Wanted: Family (Silverpines Series Book 20)

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Wanted: Family (Silverpines Series Book 20) Page 5

by George H. McVey

  He wore full regalia, his sealskin sporran sitting in the center of his body, clan crest impressed in it, red and black hose made of the same fabric as his kilt, and his Ghillie brogues laced up his ankles and tied. Tall and proud he stood, the tartan sash and clan crest pin for Carol lay on the altar. Thankfully Pastor James, being Indian, understood the importance of the traditions of a man’s heritage and had agreed to letting the covering of the tartan to be incorporated into the wedding ceremony.

  Ian’s boss and longtime friend, Jeremiah, stood up with him. Jeremiah’s wife, Maude, waited at the doorway watching for the girls from Howard’s House to make their appearance. She would sit with the orphaned girls helping to keep the younger ones in line. Ian kept his eyes glued to the doorway anxious for a glimpse of the woman who had gone through so much already in her life, and then traveled so far to become his wife.

  When Miss Ethel appeared carrying Collin, Ian couldn’t help but smile. Carol would walk through that door in just a few moments and make her way to him. The girls from the orphanage followed Miss Ethel, filing into the pews in the back where they always sat. Katie and Ben Hunter came through last, each carrying a baby and when all were settled, Maude nodded at Pastor James and he asked everyone to stand and receive the bride. Ian’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of Carol soon-to-be MacGregor as she stepped into the church. She was a vision in cream and pink. She took her first look at the full church and Ian watched the color drain from her beautiful face. Her first step wasn’t even finished before he was moving.

  “Where are you going, man?” Jeremiah whispered at him. However Ian didn’t say a word, just stalked down the aisle, never slowing until he stood in front of Carol. She looked up at him and he could see the question and confusion in her eyes. He smiled. “You have walked through life alone long enough, Mo Ghaol. From here on you walk by my side. Mo Ghràidh, Mo Chridhe, Mo Bhean.” He turned to stand beside her and held out his arm. Carol beamed at him and placed her hand on his arm and they walked back to the altar together.

  Pastor James smiled at them and cleared his throat. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God, to join Ian MacGregor and Carol Brown in Holy Matrimony. If there be anyone with just cause why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  There was silence and the minister nodded once before he continued. Pastor James looked at Carol and smiled. “Do you, Carol Brown, take Ian MacGregor, from this day forward, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you further vow to love, honor and obey him, forsaking all others and to cleave yourself to him in sickness and health, in want and in plenty, in good times and bad until death do you part?”

  Carol smiled at Ian as their eyes locked, a single tear rolled down her cheek as she answered, “I do.”

  Ian reached out and wipe the tear from her face, letting his hand linger a moment on her cheek. Pastor James turned to him. “And do you, Ian MacGregor, take Carol Brown, from this day forward to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you further vow to love, honor and cherish her, forsaking all others and to cleave yourself to her in sickness and health, in want and plenty, in good times and bad until death do you part?”

  “Aye, I do.”

  “May I have the rings?”

  Jeremiah handed the wedding rings that Ian had purchased while he was at the mercantile that morning to Pastor James. Pastor James placed Carol’s in Ian’s hand. “Ian, please place this ring on Carol’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.”

  Ian slipped the ring on Carol’s finger and looked deep into her eyes, repeating the vows the pastor had just stated.

  Then the Pastor placed Ian’s wedding band in Carol’s hand. “Carol, please place this ring on Ian’s finger and repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow.”

  Carol, her hand shaking, put the ring on Ian’s finger and spoke the vows as well.

  Pastor James looked at them. “Normally this is where I declare you man and wife, however because Ian is Scottish he has a Highland tradition that he insisted be completed. I’ll allow him to explain as he completes it.”

  Ian reached out and took the tartan sash from the altar. “Carol, Mo Ghoal. It is tradition that at a wedding after the vows have been spoken, that the groom removes his wife’s clan tartan and replaces it with that of his own clan. Since ye are not of a clan, I will just give you mine.” He took the sash and draped it over her left shoulder. He stepped closer to her and with his right hand reached behind her, pulling the cloth up and across her body. Then he reached out and picked up the MacGregor clan crest pin. He fixed it through the tartan and then looked deep into her eyes. “From this day forward ye be Carol MacGregor, Bhean of Ian MacGregor of the Clan MacGregor, with all the rights and privileges of the clan.”

  Pastor James beamed at them. “With that I now pronounce you man and wife. Ian, you may kiss your bride.”

  Ian wasted no time placing his left hand on Carol’s waist and his right behind her head as his lips met hers. Everything else disappeared from Ian’s mind as he consumed Carol’s lips with his own. He didn’t know how long they were joined at the mouth or how many times Pastor James had cleared his throat before he pulled back, letting his forehead rest against hers. “You are all mine now, Mo Ghràidh.”

  Carol sighed. “Yes Ian, all yours.”

  Pastor James clapped him on the back. “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacGregor of the Clan MacGregor. I was told by Jeremiah and Betsy to let everyone know there will be a wedding lunch and celebration in the dining room of the hotel. Please join them in congratulating the couple and celebrating Ian and Carol’s marriage there.”

  Ian and Carol started down the aisle, only stopping at the next to the last pew to gather up Collin from Miss Ethel. “I’m happy for you two. Congratulations,” the woman said. “I won’t be at the hotel. I’ve offered to watch the girls so that Katie and Benjamin can celebrate with you.”

  Carol hugged the woman and Ian thanked her for her kindness to his bride. Then the three of them headed out of the church and to the Inn to celebrate their marriage.

  Chapter Six

  After the celebration which lasted until dinner, Carol and Ian went by the mercantile where the Cutlers were introduced to Carol. She loved meeting Millie, who had told her that they would have to get together in a few weeks after Carol got settled. Clay Cutler gathered up the things that Carol purchased and added them to a few boxes already put together for her. It seemed that Ian had come to the store earlier that day to try and rectify his mistake of not having ordered supplies before she arrived. She smiled at how thoughtful and caring Ian was. After being assured that Clay would have his sons deliver their purchases to the back door of their house, Ian and Carol left the store. They slowly made their way through the town with Ian showing her the places she might need to find. Shops and stores.

  Carol kept trying not to compare Ian to Carl, but she couldn’t stop herself. Not once since the wedding had Ian demanded they hurry home. As of yet, he hadn’t asked her to fix him food or demanded they retire to the marital bed. He didn’t seem anxious to get home either. Instead they’d spent the day together with him showing her around their town. Making sure that she knew the places she might wish to visit or need to go in the coming days.

  They were passing the hotel and Ian stopped and turned her back inside. “What are we doing here, Ian?”

  “I asked Mrs. Donaldson at our wedding dinner to make me a basket for supper, lass. I thought we could go have our supper as a picnic at the gazebo in the town park since it’s so warm still.”

  Again, tears threatened to fall. “You arranged supper for us?”

  Ian looked at her with worry on his face. “Aye. That’s okay, isn’t it?”

  Carol kissed him, further surprising him. “It’s more than okay, Ian MacGregor. It’s perfect. You’v
e made this the perfect wedding day so far.”

  “That’s good then, isn’t it?”

  “Yes husband, it’s very good. You have been a very good and kind husband so far. As a matter of fact, I believe you are spoiling me.”

  “Well that’s good, mo ghoal, you deserve to be spoiled. Especially on your wedding day.”

  They entered the dining room and Mrs. Donaldson came up to them carrying a basket. “I put together a hearty supper for you. A roast chicken and mashed potatoes. I thought the little one could have some of that as well. A loaf of bread and some cheese. A jar of apple cider and two slices of chocolate cake. Every couple should have cake on their wedding day.”

  “Thank you,” Ian said as he handed her payment. “I’ll bring your basket back when we’re finished.”

  The pleasant cook smiled at them. “Tomorrow on your way to the mine is soon enough, Mister MacGregor. No need to do it on your wedding day.”

  Carol blushed at the implication that Ian might have something better to do today than return the picnic basket. She knew what the cook was implying, and she sincerely hoped that things would work out that way. She knew that she would have to be the brave one and suggest it because Ian had made it clear that he would give her all the time she needed to get comfortable with him. So if she did initiate something, her wedding night this time would be very different than her first one. It already had been very different.

  They walked to the park and spread their dinner on the quilt that had been on top of the basket. Carol sat Collin on the quilt and handed him the rattle that Ian had made him, that Collin had latched on to the first time he’d seen it and hardly ever let it go. Ian helped her get the food out of the basket and even took time to try and help feed Collin some of the mashed potatoes. He laughed as the little one got more on him than in him, and even went so far as to help wipe the baby up when he was obviously done. Her heart raced and she felt that familiar tingle in her belly when Ian picked up Collin and settled him in the crook of his arm, rocking from side to side while he ate his own supper. This man was reaching deep inside and climbing right to the center of her heart.

  She watched as Ian talked to the baby and even sang to him in Gaelic. When the baby was asleep he looked up at her and smiled. “Carol, there is something I wish to talk with you about. I hope you’ll consider it but know that no matter your answer, I’m very happy that you agreed to be my wife.”

  She nodded. “I am glad you told me, Ian. What is it you wish to talk about?”

  “Yesterday one of the things you told me you hoped I’d do was to help ye raise Collin to be a strong Christian man and I have every intention of doing so. Ye mentioned that I’d be the only father he’d ever know, as his own passed before he was born. That got me thinking. Would ye allow me to adopt Collin legally?”

  She froze, her hand halfway to her mouth with a fork full of potatoes. “You want to adopt Collin?”

  Ian nodded and stroked the sleeping child’s face. “Aye, very much so. Ye said I’d be the only father he knew. I’d like it if I’d truly be his Adair, if he would have my name and be part of my clan. Nothing would make me prouder than to place the clan tartan on him someday and affix the crest pin upon his chest. However, I also realize that you might wish him to keep the name of the man who was his real father.”

  Carol leaned across the quilt and placed her hands on either side of Ian’s face. “Ian MacGregor, nothing would please me more than for you to adopt Collin and make him our son instead of my son.”

  She could see the shiny liquid in Ian’s eyes. The tears he was too manly to allow to escape. “Truly lass? Ye truly would be pleased by him having my name?”

  She leaned so close that their lips were almost touching. Their breath mingling together “Aye Ian, An duine agam.” She knew she’d completely mangled the translation of my husband, but she knew he was surprised she’d even remembered it at all. “For you to give Collin your name to truly be his Adair, that would please me very much.”

  Then she kissed him. Not caring they were outside in the town’s public park. All she cared about was showing this wonderful man how much of her heart he already owned. Yes she thought to herself, it might have happened quickly but I am completely and totally in love with my husband.

  Ian laughed when they came apart. “You’ve made me so happy, Carol. I’ll talk to Mister Garrison tomorrow and have him start the proceeding.”

  Once finished, they packed up and walked hand in hand back to their house. Neither saying much. Carol had no idea what was on Ian’s mind but hers was on what she planned to do when it came time to turn in. Last night she had been almost sure that she didn’t want to use the room Ian had kindly set up for her to live in until she was comfortable with his presence in her life. Now she was positive that the place for her was in their marriage bed, at his side completely, with everything that entailed. After her talk with Katie last night she had been shown by the younger girl things in scripture, that an older widow in the community named Fanny Pearl had shown her the night before her wedding. Scripture that made it plain that enjoying the marriage bed and the act of marriage was not wanton or sinful but something God had given to a husband and wife. Carol decided she was going to enjoy being Ian’s wife from day one. She couldn’t help but think of something Celeste often told the girls at Celeste’s House. “Start the way you plan to finish.” That’s exactly what she was going to do if she could convince her husband to do so.

  After they put Collin to bed, Carol knew now was the time to make her desires known. “I’m ready for bed, it has been a long day.”

  Ian nodded to her. “Aye, that it has. I have to go back to work tomorrow. I hope ye will be alright here by yourself?”

  “I will, Ian. I have plenty to do to keep me busy. Getting the supplies put away and organizing things in the kitchen the way I want them to be.”

  Ian took her in his arms and kissed her. “Your things are in your room, mo ghoal. I asked Jeremiah and Benjamin to bring them over while we were in town.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Ian, but I’m going to need your help getting ready for bed.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  She reached behind her neck. “This dress. It wasn’t made like my everyday dresses I can’t get out of it on my own. I need you to come and help me undo all these buttons up the back. I can’t reach them to unfasten them.”

  She watched the heat and desire flare in his eyes. That caused the desire in her own belly to burn just a bit hotter. “You wish me to undo your dress for you?”

  “Yes please, I can’t do it myself.”

  He swallowed and followed her to her room. She shuddered with anticipation as he stepped close behind her. Then lightly his large, rough fingers began to work on the tiny pearl buttons that lined the back of her dress. His breath tickled the back of her neck as he worked each button free. She clasped the front of the dress to herself holding it up as he worked the buttons loose. When he was finished she could hear how husky his voice was when he spoke to her. His desire loud and clear in his tone. “That’s the last of them. Goodnight, Carol. I pray you sleep well tonight.”

  “Thank you, Ian. I pray the same for you.”

  He stood there, his hands on her waist for a few more minutes before he cleared his throat and left, closing the door behind himself. She let the dress fall and moved to the door, listening as he descended the stairs. She smiled as she quickly laid the gown on the bed and untied her corset and took it off, followed by every stitch of clothing she was wearing. She hurriedly pulled on her dressing gown over her unclothed body and raced across the hall to the room he’d told her would be theirs when she was ready. She shut the door behind her and turned the gas light down until it was barely glowing. Then she went to the bed, removed her dressing gown, laying it at the foot of the bed and slipped under the covers.

  Her heart was pounding in her chest with excitement, desire and if she was honest fear as well. A few minutes later s
he heard the sound of Ian’s heavy footfalls on the stairs. Would he accept her into his bed or would he demand she go back to her own room?

  The door opened and he turned up the lights. When he saw her in his bed he stopped and stared at her. “What are you doing here, Carol?”

  Brazenly she pulled back the covers, letting him see what she was offering to her husband. “It’s our wedding night, Ian, what do you mean? This is where I belong.”

  His eyes took her in and darkened. He licked his lips and ran his hands over his face. “Are you sure about this, mo ghràidh?”

  She bit her lip and held her arms out to him. “I’m sure, my husband, come make me your wife in truth.”

  Ian shut the door and turned the lights out. She heard more than saw him remove his clothing and then his lips found hers as he climbed in the bed beside her. Then nothing more was said as they spoke to each other in a language as old as time.

  Chapter Seven

  Ian and Carol were startled awake by a pounding on their door. It was the middle of their wedding night. Ian wondered who would come calling? Then the thought of an old fashioned shivaree popped in his head. If the lads had decided to give him one and woke young Collin, he’d give ‘em all what for.

  “I’ll go check on the door, you go check on Collin.”

  Carol nodded and blushed as she realized she’d have to go grab a nightgown before she did that. “I’ll get dressed and then make sure he’s okay; it’s about time to feed and change him anyway.”

  Ian headed downstairs as Carol wrapped her dressing gown around herself. She smiled as she remembered how loving and attentive Ian had been after finding her in his bed. She walked across the hall. She’d be moving her stuff into their bedroom when she got up today. There was no way she wasn’t staying with her husband after last night.


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