Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 16

by Trina Bates

  Hearing his inner monologue, I’m embarrassed and turned on immediately, I should back out, but I can’t, not yet. Pushing my way into his mind a little deeper, I’m able to finally see through his eyes, and I give myself a mental high five. This is going to be so much fun.

  Not only can I see what he was seeing but I’m getting his thought images too! As I’m watching him stroke his hard cock through his own eyes, I start seeing flashes of myself. He’s got me bent over on the bed in a way it would nearly be impossible to move. In one hand he’s got a fist full of my hair, pulling me back into him. The other firmly grasping my hip. He tells me to scream for him as he thrust into me hard. Fucking me deeper with each thrust of his hips and pull of my hair. I can see his abs flexing with every thrust and his arms tensing every time he pulls me back down his shaft. I can’t believe how vivid his imagination is.

  He’s now watching himself fuck me as hard as he can. From a third person view, it’s like he’s standing beside where I’m watching, this feels so strange. Plunging his cock deep inside me over and over to the point his legs start to weaken from the pleasure building up inside him. I stop watching his thoughts and listen.

  -Fuck, I don’t know how long I can hold out. Seeing that sweet ass in my fucking face makes me want to explode. Next time I get her alone, I’m gonna sink my teeth into that shit and make her beg for my dick. Just like she has me begging for that sweet cunt of hers. I wanna feel how wet she gets when I rip her legs apart and dive in to taste her. I want to make her squirm with pleasure as I pull her closer and closer.-

  Already wet and needy, I thrust further into his mind peering out of his eyes, what I see does not disappoint! Gripping his large hand over himself, his dick was hard as a rock and needing a release.

  Throwing his head back and closing his eyes, he started visualizing me again, which cut me off from my own personal show. I wasn't happy.

  -Enough of that, I have to see it, now. Open your eyes and look at your cock Merrick!-

  Eyes snapping open wide, he whips his head down and looks in the mirror, halting the movement he has going on his cock.

  -Why did you stop? I can feel how much you want it, how much you want me. Why are you still in the bathroom and not in here,with me. Though I can't say I'm complaining too much. That was quite a treat.-

  -I can't fucking believe you finally wake up after a week! Dive into my thoughts, and, and! Figure out how to see through my eyes. Jesus Mira, get out of my head. I'm too fucking riled up. I have to finish, I need this.-

  -A week?!- I shout into his head, making him wince and tense his shoulders, releasing his still throbbing dick.

  -Mira, I'm not kidding. Let me finish and I will be right there, please?-

  Feeling bad for not letting him finish, I try to set aside the fact I was out for a week, and let him get back to it. Though I’m not about to make it that easy.

  -I'll let you finish if you let me watch.-

  I can’t help it as I slide my own fingers down my body, tweaking my nipple once and dipping lower as I start to play and rub myself. I’m hot and bothered, needing release just as much as he is.

  -You little voyeur. I should tell Rhydian and Kigiree.-

  -Why? You want him to help you out?- I tease back giggling at how much fun this is for me.

  -You’re insufferable.-

  Knowing he’s joking, he obliges but looks in the mirror first with lidded lust filled eyes and a smirk on his face. Fucker is teasing me too much, even though he is the one in need.

  Slowly looking down his own body, I take in every tattoo, every corded muscle in his chest and his abs, the decadent V at his waist, and then I see his hand grab for his dick again.

  Wanting to help him in any way I can, I tried to send him thoughts of what I was doing to myself. The way my fingers are soaked in my own juices.

  The look on my face as I play with a nipple and rub my clit harder and faster. Then to push him over the edge, I sent one of me, riding him and cumming when he sucks on one of my nipples and pulls my hair making my head fall back as I scream.

  Watching him as he pumps harder, tightens his hold on himself and grabs the edge of the counter, he finally lets go when I send an image of myself cumming to the image of him. I can’t help the moan that slips out as I find my own release when I see him take his. I know he hears me through my mind, and the walls.

  Opening my eyes, I watch him taking deep breaths as he washes his hands. He looks into the mirror, flips me off and leaves the bathroom, I assume heading for my room.

  Feeling too shy now that I was back in my own head, I jump off the bed and run into my own bathroom locking the door behind me and jump in the shower. I have to clean myself up and try to rein myself in a bit before I show my face, to anyone.

  Taking as long as I possibly can, I stand under the hot water, wondering how I was out for a week.

  -I mean, nothing was hooked up to me for food and water, and just how the hell did I not have to go to the bathroom?-

  I’m not sure I want to ask but I’m way too confused to leave it alone.

  Hopping out of the shower, I notice someone put a new set of clothes on the counter for me, a plain black t-shirt, my jacket with the fur lining, skinny jeans, and fuzzy socks with a pair of my winter boots. I know for a fact, I locked the door. Seeing all of it in here, I can almost guarantee Ebbin found one of the little keys and silently opened the door, saving me from having to come out naked, and embarrass myself any further.

  So, I guess since I’m finally awake it’s time to go. The fact that we only have a week for me to figure out how to get to my ancestor’s home, ascend to a Valkyrie and get the Demon shit worked out. It’s daunting and I have no idea what’s going to happen now that I don't have Lyra to help me through everything.

  The risks of staying behind and getting caught by the Conclave is what makes up my mind to accept everything so quickly. I know I can’t stay since I’ll soon be showing, and the Conclave no doubt has the knowledge I was hooking up with Rhydian since our little ordeal at Blue's. Their spies are everywhere. The sooner we leave the better.

  Grabbing one of the bigger makeup bags I have from under my sink, I shove in the few items I want to take with me and walk out to go pack up my clothes. Ebbin, no doubt, already has Rios on his way over to take care of things while we’re away. I just wish we knew how long we’re actually going to be gone for.

  There’s a buzz in the air, everyone’s busy with their own packing and no one tries to come in to check on me. Not even Merrick after what we did. They know I’m awake, someone does, since there were clothes set out for me after my shower. I already talked to Merrick and Rhydian, they knew I was up. Rhydian I’m sure told Rhett, but where is Ebbin.

  Finding my closet empty and my clothes already in a suitcase, I double check my closet and grab the knives that were left behind by whoever packed for me. I’m not going into anything without some way to protect myself.

  With nothing left to pack, I zip my bags and walk quietly and as slow as possible down the hall to find the others. I want to savor every last second I can in my home. I hate that we have to leave it. It’s not an easy thing to leave the only place you have every truly been able to call your own. To leave the memories, the people and even the material things. I know we can come back, but it doesn’t change the fact, we don’t know when that will happen. That’s what scares me most.


  Taking in the home we worked so hard to save up for, I can’t help but stare at each picture, remembering each memory that came with it. I wondered if we really would ever be able to come back, come back to our little town, our home we worked so hard get.

  Will we be able to raise our daughter here safely, without the threat of the Conclave, or Hollows and Others alike trying to tear her down, hunt her for her powers or use her for them. Just thinking about it has my blood boiling. My heart rate is steadily rising, I clench my fists and grind my teeth. How can someone so small, so innocent be hu
nted, hated and used. Hollows can be so cruel, but so too can the rest of the worlds, the Others. Life is supposed to be cherished, not used for others gains or used by people for their sick and twisted games. Maybe coming back here isn’t such a good idea.

  “I can feel the nasty shit you have going on inside you. You want to talk about it?” Ebbin says, coming up behind me, sliding his hands in front of my stomach and holding me to his chest.

  I shrug my shoulders in response unsure of what to really say. So I try and change the subject, for him and me.

  “Oh, so you can feel my feelings now?” I lean my head back and peer up at his smiling face right before he leans down and gives me a kiss on the nose.

  “I can always tell what your feeling, you give yourself away with your body language, and yeah, having these new nifty powers has given me some more insight, like hearing your thoughts if I try,” he gives me a panty dropping smile and leans down once more, but this time instead of a kiss he blows slobbery raspberries into my neck. I wipe away the slobber and turn to get out of his arms.

  “I'm so glad you're awake. They’ve never heard of someone being out for as long as you and so we called in Lyra when you didn't wake, after eight hours. We were worried about you but also the baby. Lyra was able to feed you some of Rhydian's blood to sustain you both. She left the rest of what was going on up to Rhett. You should have seen his face when he tried to cast a spell so you wouldn’t wet yourself. We thought he was going to run away in embarrassment. Don't be too hard on him though. We couldn't have taken care of you properly without him,” he tells me while he’s trying to hold in his laugh but the jitters in his shoulders tell me he’s losing the battle.

  “Why was he so embarrassed? What did he have to put me in a diaper or something?” The image I have in my mind has me laughing. Rhett leaning over me with an adult diaper, trying to lift my butt up and scooch it under me, and then pinning it with clothespins instead of the tape that's on the sides.

  “No, nothing like that, but the words he had to use were pretty funny. Talking about ‘urine’ and ‘don’t let her piss herself’. I thought all of that witchy shit was in a different language, I guess we now know it's not.” We’re both laughing at that. It’s a nice reprieve from the worry and rage that seems to be a now constant in my life.

  “So that's how he did it. Well that answers that, but why would he think I would make him feel bad for doing it?” It’s his turn to shrug his shoulders at me and give me an I don’t know look; his sexy lips pursed and his brows are high on his forehead. He’s so fucking adorable.

  So far, all any of them have done is take care of me, make me feel wanted and loved. They promised to stay with me, and protect what I now consider theirs, me, Ebbin and this baby girl, their family. Yeah, I might poke fun at them sometimes but I’m not about to diss them and make them feel bad for something that was so sweet.

  Instead of answering me, Ebbin lifts my chin up so he can see my eyes, I stare back at him and clasp my hands behind his neck. He leans down and right before our lips meet, he smiles and dives in. I can feel his arousal, it's been there for a while I'm guessing since he’s rock hard and ready for whatever I give him. I don’t know how I missed it earlier. No doubt he peeked in on me when I was spying on Merrick’s little hand session.

  His kiss isn't slow and tender like I was expecting. It’s fast, hot and heavy. I’m out of breath and needing more contact. Wanting and needing to feel him everywhere, all over me, now.

  When his hands come to the front of my shirt and started gliding up, I can’t resist feeling him the same way, running my own hands up the hard muscles of this stomach. Right as we’re about to start tearing each other's clothes off, a loud bang has us pulling apart.

  Staring at the front door that is now hanging wide open. Rhett’s standing there, sheepishly staring at the ground trying to turn away. Ebbin and I both laugh and adjust our clothes, trying not to be embarrassed.

  “So, how hard was it to make sure I didn't wet myself?” I ask, still adjusting my clothes and trying to hold in the laugh that’s about to burst out at any moment. He ruined my moment with Ebbin, so I’m going to give him a little grief. I won’t prolong it or take it too far, but I’m going to give him a little of what he always gives us. His cheeks flare a deeper red and I watch as his jade eyes go wide with embarrassment. It’s worth it.

  The look on his face is adorable, he turns and tries to walk to the open door. Before he can leave, I run straight into his chest wrapping my arms around him. Soon enough he embraces me back and kisses the top of my head. All is forgiven, he knows I‘m playing and he secretly loves it. I know it.

  “Thank you yet again, Rhett,” with one last squeeze, I let go and walk to my packed bags, handing them to Ebbin with a wink.

  “I saw this on the bed, I take it we’re leaving today?” I can’t contain the sadness in my voice, instead of it coming out strong, it’s quiet, said almost in a whisper, unable to contain the sadness in my voice.

  “We are,” Ebbin states with a downcast look on his face. His eyes sad and a small frown is pulling his lips down. “The sooner the better. We were also able to find a few more books on Valkyries.” That piques my interest. My eyebrows raise and I lick my lips, in anticipation, ready to learn as much as I possibly can. “One talks about their abilities, another is what seems to be a ‘how to’ on their powers and how to properly ascend. We are ready when you are. I’m sorry it’s so soon after you woke up. Time really isn't on our side right now.”

  I understand his worry more than he knows. I’m the one that actually has to do all of this. He’s right though, there’s no warning. I woke up, perved out on Merrick, showered and now, with few words said, they have my entire life packed. I don’t even have time to go back through and look for things they may have missed. I have to trust they got everything of importance. Rhett can portal us back at any time if they did miss anything, but it won’t be the same, we won’t be able to stay.

  Pulling me out of my inner pity party, Rhydian walks through the door heading straight for me. He picks me up in one of his bear hugs, twirling me around like a child. Surprised by the gesture, but happy for it all the same. I squeal into his neck as I wrap my legs around him. Stopping his antics, he kisses my neck once and sets me down. A little dizzy from all the twirling, I hold onto his arm with a giant smile plastered across my face.

  “I'm sorry for all of this,” he says looking down at me. I try to smile for them all to let them know I’m okay, but I doubt I’m very convincing. “We really do have to be going. The snow is already starting to fall through the pass. The later it gets, the more snow we will have to get through. It will only get worse with time.” Rhydian’s statement has me looking up to him with gleaming wide eyes. Snow, I love snow and have been missing it since Ebbin and I haven’t taken a vacation in awhile.

  Blowing out a breath, I ask them for two minutes. Running into the kitchen, I grab the tea they left behind, no doubt Rhett did that on purpose. My giant self heating mug, some honey and a few snacks I don’t think I’ll actually need, but hey, you never know.

  Jogging back into the living room, Merrick’s there. My stomach flips and I snort out a laugh when I see him standing around looking smug. His arms are crossed and his mouth is turned up in a half grin.

  “You're better than any porno! Is there some way to save that? Maybe go back, watch it again and pause at all my favorite parts?”

  He has a cocky grin when I first come in, thinking I will be the one embarrassed, like I was when he finished and I ran to the bathroom. Now it’s him that was beet red, shaking his head at the floor as he walks out the door.

  “What’s all that about?” Rhydian asks turning his head to the side with a confused look on his face.

  “What he said,” Rhett replies raising one brow in question.

  “Don't know all the details, I just know I was feeling a lot of arousal coming from the bathroom and Mira’s room at the same time,” Ebbin says as he t
ries to keep a straight face while mine falls and my eyes are surely bugging out of my head.

  Bumping into me with his hip, Ebbin smacks my ass and tells me, “Stop worrying about those things. I know what we all are, I'm in it for the long haul, just like before. The only thing that’s changed is I want to renovate when we come back. I'm really starting to understand why people love a lot of bathrooms in their house,” scrunching up my nose at his words and thoroughly grossed out, I leave it alone and walk out the door trailing behind the others to a new future.


  It’s a long but gorgeous drive. The snow’s coming down fast and hard, covering the ground, making it look like a true winter wonderland, and littering the trees with what looks like sparkling white feathers. Ebbin is driving and Rhydian sits behind us in my SUV, letting me take the front while Merrick and Rhett take the giant red truck.

  Sitting in silence most of the way, it gives me time to ask about the what happened when I was passed out for the week. Ebbin tells me there were always two of them at the house watching over me, while the other two packed or searched for any information on what I am, and Merrick was the one to figured out how to get the Conclave to approve everyone's leave. Rhydian tells me about he and Rhett breaking into the Conclave’s underground historical chambers and getting the books on the Valkyrie for me, they were almost caught when a bookshelf fell over, but Rhett was able to portal them out before they were caught. It was always busy at the house and tensions did run high but there was no fighting between them. I did ask Ebbin why he was angry when I first woke but he didn’t seem to remember what I was talking about. It would come later.

  With the sun high in the sky, now midday, we stop off and grab a few more road snacks, get some fuel for Merrick's truck and charge my SUV for a bit.


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