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Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1)

Page 6

by TM Watkins

  The band and the song they played was amazing, they played it several times while the cameras got varying shots and every time was as good as the one before. They might have been jokers but when it came down to this, they were serious. It was like someone had flipped a switch on and there they were, five well behaved and functioning humans. No crazy pests.

  After an hour of sitting on the stool my butt was sore but I didn't care. A lot of me hurt this morning, one more part didn't matter. When they were done Curtis wandered over, his body covered in a sweat sheen that was incredible. The shirt had come off after the solo shoot, for the group effort he was delectably shirtless. No, I wasn't drooling. Not in the slightest.

  Curtis smacked a kiss on my cheek, thankfully before he put his shirt back on. A girl needs that kind of effort.

  “We good now?”

  “Yep, you're good to go.” one of the fellows beside me returned.

  “Jerry, Frankie needs to come with me to the awards ceremony.”

  “Way ahead of you.”

  The man had a twinkle in his eye as he waved us off. Curtis put his shirt back on, frowning for a moment.

  “Don't forget the plane, I'm not driving it.”

  “I'm sure there will be plenty of space on the jet Curtis, it will only be you five and Frankie. Your appointment is at three, I've notified your guards.”

  “You are the best Jerry.”

  He nodded with mischievous look to his face.

  “Later princess.” Jaxon called out as we walked to the doors “Party at my place, you can dance on my table tonight!”

  “You aren't really partying tonight as well, are you?” I said to Curtis.

  He shrugged as he opened the car door.

  “Just a few drinks.”

  “You're not going to have a liver left for old age, do you realize that?”

  “How about I not drink?”

  Sounds perfect.

  Chapter Seven

  The three o'clock appointment. Did I question it? No. Should I have questioned it? Yes. The middle aged man held out a dress as I sat beside Curtis on the lounge. There was a rack of them behind him for us to peruse.

  “Dude, that's see through.”

  It really was, I could see his red shirt through the silver shimmer of the dress. Terrible choice, I was not going to have my bits on show for the world. The man sniffed and returned the dress to the rack, bringing the next one out.

  “What do you reckon?” Curtis grumbled under his breath.

  A clear indicator that he didn't like it. Neither did I. It looked like an eighties throwback, like some crazy designer was trying to unleash the nightmare of satin ruffles onto the world again. Thankfully it was a strapless gown and I could use it as an excuse rather than insulting the dress.

  “I think my oversized chest will fall out.”

  “Agreed, next.” his hand flicked with disdain.

  Another dress, this one held up with attitude.

  “Sorry I have a thing against white dresses.”

  Curtis looked at me as the man turned back.

  “Why?” he whispered.

  “It's a chick thing.” I shrugged.

  He paused for a moment and then gave me a lopsided grin.

  “Sure, okay.”

  We turned to the next offering, some little scrap of green material that looked like it was made for a nightclub, not the music industry's night of nights.

  “Are you actually from a design house or is this some shit from the back of your boot?”

  The man glared at him, turning back to the rack and thumped the hanger back onto it. He went to the far end of the little rack and pulled the last dress off it, holding it out.

  “See, now that's a little better. What do you think Frankie?”

  I looked at the black dress, it was simple and elegant.

  “Sure, it looks great.”

  “Good, go try it on. First door on the left will be fine.”

  The room was almost like a small lounge room. It held a lounge and a television and that was it. I had barely got the dress on before Curtis came in to inspect. It was a gorgeous long sleeved satin dress with an extremely low cut back. So low it was sitting at hip level. The neckline ran across my chest and to the shoulders. I mindlessly wondered if I would be constantly lifting the shoulders back into place. Maybe I could find some tape or something. The dress fell to the floor, pooling around my feet. Curtis sidled up behind me, wrapping his arms around me as he kissed my bare shoulder.

  “You look so damned gorgeous. It will drive me crazy knowing that you won't be wearing anything.”

  His fingers caressed the straps of my bra.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Sure, it's great. Not sure on going without the support but there isn't much of a choice.”

  “Don't worry about it, have you seen some of the things that they wear? You look sophisticated and perfect.”

  I smiled, this man was good for a girls ego.

  When he left the room I changed back into my clothes, not noticing the little tag inside the dress until now.

  “Holy shit.” I gasped at the price tag.

  I rushed out of the room, finding that the man had left and Curtis was on the lounge reading a magazine.

  “Did he go?”


  “The dress?” I frowned.

  “It's yours now.”

  Shit. I now owned a fifty thousand dollar dress.

  “You cannot be serious Curtis.”

  His eyes raised over the magazine, looking at me curiously.

  “What? Don't you like it now? I can call him if you want.”

  “I do like it but I do not like the cost of it.”

  “Oh okay.”

  The gaze lowered to the magazine, effectively ending the conversation. I looked on the table that he had his feet on, there were several boxes that weren't there before. Gently I draped the dress over the back of the lounge, hoping that it was clean. It looked it, though after last night I couldn't be sure. But the stack of boxes were more interesting. One was a pale brown, I lifted the lid with the white cursive script to see a pair of black pumps. I gulped hard, refusing to look to see if there was a price tag. I already knew that these red soled devils cost a fortune. The next box was black, inside was a black clutch that had little stones pressed into the leather.

  “Curtis.” I sighed.

  “Frankie.” he groaned.

  “This is too much.”

  “Okay, well then you shouldn't look in the walk in robe.”

  His gaze hadn't moved from the magazine, either he was hiding from me or the article was more interesting. I seriously doubted it.

  With him refusing to engage me in conversation, I set out for the bedroom. I didn't want to believe that he would do something like this, especially after all the times I had said that I was going to pay him back for the rent.

  But he had.

  I stood at the archway into the walk in robe, looking at the once empty shelves that were now filled with shoe boxes, bags and baskets of things. Carefully I walked into the room, the racks were filled with clothes. It ranged from shorts and skirts, jeans, jackets, dresses. Anything and everything that a girl could ever dream of. I sank to my knees and dropped to the floor, despair rushing through me. It was too much. A few items would have been sufficient, still too much but it would have been enough. One solitary tear trickled down my cheek, hastily I wiped it away.

  A soft metallic click made me turn, Curtis was hanging a dress bag onto a metal hook behind me. He dumped the boxes onto the ottoman below and turned to me.

  “What's wrong? Don't you like the stuff?”

  Curtis sank to the floor, leaning on the draws that I was yet to investigate. I didn't dare.

  “It's too much Curtis. We've known each other for like five seconds, what if you end up hating me?”

  He scoffed and rolled his eyes. I wiped another tear as he pulled me to lay against his body. Laying in between his l
egs and resting against him was calming, even if the view wasn't.

  “El said to me last night that you needed more stuff and I completely agreed. You've got like one bag of stuff, that shit doesn't work in this world. I told her to go easy on you, just to get a few things that you could mix and match. S'pose I made the mistake of getting a clothes horse to buy things for you.”

  He lifted me up and set me to his lap.

  “I won't buy you more until you're ready for it, okay?”


  “We good?”

  Bright green eyes gleamed at me, he offered a cheeky boyish smile and instantly I had forgotten any issues I had. Damn him and his cute smile.

  “Sure. We are good.”

  “Excellent. You need to pack for a week in LA.” He lifted me to my feet. “Don't forget the dress.”

  With a smack on my ass he was gone and I was left with the daunting task of packing a bag. My eyes darted to the suitcases that had been left on my side of the robe.

  “Am I packing for you too?” I called out.

  As I turned I saw that there was another suitcase, a black hard plastic one that was similar to mine. His had a big skull sticker on it.

  “I'm already packed.” he appeared at the archway. “If you need another bag just let me know.”

  “We're only going for a week.” I groaned. “What's wrong with my bag?”

  “That thing?”

  His head tipped at my worn out sports bag, the contents spilling out.

  “Fine.” I wearily sighed.

  When I turned back from picking up the first suitcase, Curtis was gone.

  As I packed the bag I thought about what he had said, mostly about the clothes and this world. He had bought two bag, did he expect me to fill both of them?

  After an hour of packing both bags, filling them with an outfit for both night and day for the seven days, I sat on the ottoman with a tired huff. The clothes that were still hanging were still large in volume, El had certainly gone all out with ensuring I would always have something to wear. I wasn't even sure if I had packed the right clothes. Worrying thoughts plagued my mind, fretting that he might want to go somewhere and I would have nothing suitable.

  I set out to find him, searching this monstrous house for the only other person in it. It was utterly ridiculous, this house was large enough to accommodate several families yet it was him and now me that lived here. Well, temporarily I lived here. Though after what Jaxon said about Curtis saying this place being a castle for his princess, it did make me wonder.

  I searched through the side of the building that housed the master bedroom. The second floor contained the master bedroom and nothing else, the first floor was all bedrooms but no Curtis. On the first floor was a long corridor that connected the two sides. This side had a massive room which I could only assume would be a play room for children. There was a media room with one massive screen against the wall and built in theater style chairs. But still no Curtis. I ventured up to the second floor and found more bedrooms. I had lost count but I'm guessing there was probably about ten of them in the house and none of them had any furniture except for the master bedroom. After the quick check of the first and second floors, I moved down to the ground floor. This place was a nightmare, I would hate to have to clean it.

  Now I was in the other building, searching through the rooms on the ground floor. There was a formal lounge that had a couple of bean bags in front of a television, several gaming consoles set up. On the floor in front of it was an enormous pile of games and controllers.

  “I am not going to be a clean freak.” I sighed and turned out of the room, resisting the urge to make piles and clean it up.

  It was a man's domain, I didn't want to encroach on the place where he clearly came to chill out. I searched the next few doors finding a powder room that was as big as my kitchen and an indoor pool. My eyes lit up at it. It was only small but it was perfect for his situation. The pool outside was visible to the world, at least if he wanted to have a swim he could do so without the world watching. At the far end of the room was a wall of glass, the view of the Nevada horizon was beautiful. I could never tire of the views this place had.

  Closing the door I heard an odd sound, almost like a dull beat. I walked along the corridor, now somewhere behind the kitchen that I was yet to investigate. The beat grew louder as I drew closer to the final door. Slowly and quietly I opened the door, revealing a study with the same wall of glass and stunning view. To my right was an enormous glass desk, house plans unfurled and weighted down with beer bottles. I shook my head at the sight and turned to the man sitting at his drum kit, pounding a heavy beat.

  Curtis was covered in that sheen of sweat that covered him like a glistening second layer of skin. His hair was a little darker at the scalp.

  He stopped and grinned at me.

  “Hey. How did the packing go?”

  “Great. Wasn't too sure if I've packed the right things though. You never said what we were doing, aside from the awards ceremony.”

  “Not much unless you want to do the tourist thing. Need to organize security but that's cool.”

  With a dirty grin he patted his lap, obligingly I went to him. I laid my arms over his shoulders, lavishing him in one needful kiss. His hands were on my legs, slowly pushing the skirt higher.

  “Is this the skirt?” his voice was rough.

  “And the top.” I purred, watching his eyes lower to the killer cleavage. “Your dinner is ready.”

  I lifted myself from his lap, wandering to the desk. Tilting over it slightly, I could hear the slight whimper. His hands were on my hips before the drum stool had even toppled to the ground. With a giggle I tilted back to him.

  “Customers aren't supposed to be so hands on, sir.”

  I could feel the growl against the skin of my shoulder as he lifted my skirt and pulled down my panties. The temperature around me rose, feeling flushed from his attention and my growing need.


  “Sir.” I moaned “Don't pull down my panties, the other customers will see me.”

  His hand slid over my stomach, sliding in between my legs.

  “Open.” he growled.

  Parting my legs wider for him seemed so dirty and thrilling, the thought of fulfilling the bizarre fantasy had me wet already. He pushed me to the table, face first against the house plans that had scribbles on them.

  I looked back at him as his hands pushed my skirt to my waist and then trailed back down. His gaze was so intense as he pushed and parted me.

  “Fuck you are so damned gorgeous. Don't think I've told you that enough.”

  Then he was out of sight, on his knees and licking me. I groaned out, his words were enough to bring me to the edge, his tongue merely tipped me over.

  Curtis continued, not satisfied with the effort. Clearly setting me off too early on was frustrating for him. He ran his tongue along the entire length of the seam, I gasped when he went too far. God that felt good.

  “You like that baby?” he asked as he took a bite of my backside.

  “Yes.” I moaned greedily.

  He did it again and I whimpered, feeling the flush rise fast through my already hazy mind. I begged him not to stop, and he was ever so obliging as he parted me further and continued to pleasure me. My whole body shuddered as I called out, crying out his name with pure ecstasy.

  “Now that's more like it.” he whispered as he kissed the spot where he bit me.

  I was sprawled out on the desk, face first and so spent that I couldn't move.

  “Ready for more?”

  He pressed himself against me, my whole body ached for that feeling of him filling me. Weakly I nodded, hearing a soft chuckle and feeling the pressure of Curtis pushing into me.

  “How do you want it? Hard and fast or soft and slow?”

  “Hard.” I groaned as he slid back out of me “Fast and hard fuck.”

  “You wanna hear the skin slap baby?”


  I groaned again as he pushed back in, it was slow at first and then he slammed into me, making me cry out again. His hands gripped my hips hard, squeezing the flesh as he began to give me what I asked for. One fast and furious, skin slapping hard fuck. Just like he told me that he wanted.

  It seemed a little seedy but it felt so damned good. Hearing him panting and groaning just as loud as what I was, it was an unreal feeling. I arched back, lifting off the table as Curtis ran one hand up my stomach. He stretched my top down to expose me, his hand cupping my free breast. In front of us was an entire wall of glass cabinets, awards sitting on the shelves. Behind the awards was glass, a view of us doing our dirty hard fuck was ours to watch.

  Curtis lifted one of my legs onto the desk, his hand freeing my other breast.

  “You watching us, dirty girl?” he nipped at my ear.

  His eyes met mine in the mirror, my delirious smile was a giveaway. Both hands cupped and pushed my breasts up, his movement was now slow. As he massaged and kneaded with his fingers he kissed the curve of my neck.

  The movement in and out was reverberating through me, plunging deep and then pulling so far out I could feel the head rub against me. It felt like I had left my body again, my throat was sore and dry from too much moaning.

  “Are you shattered my lovely?”

  I nodded, grinning when he chuckled again.

  “Alright, we'll finish up then. Ready?”

  “Yes.” I happily hissed.

  His hands moved from my breasts, one gripping my shoulder, the other taking my hip. Over and over again his hips pounded hard against me, his grip on my shoulder keeping me in place. With one final thrust and one hell of a groan, he stilled. Seconds later he continued a few more times, much slower.

  I had nothing left, I laid on the desk and the house plans unable to comprehend the concept of moving. Curtis pulled out of me and followed with a round of harsh expletives.


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