Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 12

by Trina Bates

  But me being Other? There’s never been any signs. The Valkyrie side I can understand since you don't know until your twenty-seventh birthday. I don't know much of the history but the pictures I've been shown they have massive, beautiful wings, hair that came to their knees and they were all warriors. The wings are going to ruin a lot of my clothes.

  Demon? I have only come across one. He came into Blue’s about a year ago. He was light skinned like me, but his eyes were red; the sclera, pupil, everything, just solid red. He also had scales scattered across parts of his skin, a few spots on his neck, hands and some lining his hairline. He definitely instilled a little fear in everyone that came around him. Yet he was polite and tipped amazingly.

  I have no distinctive traits. No abilities. How am I supposed to do this? Being a Hollow is hard enough at times, but now? Now, I'm a twenty-six year old Other that knows nothing about her kind. Nothing about what she will become.

  Unbridled fear, it’s all consuming, I want to rush out of here, away from everyone and cry. I feel so lost and alone, the fact I don’t know my own origins, and what I’m going to have to go through to become what I need to be, to be a fucking Other. I’m losing myself to the dark memories that still plague me, my childhood.

  I grew up believing I was Hollow, there’s still no way to know any different than taking this Fae’s word. I was left in an abandoned car on the side of the road when I was two. I have no memories of my parents, nothing of before. All I had were the clothes on my back, a birth certificate with my mother’s name crossed out, along with any information that could have lead someone to her.

  I was put in the care of the Conclave. Manifesting no abilities by the age of twelve I was given a choice, keep barely living, with all of the other Unwanteds, who liked to taunt and hurt anyone, or I could petition the Conclave to find me a sponsor. That's how I met Blue. She became my sponsor when she came in to request more land. She saw me sitting there, black and blue from the beatings I just received and that day she took me home. She let me live in the apartment above the bar. My requirements were to finish school and never leave after dark. She made everything so easy, but most of all she gave me love and friendship. More than I have ever known. I wish she could be here right now. Having the guys is one thing, but the one constant in your life? That's what I really wanted at that moment. I wanted my best friend, my sister.

  Pulling myself out of the dark thoughts that are taking over my mind. I pull in a few deep breaths, and I start my barrage of questions. “Okay, I want to find the Demons. Learning about being a Valkyrie will come next. Lyra, how do I take care of myself and unborn child? When I do start to change, will there be anything I need to watch out for?” My breaths are coming fast, trying to get everything out so quickly winded me a little.

  The little Fae stands from her chair, walks to a cabinet on the far wall and grabs a leather bound book with gold lettering. I can’t read what it says at all, when she puts it in my hands. The words, if that's what they even are, look like nothing I have ever come across before. The ancient language might be able to be read by some, but not me, that's for sure.

  “This is the histories of some Others. You will find much information on Demons in this and some on Valkyries. I won't give you one on shifters, you have the means to get that from the man you sent out,” Lyra says with her eyes closed and her upper lip pulled up.

  “How did you know what he is if you didn't taste his blood? You singled him out.” I pull my eyebrows down and turn my head to the side waiting for her to answer my question.

  She huffs out a breath and turns away from me but still answers. “Shifters are easy to scent, he also smelled highly of apprehension.”

  While her explanation doesn’t make sense to me, I have to take what I can get. I shrug my shoulders and stand from the bed.

  “As for the rest of what you asked, when you ‘ascend’, I believe is what the Valkyries call it, you will be in a heightened state for about a week. Your senses, all of them, will be aggravated and sensitive. When your wings show, you need to take flight immediately. If you don’t, they won't listen to what your body asks of them later. They are a part of you but they also protect you. They don't have a mind but they do have feeling. Be careful of that. The part you need to worry about is your Demon side. You're Death, essentially, you can kill with a look, a touch, a thought, with enough power behind it. You must learn to rein in your feelings or you will cause immense destruction. I don't know why you haven't shown that side before now, but I would highly suggest getting someone to unlock you.” Lifting one brow to her in wonder, I try to keep my tone neutral and not sound as annoyed at her as I am right now.

  Yippee. Not only am I pregnant and hormonal, when I ‘ascend’ everything will be ‘more’ with that my emotions are already going haywire! And now this? If anyone pisses me off, I can go full reaper and cut them down on accident. This shit just keeps getting better and better.

  “What do you mean ‘unlock’ me?” I ask crossing my arms.

  “Others who manifest late have to be unlocked. Either by immense pain or another of your kind can help push your Demon half to the surface. The latter is what I would suggest,” she says with an eerie smile taking over her hideous face and running her black, forked tongue over her bottom lip making me shiver.

  Immense pain. Door number two it is if I can't get lucky and have it happen on my own.

  “Can I manifest my Demon side on my own, randomly, what about my pregnancy, Will I be okay now that we know I’m Other?” She actually looks sad. Her bottom lip is pulled into a frown, her shoulder fall and her eyes, as creepy as they are, are wide and filled with sympathy. Lyra seems crass and up front. Not showing any emotion, so seeing this look cross her face, it is making me nervous and very worried.

  “You can, though I have no idea how that would happen. Read the book and if need, there are many Demons in the city. Find one and ask. To the second question, no you need to manifest and ascend. Otherwise you're still essentially Hollow. You must manifest first. That way your abilities and body are open to the rest. If you're only half, I can honestly not say how things will be. I have never heard of a half breed birthing any children,” she pats my shoulder once and turns abruptly away, leaving me to try and figure this out on my own.

  Fuck! Of course things can’t just be easy. I have to become a fucking Death Demon and then ascend… how do I even do those things?

  “Are we done here? There's obviously a lot we have to get done and not a lot of time.” I stand and pick up the hoodie Ebbin was holding out to me, trying to keep my shaking hands to myself for the moment.

  “We are, though your men aren't. They have questions,” she says with her back to us.

  Almost forgetting they were there, I turn and find them all with solemn looks, eyes down, shoulders slumped and they are all fidgeting in some way. Ebbin meets my eyes then looks to Lyra.

  “What do we have to do? She's an unregistered. With her pregnant and new, they will take her. You know the rules just as much as I do, it doesn’t matter if she’s not showing any abilities.” The waver in his words and his hands clasped tightly behind him, have me going to his side and rubbing slow circles on his back and squeezing his forearm with my other hand trying to comfort him.

  A chorus of ‘no’s’ and a slew of cuss words have my nerves up and I’m thrown off guard, yet again. A shrill whistle brings everyone's attention to Merrick.

  “No one is saying shit. That's final. Let her stay unregistered. If they find out and take her, we won't be able to do shit about it. She will be alone, tested and most likely beaten to see what all she can do.” He’s standing with his large arms crossed a scowl on his face and his jaw is ticking with the annoyance at even suggestion they tell the Conclave about me. I can’t help the smile that is plastered on my face at how protective he is. I love it.

  “I'm with Merrick, though I don't understand how or why they would do that. Still a newbie here. I don’t know the ins and outs l
ike you do.” Once the Conclave was done testing you, they either sorted you with your own kind, as Other, or put you with the other Hollows. They don’t teach you anything about Others, that’s how weaknesses are found out. I squeeze Ebbin’s forearm tighter trying to get my anger under control, but it’s no use. There’s too much going on and I’m getting really irritated with them talking over me instead of including me. “Been less than thirty minutes and y’all are already making me hate listening to you,” I just want to go home and I needed Blue. Uncharted territory isn’t one of my strong suits, I go into everything with at least some knowledge of what can happen.

  Lyra has a look of mischief about her when she says her next words. “If they find out and learn you knew about her, you will all be punished. You know the consequences of keeping an unregistered. I won't say anything, I love to rile up those stuck up assholes any chance I can, but you better keep her indoors. If you go anywhere get the proper documents, I would suggest the mountains. She will need to fly soon. Go somewhere you won't be bothered but get the paperwork from the Conclave. Put everyone's name down. Don't give them reason to look into you leaving. They will already be suspicious about so many people leaving at the same time, and tied together at that.” Her eerie eyes are squinting at us and the one side of her mouth that is pulled up, I can’t tell if it’s a sneer or smile. She’s so fucking creepy and I’m ready to get the hell out of here.

  “We can go to my cabin. Though everyone will have to get leave from work. Ebbin, I can petition the Conclave to let you be my personal guard. That will get you out of it and still be paid. Just another way to fuck with those bastards more,” Merrick still standing with his arms crossed, is smiling at his own words and has the rest of us shaking our heads at him, with our own smiles to match his on our own faces. “Mira, Blue already gave you time off. Ask for an extension, you don't need documentation, so that will make things easier and leave you off the books for the Conclave to follow. Rhydian doesn't need permission since he runs his own company. Rhett, you will have to get it in writing from Rhydian.” Clapping his hands like a damn huddle was over, I half expect him to yell, ‘Break!’. He’s done with this place as much as I am “Lyra, I would love to say it has been a pleasure, but honestly, I dread the next time I see you. You’re really just not my cup of tea. Still, thank you for what you have done,” with that said, Merrick walks out the door with Rhett following close behind who gives a single, curt nod in Lyra’s direction. Ebbin and I glance to one another and go to follow. We shake the Fae’s hand on the way out giving our thanks as well.

  Handing the keys to Ebbin, I hop in the back seat with a scowling Rhydian who sits there with his arms crossed and Rhett follows behind me making me take the middle, squished happily between two big warm bodies.

  I lay my head on Rhydian’s shoulder and take Rhett's hand. Rhydian’s surprised by my actions. His body tenses and he squeezes his thighs with his hands, but doesn’t question it. I want to show him in some small way that I’m not pushing him out. I’ll talk to him in private about what he did, now isn’t the time. I do understand why he kept it secret, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  Secrets ruin relationships. They ruin trust. Not wanting that for any of them, or myself, I have to show I won’t take it. They need to know I’m strong. I can handle a lot and more if they trusted me enough with their secrets. If we’re going to do this together, we have to be a team and trust in each other and ourselves fully.

  Merrick brings Rhydian up to speed on what was said while he was gone. I feel his body tense when Merrick brings up the Conclave and the fact that I’m now considered unregistered. For ten years, the Conclave was unable to detect any signs that I was anything but an orphaned Hollow. If they ever did come to question us now, we can explain it away and play on everyone's knowledge, or lack thereof, to get out of anything they ask or try to make us do. I’m a registered Unwanted and Hollow. They have no real grounds to stand on since it is their ruling about what I am. They have nothing to stand on, no proof, they did the tests and they all came out negative. I’ll be fine if they try to come here.


  Instead of going inside, I walk to the back of the house where our covered patio is. Ebbin and Rhett go inside, but Merrick and Rhydian follow behind me silently. I’m surprised by this. I was honestly hoping to find out how Ebbin felt about all of this. We have been together for so long, it’s not just my life that has been turned upside down, It’s his too. I hope he still wants me after this. I think to myself as I chew on the inside of my cheek and start to flex my fingers out to give my hands something to do.

  There’s a built in seating area that surrounds a barbecue pit and a full outdoor kitchen. Finding a pitcher of sweetened iced tea, I grab three glasses, fill them and sit down on the large wrap around bench that has a fire pit in the center. No one says anything at first and that’s fine with me. I need a moment to enjoy this, the simple calm of the backyard, the chirping birds and gorgeous tall tree branches swaying in the slight wind that has picked up. It will all to soon be taken away, and there is no word on how long we’ll be gone. I love my home. The knowledge we’ll be leaving here, it twists something inside of me.

  Thirty six hours ago, I was pregnant with Ebbin’s baby, going to work, and making small talk with friends. Now, I'm pregnant with a child that will grow into something wondrous, powerful, if Lyra is right, she will be a force to be reckoned with and I can’t wait to help her grow into such a woman, but am I really ready for that?

  “You’ll love it in the mountains. It might be a little cold but with how much you love the outdoors, I think you’ll find yourself happy there, for however long our stay might be. I wish I could make this all go away for you, but since that can't happen, I promise you, I’ll do everything I can to make it enjoyable,” Merrick’s kind words resonate with me, and pull me out of the darkness I was about to fall into. If I’m going to have to leave my home, I’ll do everything I can to not only make it fun for all of us, but I’ll also train as hard and as often as I can. I won’t lag behind and feel sorry for myself, I need to get this all figured out, I can’t let them down, that’s like letting myself down all over again.

  “That means a lot. Thank you. I'm just going to miss it. Not knowing, going into this blind is what’s messing with me.” He nods to me and smiles at my downcast face, no doubt feeling a lot of the same things I am.

  All of them are ready to uproot their lives, so quick and willingly, to do whatever it takes to keep us safe and happy..My heart swells at that knowledge and I grasp the cold cup in my hands and close my eyes smiling at those thoughts.

  A small part of me does think the others will leave after Lyra said my little girl will grow to be a shifter like her dad. I still wonder if they will. Getting used to leaning on people and counting on new ones, it will take me a little while to remember and accept. We’re in such new territory, I will need all the help I can get.

  “Rhydian, I don't want to get into an argument about what you did. I understand it a little. Going forward from here, without dwelling on it, don’t lie to me, don't keep things from me. Trust is how we’re going to get through this. Trusting ourselves and each other. I'm strong enough to deal with what you held in. Would it have hurt? Probably, but what hurt more, is you keeping something like that from me. None of us really know each other, we spent a few hours hanging out one night and then y’all were gone the next morning. In just under twenty four hours the three of you come back into my life, we’re thrown a few curve balls and we’re dealing. Starting at the beginning with lies, will end us before we even get a chance to start.”

  I’m not about to hold back my feelings. He held back from me and now we’re here. I stare everywhere but at him, as I say everything. Turning my head in his direction he's looking to the ground, his dark eyes deep in thought and his forehead wrinkled. The look doesn't sit well with me.

  “You know my reasons, I won't try to justify them further. I’m sorry,” lean
ing into him, he puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer.

  “Okay.” I keep my tone calm and as normal as I can and try my best to smile at him, I hope he understands this isn’t easy, but that, I’m trying.

  His simple words are perfect. I smile to myself, feeling lighter and more comfortable in their company. We will all do our best, nothing's perfect. All I can ask for is that we don’t stop trying.

  “Merrick, what are Valkyries? Are they Fae?” I single him out, since he's an unknown to me. I have never heard of a Smith before and figure his knowledge of my kind will be more up his alley than the others.

  “They’re Valkyrie. Some called them children of the old gods, others said they were made. I don't know which of those, if any, are true, but they aren't Fae.”

  His silver eyes are looking longingly at a piece of metal he pulled from his pocket. I try to peek at what it is but he quickly closes his hand and gives me a sideways smirk.

  “Where is the book that little goblin gave you? We can look up more while the others pack a few things. Rhett opened a portal to our place, he and Ebbin are going there for a few things, so we have a little time,” he says, turning his head searching for the book.

  “Portal? He can do that?” I’m surprised and intrigued with that knowledge. Imagine what we can do with it. Where we can go!

  “That's how he got here so quick last night isn't it?” I ask, my eyes lighting up and my voice a few notes higher than normal making him smile at my ignorance.

  “I didn't think that kinda shit is real! Wait, how do you know they are gone? You came straight back here with me.” Grabbing the book from the other side of Rhydian where I set it previously, I hand it to Merrick, but what I see on his face makes me pause.

  The smile he's giving me is filled with amusement and a little confusion. His eyes are twinkling and but his mouth is pulled down in a frown.


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