Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1)

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Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1) Page 14

by TM Watkins

  A helicopter circled the estate, slowing at the tent. Flashes from the fence line started and I wondered if Curtis had stuck his head out. Maybe it was someone else, the guest list was like a celebrity roll call. Well, except for my family.

  A gentle knock on the door as it opened made us all turn, my father warily putting his head through.

  “All decent?”

  “Well we're dressed, not sure about the decent part.” Eden laughed.

  My father chuckled and walked in, smiling warmly at me.

  “You look gorgeous sweet pea.”

  “Thanks dad.”

  “So, everything is ready.” he frowned. “No topless waitresses.”

  My mother huffed as she sat up, looking like a beautiful mother of the bride.

  “What about the monkey butlers?”

  “Couldn't swing that one sadly.” Eden rolled her eyes. “Funnily enough, I couldn't get the pole dancers or the go-go cages. Such a shame.”


  “Not sure on that one, your brother was handling that.” my father said without a hint of emotion, offering no clue.

  Stella, Casey and Lisa sat there with confused looks, wondering what kind of circus they had walked into.

  “Well my lovely ladies, it's time to get the show on the road. The last of the guests are being seated as we speak and I hear there is a freaked out groom that's searching the internet for the phone number for the little white chapel.”

  We all had a little laugh as we made our way downstairs. But inside I wasn't laughing so much, for Curtis it was a very real option. Get it done and out of the way, ensuring that no one could turn up and cause a scene. They had tried, they had called the house. We ended up getting a new number and ensuring that all that were given the number knew not to pass it around freely or to his family. Then they started emailing. At first it was Jane, they were using her to try and guilt Curtis into talking to them again. Then it was James, his email was a little uppity and contained pictures of the kid, telling him that he was missing out on her life. In the end we closed the email account down and created a new one. Like the phone number it was passed out with strict rules.

  The night that Curtis kicked his family out of our home was a distant memory now. But as we sat at that table and talked and planned into the wee hours of the morning, I saw Curtis change. He realized that a family could be many different people. It didn't necessarily have to be a mom, dad and siblings. It could be a couple of guys that have been your friends since you were in nappies or maybe a new friend that might just be your new brother-in-law. Maybe your mom and dad might not be your blood family, maybe they might be the manager that's always been there for you and his wonderful wife that dotes over you like a son. Maybe it's the new in-laws that look at you like you like you're the prize pig at the county fair, just because you defend their little girl and treat her like a princess. Even the hard ass assistant that scowls at you and taps her foot when you take too long, she's like a sister.

  We stood at the doorway to the external area, the sound of the water flowing into the pool was almost drowned out by the circling helicopter. Eden fluffed the dress, ensuring that the train was sitting right. It was a simple lace dress, fitted tight across my body. The neckline sat across my chest and over the edge of my shoulders, flowing to long sleeves. I didn't want anything that was over the top, I wanted simple. A plain diamond pendant sat in the dip of my collar bone, a gift from Curtis that was waiting for me when we returned from the doctors after confirming the pregnancy.

  My hair was up in a bundle of curls, finished off with a sparkly flower clip that my mother had worn when she married my father. Eden stood in front of me with a smile, looking down at my dress. In picking a tight dress, it hadn't occurred to me to think about being pregnant. At six weeks I had a pot belly.

  “You are carrying a boy and baby, he's going to be as big as his daddy.”

  “Yay for me.” I groaned.

  The wedding coordinator bustled his way down tent alley as I had dubbed it, his face filled with anxiety. Not sure on why we needed a coordinator but apparently it was the done thing. Marco was a delight, even if he did have the tendency to freak out at the drop of a hat.

  “Okay people, let's get going.” his fingers snapped in a hurried pace. “Come on girls, who is going first?”

  “Eden!” Stella stepped back, almost hiding behind me.

  “Stage fright Stel?”

  “No, coordinator fright.”

  Eden huffed and stepped into first position in tent alley.

  “Next, next.” Marco snapped his fingers again. “One of the twins first, then you darling. Let's have a little difference for a few moments.”

  Marco sized up my father, adjusting his bow tie and gushing at me.

  “Beautiful darling.”

  With a flutter of a wave, Marco was off again.

  “Jesus H Christ Frankie, where on earth did you find him?”

  “Uh, well he actually came recommended. I met his boyfriend at the award ceremony. He was a seat filler and a huge fan of the guys, so we chatted while they were back stage.”

  With an over the top flailing of his hands, Marco beckoned us to start walking.

  “Joe was real nice so he's kind of kept in contact with us and that's it I guess.”

  My father nodded as he pressed his lips together, slowly walking towards the smaller of the tents. It would be filled with seats and a makeshift altar, a priest that was not Elvis would be waiting to marry us.

  In the next tent there would be dozens of tables without poles leading to the roof, nor any monkey butlers or topless waitresses. It would be elegantly decorated and served by men and women who were fully dressed. Thank the stars for the sensible people in this crazy family.

  As we drew closer the music became louder, even though Evan had suggested that there was probably someone on the guest list that could rip out a killer rock ballad for me to walk down the aisle to, Curtis chose a more sensible solution. Not sure if I would have picked a string quartet but it seemed to fit in with the elegant theme that was going on.

  The guests stood from their seats as Eden entered the tent. Through the crowd I could see the beaming smiles of Evan and Jaxon. They were delighted in the thought of twins, discussing the merits and protocols about banging a bridesmaid. That was until I told them that they were both happily married and not intending on cheating on their husband at any point in the future. Then again, who knows what would happen when people become star struck?

  Eden had made it to the front and for a brief moment I caught a glimpse of Fraser. To say that his tongue was hanging out his head wouldn't be a lie. She was a foxy woman and he would have to be blind to not notice. I couldn't imagine anything happening though, she didn't strike me as the type that would mix business and pleasure.

  Stella and Lisa stepped away to their spots at the altar, Casey soon joining them. I hadn't seen Curtis since last night, it had been a cold and lonely night in bed by myself and I missed him incredibly. But all that suffering made for a wonderful moment, this perfect spot in our life together.

  His smile was amazing, like it had been a year since he had seen me. I smiled back at him, even to the four pests behind him. Amazing didn't cover it. Who could have ever imagined that these bad boy rockers could scrub up so well? Curtis's hair was still floppy, all over the place and just the way I liked it. Austin had pulled his hair back which kind of worked but didn't really. The fringes flopped free and his hair really wasn't long enough for a proper pony tail. He tried, right? And then there were the other three, all with short hair that was styled to perfection. Almost like they had spent hours in front of the mirror. Likely to be true.

  “Well sweet pea, this is it.” my father gripped the tops of my arms as he leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks dad.”

  He turned to Curtis and pulled him in for one of those manly hugs that was more about slapping the back and preten
ding that they were totally cool with it.

  “Welcome to the family Curtis.”


  Curtis took my hand and pulled me closer, his eyes unable to leave me.

  “Hi, my name is Frankie and I'll be your waitress tonight.” I whispered with a slight giggle.

  “Hey there Frankie.” he grinned.

  The priest started talking as the guests sat down, what he said I wouldn't have a clue.

  “I have a confession Frankie the waitress.” he whispered. “I've been coming here a lot, to see you.”


  He nodded and the priest cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow at us. The man continued to talk about love, Curtis looked at me with that hooded sexy smirk and the world was drowned out again.

  “I was wondering if you might want to catch a movie sometime, you know, with me.”

  “A movie you say? Sounds mighty tempting.”

  Curtis nodded, taking a slight step closer.

  “Maybe get a coffee afterward.”

  With a dirty grin he lowered to my ear.

  “Then I might take you back to my place and fuck you so damned hard that you never forget me.”

  The priest cleared his throat again, which I ignored. The flutter of sensations in my body dictated and ruled me, causing an almighty storm in my pants. God damn pregnancy hormones. With one filthy sentence I was ready to kick this whole wedding thing to the kerb and take my baby daddy to bed.

  I grinned at Curtis, watching as he bit his lip with a smug yet so god damned sexy smirk.

  “I think I'd like that very much.”


  Gently Curtis lowered me onto the lounge, smiling broadly at me. I was in pain all over. Okay, so that might have been extending the truth but I was allowed to. It was my right to complain at the pain that I suffered at the hands of this man. Well, maybe not his hands. Maybe it was that certain appendage and it's magic seed. That certain appendage and I weren't talking at the moment. I hated it. Okay, so extending the truth again.

  “Hey there beautiful lady, ready to smile for the camera?”

  “No.” I muttered under my breath like a petulant child.

  I hadn't become accustomed to this life, even after nine months of this nonsense. Every time I stepped outside a camera was being pointed out me. I didn't dare pick my panties out my butt crack, not that I could reach it.

  We had been on tour for eight months, taking a break for the impending birth. I waddled my way around America, from jet to hotel room, limousine to back stage. It was like a circle of monotony, living out of a suitcase and sleeping on hard hotel beds. Not sure if this rock star business is all that it's cracked up to be.

  Curtis and his sobriety has been going well, all this time and he hasn't had a single drop. I couldn't be more proud of him. As for his family, I wouldn't know. He has permanently cut all contact from them. Curtis had been working through his issues with his therapist, going to his AA meetings and generally finding a new lease on life.

  “Okay Curtis, Frankie.” the photographer settled onto his stool behind his camera. “Time to bring the boys out.”

  Curtis smiled at me and wandered to the far side of the lounge room. The renovations had been completed in our absence, my parents staying here and overseeing the works and ensuring that all were to a perfect standard. My father was a fussy man and my mother wanted the best for her daughter and son-in-law. Oh, and lets not forget bug.

  Yes, little bug. What could I say about bug? Well bug's a boy. Eden was right on that one. Bug came out at seven pounds, six ounces and a mass of brown hair, screaming loudly. We named bug Jett and he is absolutely gorgeous. But little bug had a friend. Bug two came out at seven pounds, two ounces and like his brother, full of brown hair and screaming loudly. We named bug two Levi and yes, he is gorgeous as well.

  So I guess it comes as no surprise that the male species and their appendages aren't the flavor of the month with me. After pushing out two fat heads, Curtis was lucky to have said appendage still attached to his body.

  Curtis placed Levi into my arms, he yowled a yawn and settled back into sleep. They were a week old now and we were doing the photos for a magazine shoot. One big 'up yours' to his parents. No one outside our immediate circle knew that Jett and Levi had been born, somehow we had managed to avoid the paparazzi.

  Eden had a wicked mind, she was the devil for sure. She had been camping out at our house for about a week before the birth, stuffing a giant pillow up one of my dresses that she was wearing and casually walking around the external areas. Pretending to be me, at home and resting. Curtis and I weren't there. We were at my parents new home which was a few streets away from our house.

  They had moved here and bought a small house at the edge of the posh estate, close but not too close. Pete had been searching out a few places but seemed rather attached to my old apartment. Can't understand why though, it was so small it was almost like a hole in the wall.

  Curtis sat down with Jett, he was fussing and looked like he was about to start crying. He settled him against his chest and gently rubbed his back, waiting for him to calm down. I don't know where Curtis had learned these skills but he was all over this daddy thing. Once Jett was settled, Curtis repositioned him for the photographer.

  I hated having to force a smile like this. I hated being on show like this. But this was about Curtis, not me. Not just for the issues regarding his family but for the band and their fans. I still wasn't going to win miss popularity. In fact, I doubted that I would ever be popular with the female fans of Night Fire. But in doing these pictures, it showed a soft side to the rock god. His wild days were more subdued now, not that the public knew that. To them he was still the party animal, the bad boy rocker that lived fast and partied hard. It was his job, the facade of the rock star was holding brilliantly thanks to the awesome band assistant. And to those who really know Curtis, the true Curtis, they would see the quiet soul that was a wonderful man and an amazing father and husband. He juggled the two worlds perfectly.

  Somewhere along the way, I had managed to obtain the illustrious duty of becoming the assistant of the very dashing and handsome Curtis Andrews. Not sure how I managed to obtain the job exactly but I do enjoy fucking my boss.

  Being pregnant with twins had made for some interesting encounters. Once I had an enormous belly there was no more wall sex. Though desk sex had become a regular thing. Curtis was eagerly awaiting the return of the skirt, he had said he was going to buy more for them and yes, he did just that. I now owned several colors and all of them were scandalously short.

  Curtis wrapped his arm around my shoulder and snuggled in tight against my frame. The photographer clicked away madly, fearing that our well behaved bugs weren't going to remain that way for too long. When he was done he repositioned us and clicked a few more times.

  The phone shrilled and I placed Levi into his daddy's arms, leaving the photographer to do his thing.


  “Mrs Andrews, the guests have arrived.”

  “Thanks Jack, let them in.”

  I hung up the phone after he responded, walking to the front door to open it. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.

  First in the door was Jaxon, no surprises there. He engulfed me in a hug, telling me yet again that he missed my giant stomach. For most of the later stage of the pregnancy, I was like their giant cuddle toy. Not just Jaxon but the others as well. Apparently a pregnant woman is a fascinating creature. More so when one of the bugs moved. When a limb pressed out they all sat enthralled and then they wanted to feel the babies pressing out.

  Jaxon spent a fair amount of time with his ear pressed to my stomach, waiting for bugs first word. No matter what I said he couldn't be convinced that they weren't going to talk, so in the end I gave up. He did too, telling me that I must have mated with a werewolf because all he could hear was growling.

  Eden wandered in followed by Fraser. Evan was a few steps beh
ind, lugging a great stack of presents. These weren't presents for Jett and Levi, they had their over abundant lavishing a week ago. No, this would be daddy's twenty-fifth birthday. The one that he had specifically said that he didn't want a party for. Yep, the guys had ignored him.

  My parents were slowly making their way up the stairs, followed by Pete and his girlfriend. Cara had been on the scene for about six months now and by all appearances, things were going well. My mother had her fingers crossed in the hope that she would hear wedding bells real soon.

  “Morning darling.” my mother hugged me. “How are our boys?”

  “Doing well. Just in the middle of the photo shoot for the magazine spread. Shouldn't be too much longer. Hey dad.”

  “Morning sweet pea.” he kissed the top of my head.

  They continued on into the house, Cara hugged me hard and Pete gave me a slap on the back of the shoulder. I had been upgraded from the rock star tip of the chin to a back slap. I'm such a lucky sister.

  I could hear the infectious laughter of El, she was talking to Lola as they walked up the stairs. Jerry was left with the large platters of food while Harry, Lola's husband brought in the presents.

  “Morning all.” I hummed cheerily.

  When the hugs and kisses were done, I stood and waited for the next lot of party goers to arrive. Fraser's family had just pulled up, along with Jaxon's parents.

  It had been planned this way specifically, another attempt at showing Curtis what a family could be. It wasn't conventional by any means but it was enough to prove a point. He was loved by so many important people. Sadly not the right ones but there wasn't much I could do about it.

  The last car pulled up, Austin and his family. This was probably the last connection that Curtis would have with his family. Austin's mother was Curtis's aunt on his father's side. They were the only children that his grandparents had. As for his mother, she had two sisters and had ensured that they knew that Curtis was the black sheep of the family.


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