding,” the woman said. She had scratches down her face as well.

  Arabella made short work of healing everyone to the point of quick recovery.

  “Sorry,” Jinx said. “I was chasing a bug and didn’t realize it had flown over the water.” He had the most adorable little boy voice. “I panicked. Didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”

  “You almost died over a bug?” Jinx’s father scowled.

  “I seem to recall a similar story about another shifter when he was young.” Jinx’s mother said with a knowing look.

  Lido’s dad snorted with a sheepish grin and ruffled Jinx’s tangled hair. “’bout time you shifted.”

  They all made introductions. “Thank you for saving our boy,” Jinx’s mother said.

  “You’re very welcome. I’m a little surprised I sensed the distress.”

  “I was thinking about you,” Jinx said. “Don’t know why, but you were my first thought. My only thought, really.”

  It was another indicator she was home. These were her people now.

  Lido quacked and flapped his wings, anxious to be put down.

  Arabella took a moment to retrieve a mature burdock plant. She’d grow it on the deck and make a tea for Jamison.

  They made their way back across the river. The ducks shifted and swam, Hunter followed on the horse, and she used a spell to create a solid path over for the rest of them.

  A shiver wracked her body, the cold of the afternoon sinking in. “I need to get warm.” She rubbed her arms.

  “Fly back to the Annex,” Dant
e said. “I’ll meet you there.”

  “I’d rather ride my wolf.”

  He shifted with a grin.

  Not all showers are created equal, and this one was brilliant. Arabella stood with her eyes closed and let the hot water warm her through and through. She hung her head as the heat seeped into her stiff muscles.

  She sucked in her breath as warm hands slid over her hips, across her ribs and cupped her breasts.

  “You have a fine ass, woman.”

  “Glad you think so, considering you’re stuck with it.”

  “I like other parts of you too.” One hand drifted south to her already pulsing heat.

  She sighed in contentment as he stroked her.

  His lips pressed to the cord in her neck and she tilted her head, giving him full access.

  His hips moved, pressing his erection against her ass. His lips and teeth teased her neck as he slid two fingers inside.

  The shower had now reached epic proportions. Only one way to make this better. “I need you inside me.

  He placed his palm between her shoulders and pressed her forward.

  Bracing herself with her hands on the wall, she spread her legs.

  He stroked her with the tip of his cock and she angled her back, eager for him. She didn’t have to wait long. An exquisite pulse of energy shot through her as he entered.

  This. This right here. His movement was perfection, and she reached down to stroke her clit, adding to the sensations. His rhythm increased as his balls slapped against her inner thighs.

  “Tell me what you want," he growled.

  “I want you.”

  He picked up his pace and her body tensed, the pleasure building with the friction.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  She grabbed his balls, he reached around and pinched her nub.

  “I want you to fuck me!” she cried as the orgasm exploded through her.

  His growl was primal as he slammed into her once, twice more, then held her fast as he pulsed inside.

  Riding the wave of pleasure, she reveled in the bliss that was this man buried deep inside her.

  She stood slowly, a tiny whimper escaping as he slid out of her. She turned and cupped his face, drawing a thumb over his lips. “Not even a kiss. Tsk tsk.”

  His grin was full of promise.

  “Still, that was by far the most superior shower I have ever had.”

  “I’m taking that as a personal challenge.”

  Her laugh echoed around the glass and tiles. “Works for me.”

  “We need to get moving,” Dante said after a knee-melting kiss. “Meeting Hunter for dinner at the Den.”

  “Give me ten to wash my hair and get dressed.”

  “You got it.” He stepped out of the shower and left her with a slap on the ass.

  Yes, by far the most superior shower she’d ever had.

  After drying off, Arabella dressed in simple jeans and a black top. She eyed the black sleeve lying on the dresser. It didn’t feel right not to wear it, even without the ribbon. It had been a constant reminder of who and what she was. She slipped it on, comforted by its presence.

  She padded into their living room a short while later to find Dante working on his laptop. He looked up at her with surprise. “You ready?”

  “I said ten.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you meant it.” He stood and walked over to her, studying her face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re just so fucking beautiful. Not a stitch of make-up and you could win any damn beauty contest out there.”

  “Let’s go, cowboy.”

  “Hold on. I have something for you.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a closed fist. “It doesn’t seem right without that splash of color on your wrist.” He raised her arm and a red ribbon unfurled from his hand. “Let this signify our bond, and our future. Like the red and black of my ring, let this show that you are my mate, healer, friend of Haven and her residents.” He stood, waiting for a reply.

  Arabella reached out and fingered the silken strand. The color was stunning. Perfect. She choked back a tear and swallowed hard. “I don't know what to say.”

  He smiled and wound the ribbon around in the crisscross pattern she’d always used, securing it at her wrist.

  She held her arm up. It seemed fitting somehow. After a lifetime of blue, to be wearing a vibrant red. She lifted on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

  He answered with a kiss. One that lingered and had them both longing for the bed.

  They parted with an unspoken promise to return and finish what they’d started.

  Hunter was already in the kitchen when they arrived. He leaned against the counter, hovering over Livy and a large pot.

  “Good evening, you two,” Livy said. “Glad you made it. Hunter here was about to get a slap on the wrist. Won’t keep his paws off my food.”

  “It’s a compliment,” Hunter said.

  “Annoying is more like it.”

  “Smells delicious,” Arabella peeked into the pot.

  “She makes the best beef stew this side of anywhere,” Hunter said.

  They loaded up some bowls and Livy brought out a basket of bread and a couple bottles of wine.

  A handful of tables had customers tonight. Livy took them to spot in the corner with a great view of the lawns.

  “So tell me, what exactly went down this afternoon with the elves,” Hunter said after wolfing down half his bowl.

  Arabella set down her spoon and leaned back. “I'm not entirely sure. We had a visit from an old friend in Edinburgh. He and his grandmother. She’s a witch with impressive clairvoyant traits. She said I have a destiny that concerns the New Mexico elves. Said something about bridging the gap between three. All I can say is, it felt true.”

  Hunter took a long drink of wine and nodded. “You sure get some interesting visitors. The Fates sending you messages, and now this.” He turned to Dante. “Think you got your hands full with this one.”

  Dante laughed. “No argument there.”

  “And,” Hunter said, “you gave me an order this afternoon.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. It’s about damn time.”

  A complex set of emotions ran through her mate.

  They ate with easy banter. The normalcy of it moved her deeply. Tonight she was going to spend the evening with her man like a normal person. Perhaps go back and watch TV, or read a book. It felt like forever since she'd had a home to spend the evening in.

  She turned to Dante and smiled. She didn’t need to explain. Not with this one. Not anymore.


  Also by Sabine Priestley

  Thank you for coming with me to another world! If you enjoyed it, please take a moment and leave a review. Writers live for reviews. Really. A little part of us dies if you don’t share the love. For all we know, it might be my left toe. I don’t want to live without that.



  You can find all my books here, Sabine’s Amazon Page.

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  About the Author

  Sabine grew up consuming Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance novels (there was a brief bodice ripper period, but we won’t go into that).

  She wanted to be an astronaut and travel the stars looking for aliens. She ended up an Electrical Engineer and Cultural Anthropologist. She's a geek with heart.

  Seriously disappointed we’ve yet to establish so much as a moon base, she’s encouraged by the recent developments by superstars such as Elon Musk, Sir Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, among others.

  She’s a travel addict, beach-loving, stargazing, disruptor.

  For more info

  [email protected]





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