Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 7

by Trina Bates

  Taking off my pink flats, never did get the chance to change into my heels, I pull my legs under myself finding the most comfortable position. If I’m going to hash this out, you better believe I am going to be comfortable while doing it. Before I’m done getting situated, Lurch walks in and heads straight for Merrick bending down to whisper something in his ear. “That elitist taint biscuit is already here?” Merrick exclaims, loud enough to rouse the entire house. His eyes are filled with amusement, yet the glare he gives to the giant of a man has me questioning the amusement I see in his eyes.

  I can’t help but snort, and try to hold in my giggles. What the hell kind of an insult is that?

  “This isn't my house,” Merrick says as he turns to me, shrugging his shoulders, leaving an unknown choice up to me.

  “Who’s here?” Ebbin asks, walking into the living room with two steaming mugs of tea, his brows raised to Merrick and one side of his mouth pulled up in a half grin.

  “Rhett has decided to grace us with his self serving, sphincter biscuit having ass.”

  “Okay...” That's all I can manage to say, to spit out. My stomach is aching, from how hard I’m laughing and my eyes are blurred by tears. I can't believe what this hoity-toity ass is spewing; it's amazing! I have never heard such terrible, yet hilarious insults.

  Trying to calm myself down, I think back to Rhett and his arrival, I wonder if he's staying in the area? He got here pretty quick. At least I would only have to go through this once. That makes this situation a little easier in my mind.

  A sizeable six foot six lithe frame walks into my living room. Smaller in build compared to the rest of the guys, but Rhett is no less impressive with his long, alabaster hair pulled back in a knot, his bright almond shaped jade eyes search me out immediately.

  With his full lavish lips turned up in a sneaky grin, he walks to me, and sits as close as he can to my curled body on the sofa. Soft, clear, olive skin covers his tightly corded body. His skin is free of blemishes, no tattoos, no scars, simple perfection. His strong, squared chin, juts out at me to get my attention. I look up into his eyes and give him a small shrug, I don’t know what he’s expecting me to say, and right now, I’m a little too preoccupied to care. He grabs my hand and gives me a chaste kiss on top of it. That small sweet gesture gives me enough push to start explaining.

  In the only way I know how to do things when I am this nervous, I blurt it all out. “Rhett, Merrick, Rhydian. I’m pregnant. My conception date lines up with the night we all shared. I have no idea who fathered this child, but I’ll tell you now, it’s mine. I don’t give a shit if two of you are Others,” my words, spoken so rapidly, you can barely understand what I say. That doesn’t mean shit to them, they understand.

  Not even missing a beat, “Sorry to say it, babe, but I’m Other,” Rhett interrupts.

  Go figure, of course he is! This just makes things a bit more scary and much more complicated. I don't know the first thing about half breeds, let alone how to take care of one!

  “I hate you all. I hope you know that. You need to warn people before you fucking stick your dicks in them. Yeah, yeah, I should have asked,” I wave them off before they can start in. “I’m beyond caring at this point. Okay, what I need to know, before y’all get your questions going is if this child does end up being one of yours, will any of you try and take it away from me?” I look at them, including Ebbin, dead in the eyes.

  Rhett, still holding my hand is the first to answer.

  “No, but I’ll want to be here no matter whose it is, every step of the way.”

  Good enough answer, though I'm not sure about him being around that much or the others. I am trying not to dwell on his words too much so I can hear the rest of their answers. I look to Rhydian on my left side. He takes my tea away, setting it on the coffee table and grabs my other hand while smiling down at me.

  “No, but like Rhett, I want to be here. I’ll want to be in this child's life no matter what. I'm not saying we’ll all move in together and live happily ever after, but there’s something going on. I don't just want to be around you, it feels like I have to. I told you before there is something about your scent that is enticing to all of us. If I stay, even at a distance, I want to be involved. I hope you can accept that?”

  He’s looking down at our joined hands, with a slight frown taking over his beautiful face. I don't think I can say ‘no’ to him, even if I want to, and that’s the strange part. I don’t want to say no, I love the idea of all of them staying, but that’s confusing. But this is something that will have to be discussed with Ebbin, in private.

  “Asshole beat me to it. I agree with Rhydian. I put in for a transfer. Working, training, sleeping, relaxing, you were a constant at the forefront of my mind. Would I prefer to get a bigger house tomorrow, and have all of us move in as soon as possible? Yes. Will I? No. I highly doubt Ebbin is going to let that happen, but I hope you give us this chance.” He turns to address Ebbin, who in turn swivels his body to look Merrick in the eyes. He crosses his arms, waiting to see what more he has to say, clearly not happy with how this is going. His body language is letting us all know, he doesn't want to hear what they have to say and isn't the slightest bit happy. “That night we didn't all just fall for her. We fell for the feel of everyone, the sense of being complete, and wanted. No, we aren't into getting it on with each other in that way, but being around you and her? I know I speak for us all when I say this, we didn't want to leave. Those other two douche canoes are as close to me as brothers. You felt like they do, safe, honest, like family. The knowledge of Mira being pregnant doesn't change the fact, we all would have found our way back here at some point, and would have been asking then, what I am now.”

  The truth behind his words hit Ebbin and me hard. I can tell he's genuine. The hope in his eyes and solemn look on his face telling us as much. Hearing him lay it all out there? It makes sense. I know I have also had some of the same feelings. One night isn't enough. Before we all ended up in bed, we were all just hanging out, having fun. It was amazing. Rhett is a sneaky, carefree, full of life goofball. He doesn’t seem to be serious about anything. Rhydian is quiet, almost shy but an observer. He loves to be touched, like me. He’s simple and easy.

  Merrick is the serious one of the bunch, brooding in the corner, leaving the jokes to be made and enjoyed by the rest of us. He’s a protector. I tripped over my heels, after having a few too many and he was quick to jump and catch me. When one of the other patrons got a little too rambunctious, he was right there in front of us all making sure no one was in his way while he was escorted out of the bar, by a very angry Blue.

  Ebbin’s demeanor has changed significantly. He now stands with his hands in his pockets, his shoulders slightly drawn in and he's staring out the window. Running his hands through his hair, he huffs out a breath and comes to sit in one of the stately leather chairs across from me. Merrick follows suit and takes the one next to him.

  “That's a discussion for later. Right now this is about Mira. Let’s let her finish and we can go into that after, possibly.”

  Merrick gives a quick nod in agreement and turns his attention back to me.

  “Look. I'm glad all of you want to stick around, even though there’s so many things we don’t know. Thank you for what all of you said about this baby. It means the world to me. My next question, for any of you, is that I have no idea what this pregnancy can bring. Do any of you know what will happen, I mean, to me or the baby?”

  Looking to each of them again while biting my lip, no one says anything. Going into this completely ignorant is not something I’m thrilled about. I can get the answers I need from other people, though I’m hoping there won't be a need for that. I'd rather not involve anyone else in my problems, they're sensitive to me. Merrick catches my attention when he leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees. He starts running both hands through his hair messing it up, yet it still looks sexy and perfectly styled.

  “There are a lot of risks. I w
on't beat around the bush and try to save your feelings. I know you hate that shit. Most women, Hollow or Other, tend to have issues, what they are, I don't fully know. I do know a lot of mothers die in childbirth, or the child doesn't make it to full term. The couple I do know, where mom and child both made it, they had amazing partners and even better medical teams. They were shifters, they had the strength of the pack behind them as well. Even then, it’s terrifying and you never know what is going to happen. There are only two children I know of that have been born successfully from a Hollow and an Other in the last twenty years.”

  I feel like I’m going to throw up. The blow he just gave me sends me into a downward spiral. Me or my child. Can anyone truly make that choice? I’ll always pick the baby, but would they if it came down to it?

  “What do you mean a pack?” Ebbin asks before I can get the words out.

  “They had bonded mates. For one female, it was her and her three men. Her Harem as I like to call it. They took her as their Alpha and bonded to her. Her siblings did as well, but not quite in the same way obviously. The bond lets others lend her their strength or give her a boost. Just like if someone in a pack is wounded, the Alpha can lend them the strength they need and pull from the rest to add to it. I don't know if a Hollow can do it, but if you ever want to try, I'm your huckleberry.”

  Asshole just used a line from my favorite movie. Doesn't matter how old it is, you just can't beat the acting and plots from all those years ago. I roll my eyes at his use of the old movie line, and cross my arms as I close my eyes trying to really think about his words. I don't know about all this bonding shit. I’m not ready for that. I get there is time and it might come to it. I’m just not ready for it right now.

  “I'm not too sure on how I feel about all of this. I mean, just hours ago this was between Ebbin and me to worry about. I'm not even sure how I really feel about all of you being here. I think I speak for both of us when I say we appreciate it, but it's a lot to think about. The pack bonds have been explained to me before by Jeremy, but I didn't know you can pick your own Alpha.” I nibbled on my bottom lip in worry and started rubbing my hands together. “Why aren't all Others doing that? I doubt it will work with Ebbin and me, that seems a little far fetched. For Others it makes sense, but for Hollows, there's no way. We’re normal so we don't have the abilities you do. Pack magic comes from what you all are. We can’t make a bond like that, and just what the hell does a bonded mate mean? Is it like what the stories say? Like, we’re together forever? Hardly seems fair. What if one of us wants out? I don't like not having a choice, or leaving people without one.”

  With confusion and frustration overtaking my mind, I’m barely breathing unable to catch the breath I desperately need. This is a little too heavy, too quick.

  “I need to get some fresh air. Ebbin, will you come with me?” I’m up and away from the two giants on either side of me before they can move. A few grumbles and one heavy sigh, I turn and try to give them a reassuring smile. I doubt it does much but I’m trying. I just need a moment to decompress.

  Walking out the back door with Ebbin on my heels, I turn before he can stop, and we collide into each other. His massive arms come quickly around me and steady me on my feet. This right here, is where I want to be. Safe, comforted and in his arms.

  “What the hell is going on? I thought I’m the one that is going to be laying some ground rules, and telling them off for their behavior. Now, the conversation is going into a territory I don't know how to follow. I'm out of my comfort zone right now. I appreciate they all want to stay no matter what, and Merrick’s words make sense. I’ve felt the same about them a few times.”

  I have yet to tell him, I don’t want him thinking he isn't good enough, or that I prefer them over him. I can’t however, control how I felt after that night. All three of those men have been running around my mind since. I thought it would go away, but it hasn’t. I want to block them out and focus on only Ebbin. I can’t now, all of them are in just as deep, if not a lot more than I am, and it makes me happy.

  “You don’t ever need to lay ground rules. If they don't listen to you, they can go. I have your back in this, all the way babe. At any point in time. Yeah, there's a twenty-five percent chance one of them is the biological father. Bugs, you're one hundred percent the mother. It’s as simple as that. I also called Lyra,” he lets go of me and throws his hands up like I’m going to hit him. “Don't get mad. I know you hate her, but she can help us.”

  I look up to his face, and can’t help but grin. With a slight frown, his brow line drawn, and his bottom lip pushed out he looks adorable. That face is what I always get from him when he does something he knows I’m not going to be happy with. He thinks I’m going to be angry that he talked to that snobby bitch face. Since she’s a full Blood Fae with healing abilities, not only can she tell me what my baby is, she’ll also be able to help me through the pregnancy. She’s in hot shit with Ebbin, but she has no idea I detest her, nor will she ever know. I need this to work. If Ebbin can get her to help, I'm all for it. The price might be a little high, but I’ll do anything for this child, well almost anything. There is no way I will give her our blood, that could end up really bad for all of us. Seems like he's willing to do the same.

  “I'm not mad at you, but thanks for the reprieve from all the heavy. That will actually help. The only thing I have reservations about is the payment. I won't give her any of my blood, especially, now that I'm pregnant. There’s no way in hell that I’ll risk her having that power over me or the baby. It might just be for a short time but I'm just not okay with it. Will she take anything else?”

  “She owes me. Do you remember when she snuck the tissue with my blood on it? I told her I saw her take it. She was too scared to deny it, especially after I told Rios to get the Hounds. We made a deal, she keeps the blood and can't fire me, I keep her secret from the Hounds and the Conclave, so now she owes me a favor. It's already paid, the entire length of the pregnancy and birth.”

  That giant devil! Fuck, I love him. Jumping up into his arms, I bite into the soft flesh of his neck and suck. He grabs the back of my head and tugs on a fist full of my hair. With a growl, he pulls me away reluctantly. I can feel how much he enjoyed it. The proof is prodding me right in the stomach.

  “I swear you're crazy. One minute, you're freaking out, the next you're trying to rip my clothes off and fuck me. This is going to get worse later on too. Your hormones are going to wreck me. Maybe it's not such a bad idea keeping the guys around. I'm going to need some protection and time away from the crazy!” Holding his arms in mock defense, I punch him right in his gut. His upper lip turns up in a fake sneer and his eyes shine in the moonlight as he lifts an eyebrow at me. The punch didn’t do much good, but he deserves it and it felt good to me. Smart ass.


  I want to go to her, pull her in my arms, and promise her the world. It's not my place, yet. Soon, I can feel it. She needs us just as much and we need her. She calls to me and my fucking beast. It's a constant battle to keep him under control, he wants to protect her to bathe her in our scent. He has yet to retreat to the back of my mind where he normally stays, waiting for the time when a predator emerges to prey on the weak. A few times he has almost broken through and taken over, I’m barely able to keep him contained. My energy to fight him and keep him from scratching through the surface is quickly draining me. If he wins and forces a shift, he won’t hurt Mira, but she isn't ready to see him and I'm not ready for him to be seen.

  I'm not a pretty little wolf, a fluffy kitty, or an amazing dragon. I'm fear and death personified. My beast shows it all. I can feel her pain, her fears, and her happiness, all of her emotions. Being what I am, I can sense it all; every feeling a person has. We gave her too much information, she isn’t ready to learn the horrors of our world. There isn’t much choice now. When she comes back in, she needs to make a few decisions about the child, us, and herself. The others are giving it to her, the information and the
ir opinions, how she wants it, straight. The unease in her is pushing us all. Pushing us to make her happy, give her what she wants and needs. We’re all on edge and can't think straight with her like this, the urge to please her is driving us to be more for her. Sitting on the overstuffed, fluffy, couch waiting for her to return is making me anxious, my beast as well, he wants out.

  I clutch the sides of the cushion I’m sitting on and take a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart. I try to keep my mind busy, taking in the details of her home. Pictures of her and Ebbin hang on all the walls. No other family or pets. That's strange. I think to myself. Most people, Hollow or Other, have numerous keepsakes of their families. These walls are filled with their love of each other, no one else.

  Light yellow walls give the house a comfortable feel, the dark leather sofa, and chairs clash with the paint. Not sure what they were thinking with that, but who am I to say shit? Maybe the place came painted that way. The seats aren't worn on the chairs or couch, so I highly doubt they actually spend any time out here. She told me about her love of gaming in the grove and Ebbin is the same, so it only makes sense that the time spent in this house is elsewhere. If she lets us in, her gaming days will slow, and we’ll have her everywhere, literally and figuratively. Families don’t run off to other parts of the house, excluding those that need to be close to them. Before with her and Ebbin, that would have been fine, but now there are three more of us, none willing to let her go a second time, especially with what she is carrying inside of her.


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