Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 32

by Trina Bates

  My nerves are shot by the time the others finally wake up. I’m bouncing around trying to find things to keep myself busy and not let my mind wander to the inevitable.

  “Love, why don’t you go out and say goodbye to Grun? I know he will be sad when you leave,” Merrick suggests seeing my unease.

  “Thank you,” I say blowing out a breath, happy to have something to do.

  Finding my trusty giant friend, I sit down at his base and start telling him all my fears.

  -I am going to miss you, I wish we had more time together, but I promise I will be back.- His kind words, amazing advice, and loving ways are going to stick with me, always.

  -I will miss you as well. There have been children rushing up our branches all morning, watching your ascension bed being made. We have been connecting with so many new minds.- He sounds so excited and thankful. I hug his expansive trunk, a grateful smile taking over my face. I’m glad I can help him in some way. -Everyone in the town is buzzing with the joys of watching an outsider ascend. You have touched many people while here. Your kindness to the merchants has brought a renewed hope to them.-

  -I am from this world, but not. I didn’t want to disrespect the people’s ways. I hope I made everyone proud and a little happy.- Respect and kindness are all I have come across here, I truly do hope I’m able to give back.

  -I promise, you have.-

  -What’s going to happen today, Grun? I’ve kept myself from asking, more out of fear, but now, I’m really regretting that decision.- The fear is setting in and I’m unable to ignore the proverbial storm, that’s now here.

  -From what I have heard? Once you're seated with your offerings in place, you need to accept fully what you will become, the responsibility behind it. It’s not just about gaining your wings or abilities. You must concede to the fact that when, and if, you're called back to our world, you will come. You are a child of Yggdrasil, this is your home, whether you're here or not.- He sounds sad, but I know his words to be true. He’s trying to spare my feelings.

  -If our world is in need of you, you must come to protect it. You don't have to go into the ranks with the other Warrior Valkyries, but a call to our world, a promise to protect where you come from? That is what it truly means to accept who you are. Your heart has led you this far. Let it continue to do so. We all have faith in you.- I’m having a hard time finding faith in myself fully. I know he and many others do as well, but me having it in myself? That’s a tall glass to fill. We always doubt ourselves, usually at the worst of times.

  -What happens if I don’t have that promise in my heart? I can say yes right now, but what if I am only saying it because there is so much riding on me becoming a Valkyrie?- I want him to know everything, see everything. If I want the truth from him, this is the only way to do it. Bare myself, completely.

  -That has only happened once from what I know. She was kept from traveling outside of this world. Given her wings, yes, but she was never given the rest of her abilities. You will do fine. Have faith in yourself, little one. Just because you need to become a Valkyrie for the sake of your daughter has little weight. I think you're forgetting you're half Demon too.- I hate how right he is, but appreciate it all.

  -I am, and that should have been enough for me to keep her and myself safe through this pregnancy, but I can't help but be a little greedy in wanting her to know where she is from and have this,- I’m having a hard time finding the right words, I’m so riled up and emotional, that all rational thinking has left me.

  -this good part of me. I don’t want her to grow to have a Demon half and a Black Schuck half. I know the dread, grief, and spite Rhydian carries inside himself at what he is. Add in a Demon? I don’t want her growing up thinking she is evil, or hating herself for what she is. I want her to have something good and honorable inside of herself as well. -

  -Then have faith. You will give her everything she needs to grow into, who she is meant to be. You cannot know what the fates have in store for her. You must have faith she will be who she was meant to be, with you guiding her.-

  -Thank you, Grun, I will come back as soon as I can. I promise. Plus, I will be here to give birth to her. I wanted her to be able to always access this part of herself, without having to manifest another part, like I did. I know she will always have her shifter side. That's after she finds a pack and accepts herself and another.-

  -Go now. That has made me very happy to hear. I will be waiting right here when you return.-

  I laugh at the slight joke he makes, and wrap my arms around his trunk once more before I rush back inside to get changed.

  I pick a light pink wrap that has touches of light blues swirling through it. Lacing up my sandals, I walk to all of my men and ask them to sit.

  “I have something for each of you. I want to give them to you now, before we get to Alyria’s statue,” I tell them all, turning and reaching my hand out to the bag, filled with goodies. I grab Ebbin's gift first. Throwing the toga at him with a smile, he unwinds it taking in the designs, and laughs.

  “Thanks, Bugs. You know I’m totally wearing this as much as I can when we get home right? Like even on dates,” he says with a wink.

  “No combat boots then.” I smirk back.

  “Oh no, combat boots are a must,” he says with his eyes wide and mock hurt in his eyes, like what I said was the most grievous thing ever.

  Shaking my head, I hand him the bracelet with the three swirls of silver on it. Twisting it in his hands he looks up at me with a look I can't read.

  “What?” I ask worriedly.

  “It’s for all of us,” he whispers. “The guys inside me, and our bond.” His voice wavers. I’m happy he likes it so much. He has me help him put it on and kisses me before I go back to my bag.

  Rhydian’s next. Handing him the ring, his face lights up and he puts it on his middle finger.

  “Just like the gem for Alyria, and the dual stones remind me of Kigiree as well. Thank you, love.” I kiss his cheek and nod for him to open the next one. The other little present isn't for him per say, but I let him open it and take it from him, adding it to my pendants on my necklace. He has tears in his eyes when he sees that it’s a giant black wolf with red eyes. He jumps up and holds me in his arms.

  -Thank you, Mira, I know that is for me. You are far more than what either of us could have asked for.-

  -You're welcome, Kigiree. You're amazing, never forget that.-

  Wiping a tear away that somehow managed to escape, I turn searching for the rest.

  “Cynide, yours is taking up too much space!” I say, hefting out the giant bag of dried meats and placing it down in front of her lynx form.

  -You got this all for me? When? Thank you! They have the best meats here! Now I can take it home and savor it! Thank you, Mira!-

  -Of course I got you something! I love you, ya little furball, nips and all.-

  She jumps up and licks the side of my face with her scratchy tongue.

  “Yuck!” I say in mock disgust, but she knows I’m joking when I grab her up into a hug.

  I wrapped Merrick's silver in a piece of leather. Handing that to him first, when he opens it, his eyes are wide and his mouth gaping open, his gorgeous silver eyes stare at the metal and then to me.

  “I think you broke him,” Rhett comments.

  “This is too much! How did you get this?” Merrick exclaims.

  “Don’t worry about it. That's not all,” I grab the Tree of Life pendant that I thought signified this world.

  “I have seen how much you love it here. The few bits of silver that you have turned into blades. The calm you seem to have since we have been in Yggdrasil. I wanted the silver so you could do more, and the pendant to remind you of our time here,” I tell him, feeling a little shy for some reason.

  Standing from the chair he was previously occupying, he scoops me up in a tight hug, kissing the top of my head. He lowers his hand to my belly and says, “You never stop amazing me, I don’t think you ever will.”<
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  Blushing, I turn out of his arms and get the last gift. I put the knives in their sheath earlier, and hand Rhett both pieces of the wrapped leather. When he opens them, he quickly clutches them to his chest. Bouncing around like a child, he starts kissing the leather.

  “You’re so weird,” I say more to myself, under my breath.

  “I hope you aren’t just now figuring that out, love. He’s always been that way,” Merrick tells me with a laugh.

  Finally calmed a bit, he opens the leather back up and takes out one knife while running his finger over the gem at the hilt. “Where did you find these? I kept looking but never really wanted a set that was on display. These are beautiful.” He wonders, making me smile that I got it right.

  “Gorumund. Actually, he asked me to make him a promise. He’s like you, I think Merrick,” I say gesturing to him, he has a strange look on his face but it’s gone when I continue. “He’s not from here, but he also wields magic. He told me I could take the blades, but in return, when I need a sword fit for a Valkyrie, I have to come to him to make it. The blades you have right there will never dull, and cannot be broken by any other weapon unless it has been made with Gorumund's magic.”

  Rhett looks at the blades with new adoration. I’m happy I did so well with all their gifts. Rhett’s over the moon with his knives, kissing me as he runs outside to do only god knows what with them.

  “We all got you a little something as well, love,” Merrick states standing once more from his chair.

  Ebbin hands me a large duffle bag. As full as it is, I thought it was going to be heavy, but it’s very light. Maybe five pounds. Opening it, I gasp and look up to each of with tears falling from my face. It’s almost exactly like the armor from Gorumund’s! But instead of the gold detail, it’s white, and the etchings that are on it are the same branches that are on my helm that Rhett had gotten me and were the same red.

  “This looks like a set I saw when I was getting Rhett's blades,” I exclaim with an unsteady voice, adoration and appreciation are flowing from me in waves trying to touch each of my men.

  “Is it weird I totally want to wear this for my ascension?” I laugh.

  “That's what is was bought for actually. We were in the market and talking amongst ourselves about it, a smith told us we would be needing a new set of armor. We asked him all sorts of questions and decided on this set. It was Gorumund. No weapon but that of his making can pierce this armor,” Merrick says. Now I know why he made that strange face when I said Gorumund's name.

  I don't think my eyes can bug out of my head any further, and I might have actually drooled a little. There’s something wondrous about that Smith, and you better believe I’m going to find out, sooner or later.

  “Thank you so much! All of you! How do I put it on? Oh, my god, I need this on... like right now!” I squeal, picking up the light armor, trying to figure out how I’m going to get it on.

  Ebbin hands me a white smok, I put it on and love the feel. It’s sleeveless and stops at my knees. It too, feels so light and looks like a summer dress.

  “Hold your arms out.”

  “Lift your foot.”

  “Pick up your hair.”

  They all take on the job of getting me inside the armor. Once everything is fastened down, I peer at the window trying to see my reflection. I look like a true Valkyrie. Minus the wings. It’s surprisingly easy to move around in as well. I don't feel strained or limited in my movements. Going to my pack, I pick out the helm, and put it on.

  Feeling like a total badass, I turn, and do a little twirl. Rhett walks in as I finished my little show.

  “Fuck, you look hot. I hate to be the bad guy right now. Cuz damn, I am really enjoying this, but Torunn is outside waiting,” he says looking me up and down, then looks to the guys behind me with a glare, “You assholes couldn’t have waited for me?” he asks, and turns around before any of them can reply.

  The nerves that settled after my talk with Grun are back in an instant, and worse than ever. My palms are sweaty and I’m shaking from it all. Closing my eyes only seems to make my emotions worse. I’m starting to fear the future.

  Ebbin and Merrick each lift one of my packs and we leave without saying a word to each other.

  It’s time.


  Torunn looks at me like a mother would a daughter that just graduated, with pride, love, and appreciation. My heart swells at the look on her face, and I take a deep breath and do a mental shake before I walk over to her, on the way to my future.

  There’s no conversation as we make our way to Alyria's statue that rests in the center of the city. It feels like I’m walking to my death with how silent and somber we all are. I don’t understand why that is? Maybe all the uncertainties? I’m not sure. I know I should be happy, and ready, but I’m far from it. I'm frightened.

  All I want in this moment is to go home, curl up with a book I know is still waiting on my bedside. It was about a world full of magic and shifters, a young woman that’s the only child to a powerful Warlock, her father, and a Kitsune shifter, her mother. She’d already disappointed them because she’s a human child and not something ‘all powerful’. Her story hits me, because it seems a lot like my own life, minus the parents. But growing up thinking you're something else only to realize you’re not, and all the men on top of it? Yeah, it’s a classic and another of my favorites. The author will always be a favorite, she’s the same one that wrote about my unicorn shifter. I wish she was here to help me through this, kind of like a fairy godmother.

  The large pillars that surround Alyria’s statue are wrapped in white billowy material and they have flowers cascading from the top to the bottom. Right under the statue, lays a large pile of the pads we slept on, pillows and blankets, with petals from flowers I have yet to see strewn across it. On the ground around the entire statue are tiny white and red candles, lit and fluttering in the slight breeze. I’m speechless at how gorgeous it all is. I’m sure that sting in my eyes is from the wind, but, I could be wrong. It’s my emotions that don’t seem to ever give me a break.

  “Torunn, this is beyond words. How did you do all this? Is this how it normally is?” I ask in a whispered voice, too shocked to find my bearings.

  Smiling shyly at me, and then averting her eyes to the ground, her gorgeous face turns beet red as she shakes her head at me.

  “I did the bed and the petals. The rest? The flowers and material, even the candles were all done by your men.” Hugging her quickly, I turn to Rhett whose directly to my right, I pull his head down to mine and give him a slow, but fierce kiss.

  “Thank you.” I exhale when we end the kiss.

  Going to Ebbin next, I wrap my arms around his neck and lift myself on my tiptoes to kiss him as well. “I love you.”

  Turning to find the others, I get confused when I see they’ve disappeared. Looking around for them, they’re standing on either side of the bed with my offerings and theirs in hand.

  -Mira, would you honor me by riding on my back as I take you to the base of the stairs?-

  It’s only a few feet away, but Cynide seems to not only want this, but needs it. I can’t say no.


  Shifting and lowering herself so I can get on her easily, we start the slight walk up the few steps to my waiting men. Taking the bundle of my offerings from Merrick's hands, I lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

  “I think you're the one who will never stop surprising me. Thank you, for everything.” I whisper into his ear, making a shiver run down his spine from my breath on his skin.

  Laying my offerings down, I place my hands on the base of Alyria's statue and I give thanks. Thanks to the life I have because of her, and I ask if she will guide me on this next part of my journey. Standing, Rhydian is here with a knife in hand.

  “What do you plan on doing with that thing, big guy?” I ask nervously, eyeing him and the giant blade. Merrick’s work. Has to be.

  “I have to cut the smock on your
back, the armor is fine, but the smock is a solid piece, when you get your wings, they need to be able to release.”

  -I haven’t even thought about that.- I say into his mind, not wanting the others to see how ignorant I am to all of this. He smiles sweetly back and nods his head once. I turn and the rip of the material makes me tense up for a minute.

  When he finishes, I close my eyes, trying to tamper down the nerves that have my heart racing and hands shaking.

  “Torunn, will you be able to stay with me?” I ask her, full of hope.

  Shaking her head with a downcast look, “ I cannot, your mates and Agathion are permitted since they are bonded to you.”

  Smiling up at my nervous face, she grasps both of my hands in hers and squeezes once before she releases me.

  “You must sit in the middle, legs crossed and eyes closed. Your mates will be on the sides and Cynide will be in front of you. In her smaller form of course. You will be facing my mother. When the sun is highest, it will begin,” she explains, that does nothing but make my nervousness grow.

  Loud murmurs start behind me, turning I see what Grun was talking about, all the townspeople have shown up. So many unfamiliar faces and there are more children in the trees and the people standing closest to me are laying flowers at my feet and all around the ground where there aren’t any candles.

  “It has been a year since the last ascension, everyone is eager to see a new Valkyrie being born,” Torunn tells me, confusing me. This is the land of Valkyrie’s. How has it been so long?

  Smiling at everyone, with a small wave I turn around and sit in the center of the bed. Ebbin and Rhydian sit on either side with Rhett and Merrick on theirs. Cynide shifts effortlessly into her lynx form and licks my face once. She lays comfortably down in front of me giving me what little comfort she can. Crossing my legs and blowing out a nervous breath, I grab Ebbin and Rhydian's waiting hands and close my eyes. The wait seems to go on for forever. Getting nervous that I won’t be accepted and have to stay here for the remainder of my days. I ask Cynide to tell the guys that news. I don’t want to go back over it with each of them and have the change start to happen in the middle. They all promise me they will stay with me and we will live long and happy lives, but it isn't something that I want them to have to do.


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