Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 36

by Trina Bates

  “Wait, wait, wait! You can fucking talk to trees?! What the hell is this place?” It’s a rhetorical question, but her arms are spread out and she spins in a circle trying to take everything in.

  “So the guys around here wear Togas and the women’s ‘dresses’ are called wraps. Torunn, the friend we are waiting on, wears her armor over a smok. Anything you thought you could imagine about another world? Throw it out. You won't even begin to grasp what you will see here in only a few hours,” I tell her honestly, watching her confusion grow.

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, she nods her head at me but all too quickly she glances over my shoulder and glares.

  “Who the fuck is the feathered bitch walking this way?” Blue growls low, sounding more like one of my guys than a sexy Blood Witch.

  I turn and see Torunn rushing to me, she throws her arms around me in a hug and I can feel she’s worried, but at my hug she’s calmed.

  “It is good to have you back, though why so soon? And who is your friend?” she asks letting me go, looking me over before she starts staring at Blue with distrust.

  -This should be fun.-

  -My money's on Torunn.- Cynide's jest makes me smile.

  “Torunn, Blue, merry fucking meet. Torunn is my ancestor Alyria’s daughter, another of the original Valkyries. Blue is the woman that took me in and kept me safe after the Conclave let me find a sponsor. Don’t even think of trying to see who has the biggest set of tits, I’m really not in the mood, and I hate watching you two cat fight with your eyes.”

  I huff out a breath trying to get them both to stop glaring and posturing like wild animals ready for a fight.

  Blue stands there staring and right as I think I’m going to scream, she purses her lips and grunts out a quiet, “Nice to meet you.”

  -That would be the worst ‘cat’ fight in the entirety of the histories, though I still put my money on Torunn.-

  -Cynide, shush, you aren’t making any of this easier, you like Torunn because she gives you treats and you know her better.-

  -That may be true but she isn’t harboring any darkness in her like your friend… colors is over there.-

  -Oh my god… Cynide, I love you, I really do, but please just stop. If you make me laugh, none of this is going to be easy, let’s get to the market, find Gorumund see what the time frame is on my sword and go from there.-


  “Cynide! Quit!” I say barely containing the laughter and trying to hold my composure.

  “Torunn, I‘m going after Siv,” That gets her attention off of Blue and back to me, she has a wide approving smile. “I need to find Gorumund in the Market, do you know him? He made me a promise, as I did him. He gave me the throwing blades for Rhett and in return he asked that he be the one to make me a sword fit for a Valkyrie,” I say, searching around, thinking he might appear out of thin air.

  The look of complete adoration, and what I think might be, lust has me taking pause.

  “Of course, I know him. He came to us thirty five years ago now, he was only a babe and was brought here by another Valkyrie that found him abandoned in Hell. He is a fierce warrior when he trains, and an even better Smith. The armor I wear, and the sword I carry are of his making. I know right where he is. You are lucky to have found him, he rarely takes a Smith's table at the market anymore,” Torunn says with a wistful look on her face, seemingly lost in a memory of the masked man.

  “He told me he wasn’t from here, but does he know what realm or world he is from? Finding him in Hell, that’s so sad. I knew your armor was similar to mine. It really is gorgeous,” I say, staring at intricate silver armor with the amazing etched markings of a battle.

  The proud smile she wears lets me know she thinks the same, and she’s definitely crushing on a certain Smith. I remember her words before, about not taking another mates because of their short years, I wonder if we can get her a pleasure mate though…

  -Cynide, I can feel you lurking in my head. It’s not nice to eavesdrop.-

  -I am always there. It’s not a conscious thing I mean to do. But when your thoughts are like those, I really can't help it. I think it would be a great idea.-

  “I don’t have much time Torunn, the men only let me come since I have Blue and Cynide and they knew you would be here. They are home resting before we have to go to Hell and find Siv,” I tell her, wringing my hands together, angry at myself for even taking this short moment to catch up. I need to hurry.

  “Follow me. He is not at the markets today. He will be at home with his trees,” Torunn says, already turning away from us.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, trying to catch up.

  Following Torunn through the now very crowded market, I look to Blue who seems happy to be here, and very shocked at how different everything is. She’s like me the first time I came through, elated and wants to stop and stare at everything. It’s hard to get her attention back on track, but soon enough we’re back to the same area the guys and I had stayed in. I recognize the pathways, and am excited when we pass the little cottage that holds so many memories for me and my guys, and Grun is so close. It will make seeing him before I leave that much easier.

  Rounding the last corner before the cottages end, Torunn veers left at the very last cottage. There’s nothing special about this cottage, it’s the same as all the others, what surprises me, is when she walks in without knocking.

  The inside is the same as the rest, a small sitting room with two chairs and a table in the middle. The kitchen to the right has the same set up as ours did, virtually no cabinets or counter space, and one large stone sink with a pump for the water. He has some amazing looking square dishware and cups though. They seem to be a thick kind of glass, shiny and black, though on the plates they had purposefully chipped edges. I had never seen anything like this.

  -I really want a set of this!- I think to myself picking up one of the glasses that’s set out on the counter. There’s no handle but it’s tall like a pint glass and just as heavy. I doubt if they were dropped that they would break, I almost try it, but think better of it when my conscience actually saves the day. Making me worry about the ‘what ifs’ if it did break. That would be immensely rude.

  Blue is shocked silent, staring at everything, trying to take this new world in and all of it quirks. I grin at her face, and stand there with my arms crossed while Torunn walks down the hallway and knocks on the last door to the right.

  “Torunn, it isn't even mid-morning. What is it?” Gorumund's deep gravelly voice sounds from the other side of the door.

  “You have guests, you ingrate. Get up and greet them. I believe you have an order that needs to be filled and the sooner, the better.”

  I snort when she calls the behemoth of a man ‘Ingrate’, Blue looks to me with one eyebrow raised in question, I shake my head at her.

  -You’ll see.- I send her.

  -This is so fucking weird. I can’t figure out if I hate it here, or love it.-

  -I know what you mean, I was the same way the first day. But now? I really hate to leave. It grows on you, and quick.-

  -I can see why. Everything is so new and strange, and the people are actually nice! Nothing like back home.-

  -Yup, and no Conclave telling people what to do, where to live or where to work.-

  -You got that right. No asshole Hounds sniffing around, ready to tear you apart if you screw up.-

  -I think anywhere is better than that place. Believe me, I’ve thought about staying here, besides you, there’s nothing holding me there. But the guys have too much. Families, jobs, houses…-

  -They would give it up for you in a heartbeat. Shut up. I’m totally jealous you not only found Ebbin, but then you find three more? Kinda rude.-

  -I told Rhydian before, I got the magic vag!-

  We both have a good laugh at that, but it’s cut short when the door to the back room swings open and a man so stunning I almost drool, comes walking out.

  I’ve never seen Gorumund's fac
e. It was covered by the leather material while he worked. His body I had. It’s very large. Bigger than any of my guys, and he’s much taller than them all too.

  Gorumund stops in his tracks when he sees Blue and I standing here.

  He was your typical Adonis, only bigger. He has to be seven foot, and he’s wider than the door he walked through. His eyes are what got me the first time I had met him. They’re so much like mine. Red iris, but his pupils are gold instead of the silver in mine. He has a strong square jaw, a wide straight nose and his skin is blemish free and the same deep gold that Torunn has.

  “Well, well. The little Valkyrie Demon returns! I didn’t think it would be this soon, but it is a welcome visit,” he booms out, startling me with such happiness. I mistook it for anger when he first started speaking. I’m stunned when the large man picks me up and hugs me. My feet dangling from the floor has me grabbing him back, holding on. I pat his back once hoping he will drop me.

  When he finally does, I quickly introduce him to a very interested Blue.

  “Nice to meet you, big guy. What are you?” her cold questions never cease to amaze and shock me.

  He chuckles at her response, but takes her offered hand that she holds out. I notice Torunn cross her arms and start glaring at Blue and Gorumund's touching skin.

  -Oh yeah, Cynide. There is definitely something there.-

  -There is, but Colors over there is ruining it. She needs to take her hand off of him.-

  -Tell your little kitty to shove it. She comes in loud and clear, which I'm sure she knows. I don’t want him, but if I act like I do, it might push Torunn in the right direction to actually try something with him.- Blue says, surprising us both.

  The laughter I let loose is unintentional and has Torunn and Gorumund staring at me strangely.

  -Okay, I think I might like her a little more now. She should have said that though. Deception doesn't look good on anyone.-

  -Oh, Cynide. It’s fine, please stop worrying so much.-


  With that one word, I know she’s pouting and it cemented it when I feel her pull herself from my mind intentionally. All I can do is roll my eyes at her attitude.

  “You have a very strange name. I like it. I am half Demon, though I don’t know which half, and we think I am part Metal Fae. What are you?” Gorumund asks Blue in response.

  “Blood Fae and Witch. If you’re just over thirty-five and barely look over twenty-five, you must have the immortality of the Fae. I don’t know about Demons, but our kind lives on until we’re killed. We don’t age past the twenties either,” she says waving her hand up and down at him to get her point across.

  That garners shocked gasps from Torunn and Gorumund both.

  “I did not know that. The men and women of this world live very long lives, and I thought that was part of it. I had no idea about immortality,” Gorumund explains happily. His smile wide and his head held high while he takes a quick look at Torunn who doesn’t notice.

  I raise my hand like a child to get their attention.

  “Demons are immortal from what I know, Merrick is a Metal Fae as well but pure, I know he’s immortal. We can be killed, but after we reach a certain age, we stop ageing. So you definitely are.” I try to give him a warm smile, but with everyone’s eyes on me, I don't know how well I do. I’m nervous with all the attention.

  Gorumund turns to Torunn who’s staring at the ground with a sad smile on her gorgeous face. He walks right up to her, puts his fingers under chin raising her face, dips his head to her ear and whispers something that seems to make her day. The smile that she’s gracing us all with is filled with love. I’m so happy to see this personal moment, and a little shy. I don’t want to ruin it, but I’m strapped for time.

  Clearing my throat, feeling terrible, I glance to the two grinning people in front of me and try to talk. Though words don’t come.

  “We need to get going. We’re on limited time. I feel bad for being so upfront, but how long will it take to make that blade, big man?” Blue asks for me, seeing the unease that was sitting in me.

  Shaking himself out of his happy little bubble he’s making with Torunn, he turns to me and smiles. I’m a little weirded out by it, so I try to play off my awkward feelings and smile back.

  “It will take about two hours. I have everything I need here. Mira, I will need to measure your arm, whichever is dominant, as well as your hand. Come with me.” His abrupt words give me pause, but I follow like an obedient child when he walks past me and out the front door.

  We’re in the back of his yard where he has a smith’s fire pit, surrounded by large stones and an awning to cover him from the sun. Walking to his side, he pulls out a simple rope. I hold my right arm out as he measures the length of my arm from shoulder to wrist marking the rope with coal to keep his place, then does the same with my hand but this time it was from the crease of my thumb to the tip of my ring finger.

  “The armor your men bought you, it was red, silver and white, yes?”he asks me, turning away looking for something but coming up empty handed.

  “Yes, with the marshmallow trees etched in.” When I explain them like that, he looks at me funny, cocking his head to the side with one eyebrow over his red eyes raised up higher than the other.

  “In my world we have this sweet kind of treat called a ‘marshmallow’. It looks like the little tufts of fluff do on the trees around here.” I try to explain to him, it only seems to confuse him further, so I wave it away and make a promise to bring him some the next time I come back.

  “This is all I need from you right now. Come back in a couple hours and it will be ready.” I turn to walk away at his dismissal, but he quickly grasps my arm halting my steps.

  “I can make the magic more powerful if you lace a drop of your blood on the metal I will be using.” he tells me with a sheepish grin on his handsome face, the look should seems scary with how large he is, but to me, he looks adorable. He’s a Demon and a Fae, he must have an idea of how powerful blood can be in the wrong hands. I feel no ill will towards him, so I nod my head, agreeing to it.

  He hands me one of the many blades that are laying around his bench, I take it and slice the tip of my finger, not even wincing at the pain as I watch a tiny drop of blood start to form on my finger.

  I hold my hand out to him while he hurries and tries to get the metal block under my finger before any of my blood can fall.

  “That all you need?” I question him when more than a few drops fall on the surface.

  “That should be more than enough. Have you ever seen your man use his powers? Pull the metals inside himself and mold a blade from his mind?” Gorumund asks me still staring at the metal in his hands but soon he looks up and his face is thoughtful while he waits for my answer.

  “I haven't, I want to, but it feels kind of private. He doesn’t talk about it much and I don’t want to be rude in asking,” I confess.

  “He seems a little young still. Give him time, the concentration needed to complete a task such as this is very hard to grasp onto and keep hold of. You are welcome to stay as long as you would like.” He offers me and gestures to a spot so I could sit if I want to.

  This is too good of a chance to pass up. I nod my head once in thanks, taking the offered seat and wait for him to begin.


  Torunn and Blue make their way to the back and stand sentry behind me waiting for a smiling Gorumund to begin. He sits across from me with his eyes closed, his body lax and the large piece of metal in his hands is cradled against his legs.

  We sit in silence for a good ten minutes before we start to see any change.

  Gorumund's skin starts to turn in color, where it was dark gold before, it’s now a deep blue with shades of lavender. The metal in his hands start to melt and seep into his skin making his veins turn a deep silver.

  He gasps when all the metal has disappeared into his body and his eyes shoot open in what looks like fear and worry. I stand up abruptly a l
ittle scared myself at the sudden change but am rooted to the spot.

  “Well, well, I see this isn’t a fight for you alone. Your blood has called to mine, Mira.” He takes in a sharp intake of breath and I turn my head to Torunn and Blue in worry. Torunn’s face looks like she had just lost a family member and Blue is shocked speechless.

  “He must be meant for you, Mira,” Torunn’s sad voice whispers. The heartbreak is devastating. Her words throw me off though. “Meant for me? What do you mean?” I whisper back, confused more now than ever. I don’t need or want another man, four is enough.

  -He is your true mate, Mira.- Cynide says into my mind as I see her coming around the side of the cottage to meet us.

  “No, no, hell no. What?!” I squeal out.

  “Her blood called to me because she is a part of me. She is my...sister.” I turn to the sound of Gorumund's awe filled voice, taking in all of his words and letting them settle deep within myself.

  “What?” I gasp, happy he isn’t a mate, but worried, saddened, and, also happy he said, ‘sister’.

  “We have the same father. Torunn let me in on who he is before but, this, this is amazing and so terrifying. I will finish this blade for you, though you will have one more person along for your journey. The Worlds need to be rid of his filth and his vile tendencies.” Rage and hate lace his words. Hearing his voice get so low and filled with such pain, it makes me feel more connected to the large man. He’s right. About it all. And now I have a brother that’s going to help me find my mother and kill our father. I must be in shock, normal people don’t hear something like that, say nothing and accept it quite so easily, but something in me feels, complete.

  “I am sorry, I must continue. There is much to be done and I have already started to process.” He closes his eyes once more, blocking himself off from us. I’m too shocked to try and argue.


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