Secrets of the Sky: Book Two of the Immortals in Alameda Series

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Secrets of the Sky: Book Two of the Immortals in Alameda Series Page 7

by Jaye Shields

  Rowen fluffed the pillow in Sparrow’s room. Would she need more blankets? Although the knights did sleep once in a while, their immortal bodies had become immune to climate, and so there weren’t usually bed dressings in the rooms. But now he smoothed out the down comforter and imagined her body lying there.

  He had been elated when Sabin had informed him of her recovery. Even more interesting was the meeting that had gone down shortly after with High King Breasal. Sparrow, her aunts, Tera, and the were-jaguar called Michelle would all be awarded for their deeds.

  Sparrow would become immortal. Or at least have it the opportunity, if she so desired. Breasal would be awarding the women rings that when worn would mean, like Sabin, they’d never die. As fresh immortals, they would not yet be immune to cold or disease, and wounds would still be painful, but they would cease aging, and continue to survive the ages.

  He was glad that so unique a woman would become immortal, and he greatly anticipated seeing her again. Just imagining her angelic face made him hard. “Oh, my!”

  A feminine shriek caused Rowen’s head to whip around. How had he not realized the presence? Apparently the company had arrived, and one of Sparrow’s aunts had found her way below deck.

  “It’s so good to see you again. And you don’t look an ounce less drool-worthy, let me tell you.” The playful older woman gave him a sensual wink. Rowen took several steps forward and knelt before her. “Forgive my manners, or lack thereof. We have not been introduced. I am Rowen of Aerion.”

  He received a satisfied giggle as he took her soft, semi-wrinkled hand within his own and laid a kiss on the gentle silk of her skin.

  “I’m Melissandra, and let me just say, feel free to stay shirtless for as long as you like.”

  He folded his arms across his chest. Not many women were able to make him feel bashful, but as the sweet woman eyed his exposed torso, he felt very much so.

  “And I’ve always said that throwing knives were a man’s best accessory,” she added, gesturing to his weapon straps.

  Now he laughed. He couldn’t help it, because face it: The woman was charming as hell.

  “Now come on, I must introduce you to the others. My niece, Sparrow, inherited the best of my good looks.”

  “Then it is good that I am immortal, for my heart nearly stopped when your cerulean eyes entered the room.”

  “Cerulean, huh? Well, you had me at ‘heart stopped’ anyway. Come on, handsome.” With that, this woman who barely came up to his chest tugged his hand and led him up the stairs of his own boat until the sunlight hit their skin.

  And then he saw her, and he made good on his promise to Melissandra. His heart stopped.

  • • •

  Sparrow watched her aunt arrive from below deck. “It’s incredible down here. And guess what I found!”

  Hand in hand, Melissandra arrived above deck with just over six-feet of gorgeous man. Like other knights she had seen in the portal realm, he was naked from the waist up. He wore the typicallow-slung leather pants and weapons galore. Blades were strapped across his chest, and throwing stars were fastened to thick cuffs on his forearms. Like the other knights, his hair was such a blinding, electric shade of silver that it almost seemed blue. And his eyes. Were they turquoise or violet? She couldn’t tell. Like Sabin, his eyes were opaque, almost like crystal, and seemed to shift into darker and lighter shades of brilliant azure.

  His eyes were not only mesmerizing, but they were kind. As he held Melissandra’s hand, he seemed delighted by her presence. Save for the weapons strapped across his body, he actually seemed like a softie.

  “Hot damn!” Melissandra exclaimed from beside her.

  “Good day. I have been preparing your cabins for travel.” She watched the gorgeous specimen acknowledge her aunt before turning his sensual gaze on her. “It is good to see that you are fully recovered.”

  What a gentleman. A considerate, drool-worthy gentleman. Tera’s elbow nudged her rib, and she realized that everyone was looking to her.

  “Thanks.” Okay, now it’s your turn to say something nice. But it was too late — that chest had already turned her brain to jelly. “Nice pants.” Now he knows you were looking at his crotch, you idiot, “I mean, leather is cool.”

  She heard Melissandra snicker next to her. Next time, I’m gonna be queen of cool comebacks.

  She half-listened as Duncan went on to break the ice with Rowen and the other knights. The joking banter ended with Michelle in the vampire’s arms in a passionate kiss. She’d like to kiss Rowen like that. His kiss would be commanding and reckless, confidently caressing the inside of her mouth with an expert tongue. And she would trace her fingers across the maze of lines separating the muscles of his torso. Hottest. Conquest. Ever.

  “Should we show the ladies their accommodations?” Sabin’s question broke through her momentary daydream.

  “Of course.” Rowen smiled at each of the women, and Sparrow nearly melted when his gaze lingered on her. “If you need more blankets or anything, simply let us know. I tried to increase the comfort levels, but I admit, I have not much grace when it comes to decorating.”

  “Oh, how nice of you. I’m sure it will be perfect,” Morgana crooned as she reached up to pat his cheek.

  Tera smiled too, but it was directed at Sparrow and she interpreted it perfectly: I know you think he’s hot. Don’t act like a douche.

  Okay, so maybe she was reading a little too much into that one. Just the same, her new mantra was “grown woman.”

  As they headed below deck, her aunt corralled her behind Rowen. Sparrow couldn’t escape his masculine scent, and the electricity buzzing from the closeness of his body. He smelled like grain and steel and myrrh. Like he was a god, sent to earth to fight in golden fields of wheat.

  “These three rooms are clustered together near the stairwell. I thought it would be easier for the three of you to find your way to each other, as the above deck.” Rowen motioned to the three doors in the hallway.

  “How thoughtful.” Once again, Morgana stole her thunder as the one who was smooth of wit and conversation. So far, all Sparrow had said was “nice pants.”

  She noted the position of the rooms, hers to the left of where the knight stood, and her aunts’ rooms on the opposite side of the hallway. She moved to peek into her room and brushed against Rowen’s hard chest in the process. The warmth coming off him was enticing. Her knees went rebel on her as heat washed through her, heading to a spot just above her knees …

  “I hope it will be comfortable enough.” His voice was a sensual whisper. Or at least that’s how she heard it. She imagined it was a seduction, and lingered on the thought before fixing her gaze on the interior spread before her.

  The knight had seemed worried about the ladies being warm, but as she looked at the bed, she fought a giggle. There were at least six thick blankets and a down comforter.

  “Forgive my niece; she’s still recovering from brain damage caused by the fall,” Morgana spoke up.

  “I am not!” Sparrow finally found herself. “I was just busy admiring how perfectly cozy this room is.”

  Her aunts seemed pleased at her recovery, but the most satisfied look was the one playing across Rowen’s face. His devastatingly hot, jaw-drop status multiplied ten-fold when he smiled. His sharp white teeth looked perfect for nibbling on her neck.

  Once again, Sodor called out to tease his buddy as he led Tera, Sabin, Michelle and Duncan down the hall to their rooms. “They’re mortals, not Eskimos, buddy. It’s not exactly the Arctic here.” He winked at Sparrow, both playful and sensual. “He doesn’t spend much time in the human realm.” Sodor, too, was a hottie, but there was something about Rowen that rendered her speechless.

  Rowen didn’t seem put off by his comrade’s teasing. “Forgive my friend, he is not used to seeing to the comforts of a
woman longer than a few minutes.”

  “An hour!” Sodor called from down the hall.

  Sparrow smiled, feeling more at home by the minute.

  “I’ll let you ladies settle in. We will be having a fire above deck later this evening if you care to join us.”

  “Damn, I didn’t bring marshmallows.” Her mouth watered at the thought before her aunts gave her that shut-up shove.

  “Forgive me, I was not aware of this custom. If you care to travel to the kingdom again in the future, I will seek out this nourishment for you.”

  Her jaw dropped. The warrior’s face looked absolutely fierce, his jaw set and his eyes darkened to a deeper shade of aqua, narrowed in frustration. It kinda looked like the face he’d wear if he were going to war.

  “Um, no worries,” she tried to right herself, and bring the handsome smile back to Rowan’s face.

  “I’ll be above deck if you need anything.” He bowed slightly before turning and ascending up the stairwell once more.

  “Great job, Looney Tunes.” Melissandra shook her head.

  “Not exactly the best timing to turn off your temptress skills, darling. You’ve brought home your share of men, Sparrow, but none of them could hold a candle to these otherworldly beefcakes. If I were five years younger … ”

  “Morgana, we’ve been over this. I think it’d have to be a little more than — .”

  “You’re right. Seven.”

  “Two!” A teasing masculine voice echoed from down the hall. Apparently, Sodor would be the comedic relief of the journey to the mystical kingdom.

  Melissandra’s eyes lit up. “See darling, quit being a party pooper.”

  “Great, add incredible hearing to their list of attributes,” Sparrow whispered.

  Melissandra tsk-tsked and swatted her on the bum. “I put some red lipstick in your purse, darling. I took the liberty since you were too passed out on Alcatraz to know what kind of gorgeous men you’d be dealing with.”

  With that, playful hands guided her into the room, and shut the door behind her.

  Chapter Eight

  An hour later, Sparrow had showered and was standing in front of the large wooden mirror inside her room. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she pondered her scale of hotness in the glass. She definitely didn’t feel like a ten tonight.

  Uber-handsome knights will do that to you I guess.

  Not even the bright red lipstick could erase the self-consciousness that had washed over her after she had been in Rowen’s company. Instead of a confident seductress, she had been reduced to a dim-witted school girl.

  A crash jarred her thoughts.

  A thunderous boom shook the mystical vessel and Sparrow’s body lurched forward. The boat pitched against an unknown force. Her forehead hit the mirror with a resounding crunch.

  The wound throbbed, pain exploding in waves of heat. What the hell?

  Sparrow grabbed hold of the thick wooden dresser as another surge rocked the boat, but she held herself firmly in place. The reflection in the mirror displayed a small track of crimson escaping from a cut in her forehead. The blood that leaked across the side of her face matched the bright red hue of her lips. Not an intended accessory.

  The door to her room flew open.

  Rowen’s large frame filled the doorway, his eyes concerned, but his body tensed like a ready predator. He was at her side in an instant. “You’re hurt.”

  “Did we hit an iceberg?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead, she heard him utter an oath in a language she didn’t understand. She recognized the same pissed off tone that she used herself when her mother asked her to clean the house. But his sounded entirely badass.

  “We’ve been attacked. I have come to take you down the hall. You will all be safer toward the middle of the ship.”

  Sparrow watched the muscles in his arms and bared torso flex as he moved to tear a piece of fabric off her bed. “Hey!”

  “My apology, milady. We do not carry tissues or bandage. We do not usually have need.” The firm voice ground out the words as if he was chiding himself. But the hand touching the cloth to her temple was gentle. “Okay, now come.” She caught his eyes flash with worry.

  When she moved to follow him, he swept her into his arms. “Um, it’s just a scratch. I can walk.” When he didn’t yield, her body relaxed into his grip. He’d officially reached over-the-top gentleman/caveman status.

  Rowen didn’t seem as entertained. Instead, he focused on quickly taking her down the hall and into a room where her aunts and the other girls sat on the floor.

  “Sparrow, what happened?” Morgana chirped as soon as Sparrow entered the room in Rowen’s arms. Obviously, the scratch was a bit more wicked looking than she thought.

  “The mirror fought back.”

  Rowen set her down, and she frowned at his hands leaving her body. The friction and excitement were gone. And so was his attention to her; now he addressed all of them.

  “Stay here until one of us returns. This should be a quick battle. Usually the demon does not attack our ship.” His voice was lethal. “They must be starving.”

  With that, the gorgeous warrior left, slamming the door behind him.

  “Starving?” Michelle gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, her fingers curling against her lips.

  “Don’t worry, dear, we’ve all seen your man in action. Duncan will be fine.” Morgana rubbed a hand reassuringly against Michelle’s back.

  “Yes, Sabin and the knights will have the beast defeated in no time. After all, they already contained a whole island full of demons just last week,” Melissandra added.

  “I can’t believe he put me here,” Tera crossed her arms across her chest and her eyebrows were knitted together, framing angry green eyes. Her friend was obviously not happy about missing the action. Everyone knew Tera was a capable warrior.

  “I wish we could watch.” The words had escaped Sparrow’s mouth like a traitor.

  “You kinky little niece, you!”

  Everyone burst into laughter at her expense, and Melissandra rolled back against the floor clutching her side. “I know the knights are hot, but damn, child! Braving a sea-monster just to get a glimpse of his sweaty, sword-wielding bod in action?” Her aunt stopped chuckling and sat up, wetness framing her temples, a grin still stretching up her cheeks.

  “It wasn’t that funny.” But Sparrow couldn’t help but smile in return at her family’s mirth, even if it was at her expense.

  “And you,” Morgana turned to Tera. “Why don’t you just be a Mary-Sue for once and let your man have the satisfaction of protecting you?”

  Tera raised a brow, but her lips curved up at the aunts, who still showed visible signed of their fit of hysterics. “Because it’s ancient.”

  “And so is he.” Sparrow jabbed her bestie with an elbow as she teased Tera about her lover’s age. Nobody knew Sabin’s immortal age, but it was definitely a couple centuries at least.

  “Hey!” This time Michelle threw an elbow at Sparrow, made more powerful by the lurch and sway of the watercraft. “Watch the old fogey boyfriend jokes.”

  “Your vampire is only around ninety years old, isn’t he,” Morgana winked. “So far, he’s the spring chicken of our men these days.”

  The boat rocked savagely once more, and the group clutched each other for support. A sound split the air and Sparrow clutched her ears. The blood-curdling roar was laced with a high-pitched, echoing shriek.

  “What the hell?”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Sparrow yelled back at Tera.

  “Wish we had some damn windows to take a peak of this epic sea-battle.” Melissandra snickered before stumbling forward. The roar still shook the cabin, and the boat lurched back and forth, whether from waves or beastly impact, no one knew.
br />   “I’m sure that’s why Rowen insisted we stay in this particular room,” Morgana yelled over the background raucous.

  “What a buzz-kill!” Sparrow’s shouting came just as the roaring came to a halt. Her voice echoed stupidly in the room. “Oh.”

  “Battle over?” Michelle’s blue gaze searched the room, as if she expected her man to teleport in at any moment.

  He did. Duncan appeared in a mist, his body taking form to reveal a shredding black shirt, blood oozing from several slices in his abdomen. Crimson dots littered his face as if someone else’s blood had been sprayed against his skin. His eyes were darker than usual, Sparrow had seen them this way when he had arrived in Alcatraz.

  “Oh my God!” Michelle leapt into his arms. She was quick and agile like a jaguar, even in her human form.

  “Is everyone okay?” Tera and Sparrow spoke in unison. Tera obviously with Sabin in mind, and Sparrow realized, that she too, had someone in mind.


  No, not him. But Sparrow looked up to realize her aunt addressed the other knight who had found his way into the room.

  The rough and ready warrior stood with a cocky, playful stance, his muscular body leaned against the doorframe, hinting battle was a casual thing in their world. “Michelle, you’d be proud of your man. He’s giving vampires everywhere a good name.”

  But Duncan and Michelle disappeared from the room in another mist, teleporting elsewhere on the boat.

  Sodor laughed, and Sparrow watched his jubilant gaze turn to her with playful intensity. “He’s right, nothing is better than sex after battle.”

  Her stomach squirmed, and the space between her legs went hot. Not for Sodor, but imagining his words from Rowen’s mouth. Not that Sodor wasn’t a heavenly piece of beefcake, but Rowen’s introverted ways had cast a spell on her. She wanted to peel away the calm gentleman façade, and see how his warrior side handled the sack.


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