Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 26

by Trina Bates

  “Something happened tonight though. Obviously, after you left. She’s almost here, I can feel her,” I can feel her mind closing in and trying to connect with mine. I have no idea what she will need from me, but you better believe I will be there. “The trees know a lot. We need to go to her, but they also told me she can't control her powers. She needs something that’s bound to us, that she can keep with her at all times, acting as an anchor for her powers.”

  He doesn't miss a beat as he says his next words, “The keychain, man. We all put part of ourselves into it, you even helped Ebbin. She can use it as a necklace!” he exclaims, excitement taking over him completely.

  “Fuck, you’re right! I’ll have to portal home and get it! Any idea where she left it? I can go now, and the rest of you can keep her calm and rested. Once she has that, I bet she would feel the change immediately!” Feeling like I could actually be of some use, the excitement at being the one to help her pushes my resolve to get it as fast as I can for her.

  “She left them hanging behind the front door. I’ll tell the others where you went. Be safe man, I’ll see you soon.”

  With that, he turned back around and walked into the cottage. When I hear the door shut, I open a portal, hoping one would be able to bring me back here. I may not be able to get back if the portal only works one way. Mira was the one who got us here, but she needs this, and I’m the only one who can get it. I won't let her down.


  Seeing her so different, through Enbarr’s eyes, hearing the words that were hers, but hearing the voice wasn't, it’s wrong, and it twisted something in my heart. This isn’t her. How the hell can I help her? The worry that’s overriding my senses is spreading to my companions. It’s too much for all of us, and I need to figure out how to calm myself, before they and I, do something we all might regret.

  After Enbarr took the boy home and wiped his memories, we found Mira staring at the ground where a scorch mark in the shape of a body is. I don’t even want to take a guess at what has happened and I sure as hell can’t let Enbarr ask her. Sensing my discomfort, he wraps his arms around her and lifts her into himself without a word. He cradles her like she’s his everything. I hope this is true, because I know she’s my everything. He starts slithering back for the little cottage, Mira safely nuzzled into him, though dazed and staring straight ahead with dead eyes, not saying a word.

  On our way to the alley where the 'wrong' took place, as well as the way back to the cottage, not a single person from the realm was out. I'm surprised no one laid eyes on us during our excursion, and I don't want to questions our luck by saying anything.

  The despair that’s seeping from her body and into mine is breaking me apart. I want my body back so I can hold her, comfort her and let her know she’s perfect the way she is. Talking about what just happened will only make her remember, and dwelling on it will wreck her even more.

  -Enbarr, once she is safely inside, I need you to let me shift back.-

  -Of course Doyen. She needs the safety that only you can give; you're her anchor, I can feel how much she needs you right now.-

  -Thank you Enbarr, for everything.-

  Rhydian and Merrick are waiting for us inside. Eyes drawn low, their concern evident. Enbarr set Mira on her feet and gave me back my body.

  The shift is instantaneous and there’s no pain. It’s getting better every time. Ending up on the floor after every change is going to get annoying, but that’s not something I need, or want to think about right now.

  Jumping from the floor, I rush to Mira’s side, thankful to feel her in my arms. I open my mind to Rhydian and Merrick, sharing the memories that flow from my mind into theirs from what she has done and what Enbarr has as well, I’m not about to hold anything back from them. That's not how family works.

  “Fuck! No wonder Grun, or whatever, was so worried.” Rhydian's words may have thrown me, but I don’t have the time to ask what he’s talking about. I need to get Mira in one of the rooms, lay her in bed and hold her until she’s ready to rage, cry, or forget, all the things that happened tonight.

  -Merrick, can you get her some food and some water? I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.-

  -Of course. Take care of her. If you need us, just call us here.- He says tapping his finger to his temple.


  Waking with a few aches and groaning from the massive headache raging in my head, I sit up and down a bottle of water that’s by me. I’m pleasantly surprised when freshly cooked meat lays on a platter with my favorite fruit next to it too. I vaguely register the feel of the warm body that shifts at my back. Turning, Ebbin’s peeking his eyes open. When he sees I’m up worry crosses his face, confusing me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, my voice shaking and course.

  Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sits up, and I hand him a bottle of water with shaking hands. He still hasn’t answered me and my worry is growing. Downing the entire thing, he keeps looking at me with drawn brows.

  “Okay, seriously, what the hell is going on? You're weirding me out,” I huff, trying to get him to say whatever was on his mind already.

  “Are, are you okay?” he stammers, taking another drink of water.

  “Uhh, yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” I know I’m looking at him like he’s crazy, but he gives me the same look back. I roll my eyes and look away from him.

  “Bugs, do you remember anything from last night?” Thinking back, worry starts to bloom in my chest. What the hell is he talking about? I remember coming inside after running from Merrick and running into Siv, after a while of sitting in Merrick's arms, I went to sleep… didn’t I? Something is missing, I can feel it.

  “I, there’s... there’s something there, but I can't access it. It’s like, it feels blocked. I have no idea. What happened? Did I pass out or something?” I ask him, getting more rattled by the second.

  “I don’t want to keep it from you Bugs, but honestly? I’m really hesitant to tell you.” He runs a hand through his messy hair and looks at me from the side.

  “Ebbin, just tell me. It can't be that bad,” I say rolling my eyes at him again, getting exasperated.

  Running his hands through his hair again, he grabs a piece of the meat off the platter. I can see the wheels in his head turning. Knowing he will eventually tell me, I wait, not so patiently, for him to get his bearings and use his words like a big boy.

  “Rhydian changed. There was a predator out there, and his beast took over. You wouldn’t leave him, and it forced Enbarr to shift. He couldn’t leave you unprotected while Rhydian was in that state.” Taking another bite of the meat, I start to feel things flow into my mind. Terrible memories assault my mind. A little boy crying, a vile man that needed to be brought to justice, pulling a soul back from where ever it had gone and putting it back inside of someone, so I could tear him apart over and over again.

  I lean over and throw up in the fruit bowl that was left here, at some point in the night. There’s no warning and I can't hold it back. What did I do?

  Remembering every dirty, scary, and righteous detail I sit here, shocked. The feeling of such hatred, the power that’s so pure and so vengeful, the need to hurt, maim and kill; that isn't me. Vaguely, I know I wasn't all there. I felt like I was a passenger in my own body when it was happening. As powerful as the memories are, so is the steely reserve that courses through me.

  “This is who I am. As scared of myself as I am, I can't change it. I can embrace it, I can learn because I have to. I wish there was some way to control it better. Faster.” Relief immediately takes over his features as he gives me some hope with his next words.

  “Rhett left, right before you got here last night. I don’t know if he’s back yet, but some tree in the backyard apparently told him you need something that’s bonded to all of us. That can be used as an anchor. Something you can draw your power from or help control the power when it becomes too much. The keychain that we got you, with all the stones? We all put some of
our essences into it. Rhett helped me with mine since I hadn’t turned yet,” he says hopeful and happy, making me smile. Fondness for Grunwald has me grinning from ear to ear, and hope blossoms in my chest with the mention of the keychain. I hope it’ll work.

  “Let’s go get it!” I exclaim to him, jumping from the bed. Noticing I was in a strange white wrap of some sort, I glance to Ebbin gesturing at the long billowy material that falls at the back in two long strands, making a gorgeous train.

  “All Rhydian.” He gestures at the material I’m holding. “He got it for you from the marketplace yesterday. He thought it would be perfect for when you ascend, but since I also got you one, we decided to put this on you since it was a lot easier than having to throw you around like a rag doll getting your underwear, bra, shorts and a shirt on you. Plus, it looks fucking hot.” He wags his eyebrows at me making me laugh.

  Shoving his shoulder, making him fall against the wall, I flip him off as I leave the room. I hear his laugh through the door and smile to myself at how much love he makes me feel, even when he’s being a perv.

  I rush to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth after my little puke session. I run my fingers through my hair trying to tame its craziness since I can’t find my brush, and rush back out to a waiting Ebbin, standing there with a smirk on his face.

  The few steps it takes me to get to the living room, Rhydian and Merrick are already up and they’re arguing. That makes me pause and listen, but they stop their conversation as soon as I halt my steps. “Love, we know you're there. Come in. You need to hear this too.” Merrick’s voice is low and filled with fear, I rush around to corner to see them both standing there with crossed arms and neither of them will look at me.

  “Awe man, what now? I think I maxed the limit of shit I’m willing to deal with today already.” The pout on my face doesn’t have the effect I was hoping for with them. “Okay, seriously, what?”

  “Where’s Ebbin?” Merrick asks, not answering my questions at all.

  “EEEEBBBIIIN!” I bellow through the tiny cottage.

  “You know you could whisper my name and I would be able to hear it in this tiny fucking place,” Ebbin says as he rubs his ears in mock pain.

  Without missing a beat, Merrick says the words that stop me in my tracks and has my stomach dropping. “Rhett never made it back last night. Something's not right. None of us can portal back to the cottage and find out what’s wrong. We can't reach him through our Links or our minds either.”


  Screaming his name in my mind trying to reach him, I get more agitated by the second that I can’t feel him there, anymore. There’s no reply, Rhett’s just… gone.

  “Death Demons can teleport. I have no idea how to do it, but Cynide said she could help. Where is she anyway?” I wonder aloud, looking around the tiny room hoping she’ll appear out of thin air.

  “She loves the trees. Any spare moment she has, she has been with them,” Merrick answers making me grin just thinking about her perched high in one of the tree’s talking to them.

  -Cynide, I need you. Rhett is missing. He went back home to get me something that will help with my powers. I need you to teach me to teleport. Quickly.-

  -Of course! I felt you through the bond, open the door please, I am here.-

  Rushing to the door and getting a few strange looks on my way, I swing open the door and let in my little lynx. “She’s going to teach me to teleport.” I squeal out, excited that I can learn something new, and more than happy to be able to help in someway, hopefully to get Rhett back.

  Asking everyone to open their minds to each other, we all fall into a comfortable silence in our minds waiting for Cynide to direct me.

  -It’s quite simple for me. Though I was made for it. When I need to get to you, I think of you and wish myself there. I have an image of you in my mind and push the urgency of my feelings to where I need to be. You may want to try that first, though I doubt that will be all it takes.-

  I close my eyes doing exactly what she says. I feel her start to rub against my bare legs, giving me as much comfort as she can.

  Standing in the middle of the room, with my lynx at my feet, I picture Rhett's handsome face in my mind. His jade green eyes, sharp chin, and adorable nose. His long white hair, everything. I wish, with everything I have within myself and ask to be by his side. I feel the whisper of fingers touching my hands, but before they can fully connect, the vertigo hits me and I feel like I’m flying, without anything to grasp onto. A much different feeling than when I pulled the guys with me to Yggdrasil. Falling flat on my ass and opening my eyes, I recognize the Dragonstone, I fist pump the air, but feel down when I realize Rhett is nowhere in sight. When I notice my guys aren’t with me, I cringe. I didn’t want to waste any time, so I trudge on without going back for them.

  -Well, it worked the first time and now the guys are stuck behind. You know they are going to be freaking out, and where the hell is Rhett?- I ask Cynide.

  -His scent is very strong here, but I think he's probably at the cottage still getting your stones.-

  -Fuck, fuck, fuck, this is not good.-

  -It is not.-

  -You heard all that huh?-

  -I always have my mind open to you. How else can I keep you safe?-

  -True. Well, I’m not about to try that again, not to grab the guys, come back and most likely find him back at the dang cottage.- I tell her as I pet her head and start walking towards, what I hope, is the cottage.

  -This is the right way, Mira.-

  Feeling stupid, I turn to my left and decide to follow her instead of getting myself lost.

  Enjoying the cold, but pretty pissed at myself for not thinking about the change in weather. I’m wearing the weird wrap and freezing. I’m also annoyed with the fact I keep tripping on the long train of the wrap since I don’t know how to properly tie it yet and tying it around my front only causes me to lose the fabric in my hands and make it fall in front of my feet and makes me trip more.

  I rub my hands over my arms trying to warm myself up. My feet already feel frozen. Sensing my discomfort, Cynide is in my mind once again.

  -Go back to the Dragonstone. If he’s not at the cottage, I will grab the keychain and head back to you. There is a reason we were sent there,- she points her little head at the stone, -and not directly to Rhett. Though it is a very worrisome thought, I would rather you stay put. I can go faster on my own and be back in no time.-

  Agreeing with her logic, doesn't mean I have to like it. I tell her as much while I turn around to head back to the stupid stone, mumbling under my breath about nothing of true importance.

  Making my way back, after only a few moments, the cold from my feet is gone, replaced with a burning sensation that has me flinching every step I take. Just as I’m about to sit down, the pounding of little paws has me turning my head, only to see Cyanide racing towards me with my keys dangling from her mouth.

  My heart drops knowing Rhett isn't here. -Where are we going to go from here? What should we do now?-

  -Sadly, we are going to use the stone. You are not to leave my side or quit touching me for an instant. This is not something I want to do, but we are going to find your mate.-

  Stiffening my spine, I stand and wait for her to come closer. When she winds herself between my legs again, I try to remember what she told me before.

  -Wish for the one thing you want the most, the place you need to go the most.-

  Closing my eyes again, and picturing only Rhett, I place my hand on the stone and think of Rhett, that he’s safe, unharmed and I wish to be by his side more than anything in all the worlds.

  The only thing that alerted me it worked was falling on my butt, yet again. There’s no vertigo, the feel of flying or being sucked into the abyss. I was just, here.

  Opening my eyes, I have to rub them to make sure my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me.

  There, in the middle of nowhere, is Rhett. His hands tied behind his back and his head hang
ing low. Red coats his body, running from the top of his head and down his bare chest. I pray that it isn’t blood. I know it’s stupid, I just can’t think that way, not about him.

  -What the hell realm are we in?- The barren landscape, full of white, iridescent soil and strange green flames erupting from the broken ground beneath looks gorgeously terrifying. The only thing gorgeous here is the sky, it’s deep purple, swirling in waves of black and yellow, making it look like the entire scene above me is completely engulfed in fire. -Amazing.- Strange, but so amazing.

  The few trees that sporadically pop up around us are blue with yellow and pink leaves hanging off the branches. There’s nothing else, just a desolate wasteland that I can’t wait to get out of.

  -This is a fucking terribly, beautiful place, where the hell are we?- I think again, and loud enough for Cynide to hear, but she doesn't reply.

  Rushing ahead, I run and drop to my knees in front of Rhett. Shaking his shoulders lightly, I call his name with tears streaming down my face. It is blood. His. The cuts and bruises that marr his body, on almost every inch of his skin, has that familiar rage I keep deep inside racing to the surface. Whoever did this to him will fucking pay, dearly.

  Looking up into my eyes, there’s no expression on his face. It’s too swollen. His eyes are barely open, his skin, sallow and marked black and purple from the bruises.

  “Who the FUCK did this to you Rhett?” I scream. My eyes are wide and filled with more tears, blurring my vision. My fists, clenched so tight, I’m making my palms bleed.

  A deep raspy voice from behind me answers my question.


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