Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance Page 19

by Cameron, D. H.

  “Why don’t you get in the pool, honey? You can scare a whole new bunch of people,” Linda told her husband.

  “Good idea,” Doc replied matter of factly. He rolled out of the lounge and everyone groaned again as his ass was again on display. Then he sauntered over to the pool and did a cannonball, soaking everyone within twenty feet.

  “You’re a lucky woman, Linda,” Jack said.

  “Shut up, Jack,” Linda replied but winked at my old man. It wasn’t long before we were all in the pool seeking to cool off. Most of us leaned against the side, shooting the shit and drinking beer. But it wasn’t long before two bikers happened by. They stopped as they passed us and looked right at Sarah. They pretended to whisper quietly but it was obvious they meant us to hear.

  “That’s a fucking dude,” the fat one with the big beard told his buddy.

  “That’s just embarrassing,” the skinny, balding biker replied. I glanced at Sarah and she looked a bit stunned.

  “God, I hate fucking fags,” the fat one said and they both laughed and looked at us. It was a challenge. These two were looking for a fight. Jack set his beer down and put his hands on the side of the pool to hop out of the water. He was happy to indulge these two and I wasn’t going to stop him, though I should have. But Kat did. She placed her hand on his shoulder as she came up behind Jack.

  “I got this,” she said and walked over to the steps and climbed out of the pool. Let me tell you, Kat was fucking hot and her perfect body glistening and dripping water just made her more so. She walked her tight little ass over to the two bikers and they couldn’t help but stare. But one looked down at Jack as Kat stood in front of them.

  “Sending your bitch to do your dirty work?” he asked. Jack smirked and leaned over towards me.

  “This is going to be good,” he said loud enough for everyone, including the two bikers to hear.

  “So, you going to hurt us, little lady?” the skinny one asked. Kat just stood there looking up at the two men, her face flat but her eyes burning.

  “Or are you just going to get on your knees and suck my dick?” the fat one asked her. Kat didn’t look away. In fact, she leaned forward just a bit.

  “You insulted my bitch. You apologize to the lady or I’ll kick both your asses,” she said calmly. The bikers looked at one another and laughed.

  “So you and that homo are together. The only thing I hate more than a fag is a woman that doesn’t know her place,” the fat biker said. The skinny one seemed to follow his lead.

  “Yeah, stupid lesbo doesn’t even know her girlfriend has a cock,” he said. The other guests were largely ignoring the situation, or at least uncomfortably pretending too.

  “Apologize,” Kat reiterated, her voice steady but firm. Hell, I wanted to apologize when she said it.

  “Or what?” the big biker asked confidently. Kat suddenly grabbed his skinny friend by the shoulders and her knee found his crotch. Kat didn’t hold back either. She absolutely crushed his balls. The thin biker grabbed his crotch and fell to his knees moaning in pain.

  “Why you...,” the big biker said and took a swing at Kat. She ducked under it easily. Then she reached out, her hand like lightening, grabbed his package and twisted roughly.

  “Apologize!” she demanded. The biker resisted but he wasn’t sure what to do. He was clearly in pain.

  “Fuck you!” he told the petite Asian girl. She twisted even harder and the biker whined like a dog. Kat just stared at him. It took the biker a moment to realize he was defeated but he finally did as Kat demanded.

  “Sorry. I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Her name is Sarah,” Kat told him.

  “I’m sorry...Sarah,” the biker said.

  “Look her in the eyes and tell her she looks pretty too,” Kat demanded. The other biker had recovered enough to act. He tried to get to his feet but he was right in front of Jack. Jack grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him backwards. He landed hard on his ass, his head right next to Jack.

  “You’d be wise to listen, asshole,” Jack told him. The biker looked up as his bigger friend surrendered completely. What choice did he have? Kat literally had him by the balls.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah,” he told my best friend and after a moment’s hesitation, he added, “You look pretty.”

  “See, that wasn’t that hard,” Kat told him and let go of his balls. But the biker wasn’t happy and took a swing at her. Again, he was slow and plodding. Kat avoiding his fist easily. Her fist, however, hit him right in the chest and he doubled over gasping for breath. Kat, satisfied she had defused the situation, walked back to the pool steps and glided down them into the water. She went right to Sarah and slipped her arm around the crossdresser’s waist.

  “Thanks, Kat,” Sarah said.

  “No one humiliates my bitch but me,” Kat said and then kissed Sarah. The big biker stood up and looked at Kat and Sarah. The thin guy was still held on the ground by Jack.

  “You’re going to pay,” the skinny biker said. I casually lifted my beer, held it over his head, and then turned it over. Beer poured out all over his head as he struggled and spat.

  “Beat it, losers,” I told them both. The big biker was still holding his chest, gasping and coughing. But the skinny one was getting feisty. Jack pulled him closer as he struggled to get up and head butted him. The biker’s nose began to bleed.

  “You heard the woman. Beat it. And if we see you again it won’t be the sexy dyke that kicks your asses,” Jack threatened them. Jack let the little guy go and he scrambled to his feet holding his bleeding nose. He looked like he might be dumb enough to say something for a moment but then his bigger friend grabbed him and pulled him away to go lick their wounds.

  A few people who had been pretending not to watch the whole scene clapped and one older woman even flipped them off. “Thanks guys,” Sarah said.

  “You’re one of us, girl,” Jack told her. Nobody disputed that and, in fact, everyone seemed to agree.

  “Don’t make me cry, I’ll ruin my mascara,” Sarah told us. Doc came over to her and he looked like he was going to say something important.

  “Wait a second? You’re a guy?” he asked. Linda put her head in her hand and shook her head.

  “Oh stop it, Doc,” Sarah said and pushed him playfully.

  “Ouch!” he said and smiled at Sarah as she hugged him. Doc hugged her back. “Jack’s right, sweetie. You’re one of us. I’ll let Kat beat up anyone that says different,” he said. Even Kat laughed at that.

  “Yeah, remind me never to cross you, Kat,” Butch said.

  “I think you’d like it too much, baby,” Ruth told her husband. He waggled his eyebrows at his wife.

  “You’re not her type,” Sarah told him but added, “but I can give you some pointers if you like.” Butch was a bit taken aback by that suggestion.

  “Sister, we need to talk,” Ruth told Sarah and Butch frowned. The two women laughed at his expense.

  “I need a drink,” he said and grabbed a fresh beer from the bucket. We spent the rest of an uneventful day at the pool finally heading up to our rooms later that afternoon to get ready for dinner. I was hoping to take a “nap” with Jack but he actually fell asleep. Whatever. Maybe after dinner. I read a trashy novel while Jack snored next to me. An hour later, I caught him staring at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Just enjoying the view,” Jack replied.

  “You missed your opportunity, old man. You should have taken advantage earlier,” I said. Jack smiled.

  “You know, I didn’t want to say anything down at the pool, but those bikers...,” he said leaving his thought unfinished.

  “What about them?” I asked.

  “They wore the same patches as that toothless son of a bitch,” he said. I thought about it and realized he was right.

  “Do you think they are following us?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. We’re not even sure that toothless dude framed me but it is curious,” Jack told m

  “Yeah, it is. Could it be a coincidence?” I countered.

  “Yeah, I suppose. But it could have been planned, though I doubt they expected to have to deal with Kat,” Jack replied.

  “No kidding. She’s a badass. Why would they follow us and do that though?” I asked.

  “An insult. I punched that asshole at Hogs and Heifers then you hurt him too. His club might be out to get us now,” Jack answered.

  “That’s kind of scary,” I said.

  “Those buffoons at the pool are one thing but planting heroine on my bike is another. Makes me wonder what they might be planning, if anything. I don’t want to scare you because maybe this was just a coincidence but we need to keep our eyes open,” Jack explained. He was right.

  “We’ll see what the PI says. Maybe it wasn’t even that guy from Hogs and Heifers. Either way, I’ll make sure he pays and not the way you or Kat would. I’ll make sure whoever it is pays in court,” I told Jack. He had a smoky look in his eyes suddenly.

  “I like it when you get all legal. You didn’t bring one of those hot lawyer outfits with the stockings and all that did you?” he asked.

  “Maybe,” I replied. I had, just for Jack but he didn’t need to know that right then.

  “You know, we have some time. Maybe you and I should...,” Jack began to say but I cut him off.

  “No way, old man. You need to save it for later. I’ve got plans for you,” I said.

  “Yeah?” he asked excitedly.

  “Yeah,” I said as I leaned over, kissed Jack and ran my hand over his shorts. Damn, that was a mistake. Jack was semi-hard and that made me want to jump him right then and there. Instead, I pulled away, untied my bikini top and let my big, heavy breasts free. Then I got off the bed, headed to the bathroom to take a shower as I slipped out of my bikini bottoms. Jack growled as I left him there and I giggled. “You can join me in the shower. I’ll get you all hot and bothered then leave you that way,” I said.

  “You spend too much time around Sarah,” he complained but he came to join me.

  “I’ll show you what she’s taught me tonight if you’re good,” I teased. Jack pushed me into the shower and turned the water on as he kissed me. He was hard now and I meant to keep him that way. The poor thing didn’t know what I had planned for later but he had to wait to find out. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t coax my old man into satisfying me in the meantime. Give a man a boner and they’d do just about anything.


  That night we ate at the steakhouse, a chain restaurant but it was good nonetheless. Afterwards, our group hit the casino. I played blackjack along with Jack, Sarah and Doc. Some of the others played roulette while Linda, Ruth and Peace opted to play slots. The night was uneventful. Jack and I won enough money by the time we quit to pay for breakfast. Sarah lost almost a hundred bucks. No one else had fared much better. Butch won big at Roulette but he lost all if it and barely broke even.

  We retired to a lounge where an eighties cover band played. They weren’t half bad. We were lucky enough to find a big conversation pit that had just been abandoned and we took it over. Butch stopped by the bar on his way to order drinks. When he joined us, he informed us he had bought us all a beer and two rounds of shots. “Nobody has to drive,” he commented.

  “We still need to get back to our rooms and we better not be too drunk,” Ruth said meaningfully.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll pace myself,” Butch assured his wife. Ruth reached over and placed her hand between Butch’s thighs and left little doubt about her intentions. Then Ruth leaned over towards Kat, who was sitting right next to her, and the two ladies kissed. And boy did they kiss. Butch, along with the rest of us, watched as the two women made out.

  “Damn!” Jack said. I looked over at him.

  “You like that?” I asked. Jack tore his eyes away from the scene and shot me a look that left little doubt that he did. It lasted only a moment as the cocktail waitress arrived. She was a black girl with long legs, shapely hips, big boobs and all of it on display in her tiny outfit. Jack watched her serve drinks. I admit she was pretty. I couldn’t blame him for looking, especially considering the fact I’d left him unsatisfied.

  I was looking too. Even Ruth and Kat stopped kissing to ogle the girl. The waitress finished and Butch handed her a twenty. “Thanks, sweetie,” he told her. The girl flashed him a sexy smile.

  “Anytime, honey,” she replied and winked. Then she walked off, her ass swaying.

  “No, not tonight,” Ruth advised her husband. He stuck out his lower lip and pouted. “Sorry but your dance card is full,” she added. Ruth had her hand between his legs and now between Kat’s legs as well. Kat looked a bit too relaxed as Ruth’s fingers did their magic. Maybe everyone else was used to this but I wasn’t. I wasn’t offended. Quite the opposite, in fact. I couldn’t help but wonder what might occur later in private between the three. It was an arousing thought.

  “Cigars?” Doc offered as he pulled a case from his vest. He handed one to Butch and another to Jack and then offered them a lighter. Ruth and Kat were at it again. I wondered how Sarah fit into all of this. Was there a foursome planned for later or just a threesome. Did Sarah mind if it was only a threesome? It was a fleeting thought. She was my best friend but her sleeping arrangements with Kat were her business.

  Jack grabbed a shot and hoisted it into the air. “To good friends,” he toasted. Everyone took a shot glass, even Ruth and Kat stopped making out long enough to join us, and held them high.

  “To really good friends,” Ruth added. Everyone knew what she meant. We all tossed back the whiskey and set our glasses on the table. The spicy liquor felt good as it warmed my throat and tummy. I grabbed Jack’s cigar from his lips and put it between mine. I wasn’t dumb enough to take a puff. I knew that would make me sick more than likely.

  “You look good with something in your mouth,” Jack told me.

  “She does look hot,” Doc added. I pulled the cigar from between my lips and stroked its length with my fingers. Doc groaned and I laughed.

  “Dirty old man,” I told him. Linda giggled along with me.

  “Can’t argue with that,” Doc said and then grabbed his wife’s breast and squeezed. Linda laughed even louder.

  “Stop it,” she complained playfully.

  “Can’t handle it?” Doc asked.

  “No! You’re going to get me all hot and bothered then fall asleep,” Linda told him.

  “Not if we go upstairs now,” Doc said. Linda thought that over for a moment, got to her feet and pulled Doc up with her.

  “See you guys tomorrow. I don’t pass up these opportunities,” Linda told us and pulled Doc along behind her as she left. I laughed at that. A moment later, Dexter and Peace stood up.

  “Anyone want to join us,” Dexter asked patting his jeans pocket that we all knew held a bag of weed and a pipe. No one took him up on the offer. “Well, then we’re going to go find a quiet spot and toke up. Night,” Dexter said.

  “Night everyone. Have fun” Peace added. Ruth and Kat were in full on make out mode by then.

  “They already are,” I remarked. Peace smiled. Butch wasn’t paying attention to us either. He was watching his wife and Kat all but have sex next to him. Hell, I couldn’t see Kat’s hands and Ruth was writhing. Maybe they were having sex. Dexter and Peace wandered off leaving just Jack, myself and Sarah watching the show with Butch. Suddenly Ruth came up for air.

  “We need to go,” she said breathlessly. Kat sighed deeply and looked at Sarah.

  “You have a room key, right?” the Asian lesbian asked my crossdressing best friend.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Have fun,” Sarah told her. Kat leaned over and kissed Sarah. I got the impression that Sarah genuinely didn’t mind. She and Kat were just having fun. It wasn’t serious.

  “I left your other key on the night stand. You have fun too,” Kat said as Ruth tugged her up and away. Sarah watched her girlfriend...mistress...whatever...go off with Butch and R

  “Well, that didn’t take long,” Jack observed.

  “Yeah, I thought we’d be out longer,” I said and took one of the remaining shots. There was a lot of Whiskey that was going to waste. Sarah grabbed one too. She clinked her glass against mine and then we tossed them back. Sarah seemed a bit off. “What’s the matter? That doesn’t bother you, does it?” I asked referring to Kat going off with Butch and Ruth.

  “What? No. I don’t care,” Sarah said. I believed her but something was wrong.

  “What is it then?” I asked.

  “Nothing, really. You two should go have fun,” Sarah told us.

  “Hey, I’m your best friend. Something is bugging you,” I challenged her. Sarah sighed as Jack smoked his cigar.

  “I just feel left out. I get that Butch and Ruth aren’t interested in inviting a crossdresser to their party. That’s fine. I just feel like a third wheel...or a fourth wheel on a tricycle maybe,” Sarah said. I guess I understood. I’d probably feel the same if I wasn’t invited to join in on the fun.

  “Kat left you the key to that thing, didn’t she?” I said pointing towards Sarah’s crotch.

  “Yeah. I guess I can have a little fun of my own. It’s been a while,” Sarah said. I was feeling naughty suddenly. I grabbed another shot and downed it to steel my nerves. I set the glass down and looked at Jack. He smirked. He knew me well enough to know I had something planned and he shrugged to let me know he’d follow my lead wherever it took us. I wasn’t sure what would happen but I wanted to find out.

  “Well, go get that key and come to our room,” I said. Sarah took a moment to get my meaning. When she did, her jaw fell open.

  “No, I’m sure you guys had plans. I don’t want to intrude,” she said dismissively. I rolled my eyes. I took Sarah’s hand, tugged it across my body and placed it on Jack’s crotch. I’m not sure which of the two was more surprised.

  “You want that. You told me so,” I said. Sarah blushed and swallowed hard. Jack simply shook his head at my implication.

  “You are trouble, doll,” he said to me and then looked at Sarah. I could tell he was thinking things over. A moment later, Jack nodded and got to his feet. He positioned himself in front of Sarah and offered his hand. “Come on. Let’s go have fun. We’ll make sure you’ve got a better story in the morning than Kat,” Jack said.


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