Home > Other > THE SEVENTH EVENT > Page 25

by Phillip Shaw

  The timer went and the door knocked.

  ‘Mr. Baker, it's time for the encore.'

  ‘I'll be there in a minute, listen to them, does it sound to you like they care if I am a few minutes late.'

  Jimmy marched out the door in his final costume change, the basketball kit of the newly crowned champions. He didn't care he supported a different team as a child but the moral of the story in this business was ‘attach yourself to popularity and you will go far.' He sniggered to himself as he hit the stage; it was time to send the message again.

  Frederick stalked backstage; this plan from Nolan was almost perfection. The poor dead soul on stage thought he had the world at his feet, little did he know that his feet would soon be around his ears. The security had been easy, having a brother in a wheelchair got you access to places that others couldn't go. Nolan was now sitting enjoying the finger buffet with some of the state's minor dignitaries. He will love that, always wanted to be a politician. The cramped utility cupboard was right across from the star's dressing room. The idiot security guard lying at his feet should have checked it sooner. When he did open the door his head ended up facing the wrong way. It doesn't matter there won't be anyone looking for you. The music died down on stage and the odious little rat began talking to his fans. Frederick couldn't have picked a better target; his removal would leave the world a better place.

  Jimmy came off the stage buzzing after another fine show, the crowd was juiced for his music and they had hung on his every word at the end. Another one down he felt the desire and drive in his head subside for another day. It was time to chill out and wait for the lucky people backstage to come and meet him. Life is good.

  Nolan wheeled himself nearer the exit; it had been a most charming night the gathered finery backstage had provided him with more than enough mental stimulation. He had chosen a select few to be saved. This was his most ambitious plan yet so why should eh not draw a few benefits from it. By now Frederick would be in place.

  ‘Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you but could you wheel me out to my car? I have had a most delightful night with you but I think it's my bedtime, my brother will make his own way home.'

  The lady he had been chatting to in a striking red dress with a classical slit up the side, set her drink down and pushed him from behind.

  ‘Why thank you, it's not that I am beyond doing this myself but I always feel it is a good bonding session to have a chat with someone while I'm leaving. My father always said the best friends at parties are made on the way out.'

  The woman smiled and made small talk the whole way out to the vehicle. As he stopped at the door and began to raise himself into the driver seat she stopped and looked at him. Nolan knew that look. Somewhere between pity and lust, would he be a curiosity to her tonight or was their genuine attraction? He didn't care, he took his physical pleasure where he could, and someone in his position couldn't afford to turn down any chance. As he moved behind the wheel the woman slid into the passenger seat beside him. You are a lucky one.

  Frederick silently opened the door to the dressing room. The boy was sitting facing the huge television playing a video game. Moving slowly Frederick walked up behind him, like always the killing blow would come later, first came the beating.

  Jimmy couldn't concentrate on the game in front of him, he used to be a great gamer but recently he didn't seem to be able to focus in completing games. In fact, the only time he felt he could give them attention was directly after a show. Tomorrow is a new day. He reached to turn off the system but noticed a shadow on the wall, spinning round he saw a man standing in front of him staring deeply into his eyes, He as dressed like a retired old man but something wasn't right. His face looked like it was made of rubber. Jimmy went to speak but felt a stinging pain in his left eye followed by an impact to the side of his head. All he could see was the floor of the dressing room as more stings followed on his face, the pain was so much he just wanted it to stop, he thought of the message he had given to people it eased his passing into a deep slumber.

  Minutes after Frederick looked at himself in the mirror. He felt no guilt; another freak had been removed from the world every time he did it he felt like a cleaner. The dirt had been cleansed from this spot and he was the one who had done it. He looked down at his hands, the knuckles raw and red, no amount of hardening them ever prepared them for meeting bone. The hours pounding a basin filled with sand made them tough but the human skull always found a way to dent them further. He looked around at the scene of chaos behind him. The garbage was on the floor, he took a hammer and wire from his backpack and moved over to wrap it up. No need for disposal, this time, we need them to see who did it.

  Schultz sat wondering what was going to happen next, agents were staking out the Manhattan apartment of the detective who was with the suspect Clyne. Miller should be approaching the temple anytime now and Stent was heading to an airport to get back to New York if the suspect has who they thought it was he wanted Stent and Ava to be the ones to interview them when they were captured. If they can be captured. His computer flashed red as another news feed, set off the trigger words to make it worth his while.

  ‘Tragedy at home concert!'

  Schultz dared not think what had made this story come up for his review. He clicked into the hyperlink and received the Blaincorp news feed.

  Teen pop sensation Jimmy Baker is believed dead along with dozens of others after a fire broke out backstage at his concert tonight. Shortly after his encore, the singer famous for his runner-up position on the TV show The Sound of the States was backstage when reports broke of a blaze in the backstage area. Eyewitnesses said that there was no noise of an explosion but instead a few glimpses of flames. We estimate the cause of the blaze will not be known until crime teams can get in. The area remains cordoned off until safe to enter.

  Schultz clicked the associated links and his jaw slacked. The singer was not an adept but was under strict control of one of the best. Blain himself had mentored this boy in the beginning and stayed in regular contact with him acting as his manager, one of the other adepts had relayed Blain's messages to him. He was one of the most effective ways to assert the Magisters control over teens and young people in the area. Schultz knew what this meant. It was another attack and the only agents in the area were Stent and Ava.

  Stent pulled the SUV into the airport. He was growing tired of travel, he hoped that this flight would allow him to get some much-needed sleep, he couldn't survive on the few hours here and there he had got since the meeting in Cologne. Ava beside him was also starting to show the signs of fatigue, her naturally dark eyes were almost black and the bags under them were only held back by her youth. He had suggested she get some rest in the back but she had declined. The whole thing seemed like a test of strength to her. The buzz of the car communicator distracted him as they went to exit the vehicle.

  ‘Stent here.'

  ‘Markus, we have had another attack, it's in your area and I need you to head over to the destination straight away.'

  ‘Listen here Schultz, you can't keep ordering us all over this state without a clear directive. How important is this?'

  ‘You will listen to me Stent, this is the most crucial time in our order's history so you will go wherever I tell you. Now I appreciate you two will be in need of rest but when I send you the background on this you will see how urgent it is. It seems fate has placed you in the right place once more. Report back once you get to the scene.'

  Markus swore as the link ended. He clicked up the details in the touch screen in front of him. Fire in the state backstage at a concert. Lead singer assumed dead along with many backstage, most of the crowd survived uninjured except for crushing injuries. Then he looked into the detail.

  ‘Ava, the singer was one of Blain's puppets, it's too much of a coincidence not to be an attack. It's not far away.'

  Ava took her PDA out and began feeding information from the screen into it. All Markus could think about was how close
he had been to sleep.

  44. Four Minutes

  Libero sat in the back of the van feeling the drive of those around him. The plan was simple but ruthless. There would be no sentimentality, this time, people would die here today, it couldn't be helped, and it didn't need to be helped. He looked down at the automatic pistol in front of him, checked the chamber again and looked down the sights, Pamela was beside him holding a laptop, she wasn't going in she was on communications. Despite being with the group a matter of hours the discussions that had taken place had elevated the pair of them to advanced roles in the faction. There had been no announcement, no display of authority only the emergence of the four of them after the plan was discussed. The feelings Libero felt leaving that room were very familiar. People needed leadership, not for direction but for inspiration.

  In the front of the van sat Scarlett and Kane, they were a perfect complement to each other. They had their own entry points into the hotel and led their own teams. Libero himself had a much less defined role, Scarlett had handed him a weapon with the simple words. ‘Show us why we are to follow.' He felt his host's pulse rise slightly and then settle again, there was a lot riding on this. He was not afraid to admit he knew what was at stake.

  Pamela saw the looks Libero was giving his weapon. She didn't begin to understand how this all worked. He was meant to be this mythical being born into the world yet here he was dressed like a terrorist in the back of a van with others like him. Pamela herself tried not to think what she was doing. Every time recently she felt like she couldn't do something her mind gave her the strength to get over it. That was the reason she believed him, he had already brought her so far. The only question left in her mind was how far she would go for him. Her role in this operation was easy, monitor communications between the teams and watch the CCTV. She kept telling herself she was only there as support but she felt deep down that she was as much an executioner as the masked men. There had been no training or preparation, she and Libero were extra men on the team, the others knew their role and from the steely gazes behind their hoods, they were ready.

  Kane had gone over the plan with Scarlett all night, the shareholder's meeting took place in an auditorium, and from previous year's surveillance footage security would be tight. To the outside world, there was nothing unusual about the security presence at a large gathering of company executives but the revelations of recent hours showed them all they needed to know about what was going on inside. He had seen it himself, normal people subtly making small, calculated abnormal decisions, the culmination of which led to a predetermined outcome. The only way to find out who was determining this was to start fighting back. He had felt so lost when he discovered the demons in his life but since meeting Scarlett and especially since today he felt at peace again. Like he had felt before the injury, he was in control of his own destiny, for him this was a cause for Scarlett it was pure revenge and he was doing everything he could to keep her focused. They had to be cold; everyone in the building was a potential threat and target. He wouldn't know until he got in whether they were beyond saving or not. At this point in time, he didn't care. They needed to strike the first blow. The vans pulled up a clock away from the auditorium and made their way to the top floor of the multi-storey car park, he started the timer on his watch, perfection was the only option.

  Libero stepped out of the back of the van and gave one last look to Pamela, ‘When this is done you will see our destination.' The early morning sun was rising and from their vantage point, they could see the delegates entering the building. Security was predictably tight and he could make out the agents surveying the situation. There were four pairs of them visible all armed and taking a keen interest in passing traffic there was something else about them though that gave him hope. He walked over to Kane and tapped him on the shoulder; Kane looked up from his plan of the building.

  ‘What is it?'

  ‘They don't expect us, they are arrogant. If we strike and strike hard they won't be able to stop us.'

  ‘My thoughts exactly. The plan is to take out the security first then the delegates. What do you feel?'

  ‘I can feel that you won't be stopped. The main thing is to identify the leader. Take him out and the rest will fall. They cannot be saved in a group this size. When the leader goes down we need to get out as fast as possible. They will be on our backs and I'm not sure if your trick with the vans will work this time.'

  ‘Leave escape to us, you are here to drive me forward and keep helping me make sense of this.'

  Libero turned and saw the others primed and ready to go. This was it; he was going into battle again.

  The final stages of battle were ready to be joined; the armies of Libero and his enemy had been decimated. Arbitan still held the high ground of the temple but he had suffered horrible losses. The sheer will of the free people had smashed itself upon his generals until they had been crushed. They had even forced the decider into open battle. He had only needed to join sporadically. Each time he entered death and destruction followed, there was barely a mark on him as he withdrew to the temple. Libero watched as his enemy met his eye across the blood. He watched as the sentinels allowed him to pass, they would part again to allow Libero access then their roles would be over. The remaining warriors stopped fighting and parted; libero took his weapon and walked towards the temple. He had made it further than ever before.

  The delegates were all inside when Libero cleared his mind of his previous life. It was recent to him but the scene he surveyed now was alien to him. This battle was to be fought in fractured skirmishes; he couldn't imagine a battle in this world. At Kane's command, they began. The cameras on the side of the building stopped moving as they were jammed from afar. The tech team back at the enclave had sprung into life; all the equipment around the auditorium but not inside had been bricked. The first two agents dropped, two headshots from Kane's snipers left the side of the building exposed for a calculated three minutes. They moved quickly and the two teams of five were soon at the side of the two bodies both stripped of anything useful they were quickly moved out of sight, Libero stood to the side worried that the passing traffic would see what was going on but to his surprise they carried on oblivious to what was happening, his feelings despaired for this world, it had stopped caring about what was going on, it had become lifeless. The two snipers remained on the roof and their next strike was to follow. Kane and Scarlett held the teams at bay until Libero made out the two rifles spit out two more shots of death. Scarlett led her team to the destination of those shots so that the teams were ready to enter. One from each side they would crush the leader.

  On the signal, they burst through the side doors and Libero and Kane were immediately greeted with an empty corridor, he heard Kane speak into his communicator and the lights in the corridor went out. As they walked through the utility area technology failed all around them.

  ‘Jenson, how are you doing this?'

  ‘We have the best people in the world working with us Libero, nothing is impossible.' He turned to his men.

  ‘The target is on the top floor, it looks like Scarlett will reach him first. We have triangulated his last conversation; we know exactly when he will be on the podium. Our job now is to make sure she is not disturbed. She will have two agents to take care off as will we. Good luck.'

  Kane kicked open the wooden door that led into the reception area of the lobby as he opened fire Libero felt time slow as the bullets thudded home into their targets, receptionists staff they all fell as their feelings winked out. Libero blocked them off as he also took aim and began eliminating targets. The two dark-suited agents in the room had no chance to retaliate both were hit with multiple silenced bullets and fell in sprays of blood and debris. When the dust settled there were no casualties from the attackers. The lobby was clear and no one knew they were inside. Scarlett's team walked past them and headed for the upper floors. Libero caught the look between the two and hoped that they would have more time. Pamela's
familiar voice crackled in his ear.

  ‘They're all down, you have killed them all. No threats remain on the ground floor. The delegates have all taken their positions in the auditorium. Remember when this place goes dark we need to get out.'

  Libero was surprised at her transformation, in effect they had murdered a dozen people in the last few seconds but Pamela's voice was steady. She was starting to realise where this path would take them. They made their way up through the floors eliminating any who stood in their way until they got to the top doors of the auditorium. Kane opened the door slowly and looked inside, he almost fell on the floor and Libero caught him.

  ‘What did you see?'

  ‘He's there; he has them all under his spell. I didn't see one face in the crowd who was free…'

  ‘Tell Scarlett to spare him, we don't know what will happen if he dies. Tell her now!'

  ‘It's too late, she was already inside I saw her across the arena.'

  ‘Pamela! Tell Scarlett he cannot be killed!

  The sound of screaming interrupted Libero and he knew they were too late. He pushed past Kane and was greeted by a familiar scene. The screams had come from the fatally wounded agents on either side of the platform, in the centre, the body of the speaker lay slumped over the podium. Instead of a scene of chaos like the prison the scene in the auditorium was more sombre. Hundreds of bodies lay in their seats, their minds lost forever. Scarlett stood rooted to the spot where she had fired the fatal shot. She hadn't ended one life today, she had ended them all. Libero ran across the bodies to her side as she fell. He caught her and screamed for Kane to enter, together the carried her from the room with their teams following. Pamela had lost her cool on the communications and was sobbing down the microphone.


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