Milk Maid in Heaven

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Milk Maid in Heaven Page 7

by Samantha Jillian Bayarr

  “I’m so glad your dad talked the Dean into letting you come back and graduate. I didn’t want to do it alone.”

  Emily sighed. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to graduate alone. I can’t stay the extra week. I’m only here to take my finals. Then I’m out of here. Sorry Susan.”

  “I guess I can live with that. I’m just so glad you’re here now.”

  The cab driver weaved slowly through the students loitering in the street outside of their dorm. Everyone was busy partying and drinking instead of studying, and Emily worried she wouldn’t get much sleep with all the noise just outside of their dorm. All she wanted was to take a quick shower, to send quick emails to her father and Mitch letting them know she’d landed safely, then, off to bed before she had to face all of the catching up she was sure to struggle with the following morning.


  Mitch logged onto the email account Emily had set up for him the day before, hoping she’d left him a message the way he practically begged her to do before she left. He’d tossed around all night worrying if she’d landed in LA safely. He waited impatiently for the email to pull up, looking out of the office door to be sure there were no other prisoners around.

  He scanned through the list of junk mail he’d already accumulated on the two-day-old account until he reached the message from Cameo747 and waited impatiently for it to open.


  Just a quick note to let you know I’m here. Not sure how much sleep I will get since everyone seems to be partying in the streets. I will probably plug my ears with my headphones and listen to the sounds of Lake Superior I recorded last summer. I’ve used it before and it seems to drown out the immature people that think they are here to party instead of learning!

  Please watch over my daddy carefully and let me know if there are any changes because I know he would never tell me. He is stubborn. I suppose that’s where I get it from.

  Thinking about you…


  Mitch’s heart beat fast as he read the last sentence of her email over again. He wanted to write her a long letter telling her how much he already missed her and how much he loved her, but he didn’t want to scare her off. Besides, he had work to do, and would wait until just before his final rounds before leaving to write her. This would give him the full day to decide what he wanted to write. He also knew she wouldn’t be at her computer until late that night because she would be tied up in classes all day. He closed out of the email and left the office, heading for the milking parlor to throw himself into his work to avoid dwelling on Emily’s absence from the farm.


  Emily struggled to focus on her studies. She was worried about her father, and wondered if he was giving the new night nurse a tough time. She also missed Mitch, and wondered if he was thinking about her as he worked without her at the dairy. Instead of fretting, she pushed the thoughts from her mind so she could concentrate on the first of a two-part final exam for the class on finance she hadn’t even taken.

  By the time she dragged herself back to her dorm room with a pizza she’d picked up along the way, she wanted to collapse into her bed and sleep, but her curiosity got the better of her. She was too eager to see if Mitch had written back to her. When she opened her email account, she decided to show some discipline and read the one from her father first.

  My Darling Emily,

  I was pleased to see you landed safely. I know you didn’t really want to leave right now, but I want you to know how proud I am of you for trying. I know it won’t be an easy 8 days, but the time will fly by quickly and you’ll be back home before you know it.

  Not much news to report from here. Mrs. Olson is very over-protective, but I suspect you figured that out when you interviewed her, and hired her because of it. Her “mothering” reminds me of you.

  I miss you. I can’t wait for next week to get here when you’ll get back home. But until then, hang in there. I have faith in you to do well on your exams.



  Emily swallowed the lump in her throat as she re-read her father’s letter. She missed him so much, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that the end was near for him. She only hoped and prayed he would wait until she returned to the farm.

  She closed out her father’s letter and searched for Mitch’s email. When she came upon the account she set up for him, she giggled as she recalled how he couldn’t think of a name until she started picking weird ones for him such as Cowboy101, DeerFeeder, and Bluebeard. It was Mitch that finally decided on ThunderCloud337. She had started to tease him over the name, telling him it made him sound like an Indian Chief, but her heart fluttered in her shoes when he explained it was in honor of the storm that produced the double rainbow at 3:37 that afternoon that had been an answer to both of their prayers.


  I’m so glad you made it to LA safe and sound. Sorry about the party people. Hopefully as you listen to the waves crashing on the beach of Lake Superior through your headphones, it will not only help you relax, but will also remind you of home and warm your heart.

  I was given another opportunity to witness to your dad today. I think he’s really starting to come around to the idea of salvation. At least he’s listening to my “lectures” now instead of scoffing at them as he used to. No matter how it happens for him, I now feel more confident than ever that it WILL happen.

  Ellie seems to miss you! Or at least that’s what she told me when I checked in on her and the new calf! They are both doing well. She seems to be happy with the time she spends with the new calf, which I have named Bella. She seems to like her name. I mean, she doesn’t moo at me or anything when I call her that. She just wags her little tail and nudges my ribs with her slobbery nose. I don’t mind because it reminds me of the look on your face after she came out okay. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that look.

  Today dragged on, mostly because of the weather, but partly because I must confess that I miss having you hovering over me while I work just so you can be sure I’m doing the books the way you want them done. But honestly, I miss talking to you and seeing your friendly smile. Without those things to keep me going, the day seems long.

  Waiting for next week…Mitch

  She giggled at his letter, knowing he’d chosen his words very carefully to keep himself from stating the obvious. She thought it was sweet that he missed her; at least, she hoped he did.


  Mitch couldn’t wait for the Green Beast to make the slow drive to the dairy farm. He tapped his foot nervously on the floor of the bus behind Martha’s seat. When she stopped at the four-way stop before turning down the long lane that led to the farm, she turned around to show Mitch her annoyance.

  “It will still be there waiting for you when you get there. Being impatient isn’t going to make this beast go any faster.”

  Mitch had confided in Martha about the email. She understood his impatience, but that didn’t mean she was going to tolerate his foot tapping much longer. He knew he was in for a lecture from her if he didn’t stop, but he just couldn’t no matter how hard he tried to suppress his anxiousness over reading Emily’s newest email.

  Once Martha stopped the bus in front of the dairy office, Mitch didn’t give her a chance to stop him for one of her “talks”. Instead, he flew from his seat the moment she stopped, and nearly sprained his wrist pulling the handle that opened the door. He ran to the office and pulled up the email as fast as the computer would go. He tapped his foot until he saw the message on the screen from Cameo747.

  Dear Mitch,

  I’m so happy to hear that Ellie misses me…at least someone from home does! Bella is a great name for the calf, and I’m sure she’s is telling you she likes the name in her own “slobbery” way.

  I managed to get through the first of my finals. Over the next two days, I have the four-part business administration final. I’m not looking forward to it. I wish I didn’t have to stay an extra two days for grading, but it
might save me if I fail one. We are allowed only one make-up exam, so I might use it if I get a low score on one of the finals. Despite how busy I am, I’m actually bored. Of course, it could be that I’m home-sick. Two days down…only 6 more to go! Unfortunately, I was ready to go home before the plane landed. I could use a hug right now…


  Mitch read the last sentence again.

  Is she going to flirt with me in the last line of each email?

  Mitch felt pressured to flirt back. After all, what good is flirting if you don’t take the bait? He wanted it to be clever, though, just in case her flirting wasn’t really flirting, but maybe just general conversation.


  Emily dragged herself back to her dorm room after a long day in class. The fluorescent lights had given her a headache, and all she wanted to do was feel her feather pillow under her head. Her need to rest her aching head outweighed her need to check her email.

  A few minutes of quiet will refresh me. I’ll check my emails after I rest my head for a minute…


  Mitch’s heart sank when he opened his email and saw nothing from Emily. He tried reasoning with himself for a minute that she might have been too busy or too tired. But then the idea occurred to him that he may have taken the flirting a little too far, and if it angered her or caused her to change her mind about him.

  He reluctantly set his mind on his work, knowing he was in for a long day if he didn’t keep busy. He’d never been a patient person. He considered writing a short note wishing her good luck on her exams, but feared he might come across as being too pushy. No matter what he thought, he felt he just had to learn a lesson in patience.

  Before he left for the day, Ethan asked him if he’d heard from Emily, stating that he hadn’t gotten an email either. Mitch was relieved, but didn’t let it show in front of Ethan, who seemed distressed that neither of them had heard from her.


  Emily opened her email when she reached home after another long day of exams, and couldn’t wait to read what Mitch had to say.


  The days will pass quickly, especially with how busy you will be. Hopefully you aren’t too busy to take care of yourself so you can stay focused.

  I have never seen California, but I hear it’s a nice place to visit. I’m not sure I would want to live in such a busy city as LA, though. Everything here runs at such a slow pace, a person from LA might think they were moving backward!

  I exercised Daisy for you. I think she objected to having me ride her because she tried to buck me off a few times. I didn’t know that little horse was capable of such mischief.

  I know you’re homesick, but hang in there. When you get home, I promise to give you the biggest hug ever.

  Not to worry, Ellie isn’t the only one who misses you!



  Mitch rushed to the computer as soon as he entered the office. It was becoming a habit. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited. Relief washed over him when he saw Emily’s new message.


  Sorry I didn’t write yesterday, but I went home from my last exam feeling like I’d been hit by a bus. I meant to rest my aching head for only a few minutes, but when I woke up from what I thought was only a short nap, it was morning.

  My dad sent me another email asking if I was ok, but since I didn’t get another one from you, I can only assume you had a busy day at the dairy. I’d much rather be there helping than here. Every day that goes by I worry more and more about my dad. Is he really doing as well as he tries to convince me that he’s doing? I know he’s only trying to spare me from worrying, but he knows I’m going to worry anyway, so he should just tell the truth. Don’t you think?

  I look forward to coming home to familiar territory. I know I spent four years here, but it suddenly feels foreign and less like home than it did when I first got here.

  I eagerly await the day I come home where I belong. Warm up your arms because I’m going to need a very big hug when I return.



  The following two days offered Mitch only short answers to his emails, but in every one of them she mentioned how much bigger her hug will need to be when she finally returns. Mitch threw himself into his work to avoid thinking too much about that hug that could change everything between them.


  Emily packed her things in haste. She didn’t care what she put in what box. It didn’t matter. It would all be shipped back home to the farm. The furniture was the property of the school, with the exception of an old orange chair she and Susan had purchased at a garage sale, but she intended to leave it for the next occupants of the room. With her luggage set aside for the plane ride home, she was ready to go. And even though she would be home shortly after either her father or Mitch would have an opportunity to read her last emails from LA, she still wrote them.


  Mitch didn’t have time to check his email when he arrived at the dairy. One of the milking lines had sprung a leak on the night shift, and milking was way behind schedule. By the time he got the opportunity, the bus was already late getting them back to the prison. He begged Martha to at least give him a minute to open Emily’s email since her flight had been delayed and he would not be able to see her until the morning when he returned for his shift. Martha reluctantly gave in, but in his heart, Mitch was hoping for a miracle of a chance to see the woman he loved so dearly.


  Yes, it’s been a crazy week for me too. Thankfully, I passed each of my final exams, and will receive my degree in the mail next week. And, yes, I would have liked it if I could have stayed for graduation, and it would have been extra special if my father were well enough to attend, but I’m grateful he pushed me to finish. Of course, I would have liked it if you could have also been able to see me graduate. Why would you ask me such a silly question?

  Shortly after you are able to read this message, I will be home, and I will expect that extra long hug you promised me.


  Mitch turned in his chair when he heard a noise. Emily stood in the doorway wearing the biggest grin he’d ever seen on her face. She closed the office door and walked directly into his waiting arms. Mitch held her tight, breathing in the sweet coconut smell of her hair. He didn’t want to let her go, but Martha and the Green Beast waited to take him back to the prison.



  Emily woke suddenly, wondering if she had heard her father’s faint call in her sleep, or if he really needed her again. She had been up nearly every hour tending to him in his weak state. The clock on her bedside table showed the hour to be nearly six o’clock—not even the sun was up yet, but Emily’s internal clock wouldn’t let her sleep. Though she would normally be at the dairy at this hour, she had called a few hours ago to let the night shift know she would be in late.

  Her mind clouded with worry, she rose from her bed to check on her father once again. Stumbling down the hall in her sleepy state, she dreaded the possibility of having to help him to the bathroom. Awkwardly, she had had to assist him twice already. Emily felt overwhelmed, but with Mrs. Olson being ill, there was no time to get a replacement.

  When she poked her head in the door of her father’s room, she was relieved to hear his familiar, subtle snoring. At his bedside, Mitch sat in a chair reading the paper.

  Upon Emily’s entrance, Mitch stood up suddenly.

  “Mrs. Manney let me in, I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No. That’s fine. I didn’t know she was here, but I’m glad she is—we had a rough night with Mrs. Olson out sick.” Emily tied her robe at the waist.

  “When I got here, Gabe told me you left a message with the night shift. I thought I’d come and see if there was anything I could help with.”

  Emily placed a hand on her father’s damp forehead.

  “His snoring is a comforting sound.”

  “I know what yo
u mean. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to sit here until he wakes. I’ve taken the day off—Gabe called the prison to get authorization.”

  “Stay as long as you like, I think it would mean a lot to him to know that you were here. I, on the other hand, need to go down to the dairy for a little while.”

  Mitch smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Emily. I’m glad you understand about my wanting to stay here with him. If you would rather I took care of things so you can stay, I’m willing to do that.”

  “It’s okay. I need to get away for a short time—to clear my head a little. I’ll be back after my paperwork is done.” Emily left the room, once again feeling her heart torn between the two men she loved.

  At the end of the hall stood a large, oval window with a long, solid oak bench underneath. Emily slouched on the bench, peering out the window toward the milking parlor. With the light from the large floodlights that rested atop large poles, Emily could see the prison workers moving about, going through their normal routine. She thought of Mitch being in the next room and wondered what it will be like to have him living in the guest house and working with her as a free man. With only ten days left before his release, she was relieved to know that he would be here full-time. So much had changed over the past weeks that she felt overwhelmed at her father’s sudden downhill change in his health. She knew he hadn’t eaten for more than twenty-four hours and that concerned Emily. Mrs. Manney spoke to her yesterday of the possibility of putting her father on an intravenous drip, which worried her.

  From the other room, Emily heard her father stirring, but she remained on the oak bench, not wanting to interrupt Mitch’s time with him.


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