Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 14

by Trina Bates

  Getting ahead of myself, I take a long drink of my iced tea. There’s no way this is going to happen! Not only does none of this make any sense, but do I really want to be Other? Immortal? How can I live for all these years, watching everyone I know and love wither away and die?

  Blue is an exception. She’s immortal. Like a damn vamp from the stories years ago, if she continues to drink blood, she will keep living. She takes some of their life force, part of the soul it feeds her, keeps her young and healthy.

  -But what about Ebbin? I don't want to live without him. I’m not sure if I can live in a world where he doesn't exist. The same goes for Rhydian, Merrick, and Rhett. How do you live in a world where everything you have ever known, ever loved, dies and leaves you broken? If I do this, become a full Other, I’ll essentially lose everything, but I gain a little girl. How does anyone choose? Worst mom award! Goes to me! And my little girl isn't even here yet!-

  My eyes are wide and staring ahead at nothing, my hands grip the book tightly in my hands and I start to shake. The fear and unknown are making me dread anything the future holds. I want to look to something, not be afraid of it.

  “Holding in your fears only makes them that much worse if you let them go long enough without getting resolved, they sit there and fester. It makes you worry more on them and that is unnecessary. Talk to us, tell us what your thinking and feeling. We might be able to help,” Merrick puts his arm around my shoulders and draws me closer to him. Taking comfort in his embrace, and telling them everything I’m worried about. It doesn’t help me in the least. If anything, it makes me dwell on all the ‘impossibles’ even more.

  “You really don't know a lot about us, do you? You live in a world full of Others, yet you know nothing about any of our races. Let me tell you a little secret,” Rhett scares the shit out of me! Jumping from my seat, I turn and see both Rhett and Ebbin standing behind me. Ebbin looks terrified and excited, his eyes gleaming and wide. I’m guessing at using the portals Rhett can make and possibly the house.

  Behind them is a rift in the air, it’s the size of a door but on the other side instead of showing the backyard that we were sitting in, it looks like a huge library is beyond us instead.

  A gorgeous mahogany desk with a black leather, high back chair sits in the middle empty. Behind that, rows and rows of bookshelves full of colorful new and old books.

  Before I can truly appreciate it, Rhett snaps his fingers and right before my eyes, the door blinks out of existence. I’m sure my face mirror Ebbin’s and from the smug look on Rhett’s face, his upturned lip, hip jutted out and his arms crossed. He knows I’m impressed and sad he made it go away.

  “Pure Others? We’re all immortal. Dual bloods, like your self, usually live a very long life and a few we know of, are a couple thousand years old,” Rhett's words stun me silent.

  They must not have heard my entire rant before. Neither Rhett or Ebbin comments on anything other than the last part. The pain is evident on Ebbin's face. Without a word from him, he walks to me and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and I start blurting out everything we just found out from the book.

  “So, cool story? There are more ‘worlds’ than just ours. Apparently, I can pull on some magical string inside me and poof, I'm there. Oh, and I can't be a Death Demon. There's only one left from what the book says, and the last of his kids died almost twenty-five years ago, but the best part? I'm going to fucking live forever, well if we can find my Valkyrie line, and I choose immortality. If I don’t, I will stay a Hollow and most likely one of us will die, me or the baby. So! Did y'all have fun?”

  Ebbin is stiff as a board as I speak. He tightens his hold on me but doesn’t move. I know this is going to hit him the hardest. He's my rock, but now, we have to be his. I don't know how he's going to handle all of this. Hell, I don't know how I am. I can only hope he stays with me, I want him to be here, I want to make this better for us.

  -Is that selfish? Should I let him go? Go find someone else to have a full, happy and Other free life?-

  -No! You need each other like we need you. You’re connected more than you know. He wouldn't let you go, anyway. Don't let him hear those thoughts from you. It will just hurt him more knowing you’re second guessing everything you have ever known. Including the life you have made together.-

  Rhett’s words in my mind make my head spin. They might have made sense, but it surprised me when he talks directly into my head. The others must have clued him in when they got here, and without me knowing. I send each of the men in front of me, but behind Ebbin, a scathing look and in turn, they look to the ground, knowing damn well why I’m glaring at them.

  “Do you have any idea what the fuck is really going on? Have you ever had to deal with any of the things I am? I know you had a crap upbringing, but you at least knew what you could and most likely would become! I'm lost! All of you are here sure, but it's all pretty words and promises you don't even know if you can keep. You can't make these choices for me! Ebbin is, and always will be, the love of my life! Now I have to worry about watching him grow old and die while I stay young and live on! Yeah, I get I’ll have my daughter and you guys, but I don't want to lose him. I can't! How can destiny, fate, whatever the hell is out there, ask that of anyone?”

  The moment the words are said, I freeze. Wanting those thoughts to be for the others, and not for Ebbin. He heard it all, I didn't mean to say it out loud but the damage is done. I slip down his body, rest my head on his chest and start to cry. He holds me close whispering how much he loves me, how I’ll never have to choose.

  -That’s just it though, isn't it? I do have to choose. That's what this is all about. What life is about. Well fuck that!-

  The dark thoughts that are drowning me, pull at an evil darkness inside myself, one I have never felt. I want to curse the fates, the gods, the Conclave, my own kind. I need someone to blame. How is anyone supposed to choose these things. Why did we have to?

  “I CHOOSE IT ALL! Do you understand me? I choose them! I choose my daughter, and I choose for them to all stay with me! They are mine and you will NOT take any of them away, EVER!”

  Right after my declaration, Ebbin and Rhydian fall to the ground, holding their heads and screaming in pain. The others clutch their chests and fall to their knees as well, but aren't in the kind of pain Rhydian and Ebbin seem to be in.

  -What the hell?- I wonder, standing there dumbstruck and riddled with confusion and fear.

  “You made us a pack, love,” Merrick says through gritted teeth, obviously in pain. His eyes are clenched tightly shut and he is grasping his shirt so hard over is heart, that his knuckles are turning white.

  As he said it, I feel pieces of them tear into me, embedding parts of themselves into me. I can feel them inside me, their hearts and minds.

  -I just didn't want to choose anymore!- I scream in my mind, throwing my hands in the air and glaring at anything my eyes land on.

  I have no idea what he's talking about. “What is going on? What is happening to them?” I scream in confusion, the worry in my voice evident with the quiver that laced it. I rush to Ebbin’s side and lean down to him. The others are faring much better than he is. He needs me the most right now.

  “Love, you claimed us as a pack. This is what happened to me when I accepted my brother as my leader. He’s changing, shifting. Why didn't you tell us Ebbin never claimed an Alpha or a leader?” Rhydian’s words shaking me to my core, I stare down at my lover and Rhydian who is unmoving but his eyes are wide and filled with pain as he bites on his bottom lip. I kneel at Ebbin’s side and run my hands through his hair trying to soothe any part of him I’m able to.

  I’m so flustered by Rhydian’s words, I get what he is saying, but not the how or why. The only thing that makes sense is that Ebbin is an Other. His eyes, his height and build, the way he is so protective over me. The way he seems to pick up on danger quicker than anyone. How strong he is.

  “We didn't know,” I whisper. “He was
adopted but went through the same tests as I did from the Conclave.”

  All the men suck in a sharp breath at my confession. They have no idea just how much I know about the Conclave.

  “They can't make him submit or choose. It has to come from the heart. He obviously chose you and accepted you when you chose him. That's the one thing the Conclave has never seemed to be able to force. They have shifters on two chairs of the Conclave, but even they can't make a person choose.”

  Ebbin starts shaking horribly. His eyes squeeze tightly shut and the sweat beading on his brow is worrying me more and more as each second passes without any change to the pain he is in.

  “Rhydian, please make it stop!” I cry to him, looking at him through tear filled eyes, clutching Ebbin’s body tightly to me.

  “I can’t. He has to accept his other half. From how this is going, I’d say he's a pretty powerful one. Should be interesting.” The last part is said under his breath, but we all heard it, and we all look to him for a better explanation.

  Sighing and obviously feeling a bit better, he fills us in. “The more powerful the beast, the longer the shift. My shift first took about this long, but his doesn't seem to be easing. When he shifts, everyone needs to stay lower than him, avert your eyes. Mira, that means you, even if he chose you to be his lead and accepted you, his beast hasn't.” His words make little sense, but having something else to focus on, I push all my love into him and continue to hold him and whisper some of my memories of us, to him.


  Suddenly Rhydian jumps up and runs to the side of the house yelling for all of us to stay still. Perplexed and scared from the way his voice has changed, I did as he asked. The deep baritone is gone from his voice, the new one is deep filled with pain, and more gravely, grated. It’s terrifying and doesn’t sound human.

  A sound I have never heard before tears through the air. Not a growl, more like a howl but it is one of pure unadulterated pain, and sadness.

  The hairs on the back of my neck rise and a shiver runs through me. I can feel something powerful, something predatory stalking through my yard. I feel eyes on me, but I can’t take my own off of Ebbin. I’m trying to do as Rhydian said, but it is getting harder by the second when I feel like I’m about to be something’s prey.

  Squeezing my eyes shut out of fear, I feel a hot breath on the back of my neck, and something inhales deep, making my head lower and my shoulders pull in. A low growl starts deep in whatever is behind me’s throat, and then a long wet tongue slicks up the side of my face. Between being amazingly grossed out and rooted to my spot out of fear, I swat at whatever is behind me, not thinking of the consequences. I hit something soft and bring my shoulders to my ears as I duck forward.

  Slitting my eyes open, a large black wolf stands behind me. His head is the size of a damn horse’s and it’s resting on my shoulder. So close, and heavy. Large canines are sticking out and are most likely longer than my middle finger. I know immediately this is Rhydian, the eyes might be a different color but the look behind them is the same.

  This is what he hates so much? I don’t understand why. He is untouched gorgeous destruction. Wild and untamed beauty. How can you hate something so pure? So gorgeously frightful.

  The beast chuffs at my thoughts, making me smile now knowing he can hear them, but lets me continue my perusal. It amazes me he can hear them like the others can. It makes sense though, if his master can hear my thoughts, he should be able to as well.

  Standing to his full height, not only is his head the size of a horse but so is his entire form. If I stood, I doubt my head would clear his shoulders. Blood red eyes stare back at me, dull and lifeless. That gets me a little anxious but I know Rhydian is in there somewhere. Everything else about Rhydian is vibrant and warm, I think his beast is too. At least to the people that aren't predators, looking to prey on the weak and helpless. This large black wolf is solid black and his fur is long, it’s hard to keep my hands wrapped around Ebbin, while I’m trying my hardest not to reach out and touch the beasts coat.

  I’m nervous at his closeness, especially with a prone and very weak Ebbin in my lap. Predators prey on the weak and that's what Ebbin is at this moment. I have to protect all of us. Rhydian told me he and his beast wouldn't hurt me, but there was nothing said about anyone else. This is one thing I hope I won’t be wrong in, trusting him and his beast.

  -This beast has a name, I am Kigiree. You are smart to trust my Doyen. We would never hurt you. Especially not now that you have taken us into your bonds, and more so with the child growing in you. I have been very impatiently waiting to have a moment with you. Your scent is intoxicating. I'm sorry for tasting you earlier. I could not hold back. I'm a little jealous, to be honest, though if the rest of you tastes as sweet as your cheek, my Doyen truly is quite lucky.-

  -Well damn, dirty minded much big guy? The first time I come face to face with a shifter in his animal form, and he's a fucking dirty minded shit! Who the hell would have thought?-

  -I only state fact and tell truths. I hope it does not offend too much. Though your rosy cheeks, racing heart, and the scent of arousal tell me you enjoy it. My little protege growing inside you loves my touch. I can feel how she gets as close to me as she can when I am near. She will be mighty, fierce, and so much more powerful than you can imagine. If you would allow, I would like to take her on her first hunt.-

  -First hunt? What the hell do you mean? And how can you sense her trying to get closer to you? I thought that was just Rhydian?-

  -She needs to hunt by her beast’s maturity age at the earliest, preferably before. Since she will take after you as well, the latest we take her should be around her second year, that will be fine as well. I am just very anxious. She has a little of me in her as well. My Doyen didn't just give himself to you that night. He also gave a part of me, of the beast within.-

  He states it so matter of fact, I can't help but giggle at all of his antics, and also bristle at his words.

  -We can cross that bridge when we get to it. I'll talk to your, what did you call him? Doyen, what’s that anyway?-

  -It means leader, master, but for me, it means companion or friend. I will look forward to it. He’s pushing for control, I must take leave now. Goodbye Mira. I will see you soon, no doubt.-

  With a quick sniff of my hair, he darts off to the side of the house again. Without another thought to the strange shit that just happened, I turn back to Ebbin, still safely wrapped in my arms, he hasn't made a move since the first initial attack. So I sit here and wait.

  What feels like hours later, but is only minutes I'm sure, his body starts to shake, and I notice his hands are turning into what look like talons. I'm scared out of my mind and try to cover his changing hands with my own.

  “He's a flyer!” Rhett shouts with awe in his voice, everyone witnessed what I did, but none says a word about it. Looking back down to Ebbin, just as quick as the talons were there, they’re replaced with large black paws.

  “Fuck,” Merrick whispers. “He's a dual! Shit, this is going to hurt him. He's going to shift too quick and it's going to wear him out. Rhett, portal out and get raw meat! Lots of it,” before the sentence is finished, Rhett’s gone, taking a portal to who knows where.

  Looking to the two remaining men, Rhydian, who is holding Ebbin’s legs, and Merrick that is holding his shoulders, grunts as they are both thrown off when Ebbin has another powerful spasm, shaking him out of everyone's grasps, and is thrown onto the ground.

  Looking down, Ebbin’s legs have ripped through his pants, his boots were gone, and what remained is a long slim tail. Forest green with a lighter sage color in some spots covers him. There are four large spikes that stand straight up with translucent webbing in between.

  -Just what the hell is that? Oh fuck, I’m so not wanting to see what the rest of him is going to look like!-

  “He’s a fucking Ternary! I swear if one more thing shifts on him, there's no way in hell any of us will get out of this without s
ome major injuries. Mira, Rhydian get back. We all need to leave him to it now. His beasts have all shown a part of themselves. Now he has to fight the dominance, and see which of his companions will come out as the dominate shifter. He’ll be able to shift into them all, but the one that wins will be the one that is better suited to who he is, how he fights, and how he protects,” Merricks worry filled wide eyes plead with me, but I can’t move.

  Fear is seeping out of us all, permeating the air and calling to every predator in the nearby woods, making the prey cower and hide. We can hear the bushes moving and the small branches breaking in the distance with the animals that were curious as to what has the air so ripe and potent.

  Even though Merrick told us to move, we’re all too shocked to listen to him, including himself.

  -I can’t let Ebbin go. I can’t leave him like this.- I hear Merrick’s words, but I can’t listen to him, Ebbin would stay by me, no matter what. I’ll always stay with him and be by his side.

  Someone pulls at my shoulders trying to make me move away but it’s of no use. Nothing is going to take me away from the love of my life. I barely register someone yelling my name. I’m too far gone, worrying about what Ebbin is going through. I have to make sure he hears every memory I tell him and feels the love I’m putting behind all these words, even if he isn't able to hear it, I know deep inside, he can feel it.

  Something sharp pierces my thighs, Ebbin's body twists, shudders and morphs in my arms. I feel what seemed to be velvet caressing my face, but the sharp pain in my thighs is getting worse. I can’t help but shut my eyes trying to close off the pain.


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